

1. 课堂上您的微笑,给了我们信心。

2. 若您的课再生动有趣些,我们会更喜欢您。

3. 我们都很优秀,希望得到您更多的表扬。

4. 请多给我们一些建议,少一些命令。

5. 因为您工作一向很努力,所以要学会休息,注意保重自己的身体。


1. 以第一人称写:

2. 参考词汇:代表 on behalf of; 信心 confidence;合理的 reasonable

3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。





One of our biggest fears nowadays is that our kids might some day get lost in a “sea of technology” rather than experiencing the natural world. Fear-producing TV and computer games are leading to serious disconnect between kids and the great outdoors, which will change the wild places of the world, its creatures and human health for the worse, unless adults get working on child’s play.

Each of us has a place in nature we go sometimes, even if it was torn down. We cannot be the last generation to have that place. At this rate, kids who miss the sense of wonder outdoors will not grow up to be protectors of natural landscapes. “If the decline in park use continues across North America, who will defend parks against encroachment(蚕食)?”asks Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the woods.

Without having a nature experience, kids can turn out just fine, but they are missing out a huge enrichment to their lives. Experts predict modern kids will have poorer health than their parents—and they say a lack of outside play is surely part of it; research suggests that kids do better academically in schools with a nature component and that play in nature fosters(培养)leadership by the smartest, not by the toughest, Even a tiny outdoor experience can create wonder in a child. The three-year-old turning over his first rock realizes he is not alone in the world. A clump of trees on the roadside can be the whole universe in his eyes. We really need to value that more. Kids are not to blame. They are over-protected and frightened. It is dangerous out there from time to time but repetitive stress from computers is replacing breaking an arm as a childhood rite(仪式)of passage.

Everyone, from developers, to schools and outdoorsy citizens, should help regain for our kids some of the freedom and joy of exploring, taking friendship in fields and woods that strengthen love, respect and need for the landscapes. As parents, we should devote some of our energy to taking our kids into nature. This could yet be our greatest cause.

1.According to the passage, children without experiencing nature will______

A.keep a high sense of wonder

B.be over-protected by their parents

C.be less healthy both physically and mentally

D.change wild places and creatures for the better

2.According to the author, children’s breaking an arm is_____

A.the fault on the part of their parents

B.the natural experience in their growing up

C.the result of their own carelessness in play

D.the effect of their repetitive stress from computers

3.In writing this passage, the author mainly intends to______

A.blame children for getting lost in computer games

B.encourage children to protect parks from encroachment

C.show his concern about children’s lack of experience in nature

D.inspire children to keep the sense of wonder about things around

My father had returned from his business visit to London when I came in, rather late, to supper. I could tell at once that he and my mother had been discussing something. In that half-playful, half-serious way I knew so well, he said," How would you like to go to Eton?"

"You bet, "I cried quickly catching the joke. Everyone knew it was the most expensive, the most famous of schools. You had to be entered at birth, if not before. Besides, even at 12 or 13, I understood my father. He disliked any form of showing off. He always knew his proper station in life, which was in the middle of the middle class, our house was medium-sized; he had avoided joining Royal Liverpool Golf Club and went to a smaller one instead; though once he had got a second-hand Rolls-Royce at a remarkably low price, he felt embarrassed driving it, and quickly changed it for an Austin 1100.

This could only be his delightful way of telling me that the whole boarding school idea was to be dropped. Alas! I should also have remembered that he had a liking for being different from everyone else, if it did not conflict(冲突)with his fear of drawing attention to himself.

It seemed that he had happened to be talking to Graham Brown of the London office, a very nice fellow, and Graham had a friend who had just entered his boy at the school, and while he was in that part of the world he thought he might just as well phone them. I remember my eyes stinging(刺痛)and my hands shaking with the puzzlement of my feelings. There was excitement, at the heart of great sadness.

"Oh, he doesn't want to go away," said my mother, "You shouldn't go on like this.” "It's up to him," said my father. "He can make up his own mind.”

