
  The people below are now traveling in the U.S.,and now looking for a park to visit. After the description of these people,there is information about six American parks AF.Decide which park would be most suitable for the person mentioned in questions 610.There is one extra paragraph about one park which you don't need to use.

  ________1.Lisa is a naturalist.She loves the outdoors and is fascinated with adventure and all types of wildlife.Along with enjoying wildlife she also has a passion for backpacking and hiking.Lisa is also interested in photography and will climb as high as needed to get that great shot.

  ________2.Martin,who is specialized in geography,would like to see a d which is filled with exciting discoveries of facts about the earth movements.He also hopes to observe the changer in rocks due to time and erosion.

  ________3.Kelly,just graduated from university.Her major is archeology.She is interested in ancient finds such as :fossils of animals and plant life,old pottery and especially things dating back to the prehistoric age.Kelly hopes to unearth something significant so that she can develop her career.

  ________4.Simon is one excitement.He enjoys all out-door sports especially white water rafting.He has been searching for a park that can fulfill his taste for adventure.And at the same time he can appreciate the beautiful sceneries along the way.

  ________5.Chris is looking for something famous perhaps a“superstar”of parks.He is interested in everything from wildlife to earth activities.He hopes he can find a park which can offer the most to him.

  A.This park is a vast natural museum,and it is recognized as the lowest point in the U.S.All the great divisions of geological(地质的)time,the eras and most of their subdivisions,are represented(描写)in the rocks of the mountains bordering the great valley.These rocks and the land forms tell a story of endless changes in the earth's crust(地壳)-vast depositions,contortions,tilting,alternate rising and lowering,faulting and intense heats and pressures that changed the very nature of some rocks.

  B.This park protects a large deposit(存放)of fossil(化石)dinosaur bones-remains of the so-called“terrible lizards” that lived millions of years ago.The dinosaurs weren't really lizards,and most of them weren't even terrible.But some of the first dinosaur fossils ever found were huge bones and teeth,very lizard-like except for their size,and so the idea of monstrous lizards was born.Today,many ideas about dinosaurs are changing,and the fossils at this park continue to help us learn more about these fascinating animals.

  C.With elevations ranging from 8,000 feet in the wet,grassy valleys to 14,259 feet at the weather-ravaged top of Long's Peak,a visitor to the park has opportunities for countless breathtaking experiences and adventures.A large variety of animals will delight wildlife-watchers of all ages.Wildflower-lovers are never disappointed in June and July when the meadows and hillsides are splashed with botanical color.359 miles of trail offer endless opportunities to hikers,backpackers and horseback riders.So far to find 60 peaks rising above 12,000 feet challenge intrepid hikers and climbers.

  D.The world's largest concentration of natural stone arches is found in this park.Over 1500 of these“miracles of nature”grace the 73,000-acre area.And it is famous for the red arches of Entrada sandstone that occur there in great profusion.A 41-mile round-trip paved road in the park leads to the major sights, including Balanced Rock,Skyline Arch,and the Fiery Furnace.But there are also many other striking rock formations scattered over the park's 73,000 scenic acres.

  E.Yellowstone is the oldest park in the U.S.park system and is its flagship.Visitors come to experience the park's restless geology;to see grizzlies,gray wolves,and herds of buffalo.Its turbulent(狂暴的)landscape-which remains among the most geologically active lands on the planet,with steam-spewing geysers(间歇温泉),gurgling fumaroles,and frequent earthquakes-was protected as the world's first national park in 1872.Yellowstone and the huge tracts of national-forest land that ring it comprise one of the world's last intact temperate ecosystems-all its major species of plants and animals are still present.

  F.This park has a canyon 200 miles long and about a mile deep.Along the ride you follow the Colorado River which carved this massive canyon.At times the canyon is from 5 to 15 miles across.The Colorado River continues to shape and gouge its way through the canyon where about 90 species of mammals(哺乳动物)and some 290 species of birds live.River rafting along the Colorado River has different options for people.You can go on long trips with organizations or even take a smooth ride down the river with a picnic style lunch.

