
 A young boy was sitting in the back seat of the car eating an apple. Hw asked his father, “Why does my apple turn brown?” His father answered,”“When the skin is removed, air reaches the flesh of the apple causes oxidarion. This changes the apple’s molecular structure and results in a brownish color.”The boy asked,“Dad,what are you

talking about?”

I know how that boy feels. Sometimes I want answers to some of those confusing questions that we all meet with, such as how to get through difficult times or what to do in a tough situation. I just want to get it right.

The problem is that I don’t always have the answer I need. Nobody else seems to have them, either. So I go on making mistakes and think that I’ll never get it right.

Often I didn’t know what to do. I often made poor choices, but I gradually improved. Then I realized that I don’t HAVE TO always get it right. I don’t have to always know what to do all the time. All I really need to do is try my best, learn from my mistakes and go on.

Dr. Leo Buscaglia once said, “ No one gets out of this world alive, so the time to live, learn, care, share, celebrate and love is now. That would be pretty hard to do when you’re waiting for all the answers first.”

So you got it wrong. You made a mistake. So what should you do next? Forgive yourself and try again. You may not get out of this world alive, but you can get plenty of life out of this world if you are not too worried about always getting it right.

1.In the beginning, the author tells the story of a boy and his father to ____.

A. show that the father is very knowledgeable

B. say something interesting about apples

C. show that children nowadays ask more questions

D. introduce the topic of the passage

2.How did the boy feel when he heard his father’s explanation?

A. He admired his father very much.

B. He knew what his father meant.

C. He felt it was difficult to understand.

D. He thought that he had learned a lot from his father.

3.What do Dr. Leo Buscaglia’s words mean?

A. We can search the answers when enjoying life itself.

B. We must make right choices as often as possible.

C. People have many desires when they enter the world.

D. It is hard to lead a happy and satisfying life.

4.What can be concluded from the passage?

A. We should try to learn and understand the answers to questions.

B. We should learn from our mistakes and try again.

C. It is very important to try to avoid(避免) mistakes.

D. It is our duty to make the world a better place.

5.What is the style of the passage?

A. novel       B. news    C. poem     D. essay












2.细节理解题。由“The boy asked,“Dad,what are you talking about?””可知,儿子不知道爸爸在说什么,也就是他感觉理解起来很困难。故选C。

3.细节理解题。Dr. Leo Buscaglia的意思是人们不能活着离开这个世界,所以要在现在去生活,去学习,去关心,去分享,去庆祝和去爱。但是一开始就等待答案的话是很困难的。因此A项“我们可以在享受生活的同时探索答案”最为贴切。其他三项都过于片面。故选A。



考点: 生活百味类阅读。




  To prevent the deserts coming near, China has planted billions of trees---to replace destroyed forests and as barriers against the sand.This isn’t a cure, though, say experts, as thirsty trees can make the problem worse by taking in groundwater.

  “Planting tress is one way, but it isn’t that simple.It doesn’t solve the basic issue of water resources,” says Wu Bo, a professor.“We need to calculate how much water the trees will absorb, or else it could have a negative effect.”

  Villagers in Zhengxin have taken on this challenge, with limited success.When the irrigation channels began to run dry, Lu Xianglin switched from wheat to cotton on his land.He also planted trees to protect his fields from sandstorms.He says he still gets good yields using flood irrigation and earns a good income for his family.

  Other farmers haven’t stuck it out:About one in three have left Zhengxin in the past 10 years after their wheat crops died.Young people who can find jobs in the towns rarely return.

  Last week, Mr Lu joined the other men in his village on a government-arranged trip to see the land that has been set aside for their relocation, nearly 40 miles to the south.The next day, he was back, shaking his head at the plan.The idea of uprooting his family troubles him, as does the idea of giving up the land that fed his forefathers.He prefers to stay and keep up the fight.

  “With enough water, this problem can be solved,” Lu says.“We can plant trees and grass, and they will grow bigger.That will stop the desert.”

  Experts say that farmers could switch to drip irrigation to lessen their water intake for growing crops.Elsewhere in the region, farmers have built brick greenhouses as part of a plan to grow vegetables using less water.Roadside signs urge farmers to “Save Water, Protect the Environment”.


The negative effect of planting trees in deserts is that _________.

[  ]


it can make groundwater become less


it can prevent the sand moving freely


it can stop crops growing well


it can get the soil to become poor


Why did Mr Lu NOT accept the idea of relocation?

[  ]


Because the plan of relocation will cost him much money.


Because his family had trouble moving away.


Because he was reluctant to give up his land.


Because he would rather stay than fight against the deserts.


What can we infer from the passage?

[  ]


The deserts drive more and more people to leave their homes for their lives.


People have no means to fight against the land becoming desert


Water is the biggest barrier for people to stop the desert.


Planting trees cannot solve the problem of desertification of farmland


What advice is given by experts to save water?

[  ]


To plant more trees


To build greenhouses


To change crops


To use drip irrigation.

To prevent the deserts coming near, China has planted billions of trees---to replace destroyed forests and as barriers against the sand. This isn’t a cure, though, say experts, as thirsty trees can make the problem worse by taking in groundwater.

“Planting tress is one way, but it isn’t that simple. It doesn’t solve the basic issue of water resources,” says Wu Bo, a professor. “We need to calculate how much water the trees will absorb, or else it could have a negative effect.”

Villagers in Zhengxin have taken on this challenge, with limited success. When the irrigation channels began to run dry, Lu Xianglin switched from wheat to cotton on his land. He also planted trees to protect his fields from sandstorms. He says he still gets good yields using flood irrigation and earns a good income for his family.

Other farmers haven’t stuck it out: About one in three have left Zhengxin in the past 10 years after their wheat crops died. Young people who can find jobs in the towns rarely return.

Last week, Mr Lu joined the other men in his village on a government-arranged trip to see the land that has been set aside for their relocation, nearly 40 miles to the south. The next day, he was back, shaking his head at the plan. The idea of uprooting his family troubles him, as does the idea of giving up the land that fed his forefathers. He prefers to stay and keep up the fight.

“With enough water, this problem can be solved,” Lu says. “We can plant trees and grass, and they will grow bigger. That will stop the desert.”

Experts say that farmers could switch to drip irrigation to lessen their water intake for growing crops. Elsewhere in the region, farmers have built brick greenhouses as part of a plan to grow vegetables using less water. Roadside signs urge farmers to “Save Water, Protect the Environment”.


49. The negative effect of planting trees in deserts is that __________.

   A. it can make groundwater become less

   B. it can prevent the sand moving freely

   C. it can stop crops growing well

   D. it can get the soil to become poor

50. Why did Mr Lu NOT accept the idea of relocation?

   A. Because the plan of relocation will cost him much money.

   B. Because his family had trouble moving away.

   C. Because he was reluctant to give up his land.

   D. Because he would rather stay than fight against the deserts.

51. What can we infer from the passage?

   A. The deserts drive more and more people to leave their homes for their lives.

   B People have no means to fight against the land becoming desert

   C. Water is the biggest barrier for people to stop the desert.

   D. Planting trees cannot solve the problem of desertification of farmland

52. What advice is given by experts to save water?

   A. To plant more trees         B. To build greenhouses

   C. To change crops             D. To use drip irrigation. 

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