
      On Monday at 2: 35 p.m., a bus full of passengers was going to Bungalow.It was so   1   that you
had to struggle even to get room to stand-   2   about a seat.
     At one stop, an old lady  3  the bus.She looked tired and I thought she was not  4  also.After a few
minutes, her   5   were shaking slightly.She was looking around to find a  6  .She asked a few guys to
let her sit because she had a problem of arthritis (关节炎)in her knees.  7  responded to her positively,
so she was feeling helpless.
      I noticed she was facing a lot of  8  and she was trying to hide it but did not  9  .I was thinking of
giving her my seat, but was fighting in my mind about why I should give her my seat.I  10  it myself:
Because she is old and it's my duty to help her.But I    11   that this is Mumbai (孟买), where to help
anybody may be dangerous.I was hesitating (犹豫)about it.
     Before I asked the lady to take my seat, an old man stood and   12   her his seat.The man, who
traveled his rest journey standing, had only one leg.
      I found myself in an ocean of    13    and guilt-why didn't I help her?My journey ended but I still
regretted that I wasted my time in thinking when it was the right thing to do.
      Now I   14   travel by bus and have decided to never waste time in thinking to help anybody
whatever it results in.I will help although it is  15  to actually do.
(     )1. A. broken      
(     )2. A. forget  
(     )3. A. got off  
(     )4. A. clever  
(     )5. A. hands            
(     )6. A. stick            
(     )7. A. Nobody            
(     )8. A. damage            
(     )9. A. lie              
(     )10. A. answered        
(     )11. A. introduced      
(     )12. A. passed          
(     )13. A. hope            
(     )14. A. even            
(     )15. A. more beneficial  
B. crowded        
B. talk            
B. broke into      
B. pretty          
B. legs            
B. ticket          
B. Somebody        
B. pressure        
B. agree          
B. asked          
B. noticed        
B. offered        
B. fear            
B. still          
B. more dangerous  
C. small
C. worry  
C. came on  
C. selfish
C. ears        
C. support      
C. All          
C. pain        
C. admit        
C. refused      
C. feared      
C. showed      
C. shame        
C. never        
C. harder      
D. slow        
D. know        
D. looked for  
D. well        
D. shoulders    
D. place        
D. Neither      
D. anger        
D. succeed      
D. suggested    
D. heard        
D. found        
D. sadness      
D. ever        
D. easier      
1-5: BACDB  6-10: DACDA  11-15: CBCBC

     On the first day of my school life in the USA, I showed a great interest in my marketing class. My
teacher, Mrs. Tolman, suggested I  __1__  a national marketing club called DECA attracting many
students with talent and interest in  __2__. So I did.    
     The first  __3__  was to raise money for the marketing competition later in the year by selling
candles. Mrs. Tolman said the competition was due in a week and that 40 percent of the  __4__ would
go into my personal account.    
     At the beginning, I tried to sell some candles to my host mom. She said that if I could   __5__  
confidence and do a wonderful sales presentation, she would certainly buy some. I started my  __6__    
with a firm handshake. Then I introduced all the different kinds of candles and the special sales I could
offer and  __7__  her that our candles were the best choices for gifts and home decorations. Finally
she bought three candles.    
     Greatly  __8__  I decided to sell my candles around the neighborhood. On Saturday morning, with
great courage, I knocked at the door of my first potential  __9__.    
     "I'm a student at Skyline High School and we are __10__  money for DECA. I'm trying to sell..."  
      "Not today, sorry, "  the man interrupted me and __11__  the door.    
     Embarrassed, I walked away and said to myself the __12__ thing that might happen was being
refused like that again. I couldn't even count how many times I was __13__  with reasons like "Not
today" , "I don't have any __14__ money right now" or "I just bought some". __15__, I had to continue
with the day. __16__, a woman kindly bought nearly  $ 60 worth of candles. I couldn't even hide my 
__17__  and said "Thank you very much" to her with a bow.    
     After a  __18__  hard work, I turned in my $408 worth of sales of candles, which gave me $163 in
my own account. I was __19__  to find out I was the second highest seller in all classes.    
     It was the first time that I had worked as a sales person. This experience let me know that __20__ 
difficulties was only wasting time and a barrier in my way to success.

