
Most visitors come to the UK expecting the rain and weather for which the country is famous. However, when summer finally arrives, British people like nothing more than heading for the coast. Here are some of more famous places of interest that you could expect to visit on a trip to Britain. Black pool, in the northwest of England, is the most visited place in the UK. Each year around 6.5 to 7 million people come to enjoy the miles of sandy beaches, the 158m Black pool Tower and the 11km-long Golden Mile, where there are entertainments, pubs, ice rinks (溜冰场) and even a zoo. On the south coast of the country you can find Brighton. Until 1786, Brighton was a sleepy village. Then the future king, George IV, decided to build a house there, and now it has become a large, international centre. Apart from the beaches, Brighton is famous for its pier (码头). There are theatres, entertainments and restaurants there. Brighton is also fantastic for shopping. If you want to travel a little further, why not go to Cornwall in the far southwest of the UK? South Cornwall offers miles of sandy beaches and beautiful scenery. The climate there is warmer than the rest of Britain, and you can even find palm trees. For a bit more excitement, go to North Cornwall. The scenery there is nicer, and the beaches are famous for their powerful waves. As a result, North Cornwall has become the home of British surfing. One word of warning though, if you are using the roads in the UK during holidays, you can expect long traffic jams on the motorways. It might be better to take the train.

1.Which is the best title for this passage?

A. How to Enjoy Your Holidays

B. Let’s Go to the Beach!

C. Welcome to Britain!

D. How to Travel in Britain

2.We may find this passage in a ______.

A. travel guide B. storybook

C. geography book D. news magazine

3.If Andrew likes surfing, which is the best place for him to spend his holidays?

A. Black pool. B. Brighton.

C. North Cornwall. D. South Cornwall.

4.From the passage we can infer that ______.

A. there are no beaches in the east and west of Britain

B. the climate in South Cornwall is attractive to many people

C. the pier is more interesting than the beaches in Brighton

D. Black pool is the most famous place in the UK


Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these places:

. Visit art museums. They offer some activities to excite your kids' interest. Many offer workshops for making hand-made pieces, traveling exhibits, book signings(签名) by children's favorite writers, and even musical performances and other arts.

. Head to a natural history museum. This is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky. Also, ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.

. Go to a Youtheater. Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors. Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts. Puppet (木偶) making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.

.Try hands-on science. Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country. These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building. When everyone is tired, enjoy a fun family science show, commonly found in these museums.

1.If a child is interested in the universe, he probably will visit_________.

A. a natural history museum

B. an art museum

C. a Youtheater

D. a hands-on science museum

2.What can kids do at a Youtheater?

A. Look at rock collections.

B. See dinosaur models.

C. Watch puppet making.

D. Give performances.

3.What does "hands-on science" mean in the last paragraph?

A. Science games designed by kids.

B. Reading science books.

C. A show of kids' science work.

D. Learning science by doing things.

4.Where does this text probably come from?

A. A science textbook. B. A film review.

C. A news report. D. A museum guide.


阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Until I was 13, I assumed I was just like everyone else. But one day I read a piece of paper in my dad’s briefcase that ________ everything. That’s when I saw the words: “Simone is said to have Asperger syndrome.”

I screamed at my dad, “Tell me what it is!” He _______ that I have a mild form of brain disorders, which was a problem that shapes the way I interact with other people. I wasn’t sure exactly what he _______, but it didn’t matter. I just wanted to try to ________ my shock and go back to the way things were before I knew.

But even though I wouldn’t ________ acknowledge the news, Asperger’s still destroyed my confidence and made me ________ and isolated. I felt like an outcast(被抛弃者)---not just because Asperger’s made it hard for me to make friends, but because now I had this _______ . I just wanted to be like everyone else. ________, at 16, I said to myself, “Enough! You can’t run and hide from it, girl. Just face it.”

