Tired of Working in Your Country! 
With over 500 instructors and 20 years of experience, we are the leader in the field of teaching foreign languages. We now have positions open in Osaka starting September/October 2004 for instructors of English, German, Spanish and French. 
? Teach many different kinds of classes using the latest technology in small classes of up to 3 students.
?Accommodation (住宿), and other necessary documents (文件) will be ready before you leave.
? Applicants will teach their first language only.
? Excellent teacher training programs. 
If you are young with a university degree and are willing to experience different cultures, apply (申请) now. Experience in teaching is an advantage but not specially required. Knowledge of the Japanese language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic requirements. 
Apply with C. V. and send letters to:
NOVA France, Mr. Sampy (IHT3/2) 
34, Bd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris, France
Fax: 33148014804
Or visit our website: www. teadyp. com
The manager expects to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July. 
73. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To introduce a language school in Japan.
B. To hire language teachers to work in Japan.
C. To describe working conditions in Japan.
D. To make clear the requirements for Japanese teachers.
74. Before going to Japan, you need _______.
A. to see the manager of NOVA France
B. to take some computer courses
C. to write a letter to Japan
D. to find a place to live
75  If you want to work in Japan you should _______.
A. have some working experience
B. know how to use computers
C. present good teaching plans
D. speak several languages 

A. “Better road design and training hold the key to cycle safety”, the new Transport Secretary said today as he pledged to restore Britain’s safety record. Patrick McLoughlin told Conservative Party Conference that while cycling was enjoying a post-Olympics boom, the number of casualties among cyclists was also rising. “But the number of accidents has gone up too. That means it needs better design and better education too.” Mr McLoughlin said in his first speech as Transport Secretary. 

B.  Cycling in the UK will become safer through “sheer weight of numbers,” the founder of one of the world’s leading cycle brands has said as he backed The Times’s Cyclesafe campaign. Simon Mottram, founder and chief executive of Rapha, has added his support to 40 cross-party MPs who have signed a letter urging David Cameron to use his speech at the Conservative Party Conference to promote measures to make the streets safer for cyclists.

C.  Commuters who cycle to work face an increased danger as the casualty toll during peak hours rose by 10 percent last year. The rate at which cyclists were killed or seriously injured rose sharply last year, official figures showed yesterday.

D.  In future decades, Londoners will look back on the way cyclists jostled with buses and lorries on major roads as an absurd anachronism. Some risks are unavoidable. But other risks survive only because we are too slow to embrace bold solutions. That is the message from designers who are proposing an ambitious plan to create cycle lanes suspended above London’s busiest streets. London is one of the most dangerous places in the world for cycling. “SkyCycle” would remedy that problem by attaching dedicated cycle paths to existing railway viaducts.

E.  Money should be apportioned from the funding for major transport projects, such as the new Forth Crossing, to create a pot of cash for cycling, campaigners have told MSPs. Cycle groups have given warning that not enough money is being put into routes and promotion. They want the Scottish government to take a percentage of the funding allocated to key national projects and create an “active transport” fund to be distributed gradually.

F.  We’d like you to tell us why you love cycling by sending a photo of yourself, a family member or friend with their bike and a note about why it is so brilliant. To take part, instagram your photo with the hashtag #ilovemybike or email it to us at ilovemybike@thetimes.co.uk. We’ll post the best pictures here ilovemybike.tumblr.com.


1.“Cycle lanes in the sky” answer to traffic danger

2.More cyclists are seriously injured on Britain’s roads

3.Share a picture of you and your bike and help us promote the fun and freedom of cycling

4.“Weight of numbers” will bring safe cycling

5.Transport Secretary calls for better road design and training to help cyclists


The computer makes doing schoolwork easier for me than it was for my mom and dad. For example, when writing book reports and stories, I use Microsoft Word instead of a pen and paper. That way, after my teacher checks my work, I can go back and make revisions without having to rewrite the whole thing. And Microsoft Word has a spell check! I use it all the time.

For English class, we are reading The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. As pre-reading homework, my teacher asked us to research teenage groups on the Internet. I tried Google, Encarta, and Yahoo first, and finally found an article on Time. com .

For geography homework on the United States, I used Encarta to learn about the Mississippi River. I needed to find out how deep the river is, how its widths and depths are different, what states it runs through, and what kinds of fish live in it. I used the information to show how the geography of a country influences its economy. For example, the river’s trade paths, the number of fish caught in it and the tourists it attracts directly affect Southerners’ jobs and incomes.

I never go to the library to do research. It takes too much time. Since I live in New York City and both my parents work, getting to the library isn’t always easy. For a big task or research project, I used to stay at the library to read, or sign out whatever books or magazines I needed. Now being able to find the information in my own living room makes everything a lot simpler. Online dictionaries and encyclopedias (百科全书) also save time.

