
19.智力;聪明 n.intelligence.

分析 intelligence

解答 答案是intelligence;考查词义识记;intelligence  n.智力;聪明;如:Nerve cells,after all,do not have intelligence of their own.毕竟,神经细胞自身并没有智力.

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7.Taxpayers in America pay less in income tax than many Europeans,according to a Pew Research Center report.Belgium has the highest income tax rate,at nearly 56 percent of income,according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,or OECD.Taxpayers in the U.S.pay less than 36 percent of their incomes into the national treasury.Taxes pay for services provided by the government.The U.S.ranks 25 of the 34 developed countries polled in the report.
An unmarried person with no children was used as an example in the report.In America,an unmarried person,with no children,making the average wage of  50,000 in 2014 paid 24.8 percent of their income in federal income tax and payroll taxes (工资税).A similar person living in Belgium would pay 42.3 percent of their income.The average among the 39 countries in the poll was 27.3 percent income tax.
South Korea and Canada had two of the lowest tax rates.The tax rate in South Korea for a married couple with two children is between 10 percent and 20 percent.An unmarried person in Canada with two children has a tax rate below 10 percent.
The deadline to pay taxes in America is usually April 15.This year,the deadline is April 18.American taxpayers complain that wealthy people and large companies pay too little tax,according to a Pew Research Center poll from 2015.
Americans pay tax to fund programs like Social Security and Medicaid,according to the Pew Research Center.Last year,American taxes paid for  888 billion in Social Security benefits.Social Security pays the elderly an income after they stop working.The government also paid more than  546 billion in Medicaid and Medicare benefits.Those programs pay for health and medical care to people who cannot afford it,according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
28.According to the article,which of the following statements is TRUE?B
A.South Korea has the lowest tax rate.
B.No countries in the world have a higher income tax than that in Belgium.
C.Taxpayers in America pay less in taxes than many Europeans.
D.The deadline to pay taxes in America is usually between April 15 and April 18
29.The majority of people benefiting from the taxes in America areA.
A.the elderly retirees                     
B.unmarried people
C.Married couples                      
D.wealthy people and corporations
30.How is Passage 2 mainly developed?D
A.By giving descriptions              
B.By analyzing causes
C.By describing process               
D.By making comparisons
31.The best title for the text might beC.
A.The Main Use of Taxes in America
B.Taxes in America and Taxes in Other Countries
C.US Taxes Low Compared to Other Countries
D.Taxpayers'Complaints about Paying Too Much Tax.
4.July 28th,2003 London-It hasn't been like this since the death of Diana.Britain has been suffering from a national nervous breakdown ever since David Beckham,handsome idol of the Manchester United Soccer Team,announced that he was leaving to play for Real Madrid.The Sun set up a Beckham"grief(悲伤)help line"and had a lot of calls from his fans.One caller even said he was considering killing himself.A man who has"Beckham"tattooed on his arm said he wanted to cut it off."I cried myself to sleep after hearing the terrible news,"said grandmother Mary Richards,aged 85.A London taxi driver asked,"Has the world gone mad?He's only a footballer!"But he was mistaken.A footballer is the least of what David Beckham is.
In the  period of soccer  that will come to be known as B.B.-Before Beckham-the sport was a team game.What mattered was the club,the team and the player in that order.Then in the mid1990s,David Beckham-or"Becks"who  is known in that familiar shortened  form the British like to call their working class hero came along,and changed the face of soccer.It wasn't his right foot that changed the game,but his photogenic face.And the fact is that he used it to become one of the most recognizable and richest athletes in the world,receiving a salary of  8 million per year and earning at least  17 million more in advertisements.You can never imagine that his move from Manchester United to Real Madrid is  40 million.
Beckham interests not only those who have no interest in the club for which he plays,but those who have no interest in soccer.He is the most recognized sportsman in Asia and he's even managed to interest American-s.The 27-year-old,tongue-tied,surprisingly  shy working-class boy from London's East End,has turned himself into a soccer virus,one that has made the whole world mad.
12.What does the underlined word"breakdown"most probably mean in the text?B
A. A feeling of being nervous.
B. A sudden feeling of weakening the mind.
C. A feeling of being regretful.
D. A sudden failure in operation.
13.According to the text,after hearing the news  that Beckham was leaving to play for Real Madrid,B
A. many people called Beckham
B. many people called the Sun
C. a man killed himself
D. a man cut off one of his arms
14.According to the author,BeckhamC.
A. changed the size and shape of soccer
B. changed the rules of soccer
C. used his face to become famous
D. gets a salary of   65 million a year
15.We can infer from the text thatA.
A. maybe East End used to be one poor area in London
B. the Sun is a telephone company in England
C. Beckham has got a certain kind of disease
D. Beckham's move to Real Madrid reminded people of the death of Diana.
11.Information on Metabolic Syndrome (新陈代谢综合征)
ConditionTreatment:Lifestyle ChangesPractical Suggestions
Abdominal obesity
(measured by waist circumference)
Men:greater than 40inches
Women:greater than 35inches
Weight loss
Increased physical activity
Cut 250calories a day*; lose 1/2pound a week; aim for losing 20pounds in a year
30minutes of moderate activity 5days a week
High blood pressure
130/85mm Hg or greater
Weight loss
Reduced salt intake
More fruits and vegetables
Low-fat dairy products
Aim for 20-pound loss/year
Salt shaker off the table; no salt when cooking
Get at least 5servings/day
Get 3glasses of skim milk,low-fat yogurt,cheese/day
Low HDL (good) cholesterol
Men:less than 40mg/dL
Women:less than 50mg/dL
Stop smoking
Weight loss
