I’ve often wondered how exactly sleep, or lack of it, can have such an awful effect on our bodies and, guess what, how much we sleep switches good genes(基因) on and had genes off.

In the first half of 2013, the Sleep Research Centre at the University of Surrey found a direct link between hours spent sleeping and genes. Every cell in our bodies carries genetic instructions in our DNA that act as a kind of operating handbook. However, each cell only “reads” the part of this handbook it needs at any given moment.

Can sleep affect how a gene reads instructions? It’s a question asked by Professor Derk-Jan Dijk at the University of Surrey. He set up an experiment and asked his volunteers to spend a week sleeping around seven and a half hours to eight hours a night and the next sleeping six and a half to seven hours.

Blood samples were taken each week to compare which genes in blood cells were being used during the long and short nights. The results were rather surprising. Several hundred genes changed in the amount they were being used, including some that are linked to heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. Genes to do with cell repair and replacement were used much less.

Sleep restriction(six and a half to seven hours a night) changed 380 genes. Of these, 220 genes were down regulated (their power was increased). Those affected included body-clock genes which are linked to diabetes(糖尿病). One of the most downgraded genes is that which has a role in controlling insulin(胰岛素) and is linked to diabetes and insomnia(失眠). The most upgraded gene is linked to heart disease.

So changing sleep by tiny amounts can upgrade or downgrade genes that can influence our health and the diseases we suffer from when we sleep too little.

The important message is that getting close to eight hours of sleep a night can make a dramatic difference to our health in just a few days through the way it looks after our genes.

1.What kind of relation is directly discussed in the passage?

A. Sleeping hours and changes of genes.

B. Sleeping hours and diseases.

C. Changes of genes and diseases.

D. Genes and health.

2.What can we learn about Professor Derk-Jan Kijk’s experiment?

A. The experiment was carried out to find the answer to how genes affect sleep.

B. The experiment took a period of more than two weeks to reach a conclusion.

C. His volunteers were divided into two groups with two different sleeping patterns.

D. Blood samples of the volunteers were checked afterwards to decide how many genes changed in sleeping.

3.Which of the following may be concluded from the passage?

A. The experiment was performed at the University of Surrey in early 2013.

B. Body-clock genes are associated with heart disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes.

C. Sleep restrictions may contribute to disease like diabetes, insomnia, and heart disease.

D. 7.5-8 hours’ sleep pattern makes little difference compared with 6.5-7 hours’ sleep pattern.

4.Which of the following can be inferred from the findings of the sleep research?

A. When there is a sleep restriction, genes to do with cell repair and replacement function less.

B. In a sleep, several hundred genes change in the amount. The more changes, the worse results.

C. When genes are up regulated, they do good to health; when genes are down regulated , they do harm to health.

D. Eight hours of sleep a day can be beneficial to our health in that it looks after our genes.


Everyone, from homeless people to billionaires, is likely to be influenced by stress; there’s simply no way to avoid it.1.Here are five powerful tips for ways to kill stress in almost any situation.

Eat Healthier

Though a lot of stress is psychological, there are also plenty of physical factors that lead to this natural human response to noticed danger. In order to relieve stress, make sure you’re treating your body right. A big part of this is eating healthier.2.Anyway, adopting an alkaline(碱性的) diet instead of an acidic(酸性的) one is recommended.

Wake Up Earlier

3.However, waking up 15 or 20 minutes earlier each morning may have more benefits than sleeping in. By giving yourself some extra time, you won’t feel quite rushed in the morning, which leads to better preparation and more confidence.


Since you are never going to remove 100 percent of the stress in your life, one of the best things you can do is let it be one of your motivations. This is what stress is designed to do, after all. The psychological and physical reactions brought on by stress are supposed to heighten our senses and empower us to fight off a threat.

Watch a Funny Video

Here is a simple and practical tip: watch a funny video on YouTube. Research shows that seeing something amusing activates the part of the brain that produces calm physiological(生理的) responses. This can lead to less anxiety and more happiness.

