
      This year's Miss Chinatown Fashion Show was more than just a showcase for clothing and shoe designers. It was also a fund-raiser(募捐活动) and volunteer sign-up event for the grassroots organization Reading to Kids.We are looking for donations(捐赠) as well as volunteers to come and read, ” said Reading to Kids volunteer Andrea Ramcke. “It's a volunteer organization. There are only two paid workers. 、

     According to Reading to Kids,the organization tries to encourage underserved children with a love of reading so as to enrich their lives and chances of success in the future. “It's primarily for children who don't have a lot of reading in the home,whose parents are good at a second language or they’ re good at a second language,” Ramcke said. “So we have a lot of immigrants (移民) from everywhere and lots of first generation kids who don't have a lot of books in the home."

     At present,Reading to Kids gathers 901 children and 388 volunteers at reading clubs on the second Saturday of every month at eight Los Angeles elementary schools.

     At the reading clubs,pairs of volunteers read aloud to groups of children divided up by age groups,whik the parents receive training on how to encourage their children to read at home. Ramcke also added that the kids are asked to join in by asking questions and reviewing the material along with doing a啊craft(工艺) project in relation to the book”. Every child also gets a book to take home and books are donated to school libraries through the program.

      “The kids develop a love of reading,Ramcke said. “Studying doesn’t become as hard to them when they learn how to explain it a little bit better. They learn how to think about their words. Their team communication skills and their grades go up."

6;What was special about this year5 s Miss Chinatown Fashion Show?

   A. -It encouraged people to read.

   B. It donated books to Reading to Kids.

   C. It offered support to Reading to Kids.

   D. It asked show designers to volunteer.

7. The purpose of Reading to Kids is to help kids.

   A. who love reading and writing

   B. who don't read a lot at home

   C. who don't know foreign languages

   D. who are good at using two languages

8. How often are the reading clubs held?

   A. Every day.

   B. Once a month.

   C. Twice a month.

   D. Every Saturday.

9. While kids are read to at the reading clubs,their

parents .

   A. are reading the material

   B. are learning arts and crafts

   C. are asked questions about reading

   D. are trained to encourage their kids to read

10. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

   A. How Reading to Kids works.

   B. Why reading is important to kids.

   C. The way to get kids to love reading.

   D. The influence of Reading to Kids on kids.

6. C 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. D

6. C.推理判断题。由第一段中的It was also a fund-raiser and volunteer sign-up event for the grassroots organization Reading to Kids 可知,该 时装秀帮助Reading to Kids募捐和招募志愿者,故选C项。

7. B.细节理解题。由第二段f的It's primarily for children who don t have a lot of reading in the home 可知, Reading to Kids的目标群体是在家不 常阅读的孩子,故选B项。

8. B.细节理解题。由第三段中的 reading clubs on the second Saturday of every month可知,阅读俱乐部每月 组织一次活动,故选B项。

9. D.细节理解题。由第四段中的 while the parents receive training on how to encourage their children to read at home可知,孩子们参加阅读倶乐部的活动时,他们的父母会接受关于如何激励孩子们阅读的培训,故选D项。

10. D.段落大意题。最后一段主要讲 Reading to Kids给孩子们带来很大的 积极影响:孩子们不仅爱上了阅读, 而且沟通能力和学习成绩都有提问,故选D项。


         Since he was nine,Babar Ali has been running his own school in Bhabta,a small village in West Bengal,India,passing on to the children of poor families the knowledge he has acquired(学到) at his school during the day.

        It began when children in his village asked him questions about what he learned at the 1,000-rupee-a-year school their parents could not afford.

       “It started without much effort,”hesays. aThere were lots of children who had dropped out of school,or never been to school at all. They were "always asking questions about my lessons and I would repeat everything for them.

      “There used to be just eight pupils,and my friends helped me with the teaching. We worked on the standard of teaching. The word spread to nearby villages,and gradually we took on more and more students."

Five years later,the school has a total of 1C teachers,all of whom are studeiits at school,and 650 pupils.

