
背书填空 ( 每空一词,每空0.5分,共计15分)
【小题1】The Olympic ______ is “Faster, Higher, stronger”.
【小题2】______ there is a river, there is a city. Perhaps this is not always true, but it is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been ______ on the banks of a river.
【小题3】In the 1984 Olympic Games, Carl Lewis from the USA won four medals in ______ and ______ and became one of the best ______ in the 20th century.
【小题4】The Neva River flows ______ the centre of St Petersburg in Russia.
【小题5】Following the history-making ______ in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China won another______ in 2001 which was not for medal.
【小题6】When asked about the ______ of his success, Steven Spielberg said that he ______ much of his success and happiness ______ his wife and children.
【小题7】If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to ______ ______ before it is too late.
【小题8】Cellphones, or ______ phones, make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.
【小题9】If the new species is too strong or uses too much of the ______ in the habitat, some of the ______ species may become endangered.
【小题10】The latest cellphones have ______ such as games, music and an electronic calendar that will ______ you about appointments and important dates.
【小题11】People who go to a ______ Western dinner party for the first time may surprised by table ______ in Western culture. Knowing them will help you make a good ______.
【小题12】They are all used to their ______: that is, they have learnt how to live successfully in their habitat. When the habitat of a species is changed or _______ , the animal or plant has to either ______ to the change or find a new home.
【小题13】Chuck learns that we need friends to share ______ and ______, and that it is important to have someone to care about.
【小题14】The knife and fork that are ______ to your plate are a little bit bigger than the ones beside them.
【小题15】In 1776 America became an ______ country. After that, the ______ slowly began to change.

【小题2】where, built 
【小题3】track, field, sportsmen  
【小题5】success, competition
【小题6】secret, owes, to   
【小题7】take ,measures  
【小题9】resources, original
【小题10】features, remind    
【小题11】formal, manners, impression   
【小题12】environment, destroyed, adapt
【小题13】happiness, sorrow     
【小题15】independent, language

【小题1】motto        名词箴言格言motto
【小题2】where, built 第一个where引导是一个地点状语从句,第二句使用被动语态,故使用过去分词。
【小题3】track, field, sportsmen  在田径方面in track and field;名词sportsmen运动员
【小题4】through   介词经过through
【小题5】success, competition 名词成功success, 名词竞争比赛competition;在另外一个方面取得了成功。
【小题6】secret, owes, to   名词secret秘密。固定词组owe…to…把…归功于…
【小题7】take ,measures  固定词组take measures采取措施做某事
【小题8】mobile    形容词mobile移动的
【小题9】resources, original 名词资源resource,本句使用复数形式。形容词原始的,最初的original.
【小题10】features, remind    名词feature特点。动词提醒remind
【小题11】formal, manners, impression
【小题12】environment, destroyed, adapt 名词environment环境;动词destroy破坏,该动词的过去式,或者过去分词直接加ed。
【小题13】happiness, sorrow     本句的happiness与sorrow都是抽象名词。
【小题14】closest     固定词组be close to靠近,接近…
【小题15】independent, language 形容词独立的independent,名词language是指语言。


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