Take Walk Outside

Whenever possible, make sure you take your walk outdoors.5.It can improve energy levels and memory by as much as 20 percent.

A. A number of studies show that spending time in the open is a great way to relieve stress.

B. Diet and relaxation are two important keys to good health.

C. There are no magic “anti-stress” foods.

D. However, there are ways to reduce the amount of stress you suffer from.

E. Keep Positive Relationships

F. Let Stress Motivate You

G. It is certainly true that the more sleep you get, the less stressed you’ll be.


For the question of how to set goals, we have a very simple process that you can go through to set your personal goals. 1.

Identify your personal values and task statements. 2. If you can identity your personal values, your personal goal will not go wrong. The starting point of all achievements is desire.

3. After you know your personal values, find out what you really want to achieve in every life aspect. Life has many aspects and in order to lead a happy life, you should set goals in every aspect.

Write your goals down. Please pay attention to this. 4. If not, they will only become dreams. You should limit your goals to between 5 and 6 at any one time. To achieve your goals you have to focus your efforts and energy. As you progress and complete your goals, you may add new goals.

Develop a personal action plan. You need to make a detailed schedule according to your goals. Develop a personal action plan and follow it.

Review your progress and update your goals accordingly. 5. If not, analyze why the goal is not being met. Find a coach or friend to help you if you have trouble. Realize your goals step by step. Find out more of monitoring the process of goal setting.

A. Make sure you are making progress.

B. Your personal value is the big direction.

C. Figure out the goals you want to achieve.

D. It’s true that goal setting is a lifelong process.

E. If you want to succeed, you need prepare well.

F. You must write your goals down on a piece of paper.

G. These steps can help you achieve your goals more easily.


With his leg lame(瘸的)and his teeth uneven, the boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world. He _________ played with his classmates, and when asked to answer questions, he always _________ his head without a word.

One spring, his father brought home some saplings(树苗). _________ of his children would plant a sapling and he promised, “Whoever _________ his sapling best shall get a favorite gift.” The boy certainly wanted to get his father’s gift. _________ seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees, an idea _________ him: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So watering it once or twice, he never _________ it.

Several days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was _________ to find it not only didn’t die, but also grew so many fresh _________ . Compared with those of his brothers and sisters, his appeared greener. His father kept his _________ , bought the little boy one of his favorite gifts and said from the tree he planted, he would surely become an outstanding _________ when he grew up.

From then on, the little boy slowly became _________ and confident. One night, he suddenly _________ his biology teacher once said that plants _________ grow at night. Why not go to see his tree?

When he came to the courtyard, he found his father was working near his tree! Instantly he _________ : his father had been secretly _________ his small tree! He returned to his room, with tears _________ in his eyes.

Decades passed. The little boy didn’t become a botanist. _________ , he became the U.S. president. His name was Franklin Roosevelt.

_________ is the best nourishment(滋养品)of life. _________ it is just a bucket of water, it can make the tree of life grow well!

1.A. ever B. seldom C. still D. often

2.A. held B. raised C. lowered D. covered

3.A. Both B. None C. One D. Each

4.A. likes B. protects C. grows D. watches

5.A. And B. So C. Before D. But

6.A. cared for B. got rid of C. occurred to D. put forward

7.A. appealed to B. attended to C. adapted to D. turned to

8.A. surprised B. frightened C. disappointed D. amused

9.A. roots B. leaves C. branches D. seeds

10.A. word B. balance C. agreement D. opinion

11.A. teacher B. gardener C. president D. botanist

12.A. satisfied B. certain C. optimistic D. independent

13.A. believed B. recalled C. repeated D. knew

14.A. generally B. hardly C. recently D. voluntarily

15.A. remembered B. understood C. wondered D. admitted

16.A. cutting B. decorating C. watering D. fertilizing

17.A. welling B. falling C. dropping D. crying

18.A. Therefore B. Besides C. Moreover D. Instead

19.A. Love B. Water C. Disability D. Father

20.A. So long as B. If only C. Now that D. Even though

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