

76. What ________(担心) us is that so many children in the area have dropped out of school

77 The new film _________(吸引) to many people because of its moving story.

78. The _________(困惑的)look on his face suggested he didn`t get across the meaning.

79. It sounds like a ________(实用的) solution.

80  Can you give me more ________(_证据) to support your idea?

81.Keep your mouth shut ! I won`t listen to your ___________(解释)

82. It`s sad that he has lost his _________(信仰) in God.

83. Large __________(预算) are applied for advertisement designing.

84. Let`s make a new _______(方法)to the problem.

85. Children should __________( 尊敬) their parents


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