阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)

  British higher education has had a long history.There are over forty universities in Britain.The world famous universities, Oxford and Cambridge, are the oldest ones dating from 1167 and 1284.Of cabinet ministers(内阁部长)who went to universities, nearly all went to one or the other of these two, and to Oxford in particular.Oxford gets started in the twelfth century.It has twenty-three ordinary colleges for men, five for women, with about 12,000 students in all.There is no single building which can be called“the University”and no definite area which could be called a“campus”because the colleges and university buildings are scattered(分散的)about the town.The university prescribes syllabi (规定教学大纲)arranges examinations and awards degrees.Part of the teaching is by means of lectures organized by the university; any students may attend any university lecture.The average don(教师)gives one or two lectures a week on a subject which is his special field of interest.

  At the beginning of each term a list is published showing all the lectures being given during the term.Every student can choose the lectures he likes.Attendance at university lectures is not compulsory(要求的,强迫的)and no records of attendance are kept.Apart from lectures teaching is by means of the“tutorial system”(导师制),which is one of the two Oxford and Cambridge features that are widely admired and are being gradually extended to other universities.Each student gets personal tuition once a week in his or her tutor's own room, sitting in an armchair and reading out an essay which he or she and the tutor then discuss.This, with a weekly programme of private study, is considered so important at Oxford and Cambridge that students are not even compelled(强迫)to attend general lectures, which must therefore be of high quality if they are to attract a large student audience.


“There is no single building which can be called‘the University’”means ________.

[  ]


there isn't any building in the university


the buildings are scattered about the university town


the buildings can only be found in the campus


there isn't any university or campus there


From the passage we can infer that________.

[  ]


it's very easy to study in the Oxford or Cambridge


teaching in Oxford or Cambridge is an easy job


the students have the freedom to choose the lectures he likes


the students attend lectures only at the beginning of each term


Which of the following statement about“tutorial system”is NOT true?

[  ]


Each student has personal tuition every week.


Each student has to visit his or her tutor sitting in an armchair and chatting with the tutor.


Students are not forced to attend general lectures.


Private study is considered to be very important in Oxford and Cambridge.


The passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]


the students in Oxford and Cambridge


the tutors in Oxford and Cambridge


the buildings in Oxford and Cambridge


Oxford, Cambridge and their systems

Every country has its different customs when visiting other people's homes for a dinner party. It's important to know these before visiting a foreign country, so that you can avoid making embarrassing mistakes. Three people from different countries explain how to behave at a dinner party there.

Masako, Japan

The first thing to remember when visiting a Japanese home for dinner is that you should always dress correctly, as if going to the office. Casual wear is not appropriate. When you meet someone in Japan you should always bow. A deep bow is suitable for someone older or senior to you, while a short bow is suitable for younger people or your peers. Remember to take off your shoes when you enter the house. Always take a gift when you visit a Japanese home. Your host will expect it. It is important to arrive on time, and certainly not more than five minutes late. Don't sit down at the table until your host tells you where to sit. When you have finished eating and drinking, return your chopsticks to the chopstick rest, and do not finish your glass. If you do so, your host will pour more into the glass.

Mamadou, Senegal

Don't be surprised if there are only men or only women at your table when you go out to dinner in Senegal. Men and women sometimes eat separately in nay country. Wait until your host tells you where to sit. We normally sit on the floor to eat. First, everyone washes their hands in a washing basin. When the food comes it will be placed in front of you, and at first you will be offered food from the dishes by your host. Later you can serve yourself from the dishes, but make sure you do not lean over the food. Take food from the part of the bowl closest to you. Try a little of everything. It is polite to do so. Please make sure your feet do not touch the mat on which the food is placed.

Luis, Spain

Spanish dinner parties are great fun. We often start late in the evening and don't get up to leave until the small hours of the morning. I think you will enjoy going out to dinner in Spain. Firstly, never arrive on time. Fifteen or twenty minutes late is normal. Shake hands with your host, smile and look him in the eye. If he offers you a cup of coffee, be sure to accept it. Not to do so would be to reject your host' s kindness. A gift is not necessary, but will be welcomed. Food is served on individual plates, western-style, and is eaten with a knife and fork. Keep your hands where others can see them during the meal, but don' t put your elbows on the table. When you have finished, put your knife and fork at an angle on the plate. Try to finish your food if you can!

72. What is the purpose of the writer in writing this passage?

A. To introduce some customs in foreign countries.

B. To tell stories about three people at dinner parties.

C. To avoid making embarrassing mistakes when dining abroad.

D. To show the importance of cultural awareness when travelling abroad.

73. From Masako's explanation, we can know that in Japan _________.

A. young people bow not so deeply as older or senior people

B. old people don't have to bow to young people

C. young people do not bow deeply to those of the same age

D. all people should bow deeply to each other when they meet

74. Which of the following should a guest in Senegal do when the food is served?

A. Wait until the host asks him/her to eat.                  B. Don't eat until the host helps him/her.

C. Help himself/herself to anything he likes.              D. Eat up the food from the closest plate.

75. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The Japanese sit on the floor and eat in front of a mat.

