Do you think it is ever a good idea for a teenager to have a credit card?

My kids watch closely as I swipe the card through the register.They’ve seen me do it hundreds, thousands of times.Cool.They are itching to swipe it through the machine themselves. When we walk out of the store with our groceries or pet food, or whatever, it’s almost as though money has not changed hands, painless, easy.

So it shouldn’t be shocking to discover that teenagers are becoming card carrying consumers in their own right.The question is, should they?

    While some argue it’s best to teach kids how to use a credit card while still living under the family roof, not everyone agrees. Dave Ramsey, financial expert says getting a credit card for your teenager is actually, “an excellent way to teach him or her to be financially irresponsible.”

Now parents are required to co-sign on credit cards for children under 21.“If their name is on the credit card, then the parent may say, ‘Hey, my name is on this.Don’t get me into trouble,” says Mary Beth Pinto, a marketing professor.“When parents were the co-obligors(共同借贷人),the children caused less debt.If the parents are the co-obligors, the tendency is that the parents were explaining how to use the cards.” Still, Pinto believes parents should start the process much earlier.“Yes, there has to be teaching going on and it has to start when they’re younger. You’re not going to get rid of credit cards.They are here to stay. You have to have them. You can’t fight progress,” Pinto said.

Ramsey, however, disagrees.“Throwing teens into a pool of (credit)sharks is a sure way to guarantee a life-time of heartache,” he said.“You can make online purchases and rent a car with a credit card.Of course, you must have money in your bank account before you can make a purchase with a credit card.But paying for things with money is what you are supposed to do.”

1.The author mentioned her experience in Para 2 mainly to______.

   A. prove the convenience of using credit cards

   B. tell what impression credit cards leave on kids

   C. give advice on using credit cards wisely

   D. explain the pleasure credit cards bring to customers

2.The underlined word in Para 2 can be replaced by __________.

   A. eager           B. afraid          C. embarrassed     D. thankful

3.What’s Ramsey’s attitude towards teens’ using credit cards?

   A. He feels it is worth a try               

    B. He is very supportive

   C. He is strongly against it                 

    D. He considers it as a pleasant experience

4.Pinto will most likely agree that __________.

   A. parents should let teens own their credit cards earlier

   B. you shouldn’t be in control of credit cards

   C. it is never good for anyone to get a credit card

    D. learning to use credit cards is practical


In 1971, readers around the world were astonished by some photographs which appeared in newspapers. Hidden deep in the rainforests of an island in the Philippines, was an ethnic (种族的)  36  called the Tasaday. Not until that moment did anyone have any   37   of these people. They didn’t have an agricultural economy; they hunted animals and   38   fruit from the plants in the rainforest. They carried tools made of stone, lived in   39   and wore clothes made of leaves. Unknown until 1971, they   40   became world famous. After that, there were TV   41  and books about them; people said their simple lives showed that human beings could be good and kind if they were not  42  by modern life. Then after 1974 the region was closed by the government and the world   43   about them.

In 1986, a Swiss journalist, Oswald Iten, decided to visit the Tasaday. The journey   44  thick rainforests and across rivers was hard and dangerous. Mr. Iten was   45   killed by the soldiers, villagers and businessmen who wanted to take the wood from the rainforest. Finally, Mr. Iten   46   and found the caves of the Tasaday   47  . The people were living in nearby huts and they were all   48   jeans and T-shirts, not leaves. He thought that perhaps they were not an ethnic minority   49   .

When he   50   to Switzerland, Mr. Iten wrote about the Tasaday people in the newspapers. He said he thought that they were just ordinary farmers, poor, but not   51   from anyone else. He believed that in 1971, the government told “the Tasaday” to   52   they were native people from thousands of years ago, so that tourists---and money---would start   53  into the region.

One group of experts said that they really were people who had no   54   with modern life before 1971; another group said they were just   55   the part. So who are these people, really? Perhaps we’ll never really be sure.

1. A. man               B. group                C. chief                D. tradition

2. A. knowledge         B. impression           C. doubt                D. fear

3. A. grew              B. enjoyed          C. collected            D. stored

4.A. huts               B. houses               C. apartments           D. caves

5. A. certainly         B. suddenly         C. absolutely           D. privately

6. A. advertisements        B. services         C. stations         D. programs

7. A. refused               B. separated            C. spoilt               D. conquered

8. A. forgot                B. knew             C. talked               D. thought

9. A. around                B. through          C. over             D. along

10.A. once              B. almost               C. often                D. even

11.A. arrived               B. left             C. hid              D. began

12.A. dirty             B. valueless            C. accessible           D. empty

13. A. making               B. selling              C. wearing          D. designing

14. A. in all               B. at all               C. after all            D. above all

15. A. returned             B. went             C. traveled         D. drove

16. A. absent               B. secure               C. different            D. free

17. A. agree                B. pretend          C. admit                D. consider

18. A. looking              B. falling              C. turning          D. pouring

19. A. contact              B. competition          C. agreement            D. patience

20. A. learning             B. forming          C. acting               D. missing


Blogs (博客) are the place where young people go to show their hearts, to express their anger, sorrow or disappointment, and even to gossip (说别人的闲话).

    Many people enjoy the freedom in blogging. Some, however, find that putting one’s life online can have a price. The blogs of some students in America were stopped by the government for some time because they posted threatening words to their teachers on their blogs.

    A recent study finds that nearly a fifth of teens who surf the Internet have their own blogs. And 38 % of teens say they read other people’s blogs. By comparison, about a tenth of adults have their own blogs and a quarter say they read other people’s online magazines.

    With the development of the Internet, more and more people will be attracted by blogging.

