
  Dear Betty,
  My roommate’s family wants me to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with them in their home. I accepted the invitation, and I’m excited about going, but I’m a little nervous about it, too. The social customs in my country are different from those here, so I’m a little worried about making mistakes.
  Should I bring a gift, such as candy or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late?  At the dinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that I’m thankful for their kindness?
Knowing Nothing
Dear Knowing Nothing,
  It’s a good idea to bring a gift when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always welcome, or you can bring a bottle of wine if you know the family drink it.
  You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don’t get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them.
  Try to relax at the dinner table. If you don’t know how to use the right fork, knife or spoon, just watch the other guests, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, don’t be shy about asking the person next to you; it’s better to ask them than to be silently uncomfortable and nervous.
  If you like the food, say so. Of course, you’ll thank the host and hostess for the meal and for their kindness. It’s also a good idea to send a card to thank them the day after.
小题1: Knowing Nothing wrote a letter to Betty to _____.
A.tell Betty some good newsB.ask for some advice
C.answer some questionsD.invite her to dinner
小题2:According to Betty, Knowing Nothing ______ when going to a dinner party.
A.can only bring some flowers
B.can’t bring wine
C.should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late
D.should arrive twenty minutes late
小题3: Betty does NOT advise Knowing Nothing to _____.
A.relax at the dinner tableB.watch the other guests
C.ask the person beside himD.keep silent at table


小题1:通过上下文可知这是Knowing Nothing参加家庭聚会前在向Betty寻求建议。
小题2:文中第二段首句 You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late.可知。

British paychologists have found evidence of a link between excessive(过度的) Internet use and depression, a research has shown.
Leeds University researchers, writing in the Psychopathology journal, said a small part of Internet users were classed as Internet addicts and that people in this group were more likely to be depressed than non-addicted users.
The article on the relationship between excessive Internet use and depression is from a questionnaire-based study of 1,319 young people and adults.
The respondents answered questions about how much time they spent on the Internet and what they used it for; they also complete the Beck Depression Inventory---a series of questions designed to measure the seriousness of depression.
The six—page report, by the university’s Institute of Psychological Science, said 18 of the people who complete the questionnaire were Internet addict.“Our research indicates that excessive Internet use is associated with depression, but what we don’t know is which comes first—are depressed people drawn to the Internet or does the Internet cause depression?” the article’s lead author Dr Catriona Morrison said.”What is clear is that, for a small part of people, excessive use of the Internet could be warning signal for depressive tendencies.”
The age range of all respondents was between 16 and 51 years, with an average age of 21.24. The average age of the 18 Internet addicts was 18.3 years. By comparing the levels of depression within this group to that within a group of 18 non—addicted Internet users, researchers found the Internet addicts had a higher chance of developing depression than non-addicts. They also discovered that addicts spent more time visiting sexually pleasing website, online gaming sites and online communities.
“The public speculation(推测)was further proved by this study. That’s to say, over-engaging in websites which serve to replace normal social function might be linked to psychological disorders like depression and addiction,” Morrison said.”We now need to consider the wider social influence of this relationship and clearly prove the effects of excessive Internet use on mental health.”
小题1:Internet addicts are people who ______ according to the passage.
A.use the Internet more than enough
B.feel depressed when using the Internet
C.seldom connect to the Internet
D.feel depressed without the Internet
小题2:What is confirmed by the study according to the passage?
A.Depression leads to excessive use of Internet
B.Depression results from excessive use of Internet
C.Excessive use of internet usually accompanies depression
D.Excessive use of internet is usually earlier to depression
小题3:It is thought by the public that online communities______.
A.can never replace normal social function
B.are intended to replace normal social function
C.are associated with psychological disorders
D.shouldn’t take the blame for psychological disorders
小题4:According to Dr Catriona Morrison, the public speculation________.
A.lacks scientific evidenceB.helps clarify their study
C.finds a theoretical basisD.has little scientific value

Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you “What is the most important in your life ?” maybe you will say “Computers and the Internet.”
