
British Summer Time runs from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October. In the depths of winter the nights in the UK are anything from 15-19 hours long. Longer nights mean frost and fog are more likely to form.
Twice a year the clocks change, forward in the spring and then back again in the autumn. But why? It happens twice a year. We all change our clocks and watches by one hour. In the spring, we add an hour, and go onto what is called British Summer Time, while in the autumn, we do the reverse, and return to Greenwich Mean Time.
Why bother?
It’s all to do with saving the hours of daylight, and was started by a guy called William Willett, a London builder, who lived in Petts Wood in Kent. Basically, he figured that you could improve the population’s health and happiness by putting forward the clocks by twenty minutes every Sunday in April and do the opposite in September.
His idea was not taken up, even though a “Daylight Saving Bill” was introduced some five years before the outbreak of World War One. But once the war started, it was considered wise to economics, to promote greater efficiency in using daylight hours, and in the use of artificial lighting. And so in 1916, “Daylight Saving Time” was introduced. Even though most countries abandoned this after that war, some eventually decided that it was a good idea, and most of these nations began to keep it throughout the year.
Since 1972, Britain has decided to go with Greenwich Mean Time in winter, and British Summer Time in Summer.
But back in 1968, Britain tried a four-year experiment by advancing time one hour ahead of GMT throughout the year.
But those living further north, particularly in Scotland, found it most unsatisfactory, with dark mornings for much of the year, and the experiment was dropped.
But the arguments go on …and on.
【小题1】Why some countries decide to change the clocks after World War One?

A.To improve the people’s health and happiness.
B.To do a certain experiment
C.To save energy to develop economies.
D.All of the above.
【小题2】What can you infer from the passage?
A.The idea of changing the clocks suffered disagreement.
B.The people in Scotland don’t change the clocks.
C.The idea was first thought of by an educator.
D.It’s unnecessary to change the clocks.
【小题3】What is the real meaning of the last sentence of the passage?
A.Nobody in the UK likes the idea.
B.All things need arguments.
C.The British are fond of arguments.
D.Different views of the idea still exist.


【小题1】从第三段it was considered wise to economics, to promote greater efficiency in using daylight hours, and in the use of artificial lighting可知一战后一些国家采用“夏令时”目的是促进经济的发展,更有效的利用白天的时间同时减少人工灯光的使用,从而节约能源,故选C


A small town in southwest Britain is banning(禁止) plastic bags in an attempt to help the environment and cut waste—a step that environmentalists believe is a first for Europe.
Shopkeepers in Modbury population 1500,agreed to stop handing out disposable plastic bags to customers on Saturday.They said paper sacks and cloth carrier bags would be offered instead.
Last month,San Franciso became the first U.S. city to ban plastic grocery bags.Internationally,laws to discourage the use of plastic bags have been passed in parts of South Africa and Ireland,where governments either tax shoppers who use them or fine companies that hand them out.Bangladesh already bans them,and so do at least 30 remote Alaskan villages.
Modbury,about 225 miles southwest of London,has also declared a bag amnesty(宽限期),allowing local people to hand in plastic bags that have piled up at home.They will be sent for traveling.
The Modbury ban was the idea of Rebecca Hosking,who saw the effect of bags on marine life while working in the Pacific as a wildlife camerawoman.She said response(反应) in the town so far had been “really positive”.
“Modbury is quite an old-fashioned town and a lot of people have wicker baskets to go out shopping anyway,”Hosking told Sky News Television.
The Worldwatch Institute,an environmental research agency,states that 100 billion plastic bags are thrown away each year in the United States alone.More than 500 billion are used yearly around the world.
【小题1】What was Rebecca Hosking?

