This is a part from US President Barack Obama’s speech on May 14 at Bamard College in New York.
… My last piece of advice – this is simple, but perhaps most important: 36. Nothing worthwhile is easy. No one of achievement has avoided failure – sometimes catastrophic failures. But they keep at it. They learn from mistakes. They don’t 37.
When I first arrived on this 38, I was with little money, fewer options. But it was here that I tried to find my place in this world. I knew I wanted to make a difference, but it was 39 how in fact I’d go about it. But I wanted to do my part to 40 a better world.
So even as I worked after graduation in a few 41 jobs here in New York, even as I went from motley (鱼龙混杂的)apartment to motley apartment, I 42.
… And I wish I could say that this perseverance came from some innate (天生的)toughness in me. But the truth is, it was 43. I got it from 44 the people who raised me. I grew up as the son of a single mom who struggled to put herself through 45 and make ends meet. She had a marriage that fell apart; 46 went on food stamps at one point to help us 47. But she didn’t quit. And she earned her degree, and made sure that 48 scholarships and hard work, my sister and I earned 49.
And 50, I met a woman who was assigned to advise me on my first summer job at a law firm. And she gave me such good advice that I married her. And Michelle and I gave everything we had to balance our careers and a 51 family. We made that marriage work.
… So 52 it’s starting a business, or running for office, or 53 an amazing family, remember that making your 54  on the world is hard. It takes patience. It takes commitment. It comes with plenty of 55 and it comes with plenty of failures.

A.reached outB.put outC.gave outD.made out
A.get byB.come byC.get alongD.come along
A.for the time beingB.long beforeC.up to nowD.later on
【小题17】 ifB.ifC.whetherD.unless

Hana al—Shaibani was born on August 27, 1942.She was the only girl in her family, having two older and two younger brothers.Her father, a politician and journalist, loved her and played a large role in shaping the woman she grew up to be.
In 1956, Iraq's Baath party started to grow in popularity.Its slogans declaring liberty, Arab socialism and unity attracted the younger generation, including Hana.Although she was only 14 years old, she turned member of the party-receiving her education with her political activities.During her university years, she worked for the Baath party during the day and attended classes in the evening.
In 1958, following the overthrow of Iraq's monarchy (君主政治) , Hana rose through the ranks and was chosen to lead the party's female members.She was just 16.Two years later, she was selected as one of three representatives of the Iraqi Baath party to attend the Arab National Baath Party Conference, held that year in Beirut.Still just a teenager, she had already achieved more than most women from her region could ever imagine.
As was known to everyone, she was determined and fearless.One of the most memorable family stories tells of the time in 1959 when she left the house to join an organization against the rule of the then prime minister, Abdel Karim Qassim.The atmosphere was tense and a number of the organisers would later be killed.But Hana was determined to attend.
Sensing trouble, she hid the gun and carried beneath her skirt as she walked down the stairs.Her father begged with her not to go.He explained that as a patriot he understood her sense of duty, but added that his love for her went beyond all else.Hana replied; "Papa, you were once a patriotic man and when you were called upon to fight, you did.Please understand, so that I may go with your blessing rather than without." Her father could not stop her.
【小题1】.The passage mainly talks about __    __.
A.the life of Hana al-Shaibani       
B.the achievement of Hana al-Shaibani
D.the sufferings Hana al-Shaibani has received
D.Hana al-Shaibani and her father
【小题2】.When Hana al-Shaibani joined the Baath party, __    __.

A.she had to abandon her studies
B.she became popular with the people
C.she attracted the younger generation
D.she was then only a student
【小题3】.From the third paragraph we can know that _     ___.
A.Hana stood up tor Iraq's monarchy totally
B.Hana was strongly against the old government
C.Hana defeated more women older than her
D.Hana was made Chairwoman of the party
【小题4】.The passage is developed in the order of ___     _.

Whether you will be a doctor or a police officer in the future, there’s a teacher in your life. They teach you and help you know who you are? Of course, you want to thank them.

Teachers’ Day is the perfect chance for students around the world to thank their teachers. The festival falls on different days in different countries.

In China, Teachers’ Day is on September 10. But in the US, teachers have a whole week to celebrate. Teacher Appreciation Week is in the first full week of May every year. Kids used to bring apples for their teachers because apples are healthy. Now, they bring gifts with pictures of apples, such as cups, picture frames(框架) and teddy bears. Some students also make DIY gifts for their teachers. During the week, school clubs often offer teachers a free breakfast of coffee and pastries.

The South Korean Teachers’ Day is on May 15. Many students offer flowers to their teachers. Another traditional gift is a card. Thousands of students prepare personalized cards and give them to their favorite teachers.

Although different countries have different Teachers’ Days, there’s one day for the whole world to honor teachers. On October 5 of every year, over 100 countries, such as Canada and the Philippines, express their thanks by celebrating World Teachers’ Day. UNESCO started the day in 1994. It wants to remind people of the importance of teaching.

