

In the sea, there are many islands. In its warm waters there are some little ones. We call them "Coral Islands".

    A coral island is very nice to look at. It looks like a ring of land with trees, grass and flowers on it.

One part of the ring is open to the water. There is a little round lake inside the island. If you look into this lake, you'll see beautiful coral. You may think they are flowers. If you look at a piece of coral, you'll see thousands of little holes in it. In each of those holes, a very small sea animal has lived. These sea animals make the coral.

    They began to build under the water. Year after year, the coral grew higher and higher. At last it grew out of the water. Then the sea brought to it small trees and other things. After some years, these things changed into earth. Sometimes the wind brought seeds to the earth. Sometimes birds flew over it and brought seeds to the island. The little seeds grew. In a few years, there were plants all over the islands. In a few more years there were trees growing there.

   So you see, these islands were built little by little. The workers were very small. Don't they teach us a lesson? What do you know the lesson is?

48. What does a coral island look like? It looks like ________.

A. a desert                                                          B. a ring of land

C. trees, grass and flowers                            D. a colourful lake

49. There are          sea animals living in the holes of the coral.

A. thousands of                                                   B. 1,000

C. quite a few                                                     D. only one

50. ________ in the sea.

A. We can see many flowers                           B. There are lots of big trees

C. There are some coral islands                    D. The water is always warm

51. How were seeds of trees, grass and flowers mainly brought to the coral islands?

A. Fishes brought them there.                      B. The water brought them there.

C. People brought them there.                    D. None of the above.                                             











    He was the baby with no name. Found and taken from the north Atlantic 6 days after the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, his tiny body so moved the salvage (救援) workers that they called him “our baby.” In their home port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, people collected money for a headstone in front of the baby's grave (墓), carved with the words: “To the memory of an unknown child.” He has rested there ever since.

    But history has a way of uncovering its secrets. On Nov. 5, this year, three members of a family from Finland arrived at Halifax and laid fresh flowers at the grave. “This is our baby,” says Magda Schleifer, 68, a banker. She grew up hearing stories about a great-aunt named Maria Panula,42, who had sailed on the Titanic for America to be reunited with her husband. According to the information Mrs. Schleifer had gathered, Panula gave up her seat on a lifeboat to search for her five children -- including a 13-month-old boy named Eino from whom she had become separated during the final minutes of the crossing. "We thought they were all lost in the sea," says Schleifer.

    Now, using teeth and bone pieces taken from the baby's grave, scientists have compared the

DNA from the Unknown Child with those collected from members of five families who lost relatives on the Titanic and never recovered the bodies. The result of the test points only to one possible person: young Eino. Now, the family sees: no need for a new grave. "He belongs to the people of Halifax," says Schleifer. "They've taken care of him for 90 years."

                                            Adapted from People, November 25, 2002

56. The baby travelled on the Titanic with his___________.

   A. mother             B. parents            C. aunt                   D. relatives

57. What is probably the boy's last name?

   A. Schleiferi          B. Eino.            C. Magda.               D. Panula.

58. Some members of the family went to Halifax and put flowers at the child's grave on Nov. 5__.

      A.  1912             B. 1954              C. 2002                 D. 2004

59. This text is mainly about  how______________.

   A. the unknown baby's body was taken from the north Atlantic

   B. the unknown baby was buried in Halifax, Nova Scotia

   C. people found out who the unknown baby was

   D. people took care of the unknown baby for 90 years



    Sailing and fishing in summer season. Beautifully situated houses with sights of sea and mountains, yet near to shops and restaurants. Cars and bicycles for hire. Sailing and sports clubs nearby.


     Coach trips of Italy with 21 days to visit five Italian cities. Start from London 1st May, 1st September. The trips are guided by Professor Martin Davis, head of Italian Studies, London University. See the arts and culture of historic Italy.


Working holidays on a kibbutz (co-operative farm)in Israel. All nationalities welcome for one to three months, if prepared to work with kibbutz members. Rooms, food and trips to historic sights all provided free—you pay only for the special low-cost return flight.


Two-week holidays in the Hotel Splendid, on a lovely beach with golden sands, warm sunshine and deep-blue sea. Tennis, golf, sailing and all water sports, trips around the island. Near to town of Castries with lively evening entertainment—dancing.

1 st November—31 st March    £720 per person

1 st April—30 th October      £850 per person

 Jack and his wife Mary, who have recently retired, want to see places of cultural and historic interest abroad, but Mary hates flying.

Peter and Maria, university students, want to travel as far as possible on little money, and would like to get to know a country by working there for three months with other young people.

   Michael, a young computer programmer, has been working hard and needs a holiday to relax in winter. He would like to go somewhere warmer and sunny, where he can swim in the sea, and he enjoys sports and dancing.