(     )1. A. hold          
(     )2. A. business      
(     )3. A. chance        
(     )4. A. income        
(     )5. A. express      
(     )6. A. presentation  
(     )7. A. told          
(     )8. A. puzzled      
(     )9. A. buyer        
(     )10. A. lending      
(     )11. A. opened      
(     )12. A. worst        
(     )13. A. allowed      
(     )14. A. more        
(     )15. A. However      
(     )16. A. So          
(     )17. A. anger        
(     )18. A. week's      
(     )19. A. puzzled      
(     )20.A. overcoming  
B. join          
B. English        
B. way            
B. candles        
B. show          
B. business      
B. convinced      
B. surprised      
B. seller        
B. raising        
B. knocked        
B. uneasy        
B. permitted      
B. extra          
B. So            
B. Secondly      
B. embarrassment  
B. hour's        
B. surprised      
B. dealing with  
C. build        
C. math        
C. challenge  
C. business    
C. make        
C. club        
C. explained    
C. shocked      
C. business man
C. returning    
C. burst into  
C. best        
C. refused      
C. little      
C. Therefore    
C. Firstly      
C. happiness    
C. year's      
C. calm        
C. accepting    
D. set          
D. sports        
D. choice        
D. expense      
D. expect        
D. interest      
D. requested    
D. encouraged    
D. shop keeper  
D. borrowing    
D. shut          
D. unhappiest    
D. demanded      
D. left          
D. For          
D. Finally      
D. sad          
D. month's      
D. lucky        
D. worrying about
     On a cold November afternoon, my mother and I were walking home from a pizza store. We were
dressed warmly and   1   with the rented(租)video we had been dying for watch. I was feeling a little
   2  , as I was carrying our shopping bags of snacks and the  3  .They were so heavy that I decided to
  4  some things. So I started to walk towards the garbage can  5  I noticed a poor man walking his bike
out of the restaurant in front of us. He  6  a paper bag with his dirty hand. He headed over to another
nearby garbage can and started  7  it.
     I suddenly felt very   8  because I was about to do away with a new drink just  9  it was heavy. I
knew this man would take all he could   10  , so I walked up to him and  11  the drink and some snacks
to him. The man looked up    12   and took what I gave him. A huge smile spread  13   his face and this
caused me to feel indescribable   14   . I felt like I   15  be happier with myself, but then he said, "This is
my son's lucky day!"
     With that, he   16   me happily and started off on his bike. I even heard him  17    a song as he rode
away. I got a warm feeling inside and I knew I had done something good, for the man and his family. I
now understand what is   18   by the saying "Giving is getting".
Since then, every time I have the  19  to do something nice, the image of the man's happiness caused by
my small gift appears in my mind. This is the  20  of charity.
(     )1. A. equipped    
(     )2. A. upset      
(     )3. A. video      
(     )4. A. send off    
(     )5. A. after      
(     )6. A. owned      
(     )7. A. going into  
(     )8. A. stupid      
(     )9. A. since      
(     )10. A. get        
(     )11. A. dropped    
(     )12. A. sadly      
(     )13. A. in        
(     )14. A. regret    
(     )15. A. couldn't  
(     )16. A. smiled    
(     )17. A. whistling  
(     )18. A. referred  
(     )19. A. time      
(     )20. A. power      
B. covered      
B. happy        
B. books        
B. throw away    
B. when          
B. presented    
B. finding out  
B. guilty        
B. until        
B. search        
B. kept          
B. coldly        
B. across        
B. satisfaction  
B. shouldn't    
B. told          
B. whispering    
B. said          
B. chance        
B. effect        
C. done            
C. tire            
C. pizz            
C. put away        
C. before          
C. held            
C. looking through
C. disappointed    
C. because        
C. hear            
C. turned          
C. thankfully      
C. by              
C. failure        
C. needn't        
C. saw            
C. listening      
C. meant          
C. idea            
C. result          
D. offered      
D. excited      
D. clothes      
D send out      
D. while        
D. sought        
D. working out  
D. happy        
D. when          
D. see          
D. handed        
D. patiently    
D. through      
D. curiosity    
D. mustn't      
D. thanked      
D. making        
D. spoken        
D. effort        
D. mystery      
     On a cold winter day,  I waited in line to see my hero,  Jack Canfield,  the author of The Success
