
Teaching               child to cook will improve many of the skills that he or she will need later in               life.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
“a+可数名词单数”表示某一类中的一个,是泛指;life是抽象名词,前不加冠词,但是可以说“in one’s life”。

One night, a young school teacher had a dream.In his dream, an angel appeared and said to him, "You will be given a child who will grow up to become a world  26 .How will you prepare him so that he will realize his 27 , grow in confidence, be open-minded, and strong in character? In short, what kind of 28  will you provide so that he can become one of the truly  29 leaders?"
The young teacher 30  in a cold sweat.It had never 31  to him before --- any one of his present or future students could be the person  32  in his dream.Was he preparing them to  33  to any position which they want? He thought, "How might my  34 change if I knew that one of my students was this person?" He 35 began to develop a plan in his mind.
His teaching 36Every young person who walked through his 37 became, for him, a future world leader.He saw each one, not as they were, but as they could be.He 38 the best from his students, yet tempered (使缓和) it with compassion (同情).He taught each one 39 the future of the world depended on his instruction.
After many years, a man he taught rose to a 40 of world prominence (著名).Of all the various teachers in his life, he was the 41
Children are  42  messages we send to a time and place we will never see.Believe that one child’s  43  may depend upon influence only you can provide, and something remarkable will 44 For no young person will ever be 45 to you again.And you will never be the same.

A.unlessB.becauseC.only ifD.as if

Once upon a time, there was a group of forest deer. In this group was a wise and respected   36 , smart in the ways of deer. He taught the tricks of   37  to the fawn-the young deer.
One day, his younger sister   38  her son to him, to be taught   39  is so important for deer. The teacher said to the fawn, “Very well, you can come at this time tomorrow for your first   40 .”
At first, the young deer came to the lessons   41  he was supposed to. But soon, he became more interested in   42  with the other young bucks(雄鹿). He didn’t realize how   43  it could be for a deer who learned   44  but deer games. So he started
  45 . Soon he was escaping school all the time.
  46 , one day the fawn who played hooky   47  a snare(陷阱)and was trapped. Since he was   48 , his mother got worried. She went to her brother the teacher, and
  49  him if her son had learned something. The teacher   50 ,”My dear sister, your son was disobedient and   51 . Out of respect for you, I   52  to teach him. But he did not want to learn the   53  of deer. He played hooky! How could I possibly teach him?”
Later they heard the sad news. The   54  fawn had been trapped and killed by a hunter. He skinned him and took the meat home to his family.
The moral is: Nothing can be learned from a teacher by one who   55  the class.

A.working hardB.cutting classesC.playing gamesD.teaching others
A.found outB.set upC.stepped inD.got over
A.made up my mindB.tried my bestC.gave upD.would like

The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights.It   36   me of how many people I’ve seen who take the yellow light as a   37   to go faster.I also can’t understand why people don’t move when the traffic light has turned green.Above all, there are those   38   situations in which someone doesn’t even   39   that the light turns red, and just keeps going.That is why so many   40   happen! All these situations make me   41__    the purpose of traffic lights.
42   , it’s even more frightening to imagine letting people make their own decisions at   __43   crossroads.Do the biggest cars get to go first? Who decides who goes next? So I guess I do like the idea of a system to   44   traffic.And I’ll do my best to   45   the traffic rules: to go, to be cautious, and to stop when I’m   46   to.
It occurs to me that my   47   have done much the same for me   48   teaching me how to live.They have given me many   49   lights: to get along well with others, to listen and talk to them, to help others, and to   50   with joy and purpose.They have also given me some red lights   51   my life goes astray(误入歧途): not to be greedy, to keep my temper, and to control my desires.And there   52   have been some yellow caution lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behavior, and to   53    school regularly and work hard.
If I obey these rules, my life will be as   54   as it can be.Just as I’m wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when I’m walking across the street, I’m wise to pay attention to the“   55__ signals” given to me by my parents.