    In another study, 79% of teens agree that people at their age aren’t careful enough when giving out information about themselves online. Besides, careless blogging can also influence blog readers. When you are angry or unhappy, your blog is the first place you turn to. The words you post then may not be rational which you may regret later. To minimize (使减到最小) the negative influence, change the safety setting and make such posts “personal” so that only you can read them.

    As long as you are careful with what you post, blogging is a great means of staying in touch with friends and displaying one’s creative works.

1. Blogs are the place where people __________.

    A. go online to have a chat

B. go online to enjoy freedom

    C. exchange their views online

D. go online to express themselves freely

2. The fact that some American students’ blogs were stopped is used to show that __________.

A. people should not put their life online

B. American students are limited in blogging

C. anyone who gets on the Web has his blog

D. people should be careful with what they write

3. The underlined word “rational” in the fifth paragraph probably means __________.

A. strange                              B. perfect 

C. helpful                                  D. reasonable

4. The passage is mainly about __________.

A. the use people make of blogs

B. the number of people who have blogs

C. advantages and disadvantages of blogs

D. the author’s suggestions about blogging





You are from a middle-class family, and live in a normal-size home without any showy possessions, but you are surrounded by surprising consumption (消费). This contrast is beginning to bother your 6-year-old son. You are worried that he will want to live as they do, and wonder if you should move.

Sometimes big pocket money, joyful birthday parties, special playrooms and super-big houses tell you that your neighbors probably have more money than you do, and that they’re not as careful as you are with money, but you may find that they cook and dig in the garden with their children just as often as you do, talk with them as freely and read to them every night.

Or you may find that some of these parents stay in one wing of their big house while their child plays by himself, way off in a wing of his own. In that unfortunate case, he is basically growing up alone without being looked after properly, but this can happen to a child who lives in a normal-size horse, too, if he has a TV, a computer and a few video games in his room. Even the most caring parent doesn’t walk in and out of it to see what show her child is watching, what Internet site he has found and if he’s still playing that video game.

Too much uncontrolled screen time may lead to a certain loss of innocence (天真), but mostly this child will lose the sense of unity and satisfaction that comes from being in a family.

A neighborhood should also provide you with a sense of unity and satisfaction, and if it doesn’t, you might decide to move. Don’t judge your neighborhood too harshly (严厉地), though. There are some things that are right with almost any neighborhood and some things that are wrong with the best of them — like those super-big houses. The wealth of their owners — and the way they throw money around — may make your son feel sorry for himself, unless you help him understand that you and his dad save some of the money, give some to people who don’t have enough and use the rest to pay for whatever the family needs.

Children want — should be provided with — explanations when their patents don’t give them what they want .

1.What is the problem with the worried parent in the text?

A. Her house isn’t as big as her rich neighbors’.

B. Her son is left alone without anyone in charge.

C. She cannot provide her son with a special playroom.

D. She worries about the effect of her neighbors on her son.

2.In paragraphs 2 and 3, the author seems to agree that parents should      .

A. spend more time with their children.

B. give their children more freedom.

C. work hard to lead a richer life.

D. set an example for their children to follow

3.By saying “throw money around” (paragraph 5), the author means that rich people      .

A.spend money carelessly     money for their children the poor people willingly         D.leave money all round the house

4.What is the main idea the author aims to express in the text?

A. Children are unfortunate to have poor parents.

B. Children should enjoy their comfortable life.

C.Children need proper guidance from their parents.

D.Children feel ashamed of themselves in a rich neighborhood.



A few years ago I had an “aha!” moment regarding handwriting.

I had in my hand a sheet of paper with handwritten instructions on it for some sort of editorial task. It occurred at first that I did not recognize the handwriting,and then I realized whose it must be. I finally became aware of the fact that I had been working with this colleague for at least a year,maybe two,and yet I did not recognize her handwriting at that point.

It was a very important event in the computerization of life—a sign that the informal. Friendly communication of people working together in an office had changed from notes in pen to instant messages and emails. There was a time when our workdays were filled with little letters,and we recognized one another's handwriting the way we knew voices or faces.

As a child visiting my father’s office,1 was pleased to recognize,in little notes on the desks of his staff,the same handwriting 1 would see at home in the notes he would leave on the fridge—except that those notes were signed “dad” instead of “RFW”.

All this has been on my mind because of the talk about The Rise and Fall of Handwriting,a book by Florey. Sire shows in her book a deep concern about the fall of handwriting and the failure of schools to teach children to write well,but many others argue that people in a digital age can’t be expected to learn to hold a pen.

I don’t buy it.

I don’t want to see anyone cut off from the expressive,personal associations that a pen still promotes better than a digital keyboard does. For many a biographer,part of really getting to know their subjects is learning to read their handwriting.

What some people advocate is teaching one of the many attractive handwritings based on the handwriting of 16th-century Italy. That may sound impossibly grand—as if they want kids to learn to draw by copying classical paintings. However,they have worked in many school systems.

1.Why was the author surprised at not recognizing his colleague’s handwriting?

A. He had worked with his colleague long enough.

B. His colleague’s handwriting was SO beautiful.

C. His colleague’s handwriting was SO terrible.

D. He still had a 1ot of Work to do.

2.People working together in an office used to ____________.

A. talk more about handwriting

B. take more notes on workdays

C. know better one another's handwriting

D. communicate better with one another

3.The author’s father wrote notes in pen _________.

A. to both his family and his staff

B. to his family in small letters

C. to his family on the fridge

D. to his staff on the desk

4.According to the author,handwritten notes _______.

A. are harder to teach in schools

B. attract more attention

C. are used only between friends

D. carry more message

5.We can learn from the passage that the author __________.

A. thinks it impossible to teach handwriting

B. does not want to lose handwriting

C. puts the blame on the computer

D. does not agree with Florey



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