Blind from birth, I have never had the opportunity to see myself and have been completely dependent on the image I create in the eyes of others.

       There are those who believe that   36   I can’t see, I obviously also cannot hear. Very often people will talk with me at the top of their   37  . Conversely(相反地) to this, people will also often   38  , thinking that since my eyes don’t work, my ears don’t either. For example, when I go to the airport and ask the ticket agent for   39  to the plane, he or she will always pick up the phone and call a ground hostess in a very low voice. "Hi, Jane, wave got a 76 here." I have concluded that the word "  40  " is not used because they are unwilling to inform me of my condition of which I may not have been previously   41  .

       On the other hand, others know that of course I can hear, but believe that I can’t talk. Once I became ill and was hospitalized. Immediately after I was    42  , I was wheeled down to the X-ray room. Just at the door sat an elderly woman(judging from her voice) asked the orderly(护工) who had been wheeling me:" What is your name?" “What’s your name?” the orderly   43   to me. "Harold Krents", I replied. "Harold Krents", he repeated. "When was he born?" "When were you born?" This continued for about five minutes before I finally interrupted, "Look, this is absolutely   44   . OK, I can’t see, but it’s going to become pretty  45   to both of you that I don’t need an interpreter." “He says he doesn’t need an interpreter," the orderly reported to the woman. 

       The   46   misconception of all is the view that because I can’t see, I can’t  47  . I was turned down by over forty law firms,   48   my qualifications included a cum laude(优等成绩) degree from Harvard Law School. The  49  to find jobs, the continuous   50  of being told that it was impossible for a blind person to   51  law, the rejection letter, not based on my lack of   52  but rather on my disability, will always remain one of the most upsetting experiences of my life.

      53  , the Department of Labor issued laws that demand equal  54  opportunities for the disabled. The business community’s response has been   55  . The attitude towards the disabled is beginning to change.

A.since          B.although         C.whether that

A.lungs          B.ears           C.head      D.eyes

A.shout         B.laugh           C.whisper    D.cry

A.welcome       B.permission       C.advice      D.assistance

A.passenger      B.blind           C.trouble     D.situation

A.afraid        B.aware           C.curious     D.desperate

A.invited        B.released        C.included   D.admitted

A.asked          B.responded     C.repeated    D.exchanged

A.cheerful     B.ridiculous        C.charming  D.disgusting

A.clear          B.easy          C.confusing  D.doubtful

A.earliest        B.slightest        C.latest     D.toughest

A.think     D.understand if           B.even though that case

A.attempt        B.opportunity      C.mistake     D.success

A.disappointmentB.relief          C.envy        D.effort

A.disobey      B.challenge      C.practice    D.make

A.confidence    B.luck           C.ability      D.ambition

A.Regretfully    B.Purposely       C.Exactly     D.Fortunately

A.caring         B.employment     C.learning    D.traveling

A.enthusiastic   B.passive          C.negative    D.uncertain

A Faithful Father
My husband ,kissed me  goodbye ,stroked, the baby’s  cheek and then rushed out of the door ,into his busy day. With the cold of the morning fading, I fed my baby and it fell fast asleep. Usually I would place it in bed and quickly have the house somewhat in 36______ ,
This morning ,however, I stayed seated ,just 37_____,with the baby in my arms ,The thoughts  ran into 38______ of the mornings with my husband, a father rushing out of the door to meet the obligations of life. It was only a small jump to thoughts of my own 39______
My mother passed away when I was ten, and as I looked 40 ______I could see how much of a family man my dad was. He went to work every morning and 41______ to his family every evening. He 42______ food, clothing, warmth ,and protection. He was a faithful father.
Setting the baby down ,I dialed the 43 ______ number. I had just realized the 44 ______ of the ordinary—the daily life going on around us that we often took for granted, and that it needed to be 45______
“Hi ,Dad. ” I said, 46______ back tears.
“Hey, Bud- How are you? ” 47______ was in his voice.:
“ Fine, Fm just calling to say. ,, thank you. ” I got it out before my throat 48______ too much for me to speak.
"What for?”
— For getting up and going to work every morning of ray life. Now that I have my' own 49______ and I see my husband doing the same ,I just wanted to thank you for being 50______ ”
There was 51______ for a moment as my dad composed himself ,and with a small . .52______ in his voice he said, “You’re welcome, Bud. ”
I don’t  remember much of the rest of the call, 53______ that moment of revelation (显露) about my father, I will never forget. There are those who are known for their heroic 54 ______,and also those who are known for their fortunes and fame ,but it is the 55 ______everyday fathers who are the true heroes. I’m thankful that my father was one of them.

