
Book 1  Elixir   written by Eric Walters
Twelve-year-old Roth becomes a friend of Dr.Banting and his assistant, Mr.Best, who are in search of a cure for diabetes (糖尿病).She finds herself torn between her sympathy for the animals being   experimented on and her friendship with Banting and Best.
Book 2  George Washingtion Carver   written by Elizabeth Macleod
Meet the “Peanut(花生)Specialist”, George Washington Carver, the inventor and professor who made   over 325 products out of peanuts.Through his   agricultural research, he also greatly improved the lives of countless black   farmers in the southern United States.See also Macleod’s   Albert Einstein: A Life of Genius.
Book 3  The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic   Innovations
written by Alootook Ipellie & David MacDonald
Explore more than 40 ideas necessary to   Inuit survival.From   ideas familiar to us today to inventive concepts that shaped their lives,   celebrate the creativity of a remarkably intelligent people.Also see other books: The Chinese Thought of It by Tingxing   Ye and A Native American Thought of It by Rocky Landon and David   MacDonald.
Book 4   Made in Canada:101 Amazing   Achievements   written by Bev Spencer
What things do we use daily that have a   Canadian connection? Here are 101 common things that were invented in Canada   or by a Canadian, including the Blackberry, alkaline(碱性)batteries and the Blue Box   recycling program.
Book 5   Newton and the Time Machine    written by Michael   McGowan
Ten-year-old boy Newton has invented a time   machine to see dinosaurs up close.But it disappears on a test run with his two huge friends, King   Herbert and Queen Certrude, in it! Can he save them before time runs out?

  1. 1.

    Which of the following best describes Roth’s feeling in Book 1?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    In Book 5, King Herbert and Queen Gertrude are_______

    1. A.
      the names of the time machine
    2. B.
      Newton’s human friends
    3. C.
      two dinosaurs
    4. D.
      the inventors of the time machine
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    1. A.
      Alkaline batteries were invented by Dr. Banting
    2. B.
      Book 3 introduces 40 inventive concepts
    3. C.
      Animals are mentioned in Book 1 and Book 5
    4. D.
      George Washington Carver was a black farmer in the US
1.A 推理题。Book1中的She finds herself torn between her sympathy for the animals being experimented on and her friendship with Banting and Best.可知她前后矛盾,非常痛苦,故A正确。
2.C 推理题。But it disappears on a test run with his two huge friends, King Herbert and Queen Certrude, in it可知King Herbert and Queen Certrude是两只恐龙。
3.C 细节题。根据第一本的the animals being experimented和第5本书的dinosaur可知都提及了动物。

Australia has passed regulations that will enable more international students to further their education in the country.
The new measures were released by the Australian Department of Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs and Workplace Relations in September and will take effect in mid-2012.
As a result, the student visa application process for overseas students has been simplified, and the deposit (押金) required to study in Australia has been reduced. Language requirements for overseas students have also been eased.
Also, overseas students receiving a higher education in Australia will be granted a working visa lasting from two to four years after graduation, as long as they meet the basic IELTS requirement.
"This change will definitely make Australia a more attractive destination for Chinese students planning to study overseas," says Wang Lan , a consultant from Education International Cooperation Group (EIC), a Beijing-based company that provides services to students wishing to study overseas.
However, in the past few years, many of Wang's student clients (客户) could not start studies in Australia because they did not meet the language requirements, visa processing took a long time and deposit regulations were tough. The change in policy is good news for the parents of students wishing to study in Australia, Wang says.
A 22-year-old female student surnamed Li, in Beijing, who is planning to do her  postgraduate studies in Australia, learned about the policy change several weeks ago.
"According to the previous deposit requirement for my student visa, my family was required to put down 550,000 Yuan ($86,850). Now we only need to prepare 410,000 Yuan. This is a relief for my parents," Li says.
She also says that the two to four years working visa makes her feel much clearer about her study plans.
"I believe several years of working experience abroad will strengthen my competitiveness when I return to China," she says.
Gaining a competitive advantage is the major reason for Chinese students to study abroad, according to the report by EIC

  1. 1.

    What's the main idea of the passage?

    1. A.
      Language requirement for overseas students have been eased in Australia
    2. B.
      Australia is a most attractive place for students in China
    3. C.
      Australia widens window of opportunity for international students
    4. D.
      More students will work in Australia after their graduation
  2. 2.

    Which of the following is NOT the content of the new regulations?

    1. A.
      The student visa application process for overseas students has been simplified
    2. B.
      The deposit required to study in Australia has been reduced
    3. C.
      Language requirements for overseas students have been more difficult
    4. D.
      After graduation, some overseas students can get a working visa in Australia
  3. 3.

    After the new regulations are passed, _______

    1. A.
      more students will come to Australia to work
    2. B.
      more Chinese students will choose to live in Australia
    3. C.
      the opportunities to work in Australia decrease for overseas students
    4. D.
      more Chinese students will choose to further their education in Australia
  4. 4.

