No one can hope to own all the books he may want to read or use.[1]________
A good library contains thousands of books on all kinds of subjects.They are arranged on the shelves in certain order so that any particular book is easy to find.[2]________
[3]________ If we are looking for a particular book or a book on a particular subject, we will need to look up a card index.An author index lists authors alphabetically and tells which of their books are in the library.A subject index lists all the books in the library on any particular subject.Both indexes list classification numbers so that the books can be found easily.
[4]________ The books in the reference library are reference books and are for use inside the library only.They include dictionaries, directories, and encyclopedias.The reference section usually has a selection, of uptodate newspapers and magazines.[5]________
a.Most libraries have a reference section as well as the ordinary lending section.
b.Each subject is given a number according to a standard method of classification.
c.Fiction books, for example, are usually arranged alphabetically, according to the names of the authors.Nonfiction books are arranged subject by subject.
d.Readers can find the books they want to read by computers in every library.
e.Fortunately there are libraries in most towns that will lend us the books.Some are school libraries, others are public libraries.There may even be traveling libraries that visit remote areas.
f.Readers may also be able to read old issues of newspapers on microfilm by means of a microfilm reader.Storing information on microfilm saves a lot of valuable space.In university and some other libraries copies of many things, for example, documents, articles, and plans, are available on microfilm.
g.If you go to the library, you can read many books.
1.e 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.f