1. The best holiday for Jack and Mary would be_________ .

A. the 21-day coach trip of Italy

B. the 2- week stay in the Hotel Splendid

C. the 14-day trip around a Caribbean island

D. 1-3months’ holidays on a kibbutz in Israel

2.The most suitable place where Peter and Maria can enjoy their holiday would be_____.

A. an Italian city                     B. a kibbutz in Israel

C. a Caribbean island                 D. a port in Mallorca

3.Michael would most probably go to ________ for his holiday.

A. Italy          B. Israel            C. Mallorca        D. a Caribbean island

4.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE ?

A. In Italy, one can travel with a guide.

B. In Israel, one can work with others.

C. In Caribbean, one needs to pay £720 in summer.

D. In Mallorca , one can hire a car for sightseeing.


He was the baby with no name. Found and taken from the north Atlantic 6 days after the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, his tiny body so moved the salvage workers that they called him "Our baby". In their home port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, people collected money for a headstone in front of the baby's grave, carved with the words: “To the memory of an unknown child.” He has rested there ever since.

But history has a way of uncovering its secrets. On November 5 , this year, three members of a family from Finland arrived at Halifax and laid fresh flowers at the grave. "This is our baby," says Magda Schleifer,68,a banker. She grew up hearing stories about a great-aunt named Maria Panula, 42, who had sailed on the Titanic for America to be reunited with her husband. According to the information Mrs Schleifer had gathered, Panula gave up her seat on a lifeboat to search for her five children----including a 13-month-old boy named Eino--from whom she had become separated during the final minutes of the crossing. "We thought they were all lost in the sea." says Schleifer.

Now, using teeth and bone pieces taken from the baby's grave, scientists have compared the DNA from the Unknown Child with those collected from members of five families who lost relatives on the Titanic and never recovered the bodies. The result of the test points only to one possible person: young Eino. Now the family see no need for a new grave. "he belongs to the people of Halifax," says Schleifer. “ They've taken care of him for 90 years.”                                

Adapted from people,November 25 ,2002

1.The baby traveled on the Titanic with his________.

A.mother           B.parents           C.aunt             D.relatives

2.What is probably the boy's last name?

A.Schleifer          B.Eino              C.Magad            D.Panula

3.Some members of the family went to Halifax and put flowers at the child'grave on November 5 ,_____.

A.1912             B.1954             C.2002             D.2004

4.This text is mainly about how__________.

A.the unknown baby'body was taken from the north Atlantic

B.the unknown baby was buried in Halifax, Nova Scotia

C.people found out who the unknown baby was

D.people took care of the unknown baby for 90 years


WASHINGTON—Two-thirds of the world’s polar bear population could be gone by 2050 if predictions of melting sea ice hold true, the US Geological Survey reported on Friday.

The fate of polar bears could be even worse than that estimate, because sea ice in the Arctic might be disappearing faster than the available computer models predict, the geological survey said in a report aimed at determining whether the big white bear should be listed as a threatened species.

“There is a definite link between changes in the sea ice and the welfare of polar bears,” said Steve Amstrup, who led the research team. He says Arctic sea ice is already at the lowest this year and is expected to retreat(退却) farther this month.

That means that polar bears—some 16,000 of them -- will disappear by 2050 from parts of the Arctic where sea ice is melting most rapidly, along the north coasts of Alaska and Russia, researchers said in a telephone briefing(简报).

Other polar bears could survive beyond that date but many of those could be gone by 2100, Amstrup said. By this century’s end, the only polar bears left might live in the Canadian Arctic islands and along the west coast of Greenland.

“It is likely to result in loss of approximately two-thirds of the world’s current polar bear population by the mid 21st century,” the report’s executive summary said.

“Because the observed trajectory(轨迹)of Arctic sea ice decline appears to be underestimated by currently available models, this assessment of future polar bear status may be conservative(保守的).”

In January, the US Fish and Wildlife Service proposed listing the polar bear as a threatened species, noting polar bears depend on sea ice as a platform to hunt seals, their main food.

Without enough sea ice, polar bears would be forced onto land, but they are poor hunters once they get out of the water and ice, the researchers said. The bears’ disappearance would probably take place as young cubs(幼兽)failed to survive to adulthood and females were unable to reproduce successfully.

1.What was the US Geological Survey intended to do?

A.To determine whether the polar bear was in danger.

B.To measure how fast the sea ice melts in the Arctic.

C.To check the predictions of the computer models.

D.To find out the exact number of the polar bear.

2.What causes the polar bears to disappear by 2050?

A.The pollution of the Arctic region.           B.The sea ice melting at high speed

C.Fewer food sources being left.             D.The temperature getting colder.

3.The key to preventing polar bears dying out seems to _______________.

A.help young polar bears to survive the cold winter

B.have large number of seals living in the oceans

C.make sure there is enough sea ice in the Arctic

D.provide chances for adult polar bears to reproduce


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