
 A teenager from Thousand Oaks received a warm welcome as he sailed into Marina Del Rey on July 16,2009,becoming the youngest person to circle the globe by sea alone.

Zac Sunderland arrived in Marina Del Rey with his 36-foot boat Intrepid at about 10 a. m. local time. During his 28,000-nauticaI-mile journey,he braved storms,equipment failures and a conflict with suspected pirates.

  "It's great to be back," Sunderland,of Thousand Oaks,California,said after he was wel?comed home by a group of friends.

  Fewer than 250 people have sailed around the globe alone,according to the American Sail?ing Association,which certified Sunderland's feat.

  He left Marina Del Rey,just south of Los Angeles,on June 14,2008,and celebrated his 17th birthday at sea while off Africa's Cape of Good Hope.

  His return was delayed near the end of his voyage when his boat had a broken bulkhead in rough seas off Mexico,forcing him to stop at Puerto Vallarta long enough to wait for his father to fly there to make repairs.

  Another tense moment occurred in the Indian Ocean off Indonesia where the Intrepid was approached by a suspected pirated boat.

  "The intruders fled after a plane flew overhead and Sunderland climbed onto its deck with a gun to keep them off," said Cilarlie Nobles,executive director of the association.

  Sunderland,who remained in contact with his father by satellite telephone during the voy?age,threw the gun away before entering Mexican waters,where it is illegal to carry private fire?arms.

  He becomes the first person under 18 to travel around the globe by sea alone,and the youngest to date. The previous recordholder was David Dicks of Australia,who completed his voyage in November 1996 at the age of 18.

(   ) 1. Which statement about Sunderland's voyage is true?

   A. He completed his voyage in about 13 months.

   B. He is the first one to travel around the globe by sea.

   C. His father flew a plane to drive the pirates off.

   D. On June 14 ,2008,he reached the Cape of Good Hope.

(   ) 2. Why did Sunderland stop at Puerto Vallarta?

   A. To avoid the terrible weather.

   B. To delay the time of his return.

   C. To wait for help from his father.

   D. To avoid the intruders.

(   ) 3. The youngest person who sailed around the globe alone was         .

   A. Charlie Nobles   B. David Dicks

   C. Marina Del Rey   D. Zac Sunderland

(   ) 4. What is the best title for the text?

   A. A Brave Young Man

   B. The Hardship Sunderland Experienced

   C. Who Has Sailed Around the Globe Alone?

   D. The Youngest Person to Circle the Globe Alone

1-4   ACDD      

A篇:本文主要讲述的是:一个美国年轻小伙子用了 13个月的时间,历经种种困难,独自完成了环球航行,成为世界上最年轻的独自环球航行的人。

1. A推理判断题。根据第五段的内容可知, 2008年6月14日,桑德兰驾船离开了洛杉矶南部的玛琳娜德尔瑞港。再结合第一段中的信息可知,2009年7月16日,桑德兰驶进洛杉矶的一个港口。综合以上内容我们可推算出他进行了 13个月的孤身环球航行。

2. C细节理解题。根据第六段的内容可知,在桑德兰行至墨西哥附近的海域时,船的舱壁破了。这使他不得不停靠在墨西哥的瓦亚塔港口,直到他的父亲乘飞机赶到为他修船。

3. D细节理解题。根据最后一段的内容可知,之前保持这一纪录的是澳大利亚的戴维•迪克斯,他于19%年11月满18岁时完成了自己的环球之旅。后来纪录被桑德兰打破了。

4. D主旨大意题。根据第一段的内容可知,美国青年桑德兰驾船驶进洛杉矶的一个港口,他成为历史上孤身环球航海最年轻的人。这就是文章的主旨,后面的段落具体地讲述了他的这段经历。


Once there were two brothers,John and Tom,whose father died. They divided the land in half. Over time,the older brother John married and had six children,while the younger brother Tom never married.

One night,Tom lay awake. "It's not fair that each of us has half the land to farm," he thought. "My brother has six children to feed and I have none. He should have more grain than I do."

So that night Tom went to his silo,gathered a large bag of wheat,and climbed the hill that separated the two farms and over to his brother's farm. Leaving the wheat in John's silo,he re?turned home,pleased.

Earlier that very same night,John was also thinking , " In my old age my wife and I will have our grown children to take care of us,while my brother will probably have none. He should at least sell more grain from the fields now so he can provide for himself with dignity in his old age."

So that night,too,he did the same as Tom..

The next morning,Tom was surprised to see the amount of grain in his silo unchanged. "I can not have taken as much wheat as I thought," he said,confused. "Tonight I'll be sure to take more."So it was the same with John.

After night fell,each brother did the same thing as last night. The next morning,the brothers were again puzzled at the unchanged silo. But they decided to do it again.

The third night,each brother gathered a large pile of wheat,and went to his brother's silo. At the top of the hill,under the shadow of the moon,each brother noticed a figure in the dis?tance.

Who could it be?

(   ) 5. Why did Tom think it's unfair for him to have half the land?

   A. Because his brother had a big family to support on half the land.

   B. Because he wanted to get more land,for he was younger.

   C. Because his parents loved his brother more than him.

   D. Because his brother had six children to help farm the land.

(   ) 6. What call we learn from the passage?