1.The house the writer's family lived in was _______ .

A. the best they could afford

B. right for their social position

C. for showing off

D. rather small

2.His father sold his Roils-Royce because _______ .

A. it made him feel uneasy

B. it was too old to work well

C. it was too expensive to possess

D. it was too cheap

3.What was the writer's reaction to the idea of going to Eton?

A. He was very unhappy. B. He didn't believe it.

C. He was delighted. D. He had mixed feelings.

4.We can know from the passage that _______ .

A. Children who can go to Eton are very famous

B. Children can go to Eton if they will

C. It is very difficult for a child to get admitted by Eton

D. Children don't have the right to decide whether they will go to Eton


High school dropouts earn an average of $9,000 less per year than graduates. Now a new study denies a common belief why they quit. It’s much more basic than flunking out(不及格).

Society tends to think of high school dropouts as kids who just can’t make it. They are lazy, and perhaps not too bright. So researchers were surprised when they asked more than 450 kids who quit school about why they left.

“The vast majority actually had passing grades and they were confident that they could have graduated from high school.”John Bridgeland, the executive researcher said. About 1 million teens leave school each year. Only about half of African-American and Hispanic(美籍西班牙的)students will receive a diploma, and actually all dropouts come to regret their decision. So, if failing grades don’t explain why these kids quit, what does? Again, John Bridgeland:“The most dependable finding was that they were bored.”“They found classes uninteresting;they weren’t inspired or motivated. They didn’t see any direct connection between what they were learning in the classroom to their own lives, or to their career aspirations.”

The study found that most teens who do drop out wait until they turn sixteen, which happens to be the age at which most states allow students to quit. In the US, only one state, New Mexico, has a law requiring teenagers to stay in high school until they graduate. Only four states: California, Tennessee, Texas and Utah, plus the District of Columbia, require school attendance until age 18, no exceptions. Jeffrey Garin, another researcher, says raising the compulsory attendance age may be one way to keep more kids in school.

“As these dropouts look back, they realize they’ve made a mistake. And anything that sort of gives these people an extra push to stick it out and see it through to the end, is probably helpful measure.”

New Hampshire may be the next state to raise its school attendance age to 18.But critics say that forcing the students unwilling to continue their studies to stay in school misses the point—the need for reform. It’s been called for to reinvent high school education to make it more challenging and relevant, and to ensure that kids who do stick it out receive a diploma that actually means something.

1.Most high school students drop out of school because_______.

A. they have failing grades

B. they take no interest in classes

C. they are mistreated

D. they are lazy and not intelligent

2.According to the passage, which state has a law requiring school attendance until they graduate?

A. New Hampshire

B. Utah

C. New Mexico

D. The District of Columbia

3.The underlined words“stick it out”probably means“________”.

A. complete schooling

B. solve the problem

C. love having classes

D. believe in themselves

4.In the last paragraph, the writer is trying to________.

A. analyze the reason why students quit school

B. suggest raising the compulsory attendance age

C. raise awareness of reforming high school education

D. wish to make laws to guarantee no dropout

Things Your Pilot Won't Tell You

You may not be getting the airline you paid for.

You may go to an airline website and buy a ticket, and get onto an airplane that has a similar name painted on it, but half the time, you're really on a regional (地方的) airline.The regionals aren't held to the same safety standards as the majors: their pilots aren't required to have as much training and experience, and the public doesn't know that.

—Captain at a major airline

If you're a nervous flier, book a morning flight.

The heating of the ground later causes bumpier (颠簸的) air, and it's much more likely to thunderstorm in the afternoon.

—Jerry Johnson , pilot, Los Angeles

The smoothest place to sit is often over or near the wing.

The bumpiest place to sit is in the back.If you're in the middle, you don't move as much.

—Patrick Smith, pilot, and author of Cockpit Confidential

Sit in the front if you want fresher air.

