
Ⅳ 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



The Internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card fraud.Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal Website. Websites offering cheap goods and services should be regarded with card.On line, shoppers who enter their credit-card information may never receive the goods they thought they bought.

The thieves then go shopping with your card number — or sell the information over the Internet. Computer hackers have broken down security system, raise questions about the safety of card-holder information.

Several months ago, 25,000 customers of CD universe, an on-line music retailer (零售商), were not lucky. Their names, addresses and credit-card numbers were posted on a Website after the retailer refused to pay US $157,828 to get back the information.

Credit-card firms are now fighting against on-line fraud.Master-card is working on plans for Web-only credit-card, with a lower credit limit. The card could be used only for shopping on-line. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep from being cheated.

Ask about your credit-card firm’s on-line rules: Under British law, cardholders are responsible for the first US $78 of any fraudulent spending.

And shop only at secure sites: Send your credit-card information only if the Website offers advanced secure system.

If the security is in place, a letter will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. The Website address may also start the extra “s” stands for secure. If in doubt, give your credit-card information over the telephone.

Keep your password safe: Most on-line sites require a user name and password before placing an order. Treat your password with care.

56.The underlined word “fraud” in the first paragraph probably means _____.

       A.cheating   B.sale   C.payment   D.use

57.Thieves usually get the information of the credit-card _____.

       A.because many customers lost their cards

       B.by paying money for people working in the information companies

       C.because of the carelessness of the customers

       D.by stealing the information from Websites

58.The best title for the passage might be _____.

       A.How to Beat On-line Credit-card Thieves

       B.How to Shop on the Internet

       C.Never Use Credit Cards without an Advanced Computer

       D.Why Thieves Steal Credit-Card Information

56-58    ADA  


  Chinese cigarette packs will have skulls(骷髅),blackened teeth or diseased lungs printed on them in the latest effort to deal with smoking,but one expert said the images may actually attract younger people to take up the habit.
  The images would have to take up at least 30 percent of the pack's surface area under rrules that would come into force from January 2009.It was part of a plan that would also see tobacco advertising banned in China by 2011.Similar images are already printed on packs in countries including Singapore,Thailand and Canada.
  Chinese are the world's most enthusiastic smokers,with a growing market of more than 300 million making it a magnet for cigarette companies and a focus of international health concern.China has banned smoking on public transport,but it is still allwed in many public places such as restaurants,and it is not uncommon to see people smoking in hospitals.
  The average age people take up smoking in some parts of the country had hallen to as low as just over 10.And the new measures could make the problem worse,according to Zhao Cuiping,a youth expert."In analysis over the past decade(十年) on what young people like,they far prefer skulls and other scary images to cats or dogs,"she said.
  Chinese cigarettes are also among the cheapest in the world and a packet can cost as little as eight US. cents.
  The country needs to take effective measures to cut down smoking or the habit could end up killing 2.2 million Chinese a year by 2020,the World Health Organization said in May.
  56.The new designs will be adopted on cigarette packs ______.
   A.to attract young people     B.increase tobacco sales
   C.as trade mardks           D.as health warnings
  57.We can infer from the article that nobody is allowed to smoke while _____ in China now.
   A.staying in a hospital B.taking a bus ride C.eating outsede D.walking in the street
  58.Zhao Cuiping seemed to think that teenagers would ______.
   A.enjoy the new cigarette packs
   B.dislike the new measures
   C.be the last to give up their smoking habit
   D.prefer to have pet animals on the packs
  59.All the paragraphs support the idea that China's smoking problem is serious except ____.
   A.Paragraph 1 B.Paragraphs 1 and 2 C.Paragraphs 1and 5 D.Paragraphs 2,5 and 6

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
In 1901, H.G. Wells, an English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon. When the explorers(探险者)landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities. They expressed their surprise to the “moon people” they met. In turn, the “moon people” expressed their surprise. “Why,” they asked, “are you traveling to outer space when you don’t even use your inner space?”
H.G. Wells could only imagine travel to the moon. In 1969, human beings really did land on the moon. People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon. However, the question that the “moon people” asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.
Underground systems are already in place. Many cities have underground car parks. In some cities, such as Tokyo, Seoul and Montreal, there are large underground shopping areas. The “Chunnel”—a tunnel(隧道)connecting England and France, is now complete.
But what about underground cities? Japan’s Taisei Corporation is designed a network of underground systems, called “Alice Cities.” The designers imagine using surface space for public parks and using underground space for flats, offices, shopping, and so on. A solar dome(太阳能穹顶)would cover the whole city.
Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earth’s space. The surface, they say, can be used for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness. H.G. Wells’ “moon people” would agree. Would you?
36.. The explorers in H. G. Wells’ story were surprised to find that the “moon people” ____.
A. knew so much about the earth
B. understand their language
C. lived in so many underground cities
D. were ahead of them in space technology
37.. What does the underlined word “it ”(paragraph 2)refer to?
A. Discovering the moon’s inner space.
B. Using the earth’s inner space.
C. meeting the “moon people ”again.
D. Traveling to outer space.
38.. What sort of underground systems are already here with us?
A. Offices, shopping areas, power stations.
B. Tunnels, car parks, shopping areas.
C. Gardens, car parks, power stations.
D. Tunnels, gardens, offices.
39.. What would be the best title for the text?
A. Alice Cities-cities of the future
B. Space travel with H.G. Wells
C. Enjoy living underground
D. Building down, not up  

