
Healthy knees aren’t the main consideration in choosing high heels,but new research says chunky heels are just as bad for the knees as spindly stilettos(细高跟鞋).“It takes a long time to feel the effects of knee osteoarthritis(骨关节炎)—and once you do it,it is too late,”said Dr.Casey Kerrigan,leading researcher of the study and associate professor at Harvard Medical School’s department of physical medicine.“I compare it to smoking—one cigarette is not painful,but over a lifetime it is.Wide-heeled shoes feel comfortable,so women wear them all day long,”Kerrigan said.“They are better for your feet than stiletto heels,but just as bad for your knees.”
In the study,researchers had twenty women wear two pairs of shoes with three-inch heels,one with a narrow heel and the other with a thick one.The scientists compared how much pressure was put on the women’s knees by both types of shoes.The women also walked bare-foot to test normal pressure.The scientists found that both types of shoes applied equal amounts of pressure to the knees.Compared with walking barefoot,the heels increased pressure on the inside of the knee by 26 percent.Increased pressure on the knee eventually leads to arthritis,experts say.
The idea that high heels are bad for your health isn’t new—scientists have warned women for years that they contribute to problems ranging from corns to hammer toes,tendonitis,knee pain,sprained(扭伤)ankles and back problems.But in 1998,Kerrigan and a team of Harvard researchers were the first to link high heels and knee osteoarthritis,a painful joint disease that destroys cartilage(软骨)surrounding the knee.The first study looked only at stiletto heels,and Kerrigan said she wanted to study the chunky high-heeled shoes she noticed many women wearing.“This study confirms what we all intuitively(直觉地)know that high-heeled shoes of any kind are not good for our health,”said Dr.Glem Pfeffer,a San Francisco doctor and member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons who was not connected to the study.
小题1:We learn from the passage that women choose chunky heels because _________.
A.they want to walk comfortably
B.chunky heeled shoes are cheaper than stiletto heeled pairs
C.chunky heels do less harm to knees
D.chunky heels are not painful at all
小题2:The study mentioned in the second paragraph found that _________.
A.pressure on the foot is caused by high heels
B.the pressure is abnormal while walking barefoot
C.arthritis is always caused by pressure on the knees
D.both types of shoes have the same harm to the knees
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that _________.
A.people got to know the high heels are bad for health recently
B.people have known the high heels are bad for health for years
C.people haven’t known the high heels are bad for health yet
D.people will be warned that the high heels are bad for health soon
小题4:Kerrigan’s late study looked at the chunky high-heeled shoes because _________.
A.they feel more comfortable
B.they are related to knee osteoarthritis
C.they are worn by many women
D.they are different from stiletto heels
小题5:The best title for the passage may be _________.
A.Talking Healthy Knees into Consideration
B.High-heels Do Harm to Knees
C.Chunky Heels and Stiletto Heels
D.When Wearing High-heels


小题1::细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Wide?heeled shoes feel comfortable,so women wear them all day long”可知妇女选择粗高跟鞋是因为粗高跟鞋穿着舒服,A项与此意思相符。
小题2:推理判断题。从第二段中的“The scientists found that both types of shoes applied equal amounts of pressure to the knees.”可知,两种高跟鞋给膝关节带来的压力是等量的,所以它们对膝关节的伤害是一样的。
小题3:细节理解题。根据第三段开头“The idea that high heels are bad for your health isn’t new—scientists have warned women for years that...”可知B项与此一致。
小题4:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The first study looked only at stiletto heels,and Kerrigan said she wanted to study the chunky high?heeled shoes she noticed many women wearing.”可见,起初的研究对象只是细高跟鞋,Kerrigan后来对粗高跟鞋进行调查研究是因为她注意到许多妇女穿着粗高跟鞋。
Do junk food ads make kids fat? Should they be banned? Based on the evidence, more and more experts say yes. The latest support comes from a group of New Zealand experts who say they've made a link between kids watching television and bad health.
Researchers from the University of Otago in Dunedin studied 1000 children from age 3 to 26.They found that those who watched television more than two hours a day had higher levels of obesity(肥胖), blood cholesterol(胆固醇)and smoking — as well as lower levels of physical fitness — when they reached adulthood than kids who watched less than two hours a day.  
Why? Partly because while they are watching TV kids aren't getting out, exercising and playing with other kids, and burning off the calories. But more insidiously(不知不觉地), while watching TV, they're being shown a lot of ads for drinks and foods of uncertain nutritional value, most of which are full of sugar and fat.
Across the globe, about 155 million kids are obese, according to the International Obesity Task Force. The dangerous thing is not just the well-being of these kids as they grow up, but hundreds of billions of dollars of health costs spent on adults with heart disease, diabetes(糖尿病), and the disabilities these disease will cause.
