Nomads (游牧民族) who live in .the Sa?iara Desert of North Africa rely on a most unique animal for transportation — the (单峰骆驼) .Because it is necessary for desert travel,the dromedary is sometimes called the "ship of the desert ”
Several (因素) make the dromedary suitable for long desert trips. It can go for long periods 3 GUut food. ?he (驼峰) on a camel's back serves as its food reserve. When it has little to eat,It changes the fat from its hump into energy. The earner’s hump can weigh up to 80 pounds or more. When the animal has to depend on its reservoir of fat,the hump becomes much smaller. Thus,it is easy to recognize a wcll-fcd camel by the size of Its hump.
Many people believe that camels store water 1?1 their humps. This is not true. Their ability to go for days without drinking is because of other factors. First,camels are able to drink large quantities of water at one time. Some have been known to drink 53 gallons in one day. Second,the camel sweats very little and can staAd great body temperatures. As a result,it keeps most of the water it drinks and can travel severaUiundred miles without stopping to drink.
Other physical characteristics enable the camel to stand unpleasant desert conditions. It can completely :close its nose,thus protecting it from sandstorms. Its;eyes are protected from sand and sun by overhanging lids(眼皮) and long toAes (睫毛) ,and its broad feet keep it from sinking into the soft sand. No other :animal is better equipped for life in the desert than the camel. In fact,camels serve the nomadic peoples of North Africa in many ways.
5. What's the main idea of the text?
A. The dromedary is the most valuable animal.
B. The dromedary is well protected by nomads,
C. The dromedary is best equipped for desert life.
D. The dromedary's hump is of great importance.
6. According to the text, ? iomedaiy’ s hump.
A. can weigh up to 80 kilograms
B. is usually large when it is well-fed
C. makes it easier to ride on than other animals
D. can absorb the fat from other parts of its body
7. The dromedary can go for days without drinking partly because.
A. its hump can store water
B. its body temperature is low
C. it never sweats during desert trips
D. it drinks large amounts of water at a time
8. What may be talked about following the last paragraph?
A. Nomads’ lifestyle.
B. The dromedary's living habits.
C. The important roles the dromedary plays in nomads’ life.
D. The differences between the dromedary and other camels.