Jackson ,Tom, Levin, Peter和Helen想根据各自旅游的兴趣(61-65)选择自己旅游的下一个城市。阅读下面各城市的简单介绍(A、B、C、D、E和F),选出适合他们兴趣的最佳旅游城市,并在答题纸上相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

Bill: I want to go to visit a country, where I can not only enjoy fun things but also see some national parks. I don’t care about whether it has long history or not.

George: I wish I could go to a place with a very long history where I can enjoy warm beaches. At the same time, I can also visit cities well known as romantic ones. 

Franklin: I like hunting and fishing. However, this summer I want to do something for a change. I hope to visit a place with wonderful beaches and also see some ruins left by ancient people.

Louisa: My purpose of traveling is to meet more friendly people, who are easy to get along with. Meanwhile, I want to enjoy their special music. 

Nana: I have traveled to a lot of inland places. This summer I want to have some adventures on wonderful beaches where I can enjoy a variety of water sports.


Canada is known for great hunting and fishing, as well as major cities such as Toronto and Vancouver. It also has many interesting natural wonders like Niagara Falls. With two major cultures and languages, French and English, Canada offers a unique cultural experience.


The United States has many of the top tourist locations in the world. Visiting the US offers a historical view of a relatively young country. Its youth is marked by fun things to do in cities like Orlando, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and New York where theme parks, museums, and entertainment are the top America tourist attractions. The states in New England offer a good deal of locations that are great to visit if a tourist is looking to learn about US history. The western United States is home to many national parks and natural geologic formations. When looking for a relaxing tropical vacation Hawaii is the destination many Americans choose.


Mexico is an excellent place to visit for the traveler looking to both relax and explore. The country offers fantastic beaches and ancient ruins. The city of Cancun is a major city with both ancient Mayan ruins and a large beach. When looking to learn about history, Mexico is a great place to visit as it has ruins left by several different Native American tribes such as the Aztecs and the Mayans. The various resort hotels of Mexico are a great place for the traveler looking to mix relaxation with exploration.


Greece, Italy, and Spain offer warm beaches and thriving cities for the person looking to relax. The warm beaches and resorts along the Mediterranean are perfect for relaxation and fun. The Romantic cities of Venice and Paris are excellent for tourists looking to go on a romantic getaway. The exciting and historical sites of Vienna and London can be great for the traveler looking to have fun and just do some sightseeing. The colder regions of Norway, Switzerland, and Sweden are great for travelers looking for winter activities like skiing, snowboarding, or relaxing near the fireplace while the snow falls.


The splendid tourist destination of Pattaya in Thailand offers travelers a range of attractions. The Pattaya tourist attractions highlight the rich history and culture of this beautiful beach resort. Travelers will have endless pristine beaches to sunbathe or relax. There are also various types of water activities. Tourists can enjoy the various water sports such as water skiing, scuba diving, windsurfing and snorkeling. Elephant Village has in store for you all the fun you ever dreamed of. You can enjoy thrilling expeditions on elephant back, trekking though the jungle, rafting on the lake, riding on ox cart and enjoying elephant shows.


Rio de Janeiro, the city itself being one of the world’s tourist attractions, is extraordinary. Just taking in the eye candy of a city surrounded in green mountains, covered in Atlantic rainforest, and the samba music on all the happy faces of the cariocas (people born and raised in Rio) is revitalizing! The Brazilian population. They are quite something else. They are curious, open- minded, helpful and smiling people, easy to get into contact with. You can enjoy the most famous beach in the world.

Every culture has it own ways to show friendship. On the island of Hawaii, friendship is part of the “aloha spirit”. In the language of the Hawaiians who first settled the islands long ago, aloha had a very special meaning. That is “to be with happiness”.

Hawaiians believe that once somebody loves the land, they are ready to love their people or community. This is the second most important thing of friendship. It is called lokahi in the Hawaiian language, which means “oneness with all people”. To enjoy the land you should not be selfish. The land is for everyone who lives on. Today many different people call Hawaii their home. Indeed, Hawaii is a place where people make one big community from many smaller communities. Each person gives kokua(help) to other people so that all feel stronger. It is believed that the islands can be a paradise(天堂) when people live in peace. People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind that blows from the sea. When problems happen, people are asked to solve them with understanding. So when people of Hawaii talk about ohana(family), they are really talking about all those who live on the island.