         On a typical(典型的) day,Babar will rise ai 5 am,do housework,then take a bus to school in a

village three miles away. From 10 am to 4 pm,he focuses on(集中注意力于) his own studies,then he races back to his village to welcome his students at 5 pm. He teaches until 8 pm. The

teaching doesn’t make hin) tired,he says,but gives him more strength to keep up his busy life.

       His parents are filled with pride. His father,Nasiruddin,was shocked when he first discovered

his son was teaching. “I couldn’ t believe it. He always rushing from place to place and I was worried it might affect his studies. So I visited his school. Seeing his dedication(奉献) to teaching cleared my doubts,he says.

    In 2009,Babar was npied the “youngest headmaster in the world by BBC. From then on,his story appeared in many textbooks,and now he is regularly invited to speak at many meetings all over the world. 

21. Babar started teaching the children nearby

   A. because he wanted to make money to pay for his studies

   B. when they went to his school to ask him questions

    C. because their parents asked him to do so   

    D. when he was quite a young boy

22. As time went by,Babar.

   A. is planning to set up more schools

   B. had to ask some teachers to help him

   C. gradually made his school bigger and bigger

   D. had to drop out of school to teach other children

23. Why does the author describe Babar's typical day?

   A. To show he works very long hours.

    B;To explain why he feels tired at the end of a day.

   C. To show he works much harder than other teachers.

   D. To explain why he has no time to stay with his family. 

24. How did Babar's father react to his teaching at first?

   A. He was very surprised.

   B. He was proud of Babar.

   C. He had doubts about Babar's ability.

   D. He was unhappy about Babar's decision.

     Have you ever traveled around by bike? This spring my older brother and I 41 the busy city and spent a long weekend 42 in the countryside. Our speed was only around 14 kph,but we didn't 43 . We had't come to break any speed records,44 . All we wanted was some 45 air and a break from schoolwork. 

      We really 46 ourselves while cycling along traffic-free country paths. There was plenty of sunshine, 47 it was quite cold, 48 in the mornings. The good news was that soon we 49 as we rode along. Our only 50 was when my brakes (刹车) started making a terrible noise. But I didn't care as it gave us an 51 to visit a cafe while a bike mechanic (机修工) had a look at it.

      Every few kilometers there was a 52 where we could talk with local people. One of the women was very 53 and showed us the way when we got lost. On Saturday night we were 54 at 2 a.m. by some young people. They kept singing loudly in the next room,which made us 55 all night. We felt very 56 when we got up the next morning. Soon we 57 . We were more cheerful on the way when the sun came out. 58,things like that happened only once. Anyway I still like traveling around by bike — it's 59 and it's flm. If you’ re looking for a short break that' s active and cheap,then cycling is a great 60 !

41. A. left    B. visited      C. found   D. reached

42. A. painting   B. studying   C. teaching   D. cycling

43. A. regret   B. mind     C. fail   D. realize

44. A. at last   B. as well   C. after all   D. at most

45. A. fresh   B. thin   C. cool   D. dry

46. A. hurt   B. hated      C. changed   D. enjoyed

47. A. but   B. so   C. or   D. unless

48. A. probably   B. especially    C. specially   D. immediately

49. A. came back   B. gave up    C. warmed up   D. calmed down

50. A. wish   B. problem    C. decision   D. memory

51. A. order   B. opinion   C. excuse   D. explanation

52. A. city   B. lake     C. school   D. village

53. A. friendly   B. honest   C. stupid   D. nervous 

54. A. saved   B. paid    C. woken   D. greeted

55. A. excited   B. sleepless    C. speechless   D. frightened

56. A. shy   B. busy     C. bored   D. tired

57. A. set off   B. called back    C. settled down   D. broke down

58. A. Strangely   B. Doubtfully    C. Luckily   D. Naturally

59. A. true   B. simple    C. difficult   D. dangerous

60. A. goal   B. dream      C. result   D. choice

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