B. The Senegalese sit on the floor and eat at a table.

C. The Spanish sit at a table and eat with chopsticks.

D. The Japanese sit at a table and eat with chopsticks.

Every country has its different customs when visiting other people's homes for a dinner party. It's important to know these before visiting a foreign country, so that you can avoid making embarrassing mistakes. Three people from different countries explain how to behave at a dinner party there.
Masako, Japan
The first thing to remember when visiting a Japanese home for dinner is that you should always dress correctly, as if going to the office. Casual wear is not appropriate. When you meet someone in Japan you should always bow. A deep bow is suitable for someone older or senior to you, while a short bow is suitable for younger people or your peers. Remember to take off your shoes when you enter the house. Always take a gift when you visit a Japanese home. Your host will expect it. It is important to arrive on time, and certainly not more than five minutes late. Don't sit down at the table until your host tells you where to sit. When you have finished eating and drinking, return your chopsticks to the chopstick rest, and do not finish your glass. If you do so, your host will pour more into the glass.
Mamadou, Senegal
Don't be surprised if there are only men or only women at your table when you go out to dinner in Senegal. Men and women sometimes eat separately in nay country. Wait until your host tells you where to sit. We normally sit on the floor to eat. First, everyone washes their hands in a washing basin. When the food comes it will be placed in front of you, and at first you will be offered food from the dishes by your host. Later you can serve yourself from the dishes, but make sure you do not lean over the food. Take food from the part of the bowl closest to you. Try a little of everything. It is polite to do so. Please make sure your feet do not touch the mat on which the food is placed.
Luis, Spain
Spanish dinner parties are great fun. We often start late in the evening and don't get up to leave until the small hours of the morning. I think you will enjoy going out to dinner in Spain. Firstly, never arrive on time. Fifteen or twenty minutes late is normal. Shake hands with your host, smile and look him in the eye. If he offers you a cup of coffee, be sure to accept it. Not to do so would be to reject your host' s kindness. A gift is not necessary, but will be welcomed. Food is served on individual plates, western-style, and is eaten with a knife and fork. Keep your hands where others can see them during the meal, but don' t put your elbows on the table. When you have finished, put your knife and fork at an angle on the plate. Try to finish your food if you can!

  1. 1.

    What is the purpose of the writer in writing this passage?

    1. A.
      To introduce some customs in foreign countries.
    2. B.
      To tell stories about three people at dinner parties.
    3. C.
      To avoid making embarrassing mistakes when dining abroad.
    4. D.
      To show the importance of cultural awareness when travelling abroad.
  2. 2.

    From Masako's explanation, we can know that in Japan _________.

    1. A.
      young people bow not so deeply as older or senior people
    2. B.
      old people don't have to bow to young people
    3. C.
      young people do not bow deeply to those of the same age
    4. D.
      all people should bow deeply to each other when they meet
  3. 3.

    Which of the following should a guest in Senegal do when the food is served?

    1. A.
      Wait until the host asks him/her to eat.                 
    2. B.
      Don't eat until the host helps him/her.
    3. C.
      Help himself/herself to anything he likes.             
    4. D.
      Eat up the food from the closest plate.
  4. 4.

    Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    1. A.
      The Japanese sit on the floor and eat in front of a mat.
    2. B.
      The Senegalese sit on the floor and eat at a table.
    3. C.
      The Spanish sit at a table and eat with chopsticks.
    4. D.
      The Japanese sit at a table and eat with chopsticks.

Old age,I decided,is a gift.The other day a young person asked me how l felt about being old.I was taken aback.for I do not think of myself as old.Upon seeing my reaction.he was immediately embarrassed(尴尬的),but I explained that it was an interesting question,and I would think it over,and let him know.

      Old age is a gift.I am now,probably for the first time in my life,the person I have always wanted to be.As I’ve aged.I’ve become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself.I don’t scold myself for eating that extra cookie,or for not making my bed…I am entitled to overeat,to be messy.I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging.

      I will walk along the beach in a swimming suit that is stretched over my fat body.and will dive into the waves freely if I choose to,in spite of the pitying glances from the bikini sets.They,too,will get old.

      Sure,over the years my heart has been broken.How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one,or when a child suffers,or even when a beloved pet is hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength,understanding and sympathy.A heart never broken will never know the joy of being imperfect.

      So,to answer your question, I like being old.It has set me flee.I like the person I have become.I am not going to live forever.but while I am still here.1 will not waste time feeling sorry for what could have been,or worrying about what will be.And I shall eat dessert every single day.

1.Which of the following may be the title of the text?

      A.The Aged.                                            B.Old age is a gift.

      C.Are you getting older?                                 D.Don’t be afraid of aging.

2.Why did the author like being old?

      A.Because he is actually not old.

      B.Because he becomes the person he really wanted to be.

      C.Because he can do everything now.

      D.Because being old can make him enjoy many special rights.

3.According to the text,he likes to do the following except __________.

      A.eat extra cookie if he likes                         B.dive into the waves freely

      C.leave things as he likes                                D.do what others like him to do

4.According to the text,we know that ___________.

      A.imperfection is never a good thing

      B.being forgetful will always cause trouble

      C.becoming aging is miserable

      D.aging sometimes means freedom

5.What does the underlined phrase refer to in the third paragraph?

    A.beautiful swimming suits                          B.short clothes used for swimming

    C.some younger persons                                D.couples of swimming lovers

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