The first computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked slowly . Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do?
A writer has said, “people can’t live without computers today.”
The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, write letters, do shopping, play games or make friends.
Many students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don’t know their real names, ages, and even sex (性别). They are so interested in making the “unreal friends” that they can’t put their hearts into study. Many of them can’t catch up with others on many subjects because of that.
We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.
小题1:The Internet can not be used for ______.
小题2:When the computer was invented, it was ______.
A.large and worked quickly1
B.small and worked
C.large but worked slowly.
D.small but worked quickly .
小题3:The Internet was born in about _____.
小题4:Which of the following is true?
A.Few students like going into the Internet.
B.students use the Internet to make “unreal friends.”
C.These “unreal friends” often meet each other.
D.Students know the friends on the Internet very well.
小题5:What does the writer think of the Internet?
A.It is wonderful.
B.It can make students study harder.
C.It is not good for students.
D.It is helpful, but we can’t do everything on it.
Every summer, no matter how urgent work schedule is, I take off one day exclusively for my
son. We call it dad-son day. This year our third stop was the amusement panic, where we discovered
that he was tall enough to ride one of the fastest roller coasters (过山车)in the world. We experienced through face-stretching turns and circles for ninety seconds. Then, as we stepped off the ride, in a calm voice, he remarked that it was not as exciting as other rides he’d been on. As I listened, I began to sense something seriously out of balance.
Throughout the season, I noticed similar events all around me. Parents found it hard to find new stimulations for cold kids. Surrounded by ever-greater stimulation, their young feces were looking disappointed and bored
Facing their children’s complaints of "nothing to do", parents were spending large numbers of dollars for various forms of entertainment In many cases the money seemed to do little more than buy relief from the terrible complaint of their bored children. This set me thinking the obvious question: "How can it be so hard for kids to find something to do when there’s been such a range of stimulating entertainment available to them?"
What really worries me is the strength of the stimulation. I watch my little daughter’s &ce as she absorbs bloody special effects in movies.
Why do children facing such excitement seem starved for more? Thai was, I realized, the point I discovered during my own adolescence that what creates excitement is not going fast, but going faster. Excitement has less to do with speed than changes in speed.
I am concerned about the increasing effect of years at these levels of feverish activity. It is no mystery to me why many teenagers appear uninterested and burned out, with a "been there, done that" air of indifference toward much of life. As increasing numbers of friends’ children are advised to take medicine to deal with inattentiveness at school or anti-depressants (抗抑郁药)to help with the loss of interest and joy in their lives—I question the role of kids’ boredom in some of the diagnoses (处方).
My own work is focused on the chemical imbalances and biological factors related to behavioral and emotional disorders. These are complex problems. Yet I’ve been reflecting more and more on how lie pace of life and the strength of stimulation may be contributing to the rising rates of psychological problems among children and adolescents in our society.
小题1:The reason why the author felt surprised in the amusement park was that ________.
A.his son was not as excited by the roller coasters ride as expected
B.his songs enjoyed turns and circles with his face stretched
C.his son appeared upset but calm while riding the roller coasters
D.his son could keep his balance so well on the fast moving roller coasters
小题2:According to the author, children will probably feel excited ________.
A.if their parents allow them to ride roller coasters very often
B.since parents spend money on the same form of entertainment
C.after they take anti-depressants according to the diagnoses
D.if they are often exposed to more stimulating entertainment
小题3:From his own experience, the author came to the conclusion that children seem to expect _______.
A.a much wider variety of sports facilities
B.activities that require complicated skills
C.the change of the forms of recreation
D.more challenging physical exercise
小题4:. In order to relieve children’s boredom, the author would probably suggest ________.
A.adjusting the pace of life and strength of stimulation
B.promoting the practice of dad-son days
C.consulting a specialist in child psychology
D.balancing school work with after school activities
Ifhas anyone noticed how, with the passage of time, one’s relationship with one’s grown-up daughters and sons becomes changed? I’ve been aware of this for some time but I’m not quite sure how to deal with it.
