
The Turning Point

A handsome, middle aged man walked quietly into the cafe and sat down. Before he  1 , he couldn't help but  2  a group of younger men at the table next to him. It was  3  they were making fun of something about him, and it wasn't until he remembered he was  4  a small pink ribbon on the lapel (翻领) of his suit that he became aware of what the  5 was all about.

The man  6  the reaction as ignorance, but the smirks (嬉笑) began to get to him. He looked one of the  7  men square in the eye, placed his hand beneath the ribbon and asked, "This?"

With that the men all began to laugh out loud. The man he  8  said, as he fought back  9 , "Hey, sorry man, but we were just commenting on how  10  your little ribbon looks against your blue jacket!"

The middle aged man  11  motioned for the joker to come over to his table, and invited him to sit down. As  12  as he was, the guy obliged, not really sure why. In a  13  voice, the middle aged man said, "I wear this ribbon to bring  14  about breast cancer. I wear it in my mother's  15 ."

"Oh, sorry. She died of breast cancer?"

"No, she didn't. She's alive and 16. But her breasts nourished (养育) me as an infant, and were a soft  17  place for my  18 when I was scared or  19  as a little boy. I'm very grateful for my mother's breasts, and her  20 ."

 A. ordered                  B. settled                   C. realized                    D. left

A. notice                       B. meet                      C. glance                       D. catch

A. common                   B. strange                   C. natural                      D. obvious

A. showing                    B. wearing                  C. hanging                     D. fixing

 A. fun                         B. talk                        C. joke                          D. story

A. shut off                     B. took off                 C. put off                      D. brushed off

A. happy                       B. rude                       C. dishonest                   D. selfish

A. addressed B. interrupted                              C. scolded                     D. questioned

A. anger                        B. laughter                 C. tears                         D. words

 A. ugly                        B. small                     C. funny                        D. pretty

A. quickly                     B. calmly                   C. cleverly                     D. carefully

 A. unfortunate             B. uncertain                C. unfair                       D. uncomfortable

 A. high                        B. sharp                     C. soft                           D. loud

A. awareness                 B. promotion              C. changes                     D. lessons

A. name                        B. honor                     C. request                      D. sense

A. suffering                   B. wealthy                  C. lucky                        D. well

A. hiding                       B. healing                   C. resting                      D. sleeping

A. hand                         B. arm                       C. head                         D. mind

A. hungry                      B. lonely                    C. proud                        D. nervous

 A. strength                   B. accompany             C. fame                         D. health

1-5 BCADA  6-10 CABDB 11-15 ACADB  16-20 AACBD


1. B。根据前一句“invented a term”可知,该“字眼,词语”是"networked individualism"。

2. C。根据下一句“How can we be individuals and be networked  3  ?”可知,该词语不“容易”理解,理解上有难度。

3. A。根据文章最后一句可知。我们怎么可以是个体,而“同时”又是联网的呢?

4. D。要做到这点,你需要其他人在“网络”上。

5. A 。what引导主语从句,并在从句中充当means的宾语。how和when为副词,不能充当宾语,which也为代词,但其表示指定范围中选择。

6. C。在因特网和email发明之前,我们的社会网络主要包括亲戚、邻居、同事等的真实交往。

7. A。见上句。

8. B。其中有些“交往、互动”是通过电话进行的。

9. D。这些声音对声音、个人与个人的互动,是在“真实的”时间进行的。

10. B。根据13空一句中的study可知,指的是由the Pew Internet and American Life Project进行的最近的一项“研究”。

11. A。该项研究“表明”……

12. C。对于许多人来说,通过电脑进行的电子互动“取代”了那种特定的个人对个人的互动。

13. A。然而,许多接受the Pew网采访的人“说”这是好事情。

14. D。为什么呢?在过去,许多人“担心”网络会使我们与世隔绝。

15. B。并导致我们“花费”太多的时间在电脑的虚拟世界中。

16. A。但是,the Pew网的研究发现,事实正相反。根据but表转折可推知。

17. A。网络将我们与更多的真实的人的“连接”起来。

18. C。根据下文的who引导的定语从句的内容可知,这些人是可以为我们“提供帮助的”人。

19. B。 play an important role in在……中担任重要角色,此为固定词组。

20. D。根据3空一句可知,网络个体化实现了个人独立和与人共处的同时存在。


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