第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)
Mike McClure walked into Sarasota Bay for a little fishing on a beautiful day last April. This afternoon, the water was shallow enough at low tide  that McClure could easily walk 100 yards offshore and cast(投)his line in any direction.
Near sunset, still without a fish, he decided to turn back. Rather than turn to his earlier course, he chose a more direct path toward shore, thinking the bay wouldn't get deeper along the way. Instead, he was trapped. He tried to walk in different directions, but shallower water eluded(避开)him. Finally, he decided his safest choice was to head straight for land.
"Within  about five steps, the water was coming in through the top of the waders(高筒防水胶靴)," says McClure.
He felt the deadweight of the flooding waders pulling him down and knew that if he didn't get out of them, he would drown. But he failed to kick his way out of the waders. Instead, they pulled him completely below the surface.
Back onshore, Eliza Cameron, 19, Loren Niurka Mora, 20, and Caitlin Petro, 20, had been watching McClure fish as they rested on the grass after a long week of classes. They saw McClure go under and then heard him cry, "Help!”
The three friends kicked off their shoes and ran into the bay. They were all good swimmers, but all hid a fear that he might pull them down too because they'd have to dive to save him.
When they reached him, he'd managed to kick himself out the waders, but his eyes had partly rolled back. Cameron and Mora each hooked an arm under his shoulders, while Petro supported his back and held his hand. Then the three friends tried their best to tug him towards shore. Finally, they all returned to shore safely.
56.Mike McClure didn't turn back by his earlier course because _____.
A. He wanted to choose a short course
B. His earlier course was dangerous
C. He just wanted to take a risk
D. He knew where the water was deep
57.What directly trapped Mike McClure in the bay?
A. His wrong decision        B. The coming high tide
C. His waders' being flooded    D. The depth of water
58.During the rescue, ____.
A. The three women were afraid of being trapped in the water
B.Cameron and Petro helped catch  Mike McClure's arms
C. The three women removed Mike McClure's waders
D. Mike McClure still wore his flooding waders

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  Ask Dr ? Jeffers
This month Dr. Jeffers is answering questions about the human brain and how it works.
Dear Dr. Jeffers,
One of my colleagues, Felix Moeller, told me that scientists are learning to use computer to ‘read minds’. Is there any truth to this story/
—Jane Leon, New York, USA
Dear Ms. Leon,
Well, a lot of research is being conducted in this area, but so far, the brain scanning equipment and corresponding computer programs haven’t been able to actually read thoughts. In one experiment, test subjects(受试者)were connected to scanning equipment and shown two numbers on a screen. They were then asked to choose between adding or subtracting(减)the two numbers. Using this method, researchers were able to follow brain processes and make the correct assumptions(假设)70 percent of the time. It’s not quite mind reading, but it’s certainly a first step.
—Dr. J.
Dear Dr. Jeffers,
My three-year-old son loves it when I dig my fingers into his sides and tickle (胳肢)him until he laughs uncontrollably. The other day I noticed him trying to tickle himself but he couldn’t do it. Why not?
—Glenn Lewis, Vancouver, Canada
Dear Mr. Lewis,
It’s because of how the brain works. The brain is trained to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore. It causes us to ignore physical feelings we expect to happen, but it causes a mild panic reaction when there is an unexpected feeling. For example, you don’t notice how your shoulder feels while you’re walking down the street. But if someone comes up behind you and touches you lightly on the shoulder, you may jump in fear. It’s that unexpected part that causes the tickle reaction.
—Dr. J.
1.What can we learn from the answer to the first question?                          
A. Some equipment is able to read human minds.
B. Some progress has been made in mind reading.
C. Test subjects have been used tomake decisions.
D. Computer programs can copy brain processes.
2.People laugh when tickled by others bedause the feeling is _______.                 
A. unexpected        B.expected        C. comfortable        D. uncomfortable
3.Who has got a little child according to the text?                                  
A. Ms. Leon          B. Mr. Lewis        C. Mr. Moeller        D. Dr. Jeffers
4.According to the text, Jeffers is probably _______.                                
A. a computer programmer                B. a test subject
C. a human brain expert                   D. a medical doctor




Here is how your health risks increase at different BMIs(体重指数) if your waist circumference(腰围) is higher than 40 inches(102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women:

·If your BMI is in the 18.5 to 24.9 range, or “Normal”, then a larger waist that is near or greater than 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women can indicate that you are at “increased” risk.

·If your BMI is in the 25 to 29.9 range, or “Overweight”, then a larger waist (less than or equal to 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women) can indicate that you are at “increased” risk. Above these sizes,the risk is considered “high”.

·If your BMI is in the 30 to 34.9 range, or “Obese(肥胖症)I”, then a larger waist (less than or equal to 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women) can indicate that you are at “high” risk. Above these sizes, the risk is considered “very high.”

·If your BMI is in the 35 to 39.9 range, or “Obese II”, then a larger waist (less than or equal to 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women) can indicate that you are at “very high” risk. Above these sizes, the risk is still considered “very high”.

·If your BMI is or in the 40 + range, or “Obese III”, then a larger waist (less than or equal to 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women) can indicate that you are at “extremely high” risk. Above these sizes, the risk is still considered “extremely high”.

41.People’s BMIs fall into ______ ranges.

A.3      B.4       C.5       D.6

42.How can we judge a man’s health risk according to the passage?

A.By his BMI.

B.By his waist circumference.

C.From neither his BMI nor his waist circumference.

D.From both his BMI and his waist circumference.

43.If a woman’s BMI is 35 and her waist is 34, we can consider her health risk is _____.

A.normal     B.high  C.very high  D.extremely high

44.The best title for this passage might be _____.

A.What Having a Bigger Belly Means.

B.High Risks.

C.Measuring Belly Fat.

D.Are You at High Risk?


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