Take the kitchen sink for example.
Following a family get-together at my place, I walked into the kitchen to find Kate, my daughter, carefully cleaning the sink.
“Don’t do that; what are you doing that for?” I said, unhappy about the hidden criticism.
“Mum,” she said, “you really ought to put your glasses on when you clean the sink. Behind the tap here was black!”
But it’s not just things like kitchen sinks. Another time Kate arrived to pick me up to lunch. She looked at me and then asked, “Mum, why do you use brown eyebrow pencil when your hair is grey?”
A sudden memory of her, aged 14, going to her first mixed party flooded back. She had come in to say goodbye. For a moment I thought she’d been an accident. Both eyes were black. I remember suggesting that perhaps a little less eye make-up might be more effective.
Now I told her, “My hair used to be brown.”
“It looks absurd.(荒唐)”
“Mrs. Menzies had dark eyebrows with grey hair.”
“Yes, but you’re not Mrs. Menzies, are you?” she said triumphantly, as if that proved her point.
But a recent event made me realize that something really must be done.
She had returned home for a few weeks before getting married. One evening I went out on a dinner date. By the time my companion left me at the front door, it was about 2am. As I stepped in, an angry figure in a white nightgown(睡衣)stopped me.
“Well, what time of night is this to be coming home?” she shouted. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick!”
Shades of the past come back to disturb me. But what should I do about all this? Nothing, probably. Maybe, after all, it’s only a stage young people are going through.
小题1:The daughter thought her mother didn’t clean the kitchen sink well because of her       .
A.lazinessB.carelessnessC.unhappinessD.poor-quality glasses
小题2:From the passage we know the daughter        .
A.didn’t want to help with the sink
B.didn’t like brown eyebrow pencils
C.had an accident when she went to her first party
D.shouted at her mum because she came home late
小题3:How does the mother feel after all these have happened?
小题4:The author writes the stories to prove that ________.
A.their relationship became stronger
B.their roles changed as time passed
C.her daughter very much cared about her
D.her daughter got upset as she grew up
完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
Year after year my brothers, sister and I would lie in bed awake on Christmas morning. We were just  36   to hear my father’s voice saying it was all right to    37   . Usually I was the first one jumped out of bed. I can still    38   my growing eagerness(渴望) for the    39   every year.
Even now as I    40   the boxes of Christmas decorations(装饰品) I can see the familiar ones: the presents with our birth years on them, our five stockings, four for the    41   , one for the dog. It used to be easy for us to    42   when to put up the decorations. But now since we all have    43   and social lives, it is usually a hurried activity.
As we get older, the season almost brings a    44   to a little place in our hearts. The worst was year after my grandparents had    45   . We couldn’t go to their house to celebrate the holiday anymore.    46   , we just had a get-together in my house. Now when I    47   to it, I miss the special    48   my grandfather gave me for Christmas. I even miss him    49   me “Jessie”, even though I can’t    50   when people call me that.
Things change, not always for the good,    51   not always for the bad either. And the things that don’t    52   have the most important meaning to us, and I am sure they will be there for the    53   of our lives. After all, every time I hear my father’s    54   “All right you guys, come on down, nice and slow” and we go down the stairs, first my brother, then me, then my sister, then my older brother, I still    55   the true Christmas spirit.
A.come upB.come downC.come onD.come out
A.throw awayB.set downC.look throughD.give up
A.move backB.turn backC.step backD.think back
A baby can quickly damage a new mother’s well-laid plans for getting back to pre-pregnancy(孕前的) weight and shape.
The constant demands, together with the exhausting effects of interrupted sleep, can make it hard to find the time and energy to exercise or prepare healthy meals.
Here are some tips for common problems new moms face:
Problem: No time to cook proper meals. When you’re caring for a baby, cooking proper meals seems like a luxury. Instead you rely on convenience meals and processed foods.
Solution: Try to get more support. Friends, family members, and neighbors are often delighted to help, so don’t feel you have to do everything yourself. Use the extra time to prepare some healthy meals. Follow the basic rules of cutting down on fat and increasing fruit and vegetable intake.
