

  Plants can't communicate by moving or making sounds, as most animals do.Instead, plants produce volatile compounds(挥发性化合物)——chemicals that easily change from a liquid to a gas.A flower's sweet smell, for example, comes from such volatile compounds to attract insects such as bugs and bees.

  Plants can also discover volatile compounds produced by other plants.A tree under attack by hungry insets, for instance, may give off these chemicals in order to let other trees know about the attack.In response, the other trees may send off their chemicals to keep the bugs away——or even chemicals that will attract the bugs’ natural enemies.

  Now scientists have created a quick way to understand what plants are saying: a chemical sensor(传感器)called an “electronic nose”.The “e-nose” can tell such compounds as plants make.When plants are attacked, scientists say, the e-nose could help quickly decide whether plants are being eaten by insects.But today, the only way to spot such insects is to inspect individual plants by observing them.This is a challenging task for managers of greenhouses, including those that can house thousands of plants.The research team is working with an e-nose that can recognize volatile compounds.Inside the device, 13 sensors chemically react with volatile compounds based on the interactions(相互作用), and then the e-nose will give off electronic signals that the scientists can analyze by using computer software.

  To test the e-nose, the team presented it with healthy leaves from cucumber, pepper and tomato plants, all being common greenhouse crops.Then scientists collected samples of the air around damaged leaves from each type of crop.These plants had been damaged either by insects or by scientists who made holes in the leaves with a hole punch(打孔器).

  The e-nose, it turns out, can identify healthy cucumber, pepper and tomato plants based on the volatile compounds they produce.It could also identify tomato leaves that had been damaged.But even more impressive, the device could tell which type of damage——by insects or with a hole punch——had been done to the tomato leaves.

  With some fine-tuning(微调), a device like the e-nose can one day be used in greenhouses to quickly spot harmful bugs, the researchers say.A device like this can also be used to identify fruits that are perfectly ripe and ready to pick and eat, says Natalia Dudareva, a biochemist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, India, who studies smells of flowers and plants.Hopefully, scientists believe, the device can bring large benefits to greenhouse managers in the near future.


We learn from the text that plants communicate with each other by ________.

[  ]


making some sounds


waving their leaves


producing some chemicals


sending out electronic signals


What did the scientists do to find out if the e-nose worked?

[  ]


They fixed 13 sensors inside the device.


They presented it with all common crops.


They collected different damaged leaves.


They do tests on damaged and healthy leaves.


According to the writer, the most amazing thing about the e-nose is that it can ________.

[  ]


pick out ripe fruits quite expertly


spot the insects in a very quick way


tell different damages to leaves


recognize unhealthy tomato leaves


We can infer from the last paragraph that the e-nose ________.

[  ]


is unable to tell the smell of flowers


is not yet tested in greenhouses


is designed by scientists at Purdue


is helpful in killing harmful insects



  A basketball star who plays for the PLA has been picked for a team in Northern America’s National Basketball Association and made his first visit to Dallas on April, 2001.

  Wang Zhizhi, who just turned 22, averaged 13.5 points at the 2000 Olympics, eighth-best in Sidney scoring. He became the first Asian player to be drafted into the NBA. When he was picked by the Dallas Mavericks (小牛队). Wang is 2.12 metres tall and weighs 115kg. He is known as “Big Zhi.”He was chosen as the 36th pick in annual draft of NBA.

  Mavericks special assistants Morlon Wiley and Greg Dreiling, both big men, have worked with Wang and assistant coach Donnie Nelson in practice scrimmages (争抢) designed to simulate (模拟) conditions Wang will face in games.

  Wiley said, “Fundamentally, his jump shot is perfect for a big guy. Really we have nothing to lose. He is a diamond in the rough.

  “He looks great,” Donnie Nelson said. But this is a long term process. I’ve got to stay here with him because he needs that connection right now.

  “Wang Zhizhi is a young basketball player with great talent.” says Mavericks’ head coach Don Nelson, who spent nine days in Beijing and Shanghai in 2000 carrying out a series of basketball clinics.“How many 7’1” guys do you see as athletic as Wang Zhizhi? None that I can think of. I’m very happy China has produced the first Asian player to make the NBA.”

1.Which is not the proper description to Wang Zhizhi?

[  ]

A.He is known as “Big Zhi” just because he is as tall as 2.12 metres, like a giant.

B.He is the first Chinese player drafted into the NBA.

C.Besides his coach, there are two other big assistants working with Wang now.

D.7’1” was the best score of Wang in the 2000 Sidney Olympics.

2.What’s the proper understanding of the underlined sentence?

[  ]

A.His athletic talent has nearly come to an end.

B.His talent in basketball can hardly be developed.

C.He is a talented basketball player. But it needs time to train him great.

D.All the above.

3.What is the incorrect reason for Wang being drafted by the Mavericks ?

[  ]

A.He is so tall and is perfect at jump shot.

B.He has the talent in basketball and act wonderfully in the 2000 Sidney Olympics.

C.He has the experience of playing in the PLA.

D.He is so athletic as a 7’1” guy.


  Beijing(Xinhua)-Blind Chinese pianist Sun Yan, 23, will give a concert at the People’s Liberation Army(PLA)Theatre in downtown Beijing.

  Sun, a student at the well-known China Central Conservatory of Music, was born with cataracts(白内障), which caused him to become blind.He started learning to play the piano when he was three years old and immediately gained acclaim(喝彩)as a piano virtuoso at the age of six.

  Guo Shulan, head of the CCCM, said Sun was the first blind student the school had ever received in its half-century history.The well-known piano teacher, Yang Jun, taught Sun personally and found him to be greatly talented and strongly determined.

  At his concert, Sun will play a dozen masterpieces by composers, such as Bach, Beethoven and Chopin.

  “Common piano players may have a look at these long and difficult musical pieces while playing, but Sun would have to spend a much, much longer time to fully memorize a piece of music.” Yan said.“He plays the piano for at least six hours every day.”

  With painstaking effort for the past few years.Sun achieved very good grades at school and also gained an audience worldwide.He was invited to visit dozens of countries and regions and even performed at top theatres such as Caregie Hall in the United States.

  Top fashion brand Mark Fairwhale and piano manufacturer Bosendorfrr will offer Sun a financial support fund and the use of piano, respectively.The PLA Theatre will also provide him technical support and a stage setting design free of charge.Three schoolmates of Sun’s who were also pianists, for winning top prizes in international competitions, will be guest performers at the concert.

  Expecting to graduate with a bachelor degree in paino next year, Sun has applied to study for a master’s degree.

  “Music changes people’s lives.I hope I can continue to study the piano for the rest of my life,” Sun said.


Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?

[  ]


Sun Yan’s achievements in music.


Blind Chinese pianist gives concert in Beijing.


Sun Yan, successful blind pianist in China.


Blind pianist gains international fame.


The underlined word “virtuoso” in the second paragraph most probably means ________.

[  ]


excellent teacher


excellent student


excellent producer


excellent player


The CCCM has a history of ________.

[  ]


about 23 years


about 50 years


about 10 years


about 150 years


What does Sun Yan benefit most from on his way to being a well-known pianist besides his born talent?

[  ]


His being blindness.


His early beginning with piano practice.


His great efforts and help from various fields.


The technical support from his classmates.


Which of the following is TURE?

[  ]


Sun Yan became blind at the age of three.


Sun Yan became blind at the age of six.


Sun Yan is a graduate from the CCCM.


Sun Yan is studying in the CCCM.

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