In Australia, two thirds of children are overweight and one third are obese. Twenty years ago, only about ten per cent were obese. And Australia has the greatest amount of junk food ads per hour of television than any other country in the world, including the US and the UK. About 30 per cent of all ads in kids' viewing time are for food or drinks. Most of them are for junk food: burgers, chips, soft drinks and sweets —high in fat, salt or sugar.
Here in Australia, experts are also calling for a ban on TV advertising of junk food to kids. The Coalition on Food Advertising to Children (CFAC) wants to make changes to laws, hoping it can ban all food advertising on TV during the time of the day when children under 12 years old are watching. This includes early and afternoon time, and evening TV between 5 pm and 9 pm.
小题1:From the passage, we can infer that the underlined word “obsess” probably means ______.
A.very strongB.very weak
C.very confidentD.very fat
小题2:According to the passage, how many hours can kids watch TV a day if they want to be healthier in the future?
A.more than 120 minutes a dayB.less than 120 minutes a day
C.180 minutes or so a dayD.240 minutes or so a day
小题3:______ has the greatest amount of junk food ads per hour of TV?
小题4:In the author’s opinion, the junk food ads on TV are bad for kids’ health because _______.
A.They are very expensive and harmfulB.They waste a lot of kids’ spare time
C.They persuade kids to eat junk foodD.They are more inviting and interesting
Drunken driving sometimes called American's socially accepted form of murder has become a national epidemic(流行病).Every hour of every day about three Americans on average are killed by drunken drivers, adding up to an incredible 250,000 over the past ten years.A drunken driver is usually referred to as one with 0.10-blood alcohol content or roughly three beers, glasses of wines or shots of whisky drunk within two hours.Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the American manly image and judges were lenient in most courts, but the drunken killing has recently caused so many well-publicized tragedies, especially concerning young children, that public opinion is no longer tolerant.
Twenty states have raised the legal drinking age to 21, reversing a trend (逆转潮流) in the 1960s to reduce it to 18.After New Jersey lowered it to 18, the number of people killed by 18-20-year-old drivers more than doubled, so the state recently upped it back to 21.
Reformers, however, fear raising the drinking age will have little effect unless accompanied by educational programs to help young people to develop "responsible attitudes" about drinking and teach them to resist peer pressure to drink.
Some states are punishing bars for serving customers too many drinks.A bar in Massachusetts was fined for serving six or more double brandies to a customer who was "obviously drunk" and later drove off the land, killing a nine-year-old boy.
As the accidents continue to occur daily in every state, some Americans are even beginning to speak well of the 13 years national prohibition (禁令) of alcohol that began in 1919, which President Hoover called the "noble experiment".They forget that legal prohibition didn't stop drinking, but encouraged political corruption (腐败) and organized crime.As with the booming drug trade generally, there is no easy solution.
小题1:It can be inferred from the passage that drunken driving has become a major problem in the United States because___.
A.most Americans like drinking
B.heavy dinking is hard to avoid
C.Americans are not shocked by traffic accidents
D.many Americans are killed by traffic accidents
小题2:What can be inferred from the fact of the traffic accidents in New Jersey?
A.Drivers should not be allowed to drink.
B.Young drivers were usually bad.
C.The legal drinking age should be raised.
D.Some drivers didn't reach the legal drinking age.
小题3:The underlined word "lenient" in the first paragraph means___.
小题4:Which of the following best shows the writer's opinion of drunken driving?
A.It may cause organized crime.
B.The new laws can stop heavy drinking.
C.There should be no bars to serve drinks.
D.It is difficult to solve the problem.
A bowl of soup a day could keep the pounds at bay.
Health experts have discovered that adding low-calorie vegetable soup to the start of a meal can actually help to lose weight. Because you tend to feel full sooner, you eat less of your main course.
The soup method was tested by researchers at Pennsylvania State University, led by Dr Barbara Rolls. They found that when participants in the study ate a first course of soup before lunch they reduced their total calorie intake by 20 per cent, compared with those who did not begin the meal with soup. But those who favour creamy soups should beware. Researchers stressed the soup must be low-calorie and based on stock, not cream.
All of the soups tested in the study were made from the same elements—chicken stock (原汁鸡汤), broccoli (菜花), potato, cauliflower (花椰菜) and carrots. They were mixed together to create four different textures and thickness from separate stock and vegetables through to pureed (蔬菜泥) soup.
Scientists thought that thick soups with thick pieces of vegetables which required chewing might be more filling, but to their surprise they found all forms had the same effect. The findings were presented to the Experimental Biology conference in Washington, DC, and the research was part funded by the National Institutes of Health. 
小题1:The passage mainly discusses _____.