A.thinkingB.dreamingC.imagining D.praying

The first thing my host father “warmed” me was that almost everyone in America was a big hugger.
I didn’t understand what he meant until my first party. Whether they were friends or strangers, teenagers or elders, girls or guys, everyone I met gave me a big hug.
However, as time went on, I began to understand America’s hugging culture. When a friend broke up with me, I was sad. When I told my best American friend about it, she said nothing but put her arms around me. Then warmth of the hug was a greater comfort than anything she could have said to me.
One winter day I was walking along the street, shivering(颤抖). It was then I saw two women, each holding a paper board, on which there were two words:FREE HUGS. Their were red because of the freezing weather and they were jumping up and down to keep themselves warm. “Hi, girl! Do you want a hug?” One of them asked me. I went up and opened my arms. The hug was short but warm and it took some of the coldness of the day away.
After that I became a big hugger myself. One time my host father and I were traveling to another town. When we reached a restaurant where my friend Cindy worked, he stopped the car.
“What’ wrong?” I asked.” “Alice, why don’t you go inside and give Cindy a hug?” He suggested. I went into the restaurant, ran straight up to Cindy, and gave her a hug before she realized what was going on. “That was a big surprise! And you got my day sweetie! ” She told me later.
A hug is a way to communicate love and care. Do you want a hug? My arms are wide open.
56.The point of the first three paragraphs is to explain      . body language is more important than actual words
B.why hugging is so important in American culture expressing, feelings can be difficult for Chinese the author’s attitude toward hugging culture changed
57.We can infer from the passage that the host father      .
A.seldom has has time to spend with the author
B.often shares his experience with the author
C.warns the author of the possible danger
D.teachers the author to show her care for her friends
58.According the passage, a hug can make us feel
A.comforted, loved and cared for                   B.happy, understood and amazed                 
C.excited, wise and surprised     D.cared for, wise and happy

It was the summer of 1936.The Olympic Games were being held in Berlin.I had trained, sweated and disciplined myself for 6 years on the running broad jump.A year before, as a college student at the Ohio State, I'd set the world's record of 26 feet 8 1/4 inches.Nearly everyone expected me to win.
I was in for a surpriseWhen the time came for the broad-jump trials(选拔赛), I was shocked to see a tall boy hitting the pit (坑) at almost 26 feet on his practice leaps.He turned out to be a German named Luz Long.He had easily qualified for the finals on his first attempt.
A nervous athlete is an athlete who will make mistakes.I fouled (犯规)twice on my qualifying jumps.Walking a few yards from the pit, I kicked at the dirt disgustedly.Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.I turned to look into the friendly blue eyes of Luz Long."Hi, I'm Luz Long.I don't think we've met." "Glad to meet you," I said.Then, trying to hide my nervousness, I added, "How are you?" "I'm fine.Something must be eating you.You should be able to qualify with your eyes closed." He said.
He seemed to understand my nervousness, and took pains to reassure me.Finally, seeing that I had calmed down somewhat, he said, "What does it matter if you're not the first in the trials? Tomorrow is what counts." All the tension left my body as the truth of what he said hit me.Confidently I qualified with almost a foot to spare.
Luz broke his own record and pushed me on to a peak performance.The instant I landed from my final jump—the one which set the Olympic record of 26 feet 5 1/16 inches—he was at my side, congratulating me.
【小题1】The author said "I was in for a surprise" because he _____.

A.beat Luz LongB.met a great competitor
C.qualified for the finalD.joined in the Olympic Games
【小题2】What can we learn about the author from the passage?
A.He remained confident in the Olympic Games.
B.He had qualified for the finals on his first attempt.
C.He broke the world record of the running broad jump.
D.He had prepared for Berlin Olympics in Ohio State.
【小题3】What is the passage mainly about?
A.A memorable experience in the Olympics.
B.A reliable man in the Olympic Games.
C.A surprising result in the Olympic Games.
D.A good suggestion on how to win in the Olympics

