


Once upon a time some tiny frogs held a competition. The first to reach the top of a very high tower would be the winner.

A big crowd gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer them on.

The race began. No one in the crowd really believed that any of the tiny frogs would reach the top of tower. “They will never get to the top! They will never succeed!” someone said.

One by one, the tiny frogs began to collapse (退下).

The crowd kept shouting, “It is too difficult! No frog will make it!”

More tiny frogs got tired and gave up, but one continued climbing, higher and higher. This one wouldn’t give up.

In the end, he was the only one left—the only one to get to the top. The other frogs naturally wanted to know: How did the frog make it?

One frog stepped forward to ask the winner. It turned out that the winner was deaf.

He had won because he was able to keep his own mind. He was able to keep trying. He couldn’t hear criticism; neither could he hear praise.

We learn a lesson from this story: don’t let others’ praise or criticism to hold you back on your way to succeed.


(1) 以约30个词概括寓言故事的大意。

(2) 然后以120个词就“如何对待别人的批评和表扬”这个主题发表你的看法, 并包括如下要点:

1) 叙述着个寓言给你的启示以及你对他人的批评和表扬的态度;

2 以事例说明他人的批评或表扬给你的感受和对你的影响;

3) 谈谈中学生应该如何对待老师的批评和表扬。


(1) 可以使用自己或他人的故事, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容, 但不得直接引用原文中的句子;




At least once each winter I manage to get a good flight in the middle of a snowstorm. Last Sunday was that flight. My gliding(滑翔的) partners had looked at the weather reports of showers and decided to stay at home. People say that you shouldn’t fly by yourself, but on that day I felt the urge to go flying and so headed for my favorite gliding site.

I had the mountain ridge to myself. After a smooth lift-off, I floated stably in the breeze, feeling at peace with myself and the world. I looked across the valley to Bedford and a moment later saw the town disappear in a band of snow that was moving towards me.

The breeze remained strong enough for flying and I knew that as long as the visibility was good, it was OK for me to stay in the air. The snow moved in and swirled around me. It was a light dry snow. The day was already very quiet but, somehow, the light snow made it even more silent. I felt like a snowflake.

Two bald eagles joined me. They didn’t pay me any attention and spent a few minutes flying around the ridge before disappearing. I flew through another band of snow. I had been flying for about 45 minutes when I next looked across the valley. I could see there were more bands of snow to come and the breeze was dying too.

It was time to go home, get in a hot bath and warm up. I couldn’t wait to tell my gliding partners that they had missed out on a perfect flight.

1.Why did the author’s gliding partners refuse to fly on that day?

A. They preferred to fly alone

B. The weather did not permit

C. They did not like winter flights

D. The equipment was not adequate

2.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “” in Paragraph 3?

A. Weather

B. Skill

C. Possibility

D. View

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The bald eagle can cause damage to the author’s flight

B. The author will land and go home after the snow stops

C. Brand of snow will be a great threat to the author’s flight

D. The author will hesitate to share his experience with his partners

4.What could be the best title for the article?

A. The First Flight Alone

B. A Narrow-Escape Flight

C. One Never-Again Flight

D. An Impressive Winter Flight

Getting away for a short time always seems like a great idea—until you have to pack. The rule is: pack light. Here are some tips to help you pack.

Organize Yourself

Make a list. Think of what you need from your head to your toes. When you’ve done this once, it’ll be easier next time.

Start Small

Consider buying small-size samples of shampoo, toothpaste, and other items at your local store. Make sure they are all sealed tightly.

In an emergency, you can purchase them at your destination. But remember that the time you spend buying things at your destination will reduce your visiting time.

The Clothing Dilemma

Choosing which clothes to bring is probably the hardest packing decision to make. Think once again from head to toe — hat, shirts, jeans, sneakers, etc. Once you’ve picked out what you want to bring, think carefully. Do you really need that extra pair of jeans? If so, fine. Don’t try to fool yourself. You are the one who will be left holding the bag.

Weather is an important factor in your packing. If it’s cold, you could wear a jacket, a sweater, a regular shirt, and a T-shirt. Layering up will keep you warm and it will leave more room in your bag. Roll up your casual clothes instead of folding and laying them flat. This leaves more room to pack other things, and keeps your clothes fairly wrinkle-free.

Remember how much easier it will be to carry your bag!

1.This text would be most helpful to a reader who is _______ .

A. going on a vacation B. shopping for luggage

C. moving to a new home D. hosting relatives for a visit

2.If you buy things at your local store ahead of time, you can _______ .

A. lighten your load

B. save a lot of money

C. have more visiting time

D. have more room in your bag

3.What should one plan to do if going somewhere in the winter?

A. Pack an extra sweater for the trip.

B. Put on several layers of clothing.

C. Mix and match clothing outfits.

D. Roll jackets so they fit in the bag.


We were the only family with children in the restaurant. I sat Eric in a high chair and noticed everyone was eating and talking. Suddenly, Eric screamed with and said, "Hi there." His fat baby hands hit the high chair tray, and his eyes were wide with excitement.

I looked around and saw the of his enjoyment. It was an old man with a worn and oily coat. And his hair was uncombed and unwashed. I was sure he . His hand waved."Hi there, baby; I see ya," the man said to Eric.

My husband and I looks. Eric continued to laugh and answer, "Hi, there." Everyone in the restaurant noticed this. My husband and I were .

We finally _______ the meal and _______ for the door. My husband went to pay the check and told me to meet him in the parking lot. The old man sat me and the door. "Lord, just let me out of here_______ he speaks to me or Eric," I prayed. As I drew closer to the man, I turned my back trying to sidestep him and avoid any air he might be _______ . As I did so, Eric leaned over my arm, reaching with both arms in a baby's " _______ " position. Before I could stop him, he had_______ himself to the man's arms. Eric, in an act of total _______ and love, laid his tiny head upon the man's torn shoulder.

His _______hands full of dirt, pain and hard labor gently, so gently, cradled (抱着) my baby's _______and patted his back. I stood amazed. After a while, he pushed Eric from his chest_______ as though he were in pain, saying "God bless you, ma'am. You've given me the best Christmas gift."

I had just witnessed a genuine love shown through the innocence of a tiny child who saw no sin(罪恶), who made no _______ .The ragged old man, _______ , had reminded me that a genuine love is one which the _______ essence (本质) of love is realized.

1.A. hurriedly B. happily C. sadly D. quietly

2. A. delight B. surprise C. anger D. satisfaction

3.A. source B. reason C. effect D. origin

4.A. smiled B. smelled C. felt D. cheated

5.A. transformed B. separated C. exchanged D. replaced

6.A.embarrassed B. astonished C. excited D. curious

7.A. got up B. got through C. got over D. got off

8.A. moved B. headed C. reached D. advanced

9.A. in front of B. against C. next to D. between

10.A. though B. since C. before D. if

11.A. holding B. fighting C. taking D. breathing

12.A. let-me-go B. pick-me-up C. put-me-down D. take-me-on

13.A. jumped B. devoted C. driven D. thrown

14.A. independence B. trust C. desire D. devotion

15.A. tough B. strong C. old D. firm

16.A. legs B. head C. neck D. bottom

17.A. eagerly B. violently C. unwillingly D. gladly

18.A. decision B. judgment C. conclusion D. choice

19.A. strangely B. powerfully C. unknowingly D. gratefully

20.A. realistic B. false C. loyal D. true

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