    How much can Li's parents save according to the new regulations?

    1. A.
      550,000 yuan
    2. B.
      140,000 yuan
    3. C.
      410,000 yuan
    4. D.
      86,850 yuan
  5. 5.

    Why do many students want to work in Australia after their graduation?

    1. A.
      The working experience abroad will strengthen their competitiveness
    2. B.
      They can earn more money in Australia
    3. C.
      Their working experience can make them stay in Australia forever
    4. D.
      They have to do so according to the new regulations

When Frank began his story, we all listened. “I grew up in San Pedro. My Dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. He had his own boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed the family. Not just enough for our family, but also for his Mom and Dad and the other kids that were still at home.” He looked at us and said, “I wish you could have met my Dad. He was a big man, and he was robust from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch. When you got close to him, he smelled the ocean.”
Frank’s voice dropped a bit. “When the weather was bad, he would drive me to school. He would pull right up in front, and it seemed like everybody would be standing around and watching. Then he would lean over and give me a big kiss on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing for me. Here I was twelve years old, and my Dad would lean over and kiss me good-bye!”
He paused and then went on, “I remember the day I thought I was too old for a good-bye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean toward me, but I put my hand up and said, ‘No, Dad.’ It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way, and he had this surprised look on his face. I said, ‘ Dad, I’m too old for a good-bye kiss. I’m too old for any kind of kiss.’ My Dad looked at me for the longest time, and his eyes started to tear up. I had never seen him cry. He turned and looked our the windshield. ‘ You‘re right,’ he said. ‘ You are a big boy… a man. I won’t kiss you anymore..’”
For the moment, Frank got a funny look on his face, and the tears began to well up in his eyes. “It wasn’t long after that when my Dad went to sea and never came back.”
I looked at Frank and saw that tears were running down his cheeks. Frank spoke again. “ Guys, you don’t know what I would give to have my Dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek… to feel his rough old face… to smell the ocean on him… to feel his arm around my neck. I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would never have told my Dad I was too old for a good-bye kiss.”

  1. 1.

    Which word can replace the underline word in the first paragraph?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    According to the passage, which statement is not accurate?

    1. A.
      A good-bye kiss from Dad in public made Frank so embarrassing that he refused to have one more kiss, any kind.
    2. B.
      Dad was so hurt that he left home and never came back.
    3. C.
      It was not easy to make a living on the sea especially when Dad had to support his parents as well.
    4. D.
      Frank was twelve years old when he lost his Dad.
  3. 3.

    What would Frank most like to do if he should have his father back?

    1. A.
      He would have his Dad kiss him on the cheek.
    2. B.
      He would tell his Dad he loved him.
    3. C.
      He would smell the ocean on Dad.
    4. D.
      He would put his arm around Dad’s neck.
  4. 4.

    Which can be served as the best title?

    1. A.
      A Life-long Regret
    2. B.
      An Embarrassing Story
    3. C.
      Dad’s Good-bye Kiss
    4. D.
      I Want You Back

My bike was a three-speed English “racer”, purchased during my second year in college in November 1964 for $44. Most of the money was earned by myself in my spare time, but I had to get my mother to help me out a little. At that time, bikes were rare on a college campus. My reason for getting a bicycle was a little strange. A friend of mine convinced me to take a summer job selling door-to-door and suggested that I should use a bicycle to travel between houses. The job didn’t work out, but the idea was in my brain.
That fall, I borrowed another student’s bike and rode 45 miles on the first day, but his bike soon had a flat(瘪了的轮胎) which he didn’t like fixing. So I had to buy one. I immediately started using mine almost every day. Before getting the bike, I sometimes walked 28 miles to my parents’ house. Now the bike gave me a quicker method, but my first trip took four hours due to strong headwinds that had me fight for every foot. Once I made a trip of 100 miles in one day. I decided to use the bike to go camping in the Smokies. During the trip, I recognized the need for handlebars and more gears, so I bought a ten-speed after just one year though I loved this bike.
The first bike “hung around” for a couple of years, and then I gave it to my sister’s kids who let it become part of their lives.

  1. 1.

    What can we learn from the passage?

    1. A.
      His mother gave him some money when he bought the first bike.
    2. B.
      The first bike was a gift from his mother.
    3. C.
      He bought the first bike for racing.
    4. D.
      He wanted to buy a bike because all his classmates had one.
  2. 2.

    We can infer that besides studying at college the writer ____.

    1. A.
      often helped his friend do business
    2. B.
      also worked in a factory
    3. C.
      had part-time jobs in his spare time
    4. D.
      had to make money to pay for his tuition
  3. 3.

    The underlined phrase “the idea” in the first paragraph refers to “____”.