It’s funny, the first time I thought something was _______ was not because of what I couldn’t do ---- it was because of what i could do. In the sixth grade, while other kids were _______ with spelling, I was like a human spell-checker! I’ve also had a photographic memory, and _______ I call my “super powers”---extrasensory hearing and acute awareness: I can ______ phone numbers people dial just by the sound the buttons make when pressed or _______ hear one sour note in an entire symphony! And I can ________ pay attention to two things at once.

Don’t get me wrong. Asperger’s can be very confusing. For years I felt like a butterfly ________ in its cocoon(茧), waiting to emerge. It took years of work with a psychologist to ________ the difficulty of making friends.

I’m not going to let Asperger’s create ________ for me. That’ why I am happy to have found out about and faced my _______. Asperger’s is a metaphor(象征) for life: We all have _______ , but the key is to be able to have the ______ to face what’s bad about them and still find what’s good.

1.A. prevented B. changed C. determined D. improved

2.A. explained B. realized C. apologized D. suspected

3.A. meant B. predicted C. concerned D. doubted

4.A. admit B. subscribe C. recognize D. ignore

5.A. appropriately B. consciously C. previously D. automatically

6.A. anxious B. stressed C. lonely D. ashamed

7.A. sign B. symbol C. label D. signal

8.A. Consequently B. Gradually C. Fortunately D. Eventually

9.A. unusual B. specific C. uncomfortable D. awkward

10.A. combining B. exchanging C.struggling D. dealing

11.A. that B. what C. whom D. which

12.A. figure out B. pick out C. try out D. make out

13.A. even B. still C. ever D. just

14.A. sensitively B. fully C. flexibly D. firmly

15.A. absorbed B. buried C. engaged D. trapped

16.A. get over B. knock down C. take up D.go through

17.A. surprises B. limitations C. opportunities D.experiences

18.A. failure B. desperation C. disability D. suffering

19.A. talents B. dreams C. challenges D. aims

20.A. ambition B. courage C. right D. attempt

Revealed to the world by the famous British explorer, Dr David Livingstone, in 1855, the Victoria Falls are one of Africa’s best-known natural wonders. They form a natural border between Zimbabwe (津巴布韦) and Zambia (赞比亚).

The falls are named after Queen Victoria by Livingstone. They were known to the native people in the 18th century as: "the smoke that thunders". The waterfall is formed as the two-kilometer-wide Zambezi River spills (溅) over the edge of its giant stone riverbed and falls into the gorge (山谷) below. At their highest point, the Victoria Falls drop a distance of 108m, almost twice as far as the Niagara Falls. As much as 546 million cubic meters of water per minute falls over the edge from that height.

Viewing the falls from the Zambian side means that visitors can follow a path that goes right up to the falls. The falls can also be viewed from the Boiling Pot, right in the depths of the gorge at the bottom of the falls. The 111-meter-high Victoria Falls Bridge, a railway crossing, is now a popular place for Bungee jumping. It can be crossed on foot for excellent views of the falls and the winding blue-green waters of the Zambezi River. It is also possible to see the falls from a plane.

The area around the falls is a major game-viewing place. The best time to view the Victoria Falls is between December and July, when the water level is the highest. Contact Addresses Tourist Centre, Livingstone, Zambia Tel: (03) 321 404E-mail: zntb@zamnet.zm Website: www.zambiatourism.com。

1.The author of the passage is likely to be ______.

A. a government officer B. a tourist guide

C. a traveler D. a teacher

2.According to the passage, we know that the Victoria Falls ________.

A. are the best place to enjoy Bungee jumping

B. drop twice as far as the Niagara Falls

C. are a man-made wonder in Africa

D. were discovered by a British man

3.How many ways did the author mention to view the falls?

A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.

4.The purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. introduce a famous natural wonder —the Victoria Falls

B. tell us the discovery of the Victoria Falls

C. show how the Victoria Falls are formed

D. advise travelers to come to the Victoria Falls



When I was a boy, we had several gardens around our old house. The largest one of all was used just for ____ potatoes.

