Kristy,28,a cook in La Gross, often wondered what she’d do in a life threatening situation. On August 29, she got her answer. While she was driving on a road,a big truck hit its head on a pickup car.The pickup burst into flames.Kristy rushed out and ran to the pickup.Two farmers,Dean Bernhard,51, and his brother,Donald,44,were inside.

When she got close,Kristy could see the unconscious driver.The other man was under the passenger seat. “The smells were sicking.I was afraid the truck would blow up and kill us all,” said kristy.

The driver of the big truck was struggling to open the passenger door,so Kristy rushed to the driver’s side.Finally they opened the door.She reached in,seized the driver and, to her horror,felt her hands sink into his chest.She quickly dragged the man to safety on the roadside,then hurried back.As Kristy started down the ditch(水沟) with the passenger,the pickup exploded..She jumped on top of him and they both rolled to safety.

Today,the two farmers,each the farmer of two children,are good friends with Kristy.To show their deep appreciation,they bought her a ring with nine diamonds---one for each member of their immediate families,and the ninth for her.

Which is the correct order according to the passage?

a.carried Dean and Donald to safety

b.rushed to the pickup

c.the pickup exploded

d.saw the truck hit on the pickup out of her car

f.wondered what she’d do when in danger

A.e,d,b,a,c,f      B.f,e,b,a,d,c      C.f,d,e,b,a,c    D.f,c,e,d,b,a

When coming to save Donald and Dean Bernhard,Kristy never thought that she___.

A.could have any help from others

B.would be successful in saving both of them

C.might be killed

D.would be tested in dangerous situations

This sentence “The pickup burst into flames.”in the first paragragh means “_______”.

A.The pickup was on fire

B.The pickup started smoking badly

C.A terrifying cry came out of the pickup

D.The pickup was broken into pieces

Which of the following best shows Kristy’s true heroism?

A.She did not feel terrified at the accident

B.She protected herself as well as the two brothers from harm.

C.She put her life  “on the line” to save others.

D.She was regarded as a member of Dean’s and Donald’s families.

Dinah is one of the most good-natured children that ever lived, but she is very, very lazy. There is nothing she likes, or used to like, so much as to curl up in some warm corner in the sun and do nothing.

Dinah’s mother wished very much that her child should learn to read, but the lady who tried to teach her soon give it up. “It is no   16  ,” she said, “Dinah   17  not learn. She is not stupid, but too lazy.”

It happened soon that a young man from Massachusetts came to the house where Dinah lived. He brought with him something no one else in the neighborhood had ever seen before-a pair of roller-skates.

When Dinah saw the young man going rapidly up and down the piazza (广场) on his skates she was so   18 . She ran after him like a cat, her black eyes shining.

One day the young man allowed her to   19  the skates. The child was too happy for words. Of course she fell down, but did not   20  at all.

“Look here, Dinah,” said the young man, “I understand that my aunt has been trying to teach you to read. Why didn’t you learn? Now, if you can read, I will send you a pair of good roller-skates.”

For a moment she said  21 , then exclaimed decidedly, “I’ll have those skates, sure.”

And she did. When she   22  her mind on her work, she could always do it well,  23  it was.

The lady who had before this found her   24   difficult a child to teach, now had no trouble. If Dinah showed the least   25  of her former laziness, the word SKATES was enough to draw her attention back to her lesson instantly.

On New Year’s morning she received a box marked in large printed letters:


Care of Mrs. Lawrence Delaney,


If she can read what is on the outside of this box she can have what is inside.

And as Dinah read every word clearly and quickly, of course she had the fine roller-skates the box held. And now sitting curled up in the sun, doing nothing, is not the thing she likes to do best.



B. way

C. use

D. importance




B. will

C. must

D. can




B. terrified

C. frightened

D. shocked



A.put up

B. try out

C. try on

D. have on




B. hurt

C. cry

D. mind




B. nothing

C. anything

D. everything




B. drew

C. bent

D. made




B. however

C. whatever

D. wherever




B. so

C. still

D. very



A. sign

B. impression

C. mark

D. expression


It was the beginning of the school year a few years ago and I had a little boy in my class who came from a non-English speaking home. He was very quiet and shy. I wasn’t sure how much he understood during the school day and I was especially concerned that he just stood by himself at break time and did not play. If I tried to talk to him, he would turn away and tightly shut his eyes to hide from me.

After a day or two of this, I decided to seek the help of one of my outgoing and friendly little girls. I called her over and she ran to me, ready to help.

I immediately began a long speech about what I needed from her. I asked her if she would try to get him to play, and I started talking quickly about all these suggestions on how she could start communicating with him. I explained she could do this, she could do that, she could try this idea, she could try that idea. She touched my arm to stop my talking and looked up at me in that wise and special way that only a six-year-old can, and said, “Don’t worry. I speak kid.” And she ran off.

I stood there all alone, silently watching her. It took less than a minute for the two new friends to run off, hand in hand, happily joining a game of tag(捉人游戏) taking place all over the gym.

I often think of that small moment, about what I learned and how important it is for all teachers to speak kid—big kid, little kid and middle kid. I knew my focus must be on teaching students how to think, how to approach problems, and how to figure out solutions and never take the opportunity away. We must be ready to learn from our students because those “teachable moments” during the school days are for us, the teachers, as well as our kids.


 Why did the author worry about the boy?

    A. He didn’t dare to look the author in the eye.

    B. He couldn’t speak English as well as other students.

    C. He failed to understand what the author taught.

    D. He was unwilling to communicate with others.


 After the girl agreed to help, the author     .

