
17."Another bad day at school?"my father asked as I came into the room.
"How could you tell?I didn't shut the door heavily or anything,"I replied.Over the past two months I had either done this or thrown my backpack across the room every time I came home from school.Papa thinks it has something to do with moving to a new house.
"I know this move has been hard on you.Leaving your friends and cousins behind is tough,"Papa said,as he put his arm around my shoulder."What you must remember is that,with a lot of hard work and some time,you will make new friends."
"You don't know how hard it is.This year my baseball team would have won the championship.They won't even give me a chance to pitch (投球) here.All I get to play is right field,and that's the worst!"
Papa turned toward me."Things will get better,I promise you.Let me ask you,do you know why you were named David Lorenzo?"
"Yes,your name is David and grandfather's name is Lorenzo."
"Very good,and what makes your grandfather so important?"
"He was the first in the family to come to this country and all that,"I answered.
"That is only partly correct.Your grandfather was a very great man.In Mexico,he had been a teacher.When he came to America he could only get low-paid labor jobs because he didn't speak the language.It took him two years before he spoke English well enough to be allowed to teach here,but he did it.He never complained because he knew change could be difficult.Did he ever tell you that?"my father asked.
I looked down at my feet,ashamed at my behavior."No.That must have been hard,"I said sheepishly.
"Your grandfather taught me that if you let people see your talent,they will accept you for who you are.I want you to always remember what my father taught me,even if it takes a few years for people to see who you are,"said Papa.
All I could say was,"Okay."Then I asked,"What should I do now?"
Laughing,Papa said,"How about you pitch a few to me?You need some work."
31.Why was the author unhappy that day?C
A.Because he moved to a new country.
B.Because his baseball team lost the game.
C.Because he wasn't offered a chance to pitch.
D.Because he quarreled with his friends at school.
32.The father successfully changed his son's mood byB.
A.asking him to train harder           B.telling his grandfather's story
C.playing baseball with him            D.introducing him some new friends
33.The underlined word"sheepishly"probably meansD
A.cautiously       B.patiently        C.rudely           D.shyly
34.What can we infer about the author?D
A.He thinks his father lives in the past.
B.He'd rather live with his grandfather.
C.He will continue to dislike school and everything.
D.He will try his best to adapt to the new environment.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们讲述了作者搬家来到了新学校,面对新环境,他一直闷闷不乐.父亲把祖父的故事讲给了作者,从祖父的身上作者汲取到了有益的道理,决定像祖父一样尽力适应新环境.

解答 31  C  细节理解题. 根据文中第四段"They won't even give me a chance to pitch (投球) here."可知,作者到新校后,没有获得投球的机会,所以觉得不高兴.故选C.
32  B  细节理解题.通读全文,从后文中爸爸问问题开始,慢慢引入爷爷的故事,作者的父亲给作者讲述了祖父的故事给作者上了有效的一课,改变了作者的心情;故选B.
33  D  词义理解题.根据文章倒数第四段"I looked down at my feet,ashamed at my behavior."No.That must have been hard,"I said sheepishly"可知作者在听了祖父的故事之后感到十分羞愧,可知该词意为害羞的;故选D.
34  D  推理判断题.由倒数第四段"I looked down at my feet,ashamed at my behavior."和倒数第三段"Your grandfather taught me that if you let people see your talent,they will accept you for who you are"可推知,作者从祖父的身上获得了教益,一定会像祖父一样尽力适应新环境;故选D.

点评 本文讲述了大卫搬了新住处对新环境的不适应,他的爸爸根据他爷爷的故事鼓励他,从而帮他适应新环境.本文有细节题和推理题.做题时应结合原文和问题有针对性的找出相关语句进行分析,结合选项选出正确答案.做推理题时应该猪猪关键句子进行分析推理从而得出正确答案.做题要认真仔细,切勿急躁,一定要做到有理有据.