A.A lawyer.B.An environmentalist.
C.A sailor.D.A photographer.
【小题2】The underlined word “disposable” in the passage probably means _______.
【小题3】It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A.most of the people in Modbury continue to use plastic bags
B.fewer and fewer plastic bags will be used in the world
C.San Francisco is the first city to ban plastic bags in the world
D.most countries in the world have passed laws to ban plastic bags
【小题4】Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Environmental Protection
B.Big Cities Banning Plastic Bags
C.Effect of Plastic Bags on Sea Animals
D.British Town Banning Plastic Bags

The two largest islands of the British Isles are Great Britain and Ireland. England, Wales and Scotland together form Great Britain. Scotland, lying in the northern part of Great Britain and bordering(接壤)England on the south, is half the size of England and Wales, having an area of about 76 000 square kilometers. Most of Northern Scotland is mountainous area known as the Scottish Highlands. In the center of Scotland there are the Central Low-lands, and the south is waving, hilly area known as the Southern Uplands which rise to 800m. There are many rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The rivers which run to the east are longer than the ones which run to the west.
In Scotland the main rainy winds come from the Atlantic Ocean. The west part is wet with an average(平均) rainfall of up to 200cm while the east is dry with about 75cm. The winters are cold with an average January temperature of 4℃. The summers are cold and warm but rarely hot.
1. This passage mainly tells us____ .
A. how many parts form Great Britain
B. the positions of England, Wales and Scotland
C. the areas of Great Britain
D. Something about Scotland
2. England lies____ .
A. in the south of Great Britain          B. to the south of Scotland
C. to the north of Wales                D. in the north of Scotland
3. This passage also tells us____ .
A. the population of Great Britain        B. the history of England and Wales
C. the size of Scotland                 D. the position of Northern Ireland
4. The Central lowlands_____ .
A. lie between the Scottish Highlands and the Southern Uplands
B. lie to the north of Scottish Highlands
C. lie to the south of the Southern Uplands
D. border England on the south
5. The writer says that in Scotland there is more rain____ .
A. in the Highlands than in the Southern Uplands     B. in the west part than in the east
C. in the Central Lowlands than in the Highland      D. in the east than in the west

Visitors worry that London is an expensive city but there really are so many things to do for

free in London from museums and galleries to free music and walking tours.
Art Galleries
Tate Modern and Tate Britain are exceptional national art galleries housing some of the finest artworks in the world. Tate Modern focuses on contemporary art while Tate Britain displays British Art from the sixteenth century to the present day.
All of London's major museums are free, but most offer some special exhibitions for a fee. My favorite is the Museum of London where you can learn the history of London from Roman times to today. Other great major museums are the British Museum, the V&A, the Science Museum, and the      Natural History Museum. Oh, and I love the Geffrye Museum. And the. Now I can't decide which is the best!
Many of London's major art galleries and museums are open in the evening and often have special evening events. This can be a great way to relax at the end of a busy day seeing the sights. The main London galleries and museums are air-conditioned so it can be a wonderful way to cool down in the height of summer in the city. Galleries and museums are not open late every night so here is a handy list to help you plan your days and evenings.
Royal Parks
Many people say the Queen Mary's Rose Gardens in Regent's Park is their favorite spot in London, and who am I to argue? I would also recommend St. James's Park as it offers one of the best views of Buckingham Palace. Hyde Park is enormous and includes the ever popular Diana Memorial Fountain and the Peter Pan Statue.
There are often free talks and guided walks in the royal parks so do check the What's On section of the Royal Parks website.
Changing of the Guard
No visit to London is complete without seeing this military tradition. The Queen's Guard in London changes in the Forecourt inside the gates of Buckingham Palace at 11:30am every day in the summer and every other day in the winter. Get there early and view the spectacle from outside the front gates.
53. The passage is intended to _________.
A. recommend some free scenic spots to tourists       
B. help visitors save money while visiting Ireland
C. advise travelers how to choose art articles      D. tell readers London’s wonderful history
54. If you visit some museums in London in the evening, you ________.
A. can see all the artworks free of charge               B. have to endure the heat of the summer
C. need to pay admission for general exhibition  
D. may have a chance to enjoy some special events
55. In order to watch Changing of the Guard in summer, visitors have to _________.
A. gain access to the front gates after 11:30 a.m.
B. pay a sum of money to enter the Royal Parks
C. arrive at Buckingham Palace before 11:30 a.m.
D. come through the gates of Buchingham Palace

