
7.When I came home to London at the end of my first term at university in December 1968,I was flat broke,and more broke because it was Christmas,so I went to an employment agency for a job.
"Would you like to work for the Beatles?"they asked.
Don't you have anything better?"I asked.
Fifteen minutes later I got the job.Wen I asked why they accepted me when millions would have done the job for free,the answer was"That's just the proble."Yes.I owed the job to the fact that I was not a crazy fan.
But of course I was a fan.It was difficult not to be.I worked over the winter holiday in 1968 and also during Easter 1969.I had to take a taxi in the days to deliver papers sealed in envelopes to the Beatles'house.I took the envelopes to the address,handed them over to whoever answered the door and lift.Who would entrust(委托)such papers to an unknown student today-the envelopes would be opened and the contents of the papers copied and sold to the Press,I t never opccurred to me to do that.Much has been lost in 40 years!
I am always asked how many autographs(签名) I collected,and the answer is none.How uncool would it have been to ask for an autograph?Far better just to hear the Beatles's greets--"Hi,boy."How's it goping?"
More than 40 years later,this remains the best job I have ever had.It met my immediate material need and provides a memory that can be my life treasure.For a child of the 60s,this was its peak.If some details of the memory are not so fresh,it's because they weren't important then.At 19,you take man you things that happen for granted.At 61,they become gold dust.If I had known that then,I would have kept a diary.
56.The authorBwhen he came home according to the first paragraph.
A.got sick       B.was penniless  C.broke his arms D.had to leave school
57.The author was offered the job as a mailboy becauseC.
A.the agency was in urgent need of helping hands
B.the Beatles wanted to help poor young men
C.the boy seemed not to be a fan of the Beatles
D.the poor boy couldn't do heavy physical work
58.From the 5th paragraph,we can learn that the authorBthe Beatles.
A.disliked       B.respected      C.doubted        D.envied
59.The reason why the author didn't collect the autographs of the Beatles was thatD.
A.he had no chance to do that      B.he had no enough money
C.he was not allowed to collect    D.he preferred to talk with the Beatles
60.How does the author find his job as a mailboy when he was 19?A
A.It was an experience worth treasuring.
B.It was foolish of him not to make more money.
C.He reached the peak of his life in the university.
D.It helped him develop a habit of keeping a diary.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了作者19岁时的一次求职经历,甲壳虫乐队因为作者对他们的尊重录取了他,而作者也通过这次工作的经历收获了人生的巨大财富.

解答 56.B.细节理解题.根据文章第一段"When I came home to London at the end of my first term at university in December 1968,I was flat broke,and more broke"可知,作者结束学业回到伦敦的家时,他身无分文."flat broke"一文不名,身无分文."penniless"身无分文.故选B.
57.C.细节理解题.根据文章第四段"I owed the job to the fact that I was not a crazy fan."可知,他之所以被录用,是因为他不是甲壳虫的疯狂的粉丝.故选C.
58.B.推理预测题.根据文章第五段"But of course I was a fan"我当然是他们的粉丝,I am always asked how many autographs(签名) I collected,and the answer is none但我从来没有要过签名,可推测作者尊重这样的乐队明星.故选B.
59.D.细节理解题.根据文章第六段"How uncool would it have been to ask for an autograph?Far better just to hear the Beatles's greets--"Hi,boy"可知,甲壳虫乐队对待粉丝是问候而不是签名,作者更喜欢这样的方式,故选D.
60.A.细节理解题.根据文章第七段More than 40 years later,this remains the best job I have ever had.It met my immediate material need and provides a memory that can be my life treasure可知40多年后的今天,这仍然是我所见过的最好的工作.它满足了我眼前的物质需要,提供了一段作为人生财富的记忆,故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

14.Living with other students can be a wonderful experience.Here are a few tips for student accommodations that can help ensure a great experience and build lifelong friendships:Screen your roommates carefully if you are given a choice.Combining the living spaces of several students into one location can be exciting and rewarding experience for the outgoing students.If you are on the shy side,or prefer a quiet group to study with,pick quieter roommates.
Divide the bills evenly.Some students are far less responsible than their roommates and tend to let their part of the finance slide.Dissatisfaction is quick to build when everyone has to pay the bill for a fellow student who can't seem to pay his/her share of the money.
Carry your part of the load.Everyone has to clean the bathroom and the kitchen sometime.Don't avoid your part of responsibility.Student accommodations can get messy and it involves everyone to keep them tidy and healthy.
Think about someone else before you think about yourself.Put your roommates interests above your own.Life will be far enjoyable when everyone is concerned about the feelings property and studies of each other.
Be open and honest.Hostilities (敌意) and frustrations may cause problems that can't be fixed.Everyone brings different standards and expectations to group living and it's in everyone's best interest to put them into the open.Disagreements can be managed more warmly when your are willing to be both open and listen to others.

21.When it comes to the bills,every member is advised toC.
A.foot the bill for a fellow student                   
B.let his/her part of the finances slide
C.pay his/her own share of money                 
D.take more responsibility than others
22.The role"carry your part of the load"means every room member shouldB.
A.avoid making too much noise                         
B.take turns to keep the room tidy
C.take care of others when they are ill        
D.avoid staying up and oversleeping
23.To be a good member,one should learn toC according to the passage.
A.choose his/her roommates at random
B.balance his/her interests with others
C.express his/her disagreement openly and honestly
D.tolerate different standards and expectations.
17.The person behind you constantly kicks the back of your seat.Your talkative seatmate doesn't understand your need for sleep.And the aircraft's bathroom is a total mess.These situations can make even a short flight unbearable.Hopefully you don't cause these unpleasant experiences for others.(36)E.
Always recline(向后倾斜) your seat slowly.There's nothing worse than suddenly being hit in the knees by the seat in front of you.In addition,don't keep your seat reclined for the entire flight.Always keep it upright during mealtimes.And remember to put it in the upright position before going to the restroom (or anytime you leave your seat.)
(37)D.Wait until the meal is done and all the food trays(盘子)have been collected.It's hard for passengers to stand up to let you pass when they still have their food trays.And when using the bathroom,always clean up after yourself---the next user will be grateful!
Keep your body----and your possessions----to yourself as much as possible so as not to crowd your in-flight seatmate(s).Share the armrest,especially on a long flight.Also,be careful not to kick or push on the seat in front of you.
While some people enjoy chatting with other passengers during a flight,not everyone does.Some people may want to nap,read or work. (38)B
If you are traveling with someone and want to chat,keep your voices low.(39)G People can still hear through your headphones if the volume is too high.
When exiting the plane,if others are having trouble with their carry-on luggage,help them if you can.If you can't help,wait patiently,and don't push past people to get off the airplane.On your flight,remember the golden rule:(40)C.

A.Don't leave your carry-on in the aircraft.
B.If the conversation seems one-sided,you should notice it.
C.Treat others the way you want to be treated!
D.Avoid going to the bathroom during mealtimes.
E.Instead,you can set an example by following these common airplane courtesies(礼貌).
F.it is not polite to talk loudly in the aircraft.
G.If using electronic gadgets(小装置),keep the volume down.

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