
Wilkie Collins was born in London in 1824 and his first novel -- a historical romance called“Anatonia” -- was published when he was 26. Shortly after this he met Charles Dickens, and they formed a close friendship that lasted for ten years and influenced both men's writing. Collins went on to publish 25 novels as well as many short stories, plays and works of non-fiction. However, he is most well known for the two mystery novels “The Woman in White” and “The Moonstone”.

Collins published both mysteries as serials in All the Year Round. When it appeared in the magazine in 1860, “The Woman in White” was so popular that it became the subject of a song and a play. It even influenced fashion, and many women started to dress in white. Eight years later “The Moonstone” was published and earned Collins the title "the father of the modern English detective novel". T S Elliot, another famous writer, said that The Moonstone was the "first and greatest of English detective novels", and it is still admired by modern crime writers today.

An author of many mysteries, Dorothy L Sayers considered “The Moonstone” to be "probably the finest detective story ever written", and many people agree with her. There are several reasons why they think so. One is that Collins uses different characters to tell each section of the story. The characters have very different personalities and voices, which are interesting and often amusing. There are also several features of the plot which started trends in mystery writing. For example, many detective stories are set in a country house, where the theft must have been committed by one of the people in the house. The character of a famous detective with an unusual appearance and habits occurs in many books, and an innocent person is often under suspicion at first. A number of modern films have also used the idea of a cursed jewel stolen from a religious statue. And of course, in The Moonstone and most other good mystery novels, the person who at first seems the least likely to be the criminal turns out to be guilty.

1.Anatonia was published in ________.

A. 1824 B. 1850

C. 1860 D. 1868

2.All the Year Round was a title of ____.

A. one of Wilkie Collins’ books B. one of Charles Dickens’ books

C. a story of a magazine D. a magazine

3.Collins is known as the father of the modern English detective novel because_______.

A. he was older than the other detective story writers.

B. his son was also a famous detective story writer.

C. many aspects of his writing are copied by other detective story writers.

D. the Moonstone is the most popular detective story.


When I was a boy we used to live across the road from a big hill with huge oak trees growing out of it.When winter arrived,thick,heavy snow would fall,and my two brothers would grab their sleds heading over to the hill for a day of fun.I remember watching them with envy because I was still too small to go sledding.Finally,one winter I was considered big enough and joined my brothers as they carried their sleds up the long hill and prepared to ride down it.

The first few trips I rode with one of my brothers and had the time of my life.It was so exhilarating when the wind whipped across my face as I flew down the hillside on the wooden sled.Near the end of the day I was overjoyed too when my oldest brother decided to let me try riding the sled all by myself.I climbed on it full of excitement and lay on my stomach.Then with one big push my brother sent me down the snowy hillside.I was doing pretty well too until I hit an old stump hidden by the snow and went off course,straight towards one of those big oak trees.My heart pounded in my chest and I could hear myself screaming.At the last possible second I rolled off and the sled crashed into the tree.I could hear my brothers running down the hill yelling,“You have to steer(操控)! You have to steer!”

Sadly,that wasn’t the last time I failed to steer when some obstacle knocked me off course in my life.Many times problems,troubles,and my own failures have sent me crashing into the trees of anger,frustration,and despair.I am still learning that life isn’t always safe sledding.I am sti l learning that it is up to me to steer myself back to love,back to kindness,back to goodness,and back to God.

Life is a trip,but no one ever said it was a smooth ride.Steer well then.Steer straight.Steer your soul towards the light and the love we are all meant for.

1.What do we know about the author when he was very young?

A. He lived on a big hill with huge oak trees on it.

B. He was frightened to go sledding with his brothers.

C. He longed to go sledding with his brothers.

D. He carried his brothers’ sleds as they went sledding.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exhilarating” in Paragraph 2?

A. delightful B. Terrifying C. ordinary D. violent

3.Why did the author fall off his sled?

A. Because his sled crashed in an oak tree.

B. Because he lost control of his sled.

C. Because his brother pushed it so hard.

D. Because the hillside was snowy.

4.What does the author mean to tell us?

A. Losing control of a sled can be dangerous.

B. Courage and determination can change one’s life.

C. Life can be controlled by one himself.

D. Life is a mystery full of coincidences.

The book A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind Obesity Epidemic— and How We Can End It by Deborah Cohen, a senior natural scientist, is very popular now. 1. But according to this book, the following are some misunderstandings of obesity or being overweight.