     During his talk,  Jack__1__his wallet,  pulled out a hundreddollar bill,  and said,  "Who wants this?"
__2__shot up in the audience;  people leaned forward to see whom Jack would__3_.But I jumped up, 
 ran up the__4__to the stage,  and grabbed the bill.As I was launching myself in the air,  thoughts__5 _
through my mind-was I about to be humiliated (羞辱) in front of 800 people?Would they__6__security
guards and take me from the stage?__7__my desire for bold action was louder than any__8__voice.
      As I got the bill from his hand,  he said,  "That's it!We can't wait for the__9__to come to us.We must
take action to__10__what we want!"
      After his talk,  I managed to formally meet Jack and boldly asked for his__11__email address.Over
the next months,  I sent him emails__12__my vision and dreams with him.He kindly emailed back lots of
encouragement.But my life got__13__with other things.I stopped emailing Jack.
     A year later,  my dreams had worn away.I thought Jack would inspire me into action,  like a giant
__14__that would show me the way.
      I emailed him,  and then again-but got no__15__.As I sat down at my computer to check my emails, 
 I__16__woke up.What was I doing?I was waiting!Now I remembered the crowd,  most likely__17__
that hundreddollar bill,  while they sat__18__to their chairs.
    Usually we all have a "Jack"  for whom we wait-whether it's a person,  a place or a thing.We__19__
believe the gifts of life are just around the corner,  and that everything will come in a(n)__20_way.So we
don't try.We give up.But as Wayne Gretzky said:"You'll always miss 100% of the opportunities you don't
take!" So I stopped waiting and started my writing career.
     Now what are you waiting for?
(     )1. A. stretched out  
(     )2. A. Cheers          
(     )3. A. offer          
(     )4. A. path            
(     )5. A. raced          
(     )6. A. ask            
(     )7. A. And            
(     )8. A. careful        
(     )9. A. opportunities  
(     )10. A. attract      
(     )11. A. professional  
(     )12. A. disclosing    
(     )13. A. quick          
(     )14. A. arrow          
(     )15. A. news          
(     )16. A. gradually      
(     )17. A. desiring      
(     )18. A. lost          
(     )19. A. sincerely      
(     )20. A. difficult      
B. reached for
B. Shouts      
B. greet      
B. road        
B. started    
B. call        
B. So          
B. doubtful    
B. times      
B. accept      
B. secret      
B. describing    
B. busy        
B. gate        
B. notice      
B. suddenly    
B. claiming    
B. glued      
B. honestly    
B. impressive   
C. stuck to      
C. Heads        
C. like          
C. steps        
C. appeared      
C. demand        
C. But          
C. meaningful    
C. results      
C. restore      
C. public        
C. presenting    
C. full          
C. exit          
C. response      
C. immediately    
C. begging      
C. opposed      
C. falsely      
C. early        
D. handed in        
D. Hands            
D. choose          
D. route            
D. existed          
D. order            
D. Or              
D. helpful          
D. aims            
D. create          
D. personal        
D. sharing          
D. loose            
D. entrance        
D. reaction        
D. slowly          
D. worshiping      
D. devoted          
D. correctly        
D. natural          
     On a hot summer day in late August,l sought shade and a cool drink at a waterfront cafe on a Greek island. Over a hundred degrees in ____1___air. Crowded. Tempers of both the tourists and waiters had   2   to meet the situation, making it a rather quarrelsome environment.      
     At the table next to mine sat an attractive,    3   couple ,  waiting for 4  . They held hands, whispered,
kissed, and laughed. Suddenly they stood, picked up their   5   and  stepped  together  6   the edge of
where they were sitting to place the table in the sea water. The man stepped   7  for the two chairs. He
politely   8   his lady in the knee-deep water and then sat down himself. All people around laughed and
cheered.     9   appeared. He paused for just a second, walked into the water to 10  the table and take
their 11 , and then walked back to the 12  cheers of the rest of his 13 . Minutes later he returned carrying
a bottle of wine and two glasses. Without pausing, he went 14  into the water to    15   the wine. The
couple toasted each other,the waiter and the crowd. And the crowd   16  by cheering and throwing flowes to them.Three other tables 17  to have lunch in the water. The place was now filled with laughter.     
     One doesn't step into water in one's best summer clothes. Why not?     Customers are not served 18  . Why not?Sometimes one should consider  19  the line of convention and enjoy   20  to the fullest.

