Wisdom knows no age£®One day at a county fair a"medicine man"£¨66£©¡Ìwas try to draw attention by auctioning off £¨ÅÄÂô£© a dollar bill£®£¨67£©½«try¸ÄΪtryingEveryone thought the dollar was false£¬but the only offer he received£¨68£©but¸ÄΪandwas one for five cents from a twelve-years-old boy£®"Going once!£¨69£©twelve-year-oldGoing twice!Going three time!"calling the man£®"The dollar£¨70£©calling¸ÄΪcalledis mine£¬young man!Where is your five cents£¿"When the boy£¨71£©mine¸ÄΪyoursstepped backward£¬he heard someone laugh and say£¬"You just£¨72£©backward¸ÄΪforward»òuplose five cents£¬boy£®"The boy looked up at the"medicine man"£¨73£©lose¸ÄΪlostas he held out of the dollar£¬and said£¬"Why don't you just take£¨74£©È¥µôoffive cents out of the dollar£¬mister£¬and give me change£¿"£¨75£©changeÇ°¼Óthe£®
·ÖÎö ¸Ä´íÌâҪעÒâ´ú´Ê£¬Á¬´ÊÒÔ¼°´ÊÐÔ¡¢È˳ƵÄת»¯£®
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½â´ð Wisdom knows no age£®One day at a county fair a"medicine man"£¨66£©¡Ì
was try to draw attention by auctioning off £¨ÅÄÂô£© a dollar bill£® £¨67£©try¸ÄΪtrying
Everyone thought the dollar was false£¬but the only offer he received£¨68£©but¸ÄΪand
was one for five cents from a twelve-years-old boy£®"Going once!£¨69£©twelve-years-old¸ÄΪtwelve-year-old
Going twice!Going three time!"calling the man£®"The dollar £¨70£©calling¸ÄΪcalled
is mine£¬young man!Where is your cents£¿"When the boy £¨71£©mine¸ÄΪyours
stepped backward£¬he heard someone laugh and say£¬"You just £¨72£©backward¸ÄΪforward»òup
lose five cents£¬boy£®"The boy looked up at the"medicine man"£¨73£©lose¸ÄΪlost
as he held out of the dollar£¬and said£¬"Why don't you just take £¨74£©È¥µôof
five cents out of the dollar£¬mister£¬and give me¡Ächange£¿"£¨75£©changeÇ°¼Óthe
67£®try¸ÄΪtrying ¸Ã¾äÒâΪ"һλҩ··Õýͨ¹ýÅÄÂôÒ»ÃÀÔªµÄÖ½±ÒÀ´ÎüÒý×¢Òâ"£¬ÓɾäÖÐwas¿ÉÖª£¬±¾¾äʹÓõÄÊǹýÈ¥½øÐÐʱ£¬¹ÊÓ¦½«try¸ÄΪtrying£®
68£®but¸ÄΪand Everyone thought the dollar was false"ÿ¸öÈ˶¼ÈÏΪǮÊǼٵÄ"Óëthe only offer he received¡"ËûÊÕµ½µÄΨһ±¨¼Û¡"Ö®¼ä²»ÊÇתÕÛ¹Øϵ¶øÊÇ˳³Ð¹Øϵ£¬¹ÊÓ¦½«but¸ÄΪand£®
69£®twelve-years-old¸ÄΪtwelve-year-old ´Ë´¦¿¼²éÐÎÈݴʹ¹´Ê·¨£¬"Êý´Ê+Ãû´Ê£¨µ¥Êý£©+ÐÎÈÝ´Ê"¹¹³ÉÐÎÈÝ´Ê£¬ÆäÖÐÃû´ÊÐëÓõ¥ÊýÐÎʽ£®
70£®calling¸ÄΪcalled the man ÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷Ó"Going once!Going twice!Going three time!"×÷±öÓ¹Ê¸Ã¾äÓ¦ÓÃcalled×÷νÓcallingΪ·ÇνÓï³É·Ö£¬²»ÄÜ×÷νÓ
71£®mine¸ÄΪyours ÓÉyoung man¿ÉÖª£¬Ò©··×ÓÊǶÔ12ËêµÄСº¢Ëµ"ÕâÇ®ÊÇÄãµÄÁË"£¬¹ÊÓ¦½«mine¸ÄΪyours£®
72£®backward¸ÄΪforward»òup Ò©··×Ó¶ÔСº¢ËµÍê"ÕâÇ®ÊÇÄãµÄÁË"ºó£¬Ð¡º¢Ó¦¸ÃÊÇ"×ßÉÏÇ°È¥"£¬¹ÊÓ¦½«backward¸ÄΪforward»òup£®
73£®lose¸ÄΪlost ¸Ã¾äΪΧ¹ÛµÄÈËËù˵£¬ÒâΪ"Äã¸Õ¸ÕʧȥÁËÎåÃÀ·Ö"£¬ËùÒÔÓ¦ÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ£¬¹ÊÓ¦½«lose¸ÄΪlost£®
74£®È¥µôof hold outΪ¹Ì¶¨´îÅ䣬ÒâΪ"Éì³ö¡¢Äóö"£®
75£®changeÇ°¼Óthe changeÒâΪ"ÁãÇ®¡¢ÕÒÁã"£¬ÊÇÖ¸´ÓÅÄÂôµÄdollarÖÐÄÃ×ßfive centsºóµÄÕÒÁ㣬ΪÌØÖ¸£¬¹ÊÓ¦Óö¨¹Ú´ÊtheÐÞÊÎÏÞÖÆ£®
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A£® | judge | B£® | tell | C£® | divide | D£® | separate |
A£® | that | B£® | much | C£® | enough | D£® | too |
A£® | a£» a | B£® | a£» the | C£® | the£» the | D£® | the£» a |
-Not yet£®There are many jobs that he ____ do but he seems unwilling to do anything£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | shall | B£® | could | C£® | must | D£® | should |
A£® | on the whole | B£® | in general | C£® | in conclusion | D£® | in other words |