Living in peace, Hawaiians have developed a third sign of friendship. This personal friendship is shown by giving leis to one another. The lei, a string of flowers, is put over a friend’s neck. Then the friend is given a kiss on the cheek. Visitors to the islands are also given leis. When they hear aloha, visitors began to feel at home. Aloha also means “goodbye”, so visitors will hear it again when they leave. It can mean “our hearts singing together”. Perhaps this is how most visitors will remember their new friendship.  

1.Which of the following can be the proper title for this text?

A.People in Hawaii                        B.Visitors to Hawaii

C.Traveling in Hawaii                       D.Friendship in Hawaii

2.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the first paragraph ?

A.Happiness matters most for Hawaiians.       B.Friendship is always together with happiness.

C.Friendship is every thing in Hawaiian culture. D.Friendship has special meanings for Hawaiians.

3.Which of the following proverb can best express the idea of friendship by Hawaiians?

A.Practice makes perfect.                  B.Love me, love my dog.

C.A penny saved is a penny gained.           D.An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

4.Which of the following is a sign to show friendship by Hawaiians?

A.A warm handshake.                      B.A kiss on the cheek.

C.A string of flowers.                      D.A big hug.

5.According to the text, which of the following Hawaiian word expresses more good wishes?

A.aloha             B.lokahi            C.kokua            D.Ohana


Every culture has it own ways to show friendship. On the island of Hawaii, friendship is part of the “aloha spirit”. In the language of the Hawaiians who first settled the islands long ago, aloha had a very special meaning. That is “to be with happiness”.

Hawaiians believe that once somebody loves the land, they are ready to love their people or community. This is the second most important thing of friendship. It is called lokahi in the Hawaiian language, which means “oneness with all people”. To enjoy the land you should not be selfish. The land is for everyone who lives on. Today many different people call Hawaii their home. Indeed, Hawaii is a place where people make one big community from many smaller communities. Each person gives kokua(help) to other people so that all feel stronger. It is believed that the islands can be a paradise(天堂) when people live in peace. People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind that blows from the sea. When problems happen, people are asked to solve them with understanding. So when people of Hawaii talk about ohana(family), they are really talking about all those who live on the island.

Living in peace, Hawaiians have developed a third sign of friendship. This personal friendship is shown by giving leis to one another. The lei, a string of flowers, is put over a friend’s neck. Then the friend is given a kiss on the cheek. Visitors to the islands are also given leis. When they hear aloha, visitors began to feel at home. Aloha also means “goodbye”, so visitors will hear it again when they leave. It can mean “our hearts singing together”. Perhaps this is how most visitors will remember their new friendship.  

1.Which of the following can be the proper title for this text?

A.People in Hawaii                        B.Visitors to Hawaii

C.Traveling in Hawaii                       D.Friendship in Hawaii

2.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the first paragraph ?

A.Happiness matters most for Hawaiians.

B.Friendship is always together with happiness.

C.Friendship is every thing in Hawaiian culture.

D.Friendship has special meanings for Hawaiians.

3.Which of the following proverb can best express the idea of friendship by Hawaiians?

A.Practice makes perfect.

B.Love me, love my dog.

C.A penny saved is a penny gained.

D.An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

4.Which of the following is a sign to show friendship by Hawaiians?

A.A warm handshake.  B.A kiss on the cheek.  C.A string of flowers.  D.A big hug.

5.According to the text, which of the following Hawaiian word expresses more good wishes?

A.aloha            B. lokahi           C.kokua            D.ohana


Bill, George, Franklin, Louisa 和 Nana 想今年夏天外出旅游。阅读下面有关六个旅游目的地的介绍(A、B、C、D、E和F),选出适合他们去的地方,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

1. Bill: I want to go to visit a country with a relatively short history, where I can not only enjoy fun things but also see some national parks.

2.George: I wish I could go to a place with a very long history where I can enjoy warm beaches. At the same time, I can also visit cities well known as romantic ones. 

3.Franklin: I like hunting and fishing. However, this summer I want to do something for a change. I hope to visit a place with wonderful beaches and also see some ruins left by ancient people.

4.Louisa: My purpose of traveling is to meet more friendly people, who are easy to get along with. Meanwhile, I want to enjoy their special music. 

5.Nana: I have travelled to a lot of inland places. This summer I want to have some adventures on wonderful beaches where I can enjoy a variety of water sports.


Canada is known for great hunting and fishing, as well as major cities such as Toronto and Vancouver. It also has many interesting natural wonders like Niagara Falls. With two major cultures and languages, French and English, Canada offers a unique cultural experience.


