


1).游客多,易造成交通堵塞 2). 郊区环境有利于动物生存


1).建于1906年,中外闻名 2). 搬迁易造成动物死亡



参考词汇:郊区 suburb
Dear Editor,
Recently, in our class there has been a heated discussion about
Yours truly,
Li Hua

【答案】Dear Editor,
Recently, in our class there has been a heated discussion about whether the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city. Some of my classmates are in favor of the move. They say large crowds of tourists to the zoo will result in traffic jams. They also say that once moved, animals will have more space and better living conditions in the suburbs. However, other students are against the idea, saying that the Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, has a history of 100 years, and is well-known at home and abroad. So it should remain where it is. What's more, moving may cause the death of some animals. To move or not, this is a big decision which has to be made by people in Beijing.
Yours truly,
Li Hua


【题目】The O. Henry Museum

The aim of the O. Henry Museum is to collect, preserve, and interpret artifacts,works and archival (档案的) materials relative to the author, for literary educational, and historical purposes that are accessible to the public. The museum was set up in 1934, under the authority of the City of Austin, and is both a National Register Property and a National Literary Landmark.

The O. Henry Museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday, noon to 5:00 pm. Admission is free. Tours are also available for free. Please contact the museum at least one week in advance to schedule a tour for a group of 10 or more. Metered parking is available on the street in front of the museum. The museum’s gift shop has for sale T-shirts, coffee mugs, DVDs, and an array of books by and about O. Henry.

Group tours:

We ask for one-week advance notice of groups more than 10 people, including schools, church groups, and organizations.


Donations greatly benefit the museum and its programs. Inquire about contributing.


Contact us about volunteering at the museum. We are currently in need of a gardener and a volunteer docent (讲解员).


Valerie Bennett, Curator

valerie. bennett@ci. austin. tx. us

Michael Hoinski, Culture & Arts Education Specialist

michael. hoinski@ci. austin. tx. us

Elizabeth Taylor, Docent


409 East Fifth Street, Austin, Texas 78701

1According to the text, we can know the O. Henry Museum .

A. opens to the public for a whole day

B. won its fame when it was set up

C. focuses on collecting works of O. Henry

D. teaches people how to write literary works

2When visiting the O. Henry Museum, visitors can .

A. get paid by becoming a docent

B. buy books written by O. Henry

C. get many donations from the museum

D. park cars near the museum in any time

3What is a must if school teachers plan to take their students to visit the museum?

A. Going there on a workday.

B. Contacting the museum in advance.

C. Donating some money to the museum.

D. Preparing well to be her students’ guide.


写作要求:1.字数:不少于120; 2、内容充实,行文连贯

Dear Tom,

How are you doing theses days? I want to tell you some exciting news. We have a foreign teacher this semester, who we all like very much. But most of the time, I cannot fully understand what she says in class because I am not very good at English listening. I am quite upset. So do you have any suggestions on how to improve listening?

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua












When her five daughters were young. Helene An always told them that there was strength in unity(团结). To show this, she held up one chopstick, representing one person. Then she easily broke it into two pieces. Next, she tied several chopsticks together, representing a family. She showed the girls it was hard to break the tied chopsticks. This lesson about family unity stayed with the daughters as they grew up.
Helene An and her family own a large restaurant business in California. However, when Helene and her husband Danny left their home in Vietnam in 1975, they didn't have much money. They moved their family to San Francisco. There they joined Danny's mother, Diana, who owned a small Italian sandwich shop. Soon afterwards, Helene and Diana changed the sandwich shop into a small Vietnamese restaurant. The five daughters helped in the restaurant when they were young. However. Helene did not want her daughters to always work in the family business because she thought it was too hard.
Eventually(最终)the girls all graduated from college and went away to work for themselves, but one by one, the daughters returned to work in the family business. They opened new restaurants in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Even though family members sometimes disagreed with each other, they worked together to make the business successful. Daughter Elizabeth explains. “Our mother taught us that to succeed we must have unity, and to have unity we must have peace. Without the strength of the family, there is no business.”
Their expanding business became a large corporation(企业) in 1996, with three generations of An working together. Now the An' corporation makes more than $20 million each year. Although they began with a small restaurant, they had big dreams, and they worked together. Now they are a big success.
(1)Helene tied several chopsticks together to show.
A.the strength of family unity
B.the difficulty of growing up
C.the advantage of chopsticks
D.the best way of giving a lesson
(2)We can learn from Paragraph 2 that the An family.
A.started a business in 1975
B.left Vietnam without much money
C.bought a restaurant in San Francisco
D.opened a sandwich shop in Los Angeles
(3)What can we infer about the An daughters?
A.They did not finish their college education
B.They could not bear to work in the family business
C.They were influenced by what Helene taught them
D.They were troubled by disagreement among family members
(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.How to Run a Corporation
B.Strength Comes from Peace
C.How to Achieve a Big Dream
D.Family Unity Builds Success

Helping and working with others can have a good effect on your overall psychological well-being. Nothing relieves stress better than a meaningful connection to another person. Working with pets and other animals can also improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. Volunteering keeps you in regular contact with others and helps you develop a solid support system, which in turn protects you against depression.
By measuring hormones and brain activity, researchers have discovered that being helpful to others delivers inner pleasure. Human beings are hard-wired to give to others.
Volunteering increases self-confidence. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment.And the better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to have a positive view of your life and future goals.
Studies have found that those who volunteer have a lower mortality rate than those who do not. Older volunteers tend to walk more, find it easier to cope with everyday tasks, are less likely to develop high blood pressure, and have better thinking skills. Volunteering can also lessen symptoms of chronic pain and reduce the risk of heart disease.
A. Volunteering makes you happy.
B. The more we give, the happier we feel.
C. Volunteering provides a sense of purpose.
D. So volunteering helps you stay physically healthy.
E. Volunteering helps reduce stress, anger, and anxiety.
F. Volunteering can provide working experience when you need it.
G. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity.

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