The view over a valley of a tiny village with thatched (草盖的) roof cottages around a church, a drive through a narrow village street lined with thatched cottages painted pink or white, the sight over the rolling hills of a pretty collection of thatched farm buildings―these are still common sights in parts of England. Most people will agree that the thatched roof is an essential part of the attraction of the English countryside.
Thatching is in fact the oldest of all the building crafts(工艺)practised in the British Isles. Although thatch has always been used for cottage and farm buildings, it was once used for castles and churches, too.  
Thatching is a solitary(独自的)craft, which often runs in families. The craft of thatching as it is practised toady has changed very little since the Middle Ages. Over 800 full-time thatchers are employed in England and Wales today, keeping and renewing the old roofs as well as thatching newer houses. Many property owners choose thatch not only for its beauty but because they know it will keep them cool in summer and warm in winter.
In fact, if we look at developing countries, over half the world lives under thatch, but they all do it in different ways. People in developing countries are often unwilling to go back to traditional materials and would prefer modern buildings. However, they may lack the money to allow them to get the necessary materials. Their temporary mud huts with thatched roofs of wild grasses often only last six months. Thatch which has been done the British way lasts from twenty to sixty years, and is an effective defiance against the heat.
【小题1】Which of the following remains a special feature of the English countryside?

A.Narrow streets lined with pink or white houses.B.Rolling hills with pretty farm buildings.
C.Cottages with thatched roofs.D.Churches with cottages around them.
【小题2】What do we know about thatching as a craft?
A.It is a collective activity.
B.It is practised on farms all over England.
C.It is quite different from what it used to be.
D.It is in most cases handed down among family members.
【小题3】Thatched houses are still preferred because of _________.
A.their style and comfortB.their durability
C.their easy maintenance D.their cheap and ready-made materials
【小题4】People in developing countries also live under thatch because ________.
A.thatched cottages are a big tourist attraction
B.thatched roof houses are the cheapest
C.thatch is an effective defense against the heat
D.they like thatched houses better than other buildings

第三部分阅读技能  (共两节,满分26 分)
第一节阅读理解(共12 小题 满分18 分)
The song, Let’s Go Get Stoned, is an example of Ray Charles’ own kind of music and is his own sound. He mixed black church music, blues and rock-and-roll and produced a very different sound. Ray Charles could play blues, rock and jazz, and liked other kinds of music, too. He recorded an album (专辑) of country-and-western music, which was an immediate success. The album was called Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music. Many of the songs became famous. One of the most popular was I Can’t Stop Loving You. Charles made himself a popular artist and an expert of soul music with the release (发行) of his most popular composition (乐曲作品) What I Say.
During the 1960s Charles appeared in the 1962 film Swinging Along, and the 1966 British film Ballad in Blue. In 1980 he appeared in The Blues Brothers movie and became even more successful. Charles also played an important part in the recording for Africa’s song of We Are the World in 1985.Ray Charles often said that sound and music were his life’s blood. He said many times that he would not trade his musical ability for the ability to see again. He did not give his time and money to help the blind, but helped create and support the Robinson Foundation for Hearing Disorders, which helps people deal with the loss of their hearing. He once said, “Being blind is my handicap (生理缺陷), but my ears are my opportunity. Losing my hearing would have ended my life.”
49. According to the passage, what can we learn about Ray Charles?
A. He lost both his sight and his hearing.           
B. He lost his voice and could not sing.
C. He lost his sight.
D. He was disabled in both body and mind.
50. Charles appeared in films and _____.
A. played an important role at the very beginning    
B. lost his interest in music in the 1960s
C. achieved great success in The Blues Brothers
D. failed to become successful in the end
51. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Ray Charles didn’t want to see again.    
B. Let’s Go Get Stoned is Ray Charles’ best song.
C. Ray Charles couldn’t live without music and sound.
D. Charles supported the foundation for the blind.
52. What does the last paragraph tell us?
A. Ray Charles thought it was a big pity that he could not see.
B. Ray Charles paid attention to nothing except sound and music.
C. Ray Charles didn’t help the blind because he hated being blind.
D. He considered his hearing as the most important thing in his life.

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