I can still remember those days. The whole family ____. My mom, my elder brothers and I went to work ____ my dad turned the soil in the garden. It was my job to ____ the tiny seeds(种子) in rows, and my mom spread fertilizer (化肥) on them. My brothers then ____ them the newly turned soil.

Several months later, I would ____ the garden whenever I played outside, wondering what was going on ____ the ground. When harvest time came, I was ____ at the huge size of the potatoes my dad pulled out of the soil. They would be turned into ____ of roast potatoes, fired potatoes and my personal favorite: potatoes cooked in sauce. They would keep the entire family well-fed throughout the year. It was ____ a miracle (奇迹).

Looking back on those days makes me ____ how many other seeds I have planted in this ____ that have grown unseen in the hearts and ____ of others. How many times has my dad used something little things that I said or did to grow something ____. And how many times...

Every single day of our lives we step out into the ____ of this world. Every single day we plant ____ that can grow into something wonderful. We may never see the growth that comes from the kind words or loving ____ we share. I hope you always tend the garden around you ____. I hope you plant only goodness, ____ and compassion(同情) in the lives of people you meet. I hope every day you help miracles to ____.

1.A. selling B. preserving C. planting D. roasting

2.A. approved B. helped C. observed D. changed

3.A. after B. until C. because D. though

4.A. select B. examine C. compare D. drop

5.A. filled B. connected C. mixed D. covered

6.A. search for B. glance around C. give up D. wish for

7.A. across B. on C. under D. through

8.A. annoyed B. amazed C. embarrassed D puzzled.

9.A. meal after meal B. row after row C. life after life D. day after day

10.A. shortly B. truly C. mainly D. properly

11.A. recognize B. remember C. indicate D. wonder

12.A. process B. house C. life D. period

13.A. stomachs B. minds C. eyes D. bodies

14.A. expensive B. strange C. beautiful D. funny

15.A. part B. field C. garden D. corner

16.A. seeds B. trees C. vegetables D. flowers

17.A. mottos B. friends C. donations D. acts

18.A. with care B. by chance C. in surprise D. on time

19.A. confidence B. wealth C. peace D. power

20.A. return B. recover C. prepare D. grow



(请将答案涂在答题卡上E=AB F=AC G=AD)

What do the world’s most successful people all have in common?

By examining the work habits of over 150 greatest writers and artists and scientists, the researchers including Standford Professor Jeffrey found that high achievers like Robert Moses turn out to be all alike:

Busy ! Busy!

1. In a study of general managers in industry, John Kotter reported that many of them worked 60 to 65 hours per week—which translates into at least six 10-hour days. The ability and willingness to work difficult and tiring hours has characterized many powerful figures. Energy and strength provide many advantages to those seeking to build power.

Just Say No!

The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything. And that’s what gives them the time to accomplish so much.

2. And focus means saying “no” to a lot of distractions(分神).

Know What You Are!

Ignore your weakness and keep improving your strengths. Don’t waste time exploring skill areas where you have little competence. Instead, focus on—and build on—your strengths. 3. .

Create Good Luck!

Luck is not magical—there is a science to it. Richard Wiseman studied lucky people for his book Luck Factor, and broke down what they do right. 4. By being more outgoing, open to new ideas, following the feeling that something is true, being optimistic, lucky people create possibilities.

Does applying these principles to your life actually work? Wiseman created a “luck school” to test the ideas—and it was a success. In total, 80 percent of people who attended Luck School said that their luck had increased. 5. .

A. Spend enough time to improve your weakness.

B. Achievement requires focus.

C. On average, these people reported that their luck had increased by more than 40 percent.

D. They never stop working and they never lose a minute.

E. Busy people are more likely to be lucky.

F. This means knowing who you are, what you are and what you are good at.

G. Certain personality types are luckier because they behave in a way that offer the chance for good opportunities.

Allow me to introduce you to Terry, a window salesman from England. If I could take you back about 20 years, you’d know Terry as a complete green hand, who was wet behind the ears in just about everything he attempted. A person couldn’t sell false teeth to his own Granny, let alone he could compete with the other salespeople in the industry. You know, the kind who could sell snow to Eskimos.