    A. taught her what to do in detail          B. thanked her for her willingness to help

    C. sent her to make friends with the boy at once

    D. reminded her of what she should be careful about


By saying “I speak kid”, the girl meant that she could     .

    A. speak the language that kids understand  B. speak the boy’s native language

    C. understand what kids are thinking        D. speak well like a little kid


The underlined words “the opportunity” refer to the chance to      .

    A. play at break time                       B. learn from students

    C. solve problems                       D. speak kid


“Hi! John.” Mary ran towards me with a rare bright smile on her face, saying, “I’m going to have a   16  performance tonight.I hope you'll come.Here is the  17  .” She left in a hurry, disappearing in the crowds of people  18  

    "Is that true?" I asked myself.She was a quite  19   girl.I had never seen her making up or wearing attractive clothes, for she did not know how to   20   indeed.

    I arrived at the   21   with the ticket, and found my seat.Her performance was the seventh one.I knew I would   22   from a hard time before her turn, for I had no   23   of art, but her performance was   24   watching, no matter how long I would wait.Time went slowly.I  25    with myself not to fall asleep.

    "Let' s welcome the next exciting dance - Latin !"   26   filled the hall at once.

    I opened my eyes as large as possible,  27  to lose anything.Wearing a golden and shining skirt, Mary appeared on the stage.Dancing with a charming smile, she was fully  28   in the Latin music.At this moment, she looked like a pretty butterfly   29  on the splendid stage.   

    After all the performance   30   , I waited for her at the gate.

    "Hi!" She stood in front of me with a bag and her crystal high-heeled shoes in her hands, and   31  as she used to be, but the making-up still could be seen.

    "How do you feel?" There was not a little bit tired  32   on her face.

"  33  !" I answered.

    "Thank you! I knew it would be." She could not  34   her excitement, laughing like a child.Looking at the shining crystal high-heeled shoes in the wonderful starry night, I   35  that every girl has a pair of special shoes which are like the crystal shoes of Cinderella.

1.A.instrument              D.opera

2.A.address            B.number           C.ticket           D.invitation

3.A.quickly            B.completely       C.quietly          D.excitedly

4.A.lovely             B.popular          C.confident        D.ordinary

5.A.cover up           B.turn off         C.dress up         D.take in


7.A.relieve            B.escape           C.relax            D.suffer

8.A.interest           B.ability          C.sense            D.touch

9.A.proper             B.worth            C.good             D.happy

10.A.struggled         B.knocked          C.supported        D.controlled

11.A.Appreciation      B.Attention       C.Expectation      D.Applause

12.A.failing           B.fearing          C.forgetting       D.regretting

13.A.absorbed          B.swallowed        C.interested       D.surrounded

14.A.singing           B.flying           C.skipping         D.staying

15.A.stopped           B.paused           C.ended            D.succeeded

16.A.talked            B.dressed          C.laughed          D.looked

17.A.appearance        B.excitement       C.expression       D.exhibition

18.A.Sorry             B.Congratulations C.Far from         D.Fantastic

19.A.hide              B.prevent          C.remove           D.abandon

20.A.doubted       B.realized         C.wondered     D.suggested




I used to love to watch my high school track team train — especially the long-distance runners. But that year, my eyes were __16 __to a girl whose running style was all wrong. She ran with her arms tucked(塞进) close to her body, bouncing(蹦) up and down in a way that must have driven her__17 __crazy. My athletic mind laughed at her strange style, and I began to think __18 __her as “the Bouncer”.

In early May, my high school __19__ a big sports meeting. A large group of athletes joined in the two-mile running race — including the Bouncer. As the race progressed, she quickly fell far __20__ the pack and every runner lapped her at least once before it was over. But she just kept running, __21___ up and down — and always wearing the same smile.

“That poor kid,” I thought. “There was nothing to be __22__ by finishing so far behind the pack. Why didn’t she just __23__?” Still, she never stopped, and her smile never changed.

But a short while later, something __24__ began to happen. As she entered the home stretch(终点直道), a cheer began to rise, growing louder with each step the Bouncer took toward the finish line until, finally, every person in the stands stood and cheered __25 __the fate(命运) of the whole race depended on this one lone girl, bouncing toward the finish line.

The Bouncer just ___26 __to run exactly as she’d been doing from the beginning. As she crossed the finish line, the teacher walked out onto the __27__and held her arms tightly.

I’ve seen hundreds of races since that day, and I’ve seen thousands of runners __28___ the finish line. But I’ve never seen anything that showed the true spirit of __29__ as I watched on that warm spring day so long ago, when I saw a race won by a girl I had __30 __called the Bouncer

1.A. drawn             B. shut                       C. put             D. fixed

2.A. teamates         B. coaches                    C. parents       D. classmates

3.A. up                B. over                       C. of              D. about

4.A. hosted            B. formed                    C. organized       D. ran

5.A. over              B. away                      C. behind        D. off

6.A. rushing            B. dashing                    C. jumping         D. bouncing

7.A. admired           B. enjoyed                   C. accepted          D. gained

8.A. give in         B. give up            C. drop off       D. drop out

9.A. strange         B. funny                      C. special          D. similar

10.A. even after      B. just as                    C. as if                 D. even if

11.A. promised       B. expected                C. wanted          D. continued

12.A. track             B. path                        C. line               D. field

13.A. meet                  B. cross                        C. reach              D. hit

14.A. love                B. victory                     C. sport                D. race

15.A. bitterly              B. interestingly         C. strangely             D. laughingly


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