A.It is about the legend of vampire, the story of the wolf man, the campus life, moved love story, horror, adventure and other elements. The story begins with the main character, Isabella (Bella) Swan, moving from Phoenix, to the small town of Forks, a dreary and rain-filled place, to live with her father. She develops a relationship with fellow student, Edward Cullen, who initially annoys her, but despite a rough beginning, they fall in love. After witnessing some strange behavior from Edward, Bella eventually discovers that he is a vampire, but despite the very real risk to her life, she cannot bear to be apart from him. Eventually Bella is introduced to Edward’s vampire family, not all of who welcome her with open arms, however, it is Edward’s family that go to great lengths to save Bella when her life is threatened.
B. With an absent father and a withdrawn and depressed mother, 17 year-old Ree Dolly keeps her family together in a dirt poor rural area. She's taken backwards however when the local Sheriff(县治安官) tells her that her father put up their house for his bail(保释)and unless he shows up for his trial in a week's time, they will lose it all. She knows her father is involved in the local drug trade and manufactures crystal meth but anywhere she goes the message is the same: stay out of it and stop poking your nose in other people's business. She refuses to listen, even after her father's brother, Teardrop, tells her he's probably been killed. She pushes on, putting her own life in danger, for the sake of her family until the truth, or enough of it, is revealed.
C. Dom Cobb is a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable. Cobb's rare ability has made him a coveted(妄想的) player in this deceitful new world of corporate espionage, but it has also made him an international fugitive. Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption(赎). One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible-inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. But no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move...
D. Reflecting on her earlier life, she observes that for most of it she was either with a man or in the process of leaving one, and so in the first stages of her journey she experiments with singleness. Not with solitude, exactly, since Liz is naturally sociable and acquires friends easily. Back home in New York she has Delia, and in Rome a Swedish woman named Sofi introduces her to an amicable(心平气和)group of Italians, including a fellow whose last name is Spaghetti. While he is seen mainly in group shots, his namesake food is filmed in loving close-ups. In keeping with the theme of self-examination, Liz’s trip is confined to countries that begin with the letter “I”. From the ruins of Italy, to an ashram in India, and then to Indonesia......
E. John Crowley is a worried businessman and father of two children stricken with Pompe disease, suffering of muscle deterioration(恶化)with an age expectancy of nine years. With critical birthdays looming on the horizon, Crowley decides to take a chance and pursue research scientist Robert Stonehill, a rebellious thinker in the field of Pompe with radical ideas on enzyme therapy. Promising money he doesn't necessarily have, Crowley talks Stonehill into a business venture, pushing the irascible(暴躁的) scientist into research while he worries about the cash flow. With the clock ticking, Stonehill presents challenging theories, irritating the interest of pharmaceutical giants, who demand results practically overnight. With Stonehill feeling the heat during this demoralizing process, Crowley fights to maintain the face of Pompe, to keep the cure from becoming just another compromised drug on the market.
F. Bob Ho, a Chinese spy who was loaned to the CIA and is now retiring so he can settle down and marry his girlfriend, Gillian, who lives next door and doesn't know he's a spy. She thinks he's a pen importer. Around her, Bob acts like a boring country man, wears eyeglasses, and hides his super-spy abilities. Gillian loves that he's normal and reliable, not like her ex-husband, who ran off and left her with three kids. So Gillian has to go out of town because her father's in the hospital, and Bob volunteers to babysit so he can bond with the children. Meanwhile, a Russian terrorist named Poldark has escaped CIA custody and is looking for a top-secret code that young Ian accidentally downloaded from Bob's computer, which means Poldark and his goons are going to show up any minute now and kill them all. Bob must save the children -- and the world!
【小题1】A. Yeah. I'm in love. I'm having a relationship with my pizza. You look like you're breaking up
with the    pizza. What's the matter?
B: I can't.
A: What do you mean, you can't? This is pizza in Napoli. It is your moral imperative to eat that pizza.
B: I want to, but I've gained, like, 10 pounds. I mean, I've got this.... Right here. What's it called? What's the word?
A: A muffin top. I have one too.
【小题2】   A: C came by looking for Dad. If he don't show up for his court date, we're gonna lose the house. I gotta     get down to the Arkansas line.
B: I gotta ask him. It's his truck. He said no.
A: Did you tell him I'd spring for gas?
B: I told him. He still won't.
A: Why not?
【小题3】A: Dream within a dream, huh. I'm impressed. But in my dream, you play by my rules.
B: Yes, but you see Mr. A...
C: We're not in your dream.
B: We're in mine.
【小题4】   A: Can we go back to business?
B: Would it help to mention I'm retired?
A: Retired men don't download secrets.
B: I never downloaded anything.
C: He's lying.
B: Who are you going to believe? Me or the traitor?
D: Someone has been a very naughty boy. He's got cameras and microphones mounted all over the     place.
D: Good plan, filming us together.
B: How could you turn against your country?
【小题5】   A: You're B, the new girl. Hi, I'm A, the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?
B: I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type.
A: Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page.
B: No, I'm not. You...Please don't have any sort of...
A: Chillax. No feature.
B: Okay, thanks.

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