9.Jenny Bowen,an American living in Beijing,was selected,as the only American to carry the 2008Beijing Olympic torch on Chinese soil.She and seven other non-Chinese winners had been chosen from 262applicants from 47countries in a contest organized by Chinese computer maker Lenovo Group and the official English-language newspaper,China Daily.When Bowen ran with the Olympic torch,she was not only representing the United States,but also representing thousands of Chinese orphans(孤儿).
Bowen,a mother of two adopted(收养) Chinese daughters,is director of Half the Sky Foundation,an organization which was founded in 1998and aims to enrich the lives of orphaned children in China.In nearly 10years,Bowen and Half the Sky have touched the lives of over 13,000children.Half the Sky is now present in 36welfare institutions in 28Chinese cities.
About 4,000children are active in the program,which provides trained staff,educational tools,medical support and care for orphans.
Bowen hoped that running with the Olympic torch would help draw attention to the children in China.She was among 19,400runners who carried the flame along an 85,000-mile,130-day route across five continents.Beijing organizers say it was the longest torch relay in Olympic history.
Like Bowen,the seven other.non-Chinese winners,including a German engineer and a Venezuelan designer,live in China.Other countries represented were the Philippines,Colombia,India,Japan and Russia.
According to Olympic organizers,candidates (候选人) were selected based or an online vote,committee selection,their"love of Chinese culture and history"and devotion to"communicating information of a real China to their native countries".Each runner carried the torch for 200meters on Chinese soil.

45.Bowen hoped that being a torch runner would helpC.
A.collect educational tools,medical support,etc.for orphans
B.make Half the Sky Foundation well known
C.draw special attention to the children in China
D.communicate information of America
46.The eight foreign torch relay runnersD.
A.were selected by Half the Sky
B.won the contest organized by the committee
C.all lived in Beijing
D.carried the torch in the relay in China
47.We can infer from the text that Jenny BowenA
A.loves Chinese culture and history
B.founded Half the Sky aimed at helping Chinese orphans
C.has adopted 13,000children during 10years
D.is interested in Chinese sports
48.What's the best title for the passage?B
A.Happy Life of a US Woman in China
B.A US Woman Carrying 2008Olympic Torch in China
C.Development of Chinese Welfare Institutions
D.The Longest Torch Relay in Olympic History.
A.The candidates will be expected to drive new business through telephone sales.However,the role does include meeting clients face to face,attending industry events,managing one or two members of staff,finding new advertisers and gaining repeat business from existing clients.Therefore,we are looking for sales professionals with media sales backgrounds,and experience in managing a team.
B.Bright Social Care Agency is calling for experienced support workers who can take care of adults with autism to register for work as soon as possible.The duties of this post include interacting with the service user,promoting independent living,and assisting with personal care.Therefore,the applicants should have experience as a support worker and good interpersonal skills.If you're interested,please send your CV to beca@hotmail.com.
C.Balfor Education is looking for teachers who are dedicated to children's learning and able to manage a classroom efficiency.We offer flexible teaching assignments that meet your own requirements and have a number of strong relationships with many schools.The ideal candidate should have the qualifications for a teacher and have knowledge of the National Curriculum.A flexible and friendly attitude is also an essential quality.
D.Tutor Doctor is looking for experienced and capable English tutors.If you have relevant experience of tutoring or teaching and know how to get the very best out of your students in a 1to 1situation,then we would love you to join the Tutor Doctor team.Also,you must have the passion and capability to help others learn and fulfill their potential.Most tuition happens between 4:30pm and 8pm of weekdays,and at weekends.
E.The client is looking for experienced,reliable caring individuals to look after physically sick adults in their own home.You are required to follow all rules and regulations in relation to care,and perform such other duties as may reasonably be required.You must be self-motivated,flexible,caring and sensitive to the needs of others and to the sick.
F.I run a small local family magazine which relies on adverting revenue,and I need someone to help sell advertising space for the magazine.This job would ideally suit someone who used to work in sales and now needs to work hours that fit around school hours and sports days.The job won't make you rich but it will give you the opportunity to work your own hours,from home,in an enjoyable role for a well respected magazine.