    1. A.
      selling door-to-door
    2. B.
      buying a bike of his own
    3. C.
      borrowing a bike from others
    4. D.
      earning money by working
  4. 4.

    According to the passage, we can learn that the first bike was ____ for him.

    1. A.
    2. B.
      very useful
    3. C.
      a lifelong tool
    4. D.
      too troublesome

Petroleumis a very important mineral. It gives us heat and light. It gives us power for our cars, planes, and ships. Also, it gives us power for machines of all kinds.
How is petroleum formed? Scientists believe petroleum comes from the remains of plants and animals (Remains are what is left after a plant or animal has died.)
What exactly is petroleum? Petroleum is a mineral that is a mixture of hydrocarbons. It is an oily liquid, which may be brown, green, or black in colors. The word “petroleum” comes from Greek. It means “rock oil”.
Crude (天然的, 未加工的) oil is petroleum that comes directly from deep in the ground. It is then taken to a refinery. a refinery is a kind of factory to refine oil. At a refinery the crude oil is separated into many parts. From the refined petroleum we get important things, such as gasoline, kerosene, fertilizer, detergents and a lot of other useful things. In fact, there are thousands of such things that we can get. Petroleum really is of great value!

  1. 1.

    Which of the following is Not true?

    1. A.
      “ Petroleum” is a German word.
    2. B.
      “Petroleum” suggests “ coming from rocks”.
    3. C.
      “ Petroleum” isn’t an English word in the original.
    4. D.
      “Petroleum” is of Greek origin.
  2. 2.

    Which of the following is true?

    1. A.
      We can kill animals and plants, and get petroleum by burning them us.
    2. B.
      Over a very long period of time, under certain conditions, dead trees and bodies of animals were turned into petroleum under great pressure.
    3. C.
      Petroleum is a kind of metal mineral like copper(铜)or iron.
    4. D.
      Petroleum has three states.
  3. 3.

    The word “refine” in the 4th paragraph can be replaced by “______”.

    1. A.
      get unmixed with other substances
    2. B.
      divide into separate parts
    3. C.
      get mixed with other substances
    4. D.
      choose the best substance
  4. 4.

    Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

    1. A.
      An Important Source of Energy.
    2. B.
      Petroleum and Its Uses.
    3. C.
      Where Does Petroleum Come From?
    4. D.
      A Special Rock Oil.
  5. 5.

    This passage is most likely taken from _____.

    1. A.
      a fairy tale
    2. B.
      a novel
    3. C.
      a popular science magazine
    4. D.
      a scientist’s diary

Teaching includes more than leadership. Some of the teacher's time and effort is directed toward instruction, some toward evaluation(评价). But it is the teacher as a group leader who creates an effective organizational structure and good working environment so that instruction and evaluation activities can take place. A group that is totally disorganized, unclear about its goals, or constantly fighting among its members will not be a good learning group. The leadership pattern includes helping to form and keep up a positive learning environment so that instruction and evaluation activities can take place.
On the first day of class the teacher faces a room filled with individuals. Perhaps a few closely united groups and friendships already exist. But there is no sense of belonging. If teachers are successful leaders, they will help students develop a system of relationships that encourages cooperation.
Standards and rules must be set up that keep order, ensure justice, and protect individual rights, but are not against school policy. What happens when one student hurts another's individual rights? Without clear guidelines agreeable to students, teachers, and administration(行政管理), the classroom can be in disorder. Students may break rules they did not know existed. If standards are set without opinions from the class, students may spend a great deal of creative energy in ruining the class environment, finding ways to break rules.
No matter how skillful the teacher is in uniting students and setting up a positive atmosphere, the task is never complete. Regular maintenance(保持) is necessary. Conflicts(冲突) arise. The needs of individual members change. A new kind of learning task requires a new organizational structure. Sometimes out pressures such as holidays, upcoming tests or athletic contests, or family troubles cause pressure in the classroom. One task for the teacher is to bring back a positive environment by helping students deal with conflicts, changes and pressure.

  1. 1.

    This article is written mainly for the purpose of ______.

    1. A.
      providing information for teaching    
    2. B.
      studying the teacher's behavior in the classroom
    3. C.
      comparing the teacher's behaviors with students'    
    4. D.
      teaching and organizing a class
  2. 2.

    The teacher, in some way, is a leader because ______.

    1. A.
      he must well-organize a class and keep a good learning environment
    2. B.
      he deals with students in the same way as a leader does
    3. C.
      he should develop agreement among students
    4. D.
      he has to keep his class in order and give instruction and evaluation
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is not true?

    1. A.
      If the teacher well unites his student sand creates a positive atmosphere, he then will complete his task.
    2. B.
      If guidelines are not acceptable both to students and teachers, the classroom can be a mess.
    3. C.
      Outside pressure may cause pressure among students.
    4. D.
      Students need the teacher just as sheep need a shepherd(羊倌).

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