Terry’s boss decided to send him out on a practical field trip on his first day. So off he went, but he was extremely nervous. With his hands and his knees shaking, he approached the front door and knocked at it. And an old woman appeared. After dozens of cups of tea and pieces of biscuits, the woman signed a contract and purchased over $7,000 worth of windows.

The woman had already talked with 6 excellent salesmen that week, all of whom offered her cheaper ones! That’s right—Terry’s price was the most expensive and he was also the most inexperienced salesman there ever was.

So, what happened then? Here comes the secret. The woman said she liked the young lad more than the others. That’s all there was to it. She didn’t care about the extra expense. Even the other salesmen couldn’t persuade her to pay less than this young lad was asking for.

The truth is that the young lad left on the woman the first impression that shone brighter than any of the salesman’s talk. First impressions count, not the sales techniques, not the low prices. The actual “personality” the kid honestly gave was all that was required. If you market your own products and services, consider what impression you are giving to others. If you appeal to them, then you’ve already done half of the work. If this means redesigning your presentation, then so be it. If this means going out of your way to be polite, helpful and giving the best possible shopping experience to your customers, the so be it.

1.When Terry was offered the job of salesman, he .

A. was good at sales techniques

B. knew little about sales skills

C. was believed in by his boss

D. was too young to do it

2.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 suggests that .

A. Terry couldn’t trade with Eskimos

B. Terry loved his Granny more

C. Terry was afraid to compete

D. Terry was too honest to do the job

3.What made the young lad succeed in selling the window to the old woman?

A. First impression of good personality.

B. Being honest and childish.

C. High quality and expensive window.

D. Strange ways of sales.

4.The passage is most likely written to .

A. general readers B. new salesmen

C. window makers D. new graduates


Can you imagine a world without chocolate? It's not something I'd like to do, so I was relieved to read that there's a university with a programme to safeguard the future of chocolate!

The University of Reading, in England, has just opened a new clearing house for all the world's new cocoa varieties. They must be quarantined (进行检疫) before they can be grown. Why? Cocoa production hit a record high of 4.4 million tons last year but about 30% of the precious crop is regularly lost to pests and diseases. Now we don't want that, do we?

Demand for chocolate has been increasing faster than the world supply of cocoa and researchers think that new varieties are key to solving this problem.

The University of Reading has been protecting the quality of the new crop since 1985, after it took over the task from the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew, London. And it has improved its facilities. The leader of the institution's cocoa project, Professor Paul Hadley, says, “One of the main issues concerning cocoa improvement is the supply of reliably clean, healthy, interesting cocoa material.”

The cocoa centre has a collection of 400 plant varieties and their greenhouse uses a lot of energy to keep them in tropical conditions. After up to two years in quarantine, clean and safe seeds are sent to some 20 countries, including several in West Africa. That's where 75% of the cocoa used for chocolate worldwide comes from. The crop is extremely important for the local economy: it employs about two million people.

Professor Paul Hadley says he works with a small team of skilled technicians who look after the collection. And more of us seem to count on them now.

The scientist says, “There is some concern within the industry that demand is increasing constantly, particularly in countries like China, where the standard of living is increasing and people are getting a taste for different chocolates.”

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.Safeguarding cocoa seeds.

B.Planting cocoa seeds worldwide.

C.Keeping cocoa seeds in the greenhouse.

D.Finding the new market for cocoa.

2.The institution's cocoa project is to ________.

A.have cocoa skin removed

B.offer more jobs to people

C.ensure the quality of cocoa

D.supply cocoa to two million people

3.What does the last paragraph tell us?

A.The taste of chocolates is changing.

B.Demand for cocoa is increasing continually.

C.People are concerned about cocoa varieties.

D.Chinese have a long history of eating chocolates.

4.What's the purpose of the text?

A.To educate. B.To advertise.

C.To warn. D.To inform.

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