46.Henry is a high school student in America.He used to do many kinds of jobs when he was a young boy,such as selling newspapers and magazine.He does not want to depend on his parents for his pocket money or waste his time hanging round at weekends.He is fond of communicating with strangers and has developed some selling skills.F
47.Miss Harrison has worked in a newspaper agency for five years.She was responsible for the advertisements in the newspaper and for a work team consisting of five members.She gave up her previous job because she had to move with her husband to a new city.She is good at dealing with strangers.A
48.Anna is a college student whose major is English.Since she came to college,she has begun to work as a tutor.This term,she still would like to work as a tutor after classes and at weekends.Without the experience of being a real teacher,she doesn't have the confidence to manage a big class,and she just wants to teach one or two students each time.D
49.Julie had been teaching in an elementary school for many years.Immediately after she graduated from a normal college,she got a Qualified Teacher Certificate.She likes teaching young children and has no problem managing a big class.She gave up her work two years ago because she had to take care of her children.But now she hopes to take it up again.C
50.Having worked as a nurse in a big hospital for years,Susan knows how to take care of patients.She does not like to stay home alone in her retirement,as her husband died of cancer years ago and all her children work in other states.She is fully aware of the needs of the patients who are suffering from physical illness.E.
12.I had a cigarette one morning as I walked along the wooded path toward my house deep in the forest.
I know smoking is bad for me,and (26)D.I had tried to kick the habit,but  (27)D.Not even when my aunt Bernie got lung cancer.How many times had she begged me to give (28)Aup?After she died,I made up my mind to stop,and did so,but  (29)CI started up again.
The house had been one of Aunt Bernie's favorite places to stay.Lately,I had earned some  (30)Bincome by renting it out.New renters were (31)Cto arrive that afternoon.
The house has no electricity,so I had to  (32)D  there was enough propane(丙烷)in the tank to   (33)C   the fridge and the stove (火炉).Seeing the house in the distance through the trees,I thought about  (34)B.I could still hear her (35)B  telling me,"Give up smoking; it will   (36)C  you."
As I was   (37)A   the house,the voice grew stronger,(38)D 38   my aunt were standing right beside me.Finally,I couldn't  (39)C   it any longer.I smothered(闷熄) it."fine,Auntie,I   (40)A see?"
I continued down the path,(41)B  the urge to light up again.Reaching the house,I opened the door.Whoa!I stepped back.The  (42)D  was strong.Propane gases!I ran around to the back and found the problem.The previous  (43)B   had forgotten to turn off the propane tank before they left.The house had been   (44)C    up with gas for a week!
If I had still been smoking that cigarette…I thought now,(45)A,My aunt Bernie was right.Smoking can kill me.The next day I started a quit-smoking program,and I haven't lit up since.

32.A.take careB.find outC.make outD.make sure
34.A.my cigaretteB.my auntC.new rentersD.the tank
38.A.even ifB.asC.becauseD.as if
40.A.put it outB.gave it upC.put it awayD.gave it way
A.The spreading tea
B.The history of tea growing
C.Changes of tastes for drinks
D.Reducing cancer risks
E.The plant Camellia sinensis
F.A woman's opinion of tea
Americans are far more knowledgeable about drinks than they were 20years ago.Witness the Starbucks revolution and you'll know where the trend goes.Now,encouraged by recent studies suggesting that it can cut the risk of cancer and heart disease and slow the aging process,tea is enjoying a similar change.Enough fashionable tea houses are springing up to make even longtime coffee drinkers consider switching drinks.
Tea is available in more places than ever.The Tea Associa-tion of the United States reports that from 1990to 1999,annual sales of the drink grew to 4.6billionfrom 1.8billion."Green tea is seen by consumers as a'functional food'"-delivering health benefits beyond food itself,says Vierhile.
Recently published studies point out that only teas that come from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis have been shown to contain health benefits.Other herbal teas may taste good,yet they do little more than warm up the drinker.But for Camellia sinensis,the evidence is powerful.In a 1998study,Harvard University researchers found that drinking one cup of black tea a day lowered the risk of heart attack by as much as 44percent compared with non-tea drinkers,and other studies have suggested that the antioxidants(抗氧化剂)in these so-called real teas can also prevent cancer.
One such antioxidant in green tea is ECGC,a compound 20times as powerful as vitamin E and 200times as powerful as vitamin C."When people ask me for something good and cheap they can do to reduce their cancer risk,I tell them to drink real tea,"says Mitchell Gaynor,director of medical oncology at New York City's Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center.
Among those inspired to become a green-tea drinker is Tess Ghilaga,a New York writer who took it up after seeking advice from a nutritionist six years ago."I've never been a cof-fee drinker,"says Ghilaga,33."She told me to start drinking green tea for the antioxidant qualities."Now Ghilaga and her husband habitually make tea-they order theirs from Inpursuitoftea.Com,an Internet tea company.And although tea contains about half the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee,"you still get such a kick from it,"says Ghilaga.

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