The United States has many of the top tourist locations in the world. Visiting the US offers a historical view of a relatively young country. Its youth is marked by fun things to do in cities like Orlando, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and New York where theme parks, museums, and entertainment are the top America tourist attractions. The states in New England offer a good deal of locations that are great to visit if a tourist is looking to learn about US history. The western United States is home to many national parks and natural geologic formations. When looking for a relaxing tropical vacation. Hawaii is the destination many Americans choose.


Mexico is an excellent place to visit for the traveler looking to both relax and explore. The country offers fantastic beaches and ancient ruins. The city of Cancun is a major city with both ancient Mayan ruins and a large beach. When looking to learn about history, Mexico is a great place to visit as it has ruins left by several different Native American tribes such as the Aztecs and the Mayans. The various resort hotels of Mexico are a great place for the traveler looking to mix relaxation with exploration.


Greece, Italy, and Spain offer warm beaches and thriving cities for the person looking to relax. The warm beaches and resorts along the Mediterranean are perfect for relaxation and fun. The Romantic cities of Venice and Paris are excellent for tourists looking to go on a romantic getaway. The exciting and historical sites of Vienna and London can be great for the traveler looking to have fun and just do some sightseeing. The colder regions of Norway, Switzerland, and Sweden are great for travelers looking for winter activities like skiing, snowboarding, or relaxing near the fireplace while the snow falls.


The splendid tourist destination of Pattaya in Thailand offers travelers a range of attractions. The Pattaya tourist attractions highlight the rich history and culture of this beautiful beach resort. Travelers will have endless pristine beaches to sunbathe or relax. There are also various types of water activities. Tourists can enjoy the various water sports such as water skiing, scuba diving, windsurfing and snorkeling. Elephant Village has in store for you all the fun you ever dreamed of. You can enjoy thrilling expeditions on elephant back, trekking though the jungle, rafting on the lake, riding on ox cart and enjoying elephant shows.


Rio de Janeiro, the city itself being one of the world’s tourist attractions, is extraordinary. Just taking in the eye candy of a city surrounded in green mountains, covered in Atlantic rainforest, and the samba music on all the happy faces of the cariocas (people born and raised in Rio) is revitalizing! The Brazilian population. They are quite something else. They are curious, open- minded, helpful and smiling people, easy to get into contact with. You can enjoy the most famous beach in the world.


The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean almost 4,000, kilometres west of California. Tourism is very important to Hawaii. The tropical weather and beaches bring people from all over the world. But Hawaii is also experiencing problems from the downturn(经济衰退).

Last year was the first year since 2004 that Hawaii has had fewer than seven million visitors. The state had 6,800,000 arrivals in 2008. That was a decrease of 10% from the year before. State officials expect a decrease this year of another 2%. And they expect no growth in the economy through most of the year.

The Hawaiian Islands were formed millions of years ago by hot liquid rock flowing from undersea volcanoes. Visitors can still watch the process take place on the largest island, which like the state is named Hawaii. People usually just call it the Big Island.

Experts say Polynesian people first sailed to Hawaii about 2,000 years ago. A king ruled the islands when the 18th century British explorer James Cook arrived. At first, Hawaiians treated Captain Cook like a god. But in the end, he was killed on the Big Island in 1779.

Britain gave the islands their independence in 1843. Then, fifty years later, a group of American businessmen ousted the ruler and founded the Republic of Hawaii. It became an American territory in 1900.

That was three years after the United States set up a naval base at Pearl Harbor, on the island of Oahu, which served as the command base for American operations in the Pacific during World War Two.

After the war, most Hawaiians required that Hawaii should be an independent state. In Congress(国会), though, there was resistance from southern states because of Hawaii’s non-white native population. But Congress passed the Hawaii Statehood Bill in 1959. Hawaiians accepted it, and on August 21st, President Eisenhower declared Hawaii the fiftieth state.

1..The number of visitors to Hawaii in 2009 is expected to be about _________.

A. 5,984,000           B. 6,664,000       C. 6,800,000       D. 6,936,000

2..When did the US set up a naval base at Pearl Harbor?

A. In 1893.            B. In 1897.        C. In 1900.        D. In 1959.

3..What does the underlined word “ousted” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. Forced out.         B. Picked out.     C. Elected.        D. Became.

4..Which of the following is the correct order in the history of Hawaii?

  a. It was ruled by a Polynesian king.   b. It became an American territory.

  c. The Republic of Hawaii was founded.  d. It was under the rule of the British.

  e. It became independent in 1843.       f. It joined the United States.

  A. a, b, d, c, e, f  B. a, e, d, c, b, f   C. a, d, e, c, b, f            D. a, e, e, d, b, f


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