A.how to lose weight in a simple wayB.what kind of soup to be served at a meal
C.how to form a healthy eating habitD.why eating soup could help lose weight
小题2: What does the sentence “A bowl of soup a day could keep the pounds at bay” imply?
A.Eating soup equals to swimming in a sea.
B.Eating a bowl of soup every meal is enough to keep fit.
C.Eating soup every day can help you to lose weight.
D.Making soup every day could cost you a lot of money.
小题3: Which of following is the possible result of eating soup before a meal?
A.Dropping the amount of calorie intake.B.Reducing your weight by 20%.
C.Doing good to your growing high.D.Helping you eat more.
小题4: Which of the following statements is correct in making the soup?
A.The materials for making soup must be limited to vegetables.
B.The soup must be made low- calorie.
C.The thickness of the soup makes a difference.
D.The soup must be mixed with some cream.
  A true apology is more than just acknowledgement(承认)of a mistake. It’s recognition that something you’ve said or  36  has damaged a relationship - and that you  37  enough about that relationship to want it  38 .
  It’s never  39  to acknowledge yon are in the wrong. Being human, we all need the art of apology. Look hack and think how  40  you’ve judged roughly(草率),said  41  things,pushed yourself  42 at the expense(在使某人受损的情况下)of a friend. Some deep thought in us know that when  43  a small mistake has been made, your  44  will stay out of balance until the mistake is acknowledged and your regret is  45 .
  I remember a doctor friend,  46  me about a man who came to him with  47  illnesses: headache, insomnia(失眠),stomachaches and so on. No physical  48  could be found. Finally the doctor said to the man,“  49  you tell me what’s on your conscience(良心),I can’t help you.”
After a short silence, the man told the doctor that he  50  all the money that his father gave to his brother, who was  51  His father had died, so only he himself knew the matter. The old doctor made the man write to his brother making an  52  and enclosing(附寄)a 53 .In the post office, the man dropped the letter into the mail box. As the letter disappeared, the man  54  into team. “Thank you, doctor,”he said,“I think I'm all right now.”And he  55 .
  36.A. done B. thought C. announced D. expected
  37.A. lost B. care C. advise D. heard
  38.A. built B. formed C. repaired D. damaged
  39.A. difficult B. easy C. foolish D. shy
  40.A. long B. often C. much D. soon
  41.A. unusual B. harmful C. precious D. unkind
  42.A. ahead B. away C. down D off
  43.A. still B. even C. only D. such
  44.A. sense B. brain C. weight D. feeling
  45.A. shown B. explanined C. offered D. expressed
  46.A. asking B. telling C. requiring D. setting
  47.A. strange B. serious C. various D. much
  48.A. signs B. reason C. cause D. marks
  49.A. Whenever B. Unless C. Suppose D. Although
  50.A. stole B. accepted C. seized D. wasted
  51.A. mad B. lost C. abroad D. dead
  52.A. order B. excuse C. agreement D. apology
  53.A. note B. card C. check D. photo
  54.A. joyed B. burst C. laughed D. cried
  55.A. should B. did C. had D. was
Lego, the inventor of those colorful bricks that have inspired kids’ imaginations world-wide, has celebrated its 50th anniversary.

On January 28, 1958, a man named Godtfred Kirk Christiansen created the plastic building bricks that can now be found in almost every child’s toy box. The simple building block has become one of the most well-known and popular toys around the world.
"The Lego brick continues to be very attractive, because it allows children, and others, to develop their creativity and imagination," said Charlotte Simonsen, a spokeswoman of the Danish Lego company.
The company’s building brick allows an infinite number of links. With just two bricks there are 24 different links, and with six, there are 915 million possibilities, according to Lego.
A half-century after its creation, more than 400 million children and adults spend five billion hours a year putting the bricks together and pulling them apart. Also, the bricks made today can still interlock with those made in 1958.
Lego bricks are not just child’s play: they also attract the interest of adults. South Korean adventurer, Heo Young-Ho, who climbed Mount Everest in 1987, left a Lego toy behind in the snow during his climb.
After its great success Lego experienced a severe crisis at the end of the 1990s, hit hard by fierce competition from electronic games. This so-called "Toy of the Century" then suffered a dark period that lasted several years.
With great efforts, the company began to prosper again, and in 2006 it earned about 1.5 billion dollars in 130 countries. Seven boxes of Lego are now sold every second around the world, and 19 billion bricks are produced each year: enough to encircle the Earth five times!
小题1:The Lego bricks have remained popular in the past 50 years as a result of _______.
A.attracting many children worldwideB.brought imagination to the children worldwide
C.making the children and even adults worldwide creative and imaginative
D.having infinite links that bring many imagination
小题2:The author gave the example of South Korean adventurer Heo Young-Ho in order to prove that ______.