Only you can make a card like this one

A fingerprint (指纹) card is a good gift on Teachers’ Day

You will need:



●Colorful ink

1. Press your ink-covered finger on a clean card.

2. Use a pen to make your fingerprint into an animal or a robot.

3. Write words like “you are a wonderful teacher,” or “thank you for teaching me” on the card.

Some thank-you notes for great teachers

1. I am lucky to have the best teacher in this world. Wherever I may go in my life, I will always remember that I had an excellent guide...You.

2. You are not only my teacher; you are my friend. I will always be grateful to you for your support and kindness.

1.According to the passage, apples used to be a good choice of gifts for Teachers’ Day because     .

A.students want to wish their teacher good health

B.apples are in season on Teachers’ Day

C.students want to wish their teacher success

D.apples are sweet and cheap

2.More than 100 countries celebrate World Teacher’s Day on         .

A.October 5

B.May 15

C.September 10

D.May 5

3.During the Teacher Appreciation Week in the US, school clubs often provide teachers with_____________.

A.a movie ticket

B.a free breakfast

C.a beautiful card

D.a free trip

4.The part of “Only you can make a card like this one” is to tell the readers           .

A.where to order a beautiful card to make a meaningful DIY card

C.what kind of gift is best for teachers to order a teacher’s card online


I got my first driver’s license in 1953 by taking driver education in my first year at Central High School in Charlotte,North Carolina.Four years later when it was time to renew my license I was a married woman.Henry and I were living in Baltimore,Maryland.Two weeks before my 20th birthday,Henry drove me to the motor vehicle office on a hot July afternoon.When I got to the office and showed to the man behind the counter my North Carolina driver’s license,ready to renew,the man told me that I was under age by Maryland law since I was not yet 21.“Mr. Henry Smith,your husband,will have to sign for you,” he said.

I argued,pointing to a very large belly(肚子) of mine,“I am married.I am having a baby.Why should I have to have someone sign for me to drive?”He answered coldly.“It’s the law,madam.”

Henry encouraged me to calm down,just go ahead and get the license and be done with it.“No,”I said.I refused to have him sign for me.So I left without a Maryland license.

I called the North Carolina Motor Vehicle office and renewed my NC license by mail--using my name Susan Brown.And thus it was for the next twelve years.Since Henry was in the army I could drive under my home state license.By the time Henry left the army we were once again living in Maryland,and I had to take the Maryland driver’s exam.Since then I just go in and renew every four years--sign the name Susan Brown,have my new picture taken, and walk out with a license to drive.

1.Susan got her first driver’s license_______.

A.before she got married to Henry

B.when she was twenty years old

C.after she finished high school

D.when she just moved to Maryland

2.Susan failed to renew her license the first time in Maryland because_____.

A.she was forbidden to drive by Maryland law

B.she lacked driving experience in Maryland

C.she was to give birth to a baby soon

D.she insisted on signing for herself

3.We can infer from the text that in the U.S.___________.

A.American males should serve in the army

B.different states may have different laws

C.people have to renew their licenses in their home states

D.women should adopt their husbands’ family names after marriage







    The  most important 1essons I learned at college weren’t the ones my professors taught me.Instead,1 learned unpleasant truths about things like money,socializing,and self—sufficiency(自给自足)——usually the hard way.If I could go back and give advice to my

freshman self,this is what I’d say.

    *Take the opportunity for a semester abroad.

    If your college has a program to study for a semester or a year in another county, take

advantage of it.Yes,it will probably cost a little more,but you may never again have a chance to travel abroad for an extended period.There’S no better way to do that than to become completely involved in a new culture.

    *  3 

    This isn't high school anymore,So there’s no need tO join every club under the sun to try to impress somebody.Figure out what you’re interested in and then pursue it.Colleges have radio stations,political advocacy organizations,writers’groups,and so much more.They’re a great way to meet people with similar interests,as well as to broaden your horizons.

    *Get a job,especially during the summer vacation.

    5  It doesn’t work that way.Particularly in this economic climate,getting a job is 1ess about what yod know,and more about who you know.The best way to meet the people who may one day hire you is to get a job while in school,maybe in summers.You can get in the door at a company you may truly want to work for after graduation,get some valuable work experience,and even get the course credit.  It’s a winning situation all around.

  A.Apply for scholarships and grants(津贴).

  B.What 1 wish I’d known about college.

  C.Get involved with student organizations.

  D.If your college lacks the group you’d like to join,go ahead and start it yourself.

  E.Some college graduates expect to have their choice of job offers immediately after they graduate.   

  F.If you’re interested in your major,you won’t have much trouble earning good grades in those courses.

  G.College should be more than learning about facts and figures——it should be a chance to educate yourself about the world you live in.


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