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Sports and games do much good to our health£®
They can make us strongly and keep us fit£®Especially they can be of _
very value to the people who work with their brains most of the
day£¬for sports and games give people valuable practices in ___________
exercising the body£®
Sports and games also very useful in character-training£® ___________
They usually demand not only of physical skill and strength ___________
but also courage£¬discipline and teamwork£®For boys and ___________
girls£¬which is learned on the playground often has a deep effect ___________
on their character£®If each of them learned to work for his team ___________
and not for him on the football field£¬he will later find it ___________
natural to work for good of his country£¬instead of for only his ___________
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ10¡¿good Ç°the