Increased physical activity
Cut carbohydrates,eat more monounsaturated fats
Aim for 20-pound loss/year
30minutes of moderate activity 5days a week
Replace cookies,candy,cakes with unsalted almonds,walnuts,peanuts
High triglycerides level
150mg/dL or greater
Weight loss
Reduce simple carbohydrates
Limit alcohol
Raise omega-3fatty acids/Aim for 20-pound loss/year
Replace soda,juices with seltzer,water,diet soda
Limit:2drinks/day for men; 1drink/day for women
Eat fish twice/week
High blood sugar after fasting
110mg/dL or greater
Weight loss
Increase soluble fiber
Aim for 20-pound loss/year*
Replace white bread with brown bread,whole grains,cereals
70.After reading through the graph,we can clearly see thatAis now a high priority to maintain good health.
A.controlling body weight               
B.balancing daily diet
C.reducing salt intake                   
D.drinking skim milk
71.Suppose you have high blood pressure,what thing you needn't do?C
A.Reducing salt in your diet              
B.Losing weight moderately
C.Raising omega-3fatty acids intake       
D.Getting 3glasses of skim milk daily
72.If you are suggested that you have to replace white bread with brown bread,You probably have the health problem ofB
A.high triglycerides level     
B.high blood sugar after fasting
C.abdominal obesity         
D.low HDL (good) cholesterol
73.We can infer from the graph thatD.
A.keeping slim is a fashionable trend nowadays.
B.stopping smoking can make us healthy mentally and physically.
C.taking less meat and salt can help maintain normal blood pressure.
D.a little lifestyle changing can make a big difference in our body condition.
8.I was the oldest of five children back in the 60's.We lived in a nice little three-bedroom bungalow(平房)in Michigan.Mom and Dad worked so hard,yet always found the time to spend with us.The only place they could take five active children to was the drive-in(汽车影院)movies!
We always looked forward to going to the drive-in!Mom would fill a big bag with home-made popcorn.On the way there,Dad would make a special stop at the penny candy store,where we were all allowed to fill a little brown bag with all kinds of penny candy.We were so excited,as we carried our treasuresback to the car,knowing we couldn't eat it until the car-toon began.
We would get there early,so that we could play on the playground,right under the big screen.As soon as it started to get dark,the screen lit up,and we would race bake to the car to get our candy.
There were always two cartoons playing before the movie,like Felix the Cat,The Coyote,and Tom and Jerry.But what was just as exciting was the ticking clock advertisement for the refreshment stand,with dancing hot dogs,candy and ice cream.That came on right before the movie.It was all that five kids could hope for,and by then,stay awake for.
We would get home around 2 am,pretty late for us.Mom helped us drag ourselves and our pillows to our beds and dad carried in the little ones.
I was disappointed the day they closed the last drive-in in our town.It will always hold special memories for us-those days of penny candy.
25.What could the author eat when he watched the cartoons and movies?D
A.Hot dogs.
B.Ice cream.
D.Popcorn and candy.
26.What does the underlined phrase"our treasures"in the second paragraph refer to?B
A.Mom and dad.
B.The penny candy.
C.Favorite cartoons.
D.Homemade popcorn.
27.What was the last show before the movie?D
A.Felix the Cat.
B.Tom and Jerry.
C.The dancing hot dogs.
D.The ticking clock advertisement.
28.What do we know about the author?C
A.He had a boring childhood.
B.He had four younger brothers.
C.He missed the drive-in very much.
D.He didn't like watching the movies at all.
9.In the animal kingdom,weakness can bring about aggression in other animals.This sometimes happens with humans also.But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people.I see it every day when people hold doors for me,pour cream into my coffee,or help me to put on my coat.And I have discovered that it makes them happy.
From my wheelchair experience,I see the best in people,but sometimes I feel sad because those who appear independent miss the kindness I see daily.They don't get to see this soft side of others.Often,we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness,which includes a lot of pretending.But only when we stop pretending we're brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness that's in them.
Last month,when I was driving home on a busy highway,I began to feel unwell and drove more slowly than usual.People behind me began to get impatient and angry,with some speeding up alongside me,horning (按喇叭)or even shouting at me.At that moment,I decided to do something I had never done in twenty-four years of driving.I put on the car flashlights and drove on at a really low speed.
No more angry shouts and no more horns!
When I put on my flashlights,I was saying to the other drivers,"l have a problem here.I am weak and doing the best I can."And everyone understood.Several times,I saw drivers who wanted to pass.They couldn't get around me because of the stream of passing traffic.But instead of getting impatient and angry,they waited,knowing the driver in front of them was in some way weak.
Sometimes situations call for us to act strong and brave even when we don't feel that way.But those are few and far between.More often,it would be better if we don't pretend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when we're scared.

36.The author has discovered that people will feel happy whenA.
A.they offer their help
B.they receive others'help
C.they feel others'kindness
D.they show their weakness
37.The author feels sad sometimes becauseD.
A.he has a soft heart
B.he relies much on others
C.some people pretend to be kind
D.some people fail to see the kindness in others
38.What did the other drivers do when they saw the flashlights?B
A.They speeded up to pass.
B.They waited with patience.
C.They tried their best to help.
D.They put on their flashlights too.
39.In this passage,the author advises us toC.
A.handle problems by ourselves
B.accept help from others
C.admit our weakness
D.show our bravery
40.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?B
A.A Wheelchair Experience.
B.Weakness and Kindness.
C.Weakness and Strength.
D.A Driving Experience.

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