
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A group of black parents and civil rights activists presented a petition(请愿书) Thursday calling for officials to drop charges against a 16-year-old South Carolina high school student who was videotaped being dragged from her desk and thrown to the floor by a police officer in her classroom.

The group said it was unfair and unacceptable that the student and her 18-year-old classmate at Spring Valley High School who taped the incident were the only people charged that day when authorities already knew Richland County Deputy Ben Fields had tossed the girl from her desk to the ground.

They also said their petition had hundreds of thousands of names from around the country asking prosecutor Dan Johnson to drop the "disturbing schools" charges against the teens. The students in the case are black; Fields is white.

Johnson issued a statement Wednesday saying he won't do anything with the case until the FBI finishes its investigation into Fields, who was fired after the video became public. "I do not simply decide cases based upon feelings, public opinion or sentiment, nor do I decide them based on political pressure," Johnson said in the statement.

Disturbing schools is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or 90 days in jail. The students' lawyer did not respond to telephone messages.

The video spread quickly across the country, prompting questions about when police officers should get involved with classroom discipline. Fields was called to the classroom after the student refused to stop using her cellphone, and then she would not leave the classroom for a teacher or administrator.

In the days after the incident, the teacher turned her class over to a substitute and the administrator was placed on leave. Richland two officials didn't respond to an email asking about their current status. The students were allowed back in school.

Organizers of the protest said they plan to be at South Carolina's Statehouse next year, calling for legislators to change the law that allows police officers to arrest students for misbehaving at schools. Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott blamed that law for escalating the situation. "Let's find a way where we don't saddle students with arrest records," said EfiaNwangaza from the Malcom X Center for Self Determination. "Let's get ahead of the schoolhouse-to-jailhouse train in South Carolina."

1.What are the teens charged with?

A. Playing cellphones in class

B. Disobeying the teacher

C. Disturbing schools

D. Fighting with the police officer

2.What is Don Johnson's attitude towards the case?

A. Indifferent B. Ambiguous

C. Subjective D. Cautious

3.According to the passage, people are now concerned about the following except_____.

A. whether the incident reflects a racial issue

B. when police officers should get involved with classroom discipline

C. whether students can play cellphones in class

D. whether the law that allows police officers to arrest students for misbehaving at schools should be changed

4. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?

A. Police officer fired for tossing student

B. Black parents protest charge for teen tossed from desk

C. Charged teens allowed back in school

D. Violence at school


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I looked at my beautiful Christmas tree and sighed. The New Year was a week old and my tree .stood in the corner of our room with its collection of memories proudly in a shower of colorful lights. I’d long enough.

I got up, went to the and dragged the boxes into the room. The garland (花环) was the first to . I took the large ornaments (装饰物) off next. They a large pile on our bed. An hour later, our bed was covered with Christmas memories.

I prepared the boxes and placed ornaments in their protective packaging, pausing every few minutes to a favorite. “Hey, little Santa!” I held the Santa from my childhood. “Thanks for being my friend for almost fifty years.” He was a little but still gives me a flood of wonderful memories.

There was a collection of handmade ones my children made in their first years of school more than twenty years ago. They are perfect in design, but every year they go on my memory tree.

A few hours after I started, the boxes were back in the garage, the room was __ and I sat staring at the corner. It took me two days of work to my tree, but only a few hours to take it apart.

My tree is a good marriage or a great friendship. the tree, they take a long time to decorate with memories, but can be torn down .What once stood proudly in the glow of love comes tumbling down and all it is an unkind word or a thoughtless act.

Every year I have to put my tree away, but not my marriage or friendships. They get to glow in the corner of my life for I live. I get to analyze my tree and find memories for a few weeks every year. I can do the same with the loves in my life every day. When I held the Santa, a flood of wonderful memories . The same happens when I hold my wife or see the smile of a friend across the room.

_ your friendships and your marriage. Once they come down, they aren’t as easy to put back together as a Christmas tree, if . Stand them in that special spot in the corner of your heart and admire their glow.

1.A. already B. even C. still D. yet

2.A. maintained B. displayed C. collected D. located

3.A. complained B. suffered C. postponed D. missed

4.A. courtyard B. basement C. storehouse D. garage

5.A. come down B. break up C. fade away D. stand out

6.A. covered B. made C. lay D. occupied

7.A. cautiously B. casually C. randomly D. desperately

8.A. spot B. witness C. evaluate D. admire

9.A. ragged B. ugly C. dull D. rigid

10.A. free of B. far from C. away from D. close to

11.A. abandoned B. aged C. filled D. increased

12.A. clean B. empty C. orderly D. quiet

13.A. choose B. equip C. decorate D. furnish

14.A. As for B. Similar to C. Contrary to D. Along with

15.A. quickly B. carelessly C. directly D. suddenly

16.A. proves B. lacks C. means D. takes

17.A. as far as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as much as

18.A. recovered B. returned C. remained D. repeated

19.A. Share B. Preserve C. Cherish D. Pursue

20.A. in all B. above all C. at all D. after all

At the U.S. Open championships in Flushing Meadows, New York last week, the United States Tennis Association (USTA) held an unusual youth press conference (新闻发布会). I say "unusual" because the main idea wasn't to promote the sport for young children. Yes, there was a youth tennis exhibition in which a group of fresh-faced kids from the area showed off their well developed skills. They used junior racquets and larger, low-pressure balls on a half-size tennis court-a way the organization supports as a means to help children have early success and stick with the game.

But the event's real purpose was to help parents realize the importance of introducing kids to all kinds of athletic programs rather than focusing specially on one. This may sound like something easy to do, but it's not. In today's achievement-oriented (成功向导 ) environment, children are being pushed to specialize in a single sport-whether it's tennis, hockey, soccer, or gymnastics - at ever-younger ages. Tom Farrey, executive director of the nonprofit Aspen Institute Sports & Society Program, says year-round sports programs are now offered down to age 5, too early an age for a child to limit himself or herself to a single activity. While parents naturally want the best for their child, they are being pressured by coaches to let him or her stick with one thing.

The result: More kids under age 12 are suffering injuries or, worse, burnout. According to the Aspen Institute's report, Project Play, fewer kids today are staying involved with sports than five years ago, partly because of forced specialization. Today's children are already on track to live shorter, less healthy lives than their parents because of obesity and related diseases, and this trend is only worsening matters.

Multi-sport participation, however, leads to better performance (because kids get a chance to develop different sets of skills ) and greater enjoyment of the game, says Farrey. The headlining athletes at the event repeated the idea that having kids do more than one sport is a plus (good for them).

1.According to Tom Farrey, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Having kids do more than one sport is an advantage to their future career.

B. A child should limit himself to a single activity under the age of 5.

C. Parents are being pressured to let their kids stick with one sport.

D. Multi-sport participation leads to most kids' worse performance.

2.The underlined word "this" in paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A. introducing kids to many different sports instead of only one

B. inviting kids to only one sport instead of trying different ones

C. taking kids to only several different sports instead of too many

D. leading kids to any sport they like instead of trying many kinds

3. Fewer kids are staying involved with sports now than five years ago partly because they _______.

A. become too fat to take part in sports

B. have too much school work to complete

C. get too many injuries when they do sports

D. are pushed into specialized sport too hard

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A. The Importance of Doing Sports

B. The Necessity of Physical Education

C. Stop Specializing in Sports So Early

D. Develop Children's Athletic Abilities

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