(     ) l. A. fresh        
(     )2. A. managed      
(     )3. A. lonely        
(     )4. A. cheers        
(     )5. A. metal table  
(     )6. A. on            
(     )7. A. outside      
(     )8. A. led          
(     )9. A. The manager  
(     )10. A. set          
(     )11. A. menu        
(     )12. A. loud        
(     )13 . A. tourists    
(     )14. A. at last      
(     )15. A. change      
(     )16. A. replied      
(     )17. A. prepared    
(     )18. A. with pleasure
(     )19. A. following    
(     )20. A. life        

B. cool        
B. expected    
B. curious      
B. service      
B. empty bottle
B. off          
B. forward      
B. seated      
B. A friend    
B. wash        
B. bill        
B. anxious      
B. customers    
B. in time      
B. drink        
B. insisted    
B. joined in    
B. in the cafe  
B. keeping      
B. wine        

C. still      
C. attempted  
C. well-dressed
C. attention  
C. chairs      
C. around      
C. down        
C. watched    
C. A waiter    
C. remove      
C. food        
C. familiar    
C. fellows    
C. once more  
C. sell        
C. agreed      
C. settled up  
C. in the sea  
C. limiting    
C. lunch      

D. thin        
D. risen      
D. bad-tempered
D. flowers    
D. bags        
D. along      
D. back        
D. received    
D. The servant
D. check      
D. order      
D. final      
D.  assistants
D. as well    
D. serve      
D. understood  
D. continued  
D. with wine  
D. crossing    
D. time        

     On the Iraq-Syria border, a pack of wild dogs circled American soldiers for food. The
leader of the pack was a gray-and-white dog. The soldiers called him Nubs. Nubs was
shaking and___1__able to stand. Marine major Brian Dennis looked closer and saw that
there was a knife wound__2__his chest.
     Dennis couldn't stand seeing the dog__3___. He and his men immediately treated the
wound, and gave Nubs oral medicine. Nubs__4__but was still in pain. The next day, the
team had to__5__. Ten days later, Dennis's unit was back -- and so was Nubs. He was
still__6__ , but the men fed him and played with him.
     Before long the unit once again__7__an outpost (前哨) 70 miles away. Nubs, slowly
but determinedly,__8__them far into the trackless wasteland until the men lost__9__of him.
Two days later, beyond Dennis's__10__, he saw Nubs just outside the outpost. The dog
had tracked him across 70 miles of frozen desert to__11__with the friend who had saved
his life. From then on Nubs and the men slept in the same place, and ran around in the
same ruins.
     Until an order came down from above that they were not__12__to have pets, Dennis
__13__to make sure the dog would continue to live the__14__life. So he quickly raised
$ 4,000 from his family and friends to fly Nubs to__15__.
     A month later, when Dennis and the dog were__16__in California, at first Nubs didn't
recognize the guy.__17__within minutes, the dog jumped into Dennis' s arms, jumping up
again and again to__18__his friend's face.
     A little__19__and concern in the middle of war will not save a violent world. But small
stories, like the story of a soldier and a dog, hold a promise of a(n)__20__world.
(     )1.A. mostly
(     )2.A. in
(     )3.A. stand
(     )4.A. pulled through
(     )5.A. leave
(     )6.A. hungry
(     )7.A. look up
(     )8.A. watched
(     )9.A. touch
(     )10.A. ability
(     )11A. part
(     )12.A. asked
(     )13.A. decided
(     )14.A. moving
(     )15.A. London
(     )16A. found
(      )17.A. So
(      )18A. lick
(      )19.A. pity
(     )20.A. equal

B. certainly
B. on
B. starve
B. fell asleep
B. rest
B. tired
B. look over
B . followed
B. sight
B. surprise
B. fight
B. suggested
B. agreed
B. good
B. America
B. interviewed
B. And
B. touch
B. mercy
B. harmonious

C. hardly
C. at
C. bleed
C. woke up
C. pass
C. dirty
C. left for
C. accompanied
C. footprint
C. imagination
C. meet
C. required
C. accepted
C. safe
C. Iraq
C. linked
C. But
C. bite
C. care
C. prosperous

D. never
D. behind
D. suffer
D. fell down
D. remain
D. weak
D. returned from
D. barked
D. smell
D. understanding
D. break
D. allowed
D. proposed
D. interesting
D. Syria
D. reunited
D. Though
D. clean
D. contribution
D. amazing

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