The general flow of air in any airplane is from front to back.So if you're really concerned about breathing the freshest possible air or not getting too hot, sit as close to the front as you can.Planes are generally warmest in the back.

—Tech pilot at a regional airline, Texas

You never know where the safest seat is.

There is no safest place to sit.In one accident, the people in the back are dead; in the next, it's the people up front.

—John Nance, aviation safety analyst and retired airline captain, Seattle

I've been struck by lightning twice.

Most pilots have.Airplanes are built to take it.You hear a big boom and see a big flash and that's it.You're not going to fall out of the sky.

—Charlotte, pilot for a regional earner,.North Carolina

People don't understand why they can't use their cell phones.

Well, what can happen is 12 people will decide to call someone just before landing, and I can get a false reading on my instruments saying that we are higher than we ideally are.

—Jim Tilmon, retired American Airlines pilot, Phoenix

1.Jerry Johnson advises nervous fliers to ______.

A.sit in the back

B.fly in the morning

C.fly with major airlines

D.avoid flying in bad weather

2.The best seats for those who need fresh air are ______.

A.in the front B.in the middle

C.in the back D.near the wing

3.Passengers' use of cellphones before landing is likely to ______.

A.increase the risk of being struck by lightning

B.make it difficult for pilots to control the plane

C.cause the instruments of the plane to break down

D.affect pilots' judgment about the height of the plane

Everyone procrastinates.We put things off because we don’t want to do them, or because we have too many other things on our plates.Putting things off—big or small—is part of being human.

But procrastination does have consequences.When your procrastination leaves you feeling discouraged, it is time to take action, and one of the best ways to get rid of it is to make an un-schedule.

An un-schedule is a weekly calendar of all the ways in which your time is already accounted for.You consider not only your timed commitments such as classes and meetings, but also your untimed activities such as meals, exercise, time with friends, and the like.Once you have made your un-schedule, you may be able to see your time is often filled with more activities than you realize, for instance, that you really don’t have five hours to spend writing on the night before your paper is due.Procrastinators’ views of time tend to be unrealistic, and the un-schedule can help you outline a realistic plan.By planning accordingly, you will not only get a better night’s sleep, you may also end up with a better paper.

The un-schedule might also be a good way to get started on a larger project, such as a term paper or an honors paper.You may think that you have “all semester” to get the writing done, but if you really map out how much time you have available to write on a daily and weekly basis, you will see that you need to get started sooner, rather than later.In addition, the un-schedule may reveal especially busy weeks or months, which will help you budget time for long-term projects.

Perhaps most importantly, the un-schedule can help you examine how you spend your time.You may be surprised at how much time you spend watching television, and decide to make a change.It’s especially important that you build time for fun activities into your un-schedule.Otherwise, you will procrastinate in order to steal time for relaxation.

You can also use the un-schedule to record your progress towards your goal.Reward yourself for your small successes.Seeing what you’ve achieved will help reinforce(强化)the productive behavior, and you will feel more motivated in the following process.

As you explore ways to conquer procrastination, don’t expect overnight transformation.You developed the habit over a long time; you aren’t going to stop magically.But you can change the behavior, bit by bit.If you start to make an un-schedule now, you will eventually develop new habits.

1.From Paragraph 2, we can know that procrastinators __________.

A.usually have sleeping problems

B.tend to be unrealistic in daily life

C.spend more time in doing exercise

D.often fail to notice untimed activities

2.Which of the following statements best reflects an un-schedule?

A.“Now I have more time for fun.”

B.“I can start my big project later.”

C.“I’ll treat myself to a movie for my progress.”

D.“I’m going to have more time to finish my paper.”

3.According to the writer, people need to make an un-schedule because of their __________.

A.interests in doing things differently

B.determination to try out new things

C.inability to manage time properly

D.lack of concentration on a project

4.The author writes the passage to __________.

A.show concerns

B.offer suggestions

C.express dissatisfaction

D.make comments

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