A.noticeB.senseC.remember D.feel
A.think ofB.wonder aboutC.care forD.worry about
A.Besides B.AnywayC.InsteadD.However
A.in charge ofB.in face of C.in terms ofD.indanger of
A.liveB.share C.workD.communicate
A.unlessB.when C.beforeD.till
A.still B.evenC.onlyD.also

Besides calling 911, here is what to do in some life-threatening emergencies when no one is around to help.
Lost in the wilderness
First, you’ve got to acknowledge you're in trouble. Stay where you can be seen, clearly and remember to rest. Keeping a sense of humor helps too -- it reduces strum and helps creative thinking. In a wide open area, make a colorful cress out of rocks to show your present position.
Aim to hit the top of the chair against your stomach, in the soft part below the bony upside-down V of the ribs (肋骨). Make a sudden push against the chair. If you still can’t breathe after six tries, call 911, even if you can’t talk. Write the word “choking” somewhere nearby, and leave the line open until help arrives.
Severe bleeding
Use your hand or clean cotton, or paper towels, or a scarf, or any cloth you can find, and push down on the wound until the bleeding stops. But if you put a band around your leg tightly, you’re going to close the vessels (血管) to the entire leg. In this way, you could loose foot.
Bear attack
If yon surprise a bear, don't run away. That invites an attack. Instead, stand up and back away slowly, without looking the bear in the eyes. If it does charge (猛冲) at you, stick out your chest, raise your arms, and spread your legs. Shout at the bear, to frighten it. If it's going to attack, lie facedown, with your hands held firmly behind your neck. Play dead until you're sure the bear is gone.
1. When you see a colorful cross made of rocks in the wilderness, you know ______.
A. someone is bleeding                  B. someone is choking
C. someone is lost                      D. someone is attacked by a bear
2. If you are still choking after six tries, you should ______.
A. keep a sense of humor                 B. call 911 and leave the line open
C. use your hand our clean cotton         D. lie down with your hands behind your neck
3. Don't tie around your bleeding leg tightly, or you could ______.
A. stop bleeding  B. reduce stress   C. loose your foot      D. cause breathlessness
4. The passage is mainly teaching us how to ______.
A. survive the emergencies                      B. avoid a bear attack.  
C. deal with a choke                         D. find our way

Poorer children would be offered the chance to attend lessons on Saturday to help catch up with their middle class peers (同龄人), the shadow schools secretary, Michael Gove, said today. The Conservatives would give English state schools the freedom to choose to have longer teaching hours and extra classes at the weekend, he told the Association of Teachers and Lecturers’ annual conference.?
Gove said the move would help to close the achievement gap with richer children whose parents could afford extras such as tutoring and music lessons.?
He told delegates (代表) in Manchester: “For children who come from homes where parents don’t have the resources to provide additional stretch and cultural experiences, there are benefits in having those children in the learning environment, in school, for longer.”?
“Parents would love to have schools starting earlier in some circumstances, and certainly going on later in the afternoon, given the reality of their working lives,” he said. He held up the example of Kipp (Knowledge is Power Program) schools in the US, which are often based in the poorest communities and open from 7:30 am to 5pm on weekdays, plus Saturdays.?
But it would be up to schools to decide to offer longer hours, Gove added. ?
Parents said Saturday classes could become a “badge of dishonor” if pupils were forced to go, while teachers raised concerns about their workload.?
Margaret Morrissey, of Parents Outloud, said: “I think the suggestion the government made about one-to-one teaching for these kids would be a more preferable way of improving these children’s performance. I’m just not sure whether taking away a child at weekends is actually going to make them cleverer in the week.”?
The ATL’s general secretary, Mary Bousted, said: “If we want Saturday schools, then we need more teachers doing the extra hours, not the same teachers working longer.”?
51. The program is intended for children____________. ?
A. who are from middle-class families?
B. whose parents can’t afford extra help ?
C. who perform poorly academically ?
D. whose weekends are mostly unoccupied
52. “Additional stretch” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to_________.?
A. music lessons
B. physical relaxation ?
C. entertainment activities?
D. out-of-school improvement
53. Why did Gove mention Kipp schools in the US? ?
A. To make a comparison.?
B. To introduce a new program.?
C. To seek supportive evidence.?
D. To prove his program is better.
54. What is Margaret Morrissey’s opinion about the new program? ?
A. Favorable.          B. Doubtful.           C. Optimistic.         D. Acceptable.
55. Which of the following is true??
A. Teachers may not like the program. ?B. Schools are trying to make profits.?
C. The program is already under way.  D. The program is popular with children.

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