Problem: Sugary or high-fat snacks(零食). Tiredness can leave you feeling sleepy, run-down, and in need of an immediate help from sweets and high-fat snacks.
Solution: Turn snacking to your advantage. Eat high-fiber, low-fat, low-sugar snacks; these will fill you up without adding too many calories. For an energy boost, eat a banana, which is high in potassium -- a mineral essential for muscle and nerve function -- or try a handful of raisins, which are high in iron but low in fat.
Problem: No time or energy to exercise. A baby is a constant demand on your time, so you’re too tired or busy to exercise.
Solution: Increasing activity levels will help you obtain a net calorie loss, while toning exercises will tighten your muscles. Though you may feel too tired to do any exercise, it is worth persevering because in the long run your energy levels will increase. Involve your baby in your postnatal(产后) exercises; start by walking with the child in a carriage or sling. Swimming is another aerobic exercise that you can both enjoy by joining a mother and baby class. Many pools have childcare facilities, so you can swim a few laps on your own.
Problem: Lack of sleep. The new baby interrupts your sleep, depleting your energy and leaving you tense and exhausted.
Solution: Practice some relaxation techniques whenever you have a few free moments. Meditation, visualization, or yoga can help your body recover and give you more energy.
Wind , water, fire and ice-these powerful natural forces have shaped the land of America in the past. They are still changing it today.
The Colorado River slowly cut down through stone to make the Grand Canyon(大峡谷).
Long ago, ice sheets cut Yosemite Valley and the Great Lakes, and glaciers(冰川) are still on the move in Alaska.
Wind and rain storm hit the land from time to time. Fires sometimes burn down forests and destroy the homes of wild animals. This happened in Yellowstone Park in 1988.
Dead volcanic mountains such as Haleakala on Maui and Carter Lakein Oregon are beautiful to look at. But there are several active volcanoes in the US, especially along the Pacific Coast. There are also many earthquakes in this area. Scientists can do nothing to control earthquakes or volcanoes. This was shown clearly on May 18, 1980. At 8:32 that morning, Mount St Helens in Washington state broke out. The top of the mountain was blown off.
Over 60 people –campers, scientists, journalists, forest workers—were killed. Hundreds of square miles of forests were knocked down. In towns over 100 miles away, day suddenly became night. An ash cloud hid the sun for many hours. Towns and fields in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho were covered with dirty gray ash.
Scientists knew that Mt St Helens might erupt(爆发) soon. But no one could say when. And no one expected the terrible strength of the eruption. Many people were surprised and unready. Harry R. Truman, 84, owned a small hotel in Mt St Helens. Scientists had asked people to move away because the volcano was becoming dangerous.
But Harry Truman would not leave his home. Now it is covered with many feet of dirty ash. A small cross stands above the place where Harry probably died. Perhaps it is better that he did not see the destruction of Mt St Helens, the once beautiful lake, and the forests.
But slowly, life is returning to the dead area around the mountain. Grass and small plants are beginning to grow again. Deer and birds have been seen. The land will never be the same as it once was. Perhaps Mt St Helens will erupt again. But this is all part of nature’s pattern of change, and man has little power to control it.
小题1:Choose the best title for this passage.
A.Wind, water, fire and ice
B.Volcano’s beauty and danger
C.The power of nature
D.Natural force shape beautiful land of America
小题2:After the eruption of volcano, what makes the sky turn dark?
A.The smokeB.The clouds.C.The fog.D.The ash.
小题3:The underlined word “it” means______.
A.The body of old Harry
B.The location of Harry’s home
C.The opening on top of Mt St Helens
D.The place where Harry probably died
小题4:We can infer from this article that ______.
A.Washington and Oregon are neighboring states
B.Colorado River runs through Yosemite Valley
C.The eruption of Mt St Helens also caused trouble with the Yellowstone Park
D.Scientists never knew Mt St Helens was active

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