1.If you're obese, blame your genes.

2. Yet, between 1980 and 2000, the number of Americans who are obese has doubled—too quickly for genetic factors to be responsible. At restaurants, a dollar puts more calories on our plates than ever before, because restaurant meals usually have more calories than what we prepare at home, so people who eat out more frequently have higher rates of obesity than those who eat out less.

2.If you're obese, you lack self?control.

Research shows that if we are faced with too much information, we have a tendency to make poor choices on diet. 3. Even, the most vigilant(警觉的)people may not be good controllers of themselves.


Although the US Department of Agriculture estimates that fewer than 5 per cent of Americans live in the “food deserts”, about 65 per cent of the nation's population is obese. For most of us, obesity is not related to access to more fresh fruits and vegetables, but to the choices we make in supermarkets.

4.The problem is not that we eat too much, but that we don't exercise.

Michelle Obama's “Let's Move” campaign is based on the idea that if kids exercise more, childhood obesity rates will decrease. 5. In fact, although a drop in work?related physical activity may explain up to 100 fewer calories burned, leisure physical activity appears to have increased.

A.Lack of access to fresh fruits and vegetables is a cause of obesity.

B.Obesity rates have increased.

C.Fresh fruits and vegetables we choose in a supermarket are related to obesity.

D.But there was no obvious decrease in physical activity levels as obesity rates climbed in the 1980s and 1990s.

E.People hold different views on obesity.

F.People benefit a lot from physical activities.

G.Our world has become so rich in food that we can be led to consume too much in ways we can't understand.

Once there was a millionaire, who got a serious eye irritation(发炎). He got a famous doctor to ______ his eyes. The doctor advised him to ______ bright light for one month so he could recover naturally. Immediately the rich man ______ all his windows and replaced all the bright and colorful curtains with dull cloth. He also ______ all the bright chandeliers(枝形吊灯). In one word, he made all his house ______.

One month later, the doctor paid a visit to the millionaire to ask about the ______ of his eyes. To the doctor’s ______, everything in the house had been made dark and dull. Then the doctor said, “You should have bought a pair of ______ to protect your eye from bright light ______ spending so much money on all these things to make your house darker.”

The same phenomenon(现象) ______ all of us. We often see many ______ in others. We are very ______ to change the attitude and behavior of others which doesn’t ______ our own.

We have many likes and dislikes. ______ other people also have. But we are often interested in imposing(把......强加于) our opinion and thinking on others, ______ we never made any error. Accordingly we want to ______ this world with our own rules and theory.

However, we ______ that other people who share this world equally with us also think in a similar way and ______ us to behave according to their wishes. Then who ______ your thinking? In order to bring about certain change in the people around us, first it is “we” that have to change.

______, any needed change can happen when it starts with us.

1.A. treat B. open C. shade D. test

2.A. enjoy B. produce C. provide D. avoid

3.A. dressed B. closed C. cleaned D. broke

4.A. bought B. chose C. removed D. decorated

5.A. pretty B. dark C. nice D. tidy

6.A. growth B. function C. recovery D. shape

7.A. happiness B. honor C. surprise D. excitement

8.A. shoes B. trousers C. gloves D. sunglasses

9.A. instead of B. according to C. in case of D. in order to

10.A. react to B. happens to C. turns to D. devotes to

11.A. advantages B. mistakes C. differences D. adventures

12.A. sure B. beneficial C. able D. eager

13.A. suit B. keep C. feel D. make

14.A. Luckily B. Gradually C. Similarly D. Finally

15.A. so that B. even if C. as if D. now that

16.A. view B. lead C. travel D. change

17.A. regret B. think C. doubt D. forget

18.A. expect B. push C. allow D. advise

19.A. cares about B. searches for C. worries about D. prepares for

20.A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Besides

I received a call today asking if I would be willing to bring food to a family in need. The mother was having a major operation and would be _______down for several weeks. Of course, I responded with an ______“Yes!”. As I planned the ______in my head, I ______ on how many times over the years I had been asked to prepare food. I have done so _____times with a very open heart.

But the truly ______ thing is ______ I have received double over the course of my life. When my mother passed ______, our house was filled with fresh dinners for weeks. A woman from the church of our community stepped by each evening with some food. The gift of _____ was her small way of trying to ______our pain.

