
________ has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
此题考查as代替整个主句,引导非限制性定语从句的用法。如果选C项,应把从句改为:It has been announced that we shall have our final exams next month.如果选D项,此句应为:What has been announced is that we shall have our final exams next month.选项A中的that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故应排除。

The temperature is rising again in the Arctic. The sea ice area has dropped to one of the lowest levels on record, climate scientists reported last week.

“The new Arctic Report Card tells a story of widespread and continued effects of a warming Arctic,” said Jackie Richter-Menge of the US’s Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.

“This isn’t just a climatological (气候学的) effect. It impacts the people that live there,” she added.

Scientists concerned about global warming focus on the Arctic because that is a region where the effects are expected to be felt first, and that has been the case in recent years.

There was a slowdown in Arctic warming in 2009, but in the first half of 2010 warming was near a record pace. The monthly readings were over 4 degrees Celsius above normal in northern Canada, according to the report card. The report card was prepared by 69 researchers in eight countries.

Researchers said last winter’s big snow storms that struck some Northern countries were tied to higher Arctic temperatures.

“Normally the cold air is bottled up in the Arctic,” said Jim Overland of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “But last December and February, winds that normally blow west to east across the Arctic were instead bringing the colder air south,” he said.

“As we lose more sea ice... warming in the atmosphere can create more of these winter storms,” Overland said.

There is a powerful connection between ice cover and air temperatures, Richter-Menge explained. When temperatures warm, ice melts. When ice melts it shows darker surfaces underneath , which absorb  more heat. “That, in turn, causes more melting and on the cycle goes,” she said.

In September the Arctic sea ice extent was the third smallest in the last 30 years, added Don Perovich of the US Army Laboratory. He said the three smallest ice covers have occurred in the last four years.

Scientists care so much about the warming in the Arctic region because     .

A .the climate in the Arctic doesn’t change much

B. global warming effects are most serious in the Arctic region

C .there has been a major decrease of Arctic warming in recent years

D. by studying the region they can make predictions about the future impact of global warming

. Which of the following shows that the Arctic is getting warmer? 

A. The surface of the sea ice in Arctic is getting darker and darker.

B. The Arctic sea ice extent has disappeared over the last 30 years.

C. The sea ice extent has increased to one of the highest levels on record.

What does the underlined word “cycle” refer to?  

A .Ice giving off heat when it melts.

B. Higher temperatures bringing more storms.

C .The cause and the result of the melting.

D. The life of the people living in the Arctic getting worse.

According to researchers what led to big snow storms attacking some Northern countries last winter?                 

A. Higher Arctic temperatures.

B. The melting ice.

C. The cold wind blowing west to east.

D. Cold air bottled up in the Arctic.

What is the main point of the article?         

A. Last winter’s big snow-storms.

B. Winds in the Arctic region.

C. Arctic warming and its possible effects.

D. Changes to the life of people living in the Arctic.

When most people think of tropical islands, lined with white sandy beaches and bright blue seas, it is often the Caribbean or South Pacific that comes to mind.But for Chinese tourists who want a taste of paradise on Earth there is a new place to consider.

Mauritius, an island lying off the southeast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, has just been added to China's list of tourist destinations. Rich in history, natural beauty and culture, the island has been a popular destination for the world's tourists for many years.

On December 15 a total of eight African countries were added to the list. The others are Tunisia, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia and the Seychelles.

The island has passed through the controlling hands of a number of European powers, including Dutch, French and British. In 1968, Mauritius won its independence.

At present, over half the population of Mauritius is Hindu and another fifth is Muslim. Both groups are descendants(后裔)from workers brought to the island from India by the British. Some Chinese were also brought over to work. There are also descendants of African slaves and Franco-Mauritians, the original settlers of the island.

One of the best things about the island is the food.There is a mouth-watering mix of European, Chinese and Indian flavours and seafood is very popular. A typical Mauritian dinner might have Indian chicken curry, Chinese pork, British roast beef and French-style vegetables. Boiled rice is served with just about everything. All that is washed down with a plentiful supply of local beer and rum(朗姆酒).

The pleasant tropical climate and scenery provide the perfect setting to enjoy everything. The sea is full of colorful life that lives around the coral reef. This makes Mauritius a wonderful place for swimming and diving. The large number of interesting fish means it is also an exciting place for those who like to go fishing.

Which of the following can’t be used to describe Mauritius?

       A.Tropical island, white sandy beach and bright blue sea.

       B.Beautiful scenery, rich history and culture.

       C.Most of the people in Mauritius are black.

       D.Delicious food mixed with eastern and western flavours.

Which group of the following topics is not discussed in the text?

       A.Food and history.           B.Scenery and population.

       C.Location and sports.      D.Natural resources and agriculture.

Which of the following is true?

       A.Mauritius has something similar to the Caribbean or South Pacific.

       B.Mauritius has a history of less than 40 years.

       C.Mauritius has been a popular destination for Chinese tourists for many years.

       D.The main food in Mauritius is local beer and rum.

The underlined word “This” in the last paragraph refers to ________.

       A.Pleasant tropical climate  B.Beautiful scenery  

       C.The sea with colorful life       D.The coral reef 

If you look for a book as a present for a child. You will be spoiled for choice even in a year when there is no new Harry Patten J.K Rowling’s wizard is not alone: the past decade has been a harvest for good children’s books , which has set off a large quantity of films and in turn led to increased sales of classics such as The Lord of the Rings.

Yet despite that, reading is increasingly unpopular among children .According to statistics, in 1997 23% said they didn’t like reading at all . In 2003, 35% did . And around 6% of children leave primary school each year unable to read properly.