   A. Tom stole a large bag of wheat from John's.

   B. Both of the two brothers did the same thing that night.

   C. Tom was disappointed to see the grain stolen.

   D. The brothers decided to sell their grains in their own way.

(   ) 7. When the two brothers found the unchanged grain,they felt         .

   A. disappointed   B. frightened

   C. confused   D. pleased

(   ) 8. The author writes this passage in order to         .

   A. tell us a story about the two brothers

   B. introduce the two brothers' wisdom

   C. bring out an interesting topic

   D. present the brotherhood between them

 It started in kindergarten. I made a resolution.

  I was always curious about the globe and the World Book Encyclopedia in our house.   I'd climb up to reach them and take them off the shelves. I learned a new big word continent.

  "We live in a Melting Pot , ”I remember hearing that. I noticed maps of oceans,countries and people. I began drawing pictures of the many different people who had come from all over the world to live in the United States. I wanted to see the world!

  Through travel,education,and amazing opportunities that came my way,I began my jour?ney.

  In South America,I walked through rainforests with mountains,wild life,and ...it really rained!However,I heard a talk that rainforests are disappearing ...There're lots of languages in?cluding English in Africa and also lots of poor people who live in the disadvantaged communities hardly feeding themselves... In Europe,I found out that Big Ben is not a giant person. Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower,and riding on a gondola (a kind of boat) in Venice were exciting... Sitting in a plane,I had a chance to have a glance at one of Australia's most beautiful natural gifts,the Great Barrier Reef... Asia was special when I first saw pandas. And then,in Thai?land,it was the elephants. Seeing them made me realize that animals,big and small,need the help of people like you and me...

  Antarctica is not an easy place to get to!I boarded a small plane with a scientist. While in route,depending on the weather,the pilot wasn't sure if we could land. And... we did!The scientist explained she had prepared twenty times before her first landing in Antarctica. It was like a foreign land―the land of penguins. They were all so busy but happy. My heart went out to them when I remembered the penguin movies I'd seen and the stories of sadness ...

  "Think green". I began hearing scientists predict that global warming is underway. My resolution began to evolve:I need to not just hear the words,but to learn more about " going green."I used to hear, "You can't protect what you don't know. " The one thing I've learned in all my travels is that the planet needs our help right now. We all need to find a way to help in "going green".

(   ) 5. How many continents has the author been to?

   A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

(   ) 6. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A. The author got to know the world by means of different ways.

   B. The author had difficulty in communicating with the Africans.

   C. When traveling,the author always had companies or guides.

   D. Before the author went to Europe,he thought the Europeans were all tall.

(   ) 7. Compared with the scientist visiting Antarctica,the author was more         .

   A. fortunate   B. careful   C. energetic   D. excited

(   ) 8. What is the author's further resolution?

   A. To learn more about the diverse cultures in the world.

   B. To try to make his childhood dream come true.

   C. To help thirdworld people get out of poverty and hunger.

   D. To contribute himself to protecting and bettering the environment.

 When India was seeking independence from Britain,the country's Muslim population real?ized that if India became independent,the country would be governed mainly by Hindus. They did not want to be ruled by people of a different religion.

  In 1946,the Muslim League organized a day of " Direct Action". This resulted in Muslims killing Hindus. Attempts to stop the unrest and bring the two sides together failed. It seemed that there would be war in India. The British tried to help the two sides reach an agreement.

  Although Gandhi was against the division of India,his opinion however was ignored by the major political parties―the Muslim League and Hindu Congress Party. When no agreement could be reached,the decision was made to divide the country into two sections following inde?pendence.

  The task of dividing the country was impossible. In many places there were equal numbers of Hindu and Muslim people. Finally,a British man was given the task of drawing the line which created the Muslim state of Pakistan and divided India forever. He was chosen for his neutral position,as neither the Hindus nor the Muslims trusted each other.

  India gained its independence on 15th August,1947,and a period of great violence fol?lowed. Hindus and Muslims killed each other. Many people lost their lives. The Indian Army,which was supposed to stop the fighting,either did nothing or actively joined in the killing.

  There was death everywhere. Millions of Muslims fled to Pakistan while Hindus headed to?wards India from Pakistan. This movement lasted for months.

  Gandhi was saddened by the killings. He could not prevent the disaster,but he was very upset. The final part of the tragedy was his being murdered. He was killed by a Hindu who did not agree with Gandhi's wish for Hindus and Muslims to live together in peace.

(   ) 5. The conflict between Hindus and Muslims has its origin in         .

   A. religion   B. language   C. land   D. population

(   ) 6. Which of the following is the right order according to the passage? a. India got the independence from Britain.

b. The Muslim League organized a day of "Direct Action".

c. The country was divided into two sections.

d. Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu.

   A. a-b-c-d   B. d-c-b-a   C. b-a-c-d   D. c-a-d-b

(   ) 7. Why was a British man asked to draw the line between Hindus and Muslims?

   A. Both sides were violent.

   B. British conquered the India.

   C. Both sides hoped for a fair division.

   D. The army of the country was not powerful.

(   ) 8. Which of the following is true about Gandhi?

   A. He was on the side of the Muslims.

   B. He was in favor of the division of India and Pakistan.

   C. He contributed to drawing a line between the two sections.

   D. He promoted peace instead of violence to solve the problem.

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