Later in my life, when I was on bed rest during my ______with twins, women of the ______ again stepped in to help. They arranged babysitting for my two-year-old ______, and brought lovely _____ to our house. Even when I was put in the hospital, my husband _____bring cooked meals to my hospital room. How we relied on these dinners to feed my tired husband and young daughter!

Food is all about comfort. It ______our bodies, but it can also feed our _______ When you hear people talking about their favorite holidays, it usually includes their feelings _______ with sharing food. I know that I will have many more opportunities in my lifetime to _____food for others. It is truly a gift I want to prepare and ______ to someone in need.

1.A. lying B. going C. falling D. breaking

2.A. active B. efficient C. immediate D. intelligent

3.A. operation B. meal C. call D. supper

4.A. reflected B. depended C. relied D. moved

5.A. few B. countable C. countless D. great

6.A. amazing B. confusing C. disappointing D. discouraging

7.A. what B. when C. whether D. that

8.A. by B. over C. away D. down

9.A. visit B. food C. supper D. bread

10.A. give B. cure C. ease D. dull[

11.A. holiday B. pregnancy C. operation D. life

12.A. hospital B. church C. community D. neighbors

13.A. daughter B. son C. dog D. cat

14.A. books B. pens C. dogs D. dinners

15.A. would B. should C. could D. might

16.A. gives B. feeds C. keeps D. improves

17.A. babies B. stomachs C. souls D. hearts

18.A. connected B. dotted C. dealt D. marked

19.A. leave B. buy C. post D. prepare

20.A. past B. sell C. lend D. deliver

Cheerleading is the fastest growing girls' sport, yet more than half of Americans do not believe it is a sport. Actually, competitive cheerleading is a sport.

A sport is a “physical activity against/with an opponent, governed by rules and conditions under which a winner is declared, and the primary purpose of the competition is a comparison of the relative skills of the participants. "Because cheerleading follows these guidelines, it is a sport.

Competitive cheerleading includes lots of physical activities. Like gymnasts, cheerleaders must learn to tumble (翻滚) . They perform lifts and tosses. This is where the "flied' are thrown in the air, held by "bases" in different positions that require strength and cooperation with other teammates.

Just as basketball and football have guidelines for competitive play, so does competitive cheerleading. The whole routine has to be completed in less than 3 minutes and 15 seconds and the cheerleaders are required to stay within a certain area.

Competitive cheerleaders' goal is to be the best. Just like gymnasts, they are awarded points for difficulty, creativity and sharpness. The more difficult a mount, the sharper the motions, the better the score. Cheerleading is a team sport so without cooperation, first place is out of reach.

Cheerleading is the number-one cause of serious sports injuries to women. Emergency room visits for cheerleading are five times the number of those for any other sport, partially because they do not wear protective gear (特定活动的服装、设别). While many athletes are equipped with hip pads or helmets, smiling cheerleaders are tossed into the air and spiral down into the arms of trusted teammates. The fliers must remain tight at all times so that their bases can catch them safely. Also, because cheerleading is not yet recognized as a sport by many schools, neither proper matting nor high enough ceilings are provided to ensure safety. Instead, the girls use whatever space is available. More recognition of competitive cheerleading as a sport would decrease the number of injuries.

So why do many Americans not think cheerleading is a sport? Some people argue that cheerleaders are just "flirts in skirts" with their only job to entertain the crowd, but cheerleaders today work just as hard as other athletes.

Hopefully, cheerleading will become as well-known a sport as football and basketball, and even appear in the Olympics since cheerleaders are just as athletic and physically fit as those involved in the more accepted sports.

1.What does the underlined word "bases" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Strength and cooperation.

B. Lifts and tosses.

C. Supporting teammates.

D. Physical activities

2.Gymnasts are mentioned in the passage to _________.

A. explain the dangers of cheerleading

B. show their similarities with cheerleaders

C. suggest cheerleaders learn to do gymnastics

D. present the guidelines of gymnastic movements

3.It can be learned from the passage that cheerleading ________

A. is a good sport for all people

B. lacks necessary guidelines to follow

C. is more than a form of entertainment

D. enjoys greater popularity than other sports

4.This passage is written mainly to

A. attract more girls to cheerleading

B. draw people's attention to cheerleading

C. call for more recognition of competitive cheerleading as a sport

D. criticize some Americans who do not think cheerleading as a sport

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