Maybe the decline is caused by the increasing availability of computer games. Maybe the books boom has affected only the top of the educational pile . Either way , Chancellor Cordon Brown plans to change things for the bottom of the class .In his pre-budget report , he announced the national project of Reading Recovery to help the children struggling most.

Reading Recovery is aimed at six-year-olds ,who receive four months of individual daily half-hour classes with a specially trained teacher . An evaluation earlier this year reported that children on the scheme made 20 months’ progress in just one year, whereas similarly weak readers without special help made just five months’ progress ,and so ended the year even further below the level expected for their age.

International research tends to find that when British children leave primary school they read well ,but read less often for fun than those elsewhere .Reading for fun matters because children who are keen on reading can expect lifelong pleasure and loving books is an excellent indicator of future educational success . According to the OECD, being a regular and enthusiastic reader is of great advantage.

Which of the following is true of Paragraph 1?

A. Many children’s books have been adapted from films.

B. Many high-quality children’s books have been published .

C. The sales of classics have led to the popularity of films.

D. The sales of presents for children have increased.

Statistics suggested that _______.

A. the number of top students increased with the use of computers

B. a decreasing number of  children showed interest in reading

C. a minority of primacy school children read properly

D. a large percentage of children read regularly

What do we know about Reading Recovery?

A. An evaluation of it will be made sometime this year.

B. Weak readers on the project were the most hardworking.

C. It aims to train special teachers to help children with reading.

D. Children on the project showed noticeable progress in reading.

Reading for fun is important because book-loving children _________.

A. take greater advantage of the project    B.show the potential to enjoy a long life

C. are likely to succeed in their education.    D.would make excellent future researchers

The aim of this text would probably be _________.

A. to overcome primary school pupils reading difficulty.

B. to encourage the publication of more children’s books

C. to remind children of the importance of reading for fun

D. to introduce a way to improve early childhood reading

My second father

My father died when I was five. It was hard on us all. My brother, who is eight years older than me, began to __36____my mother and me. He made sure the trash was taken out and the yard mowed. He did this _37____ without being told to do so.

Because of my father’s death, my mother was __38___ to get a full time job. My brother, __39____ , would get me up for school and make me __40____ . On our way to school, he would play games with me. He made every__41___to make me happy and he succeeded __42____.

When we arrived home from school, we were__43____for about half an hour until mom was home from work. He would__44____something for supper, and have everything ready for mom __45___she could start cooking. After that, we would go outside and have some __46___. This was my brother’s time to be a(n)___47___ , enjoying himself in the games.

It was a Saturday in June a couple years later. My mother and I were at the store when I __48____ they had the Father’s Day cards out. Feeling __49___, I asked my mother why they hadn’t Brother’s Day cards. She smiled and said, “You’re right.___50___ your brother has been a father to you. Go and__51____ a card.”

So I did, and on Father’s Day, my mother and I _52__ my brother down and gave him the card.

As he read it, I saw the tears __53____ in his eyes. I heard my mom’s __54____    trembling as she said, “Son, your father is proud of you, seeing that he___55___ a good man. We love you, and thank you.”

1.                A.look out        B.watch over      C.care about D.depend on


2.                A.carefully        B.smoothly        C.quickly   D.willingly


3.                A.prepared       B.allowed         C.forced    D.accepted


4.                A.therefore       B.though         C.otherwise D.however


5.                A.supper         B.meal           C.breakfast D.lunch


6.                A.method        B.effect          C.way  D.effort


7.                A.as usual        B.every time      C.once again D.as well


8.                A.independent    B.asleep          C.alone D.free


9.                A.cut            B.cook           C.find  D.wash


10.               A.unless         B.before         C.when D.so


11.               A.rest           B.fun            C.adventure D.practice


12.               A.kid            B.adult           C.friend D.brother


13.               A.heard          B.noticed         C.felt   D.thought


14.               A.interested      B.excited         C.disappointed   D.hurt


15.               A.No wonder      B.In all           C.Above all  D.Without doubt


16.               A.take out        B.pick out        C.ask for    D.check out


17.               A.led            B.signed         C.sat   D.required


18.               A.filling          B.forming        C.floating    D.piling


19.               A.hand          B.laughter        C.body D.voice


20.               A.raised          B.turned         C.taught D.promised



Mistakes are a part of life. To err is human. Failure is also a part of life, not the end of life. Be happy facing life’s challenges. When you make the effort to be happy and to improve your life, you are actually rewarded along the way.

Life is like a game and maybe you can award points for every effort that has been a success for you. Try it. Add ten points for every achievement. And when you have reached 50 points, just yell, “Hey, I’ve won!” and give yourself a reward. If you happen to have missed your points for whatever reason, tell yourself, “Well, I tried!” which is better than not trying at all. Don’t let it be said you didn’t try.

What is it that you want to make yourself happy? Actually happiness means different things to different people. For example, an athlete will be happy winning his first race. For a new mother happiness would be seeing her baby’s first steps. Happiness for a poor person would mean having a meal just for today. So happiness for you is really something simple that you want for yourself.

It really doesn’t have to be big. As a matter of fact, you should be always realistic(现实的). Make the best out of every given situation. If you expect a certain result from a situation and it does not happen, don’t get despondent. This just means trying harder next time. We all have in us the power to succeed. Don’t let “give up” be a part of your vocabulary.

1.By saying “To err is human”, the author means that____________.

A.human beings should try to avoid making mistakes

B.no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes

C.mistakes and failures make up our life

D.human beings make mistakes easily

2.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A.Try to reach 50 points.                   B.Try to get as many points as you can.

C.Award yourself for your success            D.Don’t be afraid of missing your points.

3.The author proves his idea in Paragraph 3 through____________.

A.examples         B.numbers          C.experiments       D.stories

4.The underlined word “despondent” in the last paragraph means____________.

A.frightened         B.disappointed       C.surprised          D.excited


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