
build;    work;   open   ;choose   climb;  tall;  stop

;sunset;  sym- bol   ;beautiful   

               The Eiffel Tower 

    The Eiffel Tower 1 for the International Exhibition of Paris in 1889 in honour of the 100th anniversary (周年纪念) of the French Revolution. The Prince of Wales,later King Edward of England,2 the tower. Of the 700 3 in a design competition,Gustave Eiffel's 4 . However,not everyone agreed with the choice and many people tried 5 its construction.

    It was the world's 6 building until 1930. During its lifetime,the Eiffel Tower has seen a few strange scenes,including 7 by a mountaineer in 1954,being parachuted (跳伞) off in 1984 by two Englishmen,and being ridden down from the first level by a journalist on a bicycle in 1923. However,its birth was difficult,it is now completely accepted and listed as one of the 8 of Paris itself. The tower has three platforms (平台) .The top platform has a bar and the office of Gustave Eiffel. From its platforms—especially the highest—the view of Paris is wonderful. It is generally agreed that one hour before 9 ,the view is at its best.

     The Eiffel Tower at night is one of the great sights of Paris and shouldn’t be missed. The golden lights show the 10 of the steelwork in a way that can't be seen in the daylight,

1. was built   2. opened   3. works   4. was chosen   5. to stop   6. tallest   7. being climbed   8. symbols   9. sunset   10. beauty


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