请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。
When I get off the bus, I’m usually greeted by the sounds of news on CNN. My father welcomes me, and I help him with the usual things—changing the channel and some other tasks. My father has a disease that makes him unable to walk. Despite his disability, my father has always been my role model.
In my first year at middle school, my grades slipped greatly. My father told me I could improve. I currently maintain a B plus average, and he confidently supports me in all my academic efforts. He is against violence to the best of his ability. Love is his most important tool,and he makes sure we know that violence is never the answer.
He urges me not to fear,but to believe in what I think is right.“No matter what anyone tells me,”he says,“I believe what I choose. If someone is discriminating against you for who you are, they don’t deserve your time.”My friends are the most caring people I’ve met, because I realize that they don’t judge me, and they like me as I am.
I’ve always found it strange that people pity me because of my father’s condition. He’s not inferior(次于) to anyone. His disease doesn’t hold him back. He’s normal person.
When I see disabled people out in public, I consider them equal to any other individual. No one is superior to anyone for any physical reason. I’ve known that from that day on, thanks to my dad.
“Anything else?”I’ll ask.
“No, that’s fine.”
As I walk to my room, I think my dad who teaches me the most important things I’ll ever need to know. My father is in no way inferior to anyone else. If anything, he’s even better.
According to the passage,we learn that the author’s father is_________.

A.kind but sort of strictB.disabled but optimistic
C.independent but violentD.full of love but lacks confidence
It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that the author’s father gives him some advice on
A.how to make friendsB.how to help the disabled
C.how to learn from failureD.how to improve his studies
.When the author sees disabled people in public,he feels_________.
What can we learn from the passage?
A.The author is proud of his father.
B.The author is likely to be taken in by his friends.
C.The author encourages his father to do things himself.
D.The author is looked down upon because of him disabled father.

Do you ever run out of great books to read? So what should I read next? Is fast-paced crime fiction your thing?
Try the new Patricia Cornwell book, Scarpetta (Putnam). She is such an able writer and handles complex forensic(法庭的) intelligence with ease. You need to be prepared, though, for the world you're entering—this isn't for the faint of heart, let's say.
If peace is more your thing, try Mary Pipher's wonderful new book, Seeking Peace: Chronicles of the Worst Buddhist in the World (Riverhead). Mary is a lovely, comfortable writer who takes the reader through her personal awakening after reputation and fortune came her way. Even if you've never experienced life as a bestselling writer (as she has done, in her book years back, Reviving Ophelia), you'll totally understand and sympathize with her renewed need for privacy, distance and quiet.
What if you want a straightforward, totally thrilling read with vivid characters, set about World War II? You cannot go wrong with Jim Lehrer's new novel, Oh, Johnny (Random House), about a young Marine whose life is changed forever when he meets a woman on his way to war. His relationship with her lasts him through danger and hardship, and there's an impressive ending. See our interview with the productive novelist/newsman in the current issue of Reader's Digest (March, on stands now), by the way, for insight into the very talented Mr. Lehrer and what interests him.
Well, what about something wickedly funny and totally offbeat? Does the name Carrie Fisher do anything for you? Try her vivid and new life in Hollywood and elsewhere, Wishful Drinking (Simon & Schuster). Be prepared for humor as sharp as knives.
61. What does the writer want to tell us by the underlined sentence?
A. The world is complex and hard.          B. Scarpetta is a thriller.
C. The fiction is hard to understand.     D. Society is hard to fit into.
62. Which of the following is true of Mary Pipher?
A. She is an adventurous writer.   B. She doesn’t care about fortune.
C. Her books normally sell well.   D. She can help you achieve writing skills. 
63. To get further information about Jim Lehrer, you may________.
A. go to Reader’s Digest issued in March     B. go to Random House
C. analyze the characters in Oh, Johnny    D. read the novel Oh, Johnny
64. Which book isn’t directly based on the writer’s own life?__________________
A. Seeking Peace.            B. Reviving Ophelia.
C. Wishful Drinking.         D. Oh, Johnny.

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