Sometimes, I think the computer spoils my generation because it is so easy --- at least physically. But computers are not like television, which does the thinking for you. You still have to use your mind. I prefer using a computer, easy, fun, and fast.

1. What does the writer use when he writes book reports and stories? (no more than 3 words)

2. Why doesn’t the writer go to the library to do research? (no more than 6 words)

3. How does the writer complete a big assignment or research project at present? (no more than 10 words)

4. Why does the author prefer using a computer? (no more than 11 words)



The Big Apple Circus Clown Care Program

  The Big Apple Circus Clown Care program brings joy and laughter to young patients in seven New York City pediatric(儿科的) facilities, and 11 more across the country. 90 specially trained professional “clown doctors” visit nearly 250,000 bedsides a year, interacting with the children, family members and staff.

  The Clown Care program is a part of the healing process for children who come to New York Presbyterian. The clown unit provides a unique way to reduce the stress associated with being in a hospital. Being able to bring a smile to the face of a sick child clearly complements(辅助) the excellent care provided by our doctors and nurses. We are thrilled to include the Clown Care program as part of our team.

  Please help continue this important work by making a financial contribution today at bigapplecircus.org.



1. Whose entry will be accepted by The New Yorker?

A.        Richard, a post-graduate from Quebec, Canada, who sent his design on Dec.20.

B.        Amy, a 28-year-old Asian-American teacher, who sent her design on Jan. 20.

C.        Jessie, a 16-year-old student from New York, who sent her design on Dec. 29.

D.        John, a 68-year-old retired engineer from San Francisco, who sent his design on Jan. 10.


2. Which of the following is NOT true about James Surowiecki?

A.        James Surowiecki is the author of The Financial Page column.

B.        James Surowiecki usually has discussions with people from different fields.

C.        James Surowiecki speaks with a chairman about issues of medicine this month.

D.        Visiting newyorker.com/go/vasella, you can watch the conversation of this month between James and an economist.

3. ___________ can be provided by The Big Apple Circus Care program for sick children.

A. Excellent treatment and care         B. Trained professional doctors and nurses

C. Unique methods to relieve stress     D. Special pediatric facilities

4.Which of the following can be used by the Big Apple Circus Clown Care program to promote itself?

A.  We help all children live happy lives.

B.  Our doctors jump through rings to cure the blues.

C.  Every life deserves world class care.

D.  Work together for a healthier world.



We are seeking for qualified and experienced candidates to join our fast growing team for the following positions at Ratchathewi (Head Office), Pracha – Uthit (site), Pantai Norasing (site), Thepharak (site), and a few other incoming projects in Bangkok.

●Project Managers

-Degree in Civil / Structural Engineering

-Minimum 7 years’ working experience in similar capacity, preferably in building construction.

-Ability to plan and execute works, keep deadlines, control cost and implement continual quality improvement

-Possess leadership attributes, good interpersonal and follow-up skill to motivate subordinates and develop team spirit

-Possess a valid driving license

●Accounting Officer

—Degree in Accounting

—Minimum 1~2 years accounting experience

—Knowledge of accounting packages & spreadsheets

●Account Executive / Finance Executive

—Degree in Accounting

—Preferably 3 years’ accounting experience VAT, Withholding tax compliance & submission

—Knowledge of accounting packages & spreadsheets

—Expert at English and Thai (泰国语) spoken or written

—Ability to handle full set accounts

●Senior Admin. Asst.

—Minimum 5 years experience in Building Construction company is preferable.

—Computer literate with knowledge in Microsoft Office

—Good command of both written and oral English compulsory.

—Female preferred

●Site Supervisor

—Diploma / Certificate in Building or Civil Engineering

—Minimum 5 years’ working experience in building construction or precast (预制的) concrete manufacturing

—Able to work independently and co – ordinate work effectively

All positions mention above requires candidates with good command of both written and oral English. Interested candidate, please send your application stating full qualification, work experience and expected salary together with a copy of transcript and a recent photograph to the address below:

ASCE Construction Limited.

503/19E K.S.L. Tower (11TH Floor), Sri-Ayudthaya Rd., Thanon Phayathai,

Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400

TEL: - 02642-6272 , 02642-6120

FAX: - 02642-6273

E-MAIL: asce_construction@hotmail.com

1.If you want to apply for the position of a project manager, you must have        .

         A.the ability to work independently               B.a degree in accounting

         C.six years of experience at least                   D.the qualification to drive 

2.Most of the positions require the following EXCEPT      .                    

         A.a suitable degree                                            B.certain working experience

         C.professional computer knowledge             D.a good command of English

3.Which position prefers a woman candidate?

         A.A ccounting Officer.                                        B.Senior Admin. Asst.

         C.professional computer knowledge             D.a good command of English

4.What can we infer from the passage?

         A.Candidates can only apply by mail.

         B.More companies will be founded in Bangkok.

         C.Candidates must be able to speak both English and Thai.

         D.You will benefit from your work experience.


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