

     The Real Inventor of Printing The Chinese were the real inventor of printing. Centuries ago they carved messages on stone and then sprin-kled (撒) sooty (乌黑的) dust over the stone carving. When they put a small piece of paper over the stone and rubbed the paper,the sooty lines were reproduced on it. Some of these first printed papers have been preserved and the oldest ones known to exist are more than one thousand years old.

    Printing with carved stone blocks was the only kind of printing known for centuries. Then,about eight hundred years ago,a Chinese printer,Bi Sheng,had a clever idea. Instead of carving a whole message on a single big block of wood or stone,he formed separate Chinese words or characters out of bits of clay. By fitting the clay pieces together in rows in a box,he could print just as before. But when he finished,he could keep all the separate pieces of clay and use them again.

   Bi Sheng's movable type was a great step forward,but his method was not generally adopted. The movable type did not come into use in Europe until it was invented there centuries later. The Europeans had been totally ignorant of the printing traditions of the Chinese.

1. Bi Sheng used clay to form.

   A. large tablets for writing

   B. small statues

   C. individual words or characters

   D. messages

2. These pieces of clay were .

   A. easily lost   B. less used

   C. reusable   D. thrown away after use

3. The oldest pieces of printed papers in existence date back .

   A. 800 years

   B. more than 1,000 years

   C. more than 2 ,000 years

   D. 500 years

4. Europeans adopted printing after they .

   A. realised stone carving was not good enough

   B. had learned about it from the Chinese

   C. had copied Chinese printing

   D. had invented it themselves

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D

1. C解析:根据第二段第三句“Instead of carving. . . he formed separate Chinese words or characters out of bits of clay. ” 可


2. C 解析:根据第二段最后一句“But when he finished,he could keep all the separate pieces of clay and use them again. ”可知正确答案为C项。

3. B解析:根据第一段最后一句中的“the oldest ones known to exist are more than one thousand years old. ” 可知正确答案


4. D解析:根据最后一段第二句“The movable type did not come into use in Europe until it was invented there centuries later. ”可知正确答案为D项。


IV.阅读填空根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处 的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

1 But science may have just proved them right—because beautiful women are more likely to have daughters than their plainer counterparts,according to a study. As parents tend to pass on genes that determine looks,this could result in handsome men becoming rather thin on the ground.

2 For example,Yasmin Le Bon is signed to the same modelling agency as daughter Amber,and Jerry Hairs daughters Elizabeth and Georgia Jagger have both taken to the catwalk.

Dr Satoshi Kanazawa,of the London School of Economics analyzed data from a survey of 17 ,000 babies bom in Britain in March 1958 and tracked them throughout their lives. 3 When they reached 45 ,they were asked about the gender of any children they had.

Those rated as attractive were equally likely to have a son or daughter as their first child—but the unattractive sorts were more likely to have a son. 4

Dr Kanazawa believes that parents tend to produce children who benefit from their own features. 5 So it pays for attractive women to have daughters. But couples blessed with strength and aggression rather than looks are better off having boys,as these characteristics are of more use to males.

   A. Women are becoming more beautiful over the generations because attractive women have more children than plain ones.

   B. Single girls have always co ained that good-looking men are difficult to find.

   C. Beauty is of more benefit to a woman than a man.

   D. At the age of seven,their attractiveness was rated by their teachers.

   E. Put another way,the beautiful women were more likely to have daughters.

   F. And it may also explain why many models have daughters who follow in their fascinating footsteps.

   G. Famously good-looking parents like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are more likely to have girls than uglier couples.

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