A.Heo Youn-Ho also loved playing Lego bricks
B.the Lego bricks made him a mountain climber
C.the Lego bricks not only interest children but also adults
D.the Lego bricks are a must when on goes on an adventure
小题3:It can be inferred from the text that ______.
A.there are 915 different links with just 6 bricks
B.the Lego Bricks Company has made a lot of money from the people worldwide
C.the Lego Bricks can’t compare with computer games
D.the bricks made today don’t change much compared with those made in 1958
小题4:The underlined word “hit” in the seventh paragraph means _____.
A.defeated in a fight or a competition
B.have a crash in an accident or a fight
C.get known through a song
D.attack somebodyin a fight
小题5:The main idea of the story is that _____.
A.Lego bricks: brilliant past and struggling future
B.Lego bricks: an attraction of both children and adults
C.Lego bricks: making creativity and imagination
D.Lego bricks: making billions of money every year
Brian Walker chews pens. He bites them so hard that his boss has warned him to stop or buy his own. Kate’s weakness is more acceptable-she is unable to walk past a cake shop without overeating Sophin Cartier finds her cigarette habit a headache, while Alice’s thumb-sucking drives her boy friend crazy. Four people with very different habits, but they all share a common problem anxiety disorder or, in serious cases. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder  (OCD).
From nail-biting to too much hand-washing, overeating and internet addiction(上瘾),OCD is widespread in almost every workplace and countless home. “It is a relatively common form of anxiety,” says Dr. Mootee. “The main feature of OCD is the repetition of unwanted obsessive(过度的) thoughts such as worries that doors are left unlocked , gas or electrical appliances are left on.” In order to fight against the an esasy checking door locks and gas or electrical appliances.
Dr. Mootee says that repetitive washing, particularly of the hands, is the most common type of OCD. She has treated many patients who wash their hands up to 30 times a day. The technique Mootee uses to treat people with OCD is called cognitive-behavioral therapy(认知行为疗法).“It is based on the general idea that people have the ability to change the way they think and behave,” says Mootee.
But when does a habit become a problem? “It’s personal,” says Mootee.“Everyone has something unusual, but if you can’t put up with it, then it’s a problem and you need to do something to change it.”Mootee says many people resist for treatment because they fear they are “crazy”. But as people become more knowledgeable about these problems they will go and get help. The only way to cure is to conquer
小题1:If a person suffers from OCD, be is likely to keep doing any of the following EXCEPT   .
A.chewing pensB.hurting himself
C.sucking fingersD.biting nails
小题2:According to the passage, a person suffering from OCD    .
A.reduces his/her anxiety by taking drugs
B.gets into unwanted habits to relieve stress
C.has unwanted thoughts about habits
D.has unwanted thoughts because of illness
小题3:Dr. Mootee’s treating lechnique is based ont eh idea that    .
A.everyone has something different
B.people can put up with their problems
C.people can change their way of thinking and action
D.people tend to repeat their obsessive actions
小题4:By saying “The only way to cure is to conquer.” Dr. Mootee suggests that an OCD sufferer   .
A.has to be an extraordinary person
B.must cure his illness by himself
C.must overcome many physical illnesses
D.should have a right attitude towards the problem
Ways to Burn More Calories
Run through water
Running in water is one of the toughest activities you can perform because the wet stuff is about 12 to 15 times as resistant (具有阻力的) as air. Try your hardest to run and you can burn about 17 calories per minute.
Start fast
Don’t be fooled — slow and steady won’t win the race. A recent study found that after a short warm-up, cyclists who rode hard during the first half of their workouts and then slowed for the second half burned about 10 percent more calories than those who started slow and finished fast.
Take to the sand
Here is some easy-to-remember advice on burning calories: the softer the surface, the more you burn. By walking or running on the beach, you can use up 20 to 50 percent more calories than you do going at the same pace on a hard trail.
Shut up and dance
Here’s the perfect excuse to sign up for that hip-hop dance class you’ve been eager to try. Surprising your body with new activities — dance, a new sport, you name it — forces it to work harder because it’s doing unfamiliar movements and using muscle groups in different ways.
Use your arms
Getting both your upper and lower body involved can provide a big calorie-burning advantage. So if you’re short of time or want to get everything you can out of your usual 45-minute workout, try total-body activities such as rowing ormming. You can evenng your arms as hard as you can while you walk.
小题1: How can water help you burn more calories?
A.By pushing your body.
B.By wetting your clothes and shoes.
C.By forcing you to run faster.
D.By forcing your body to work harder.
小题2:What does “it” in Part 4 refer to?
A.Dance. B.Movement. C.Body. D.Muscle.
小题3:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.One can burn more calories when walking on the sand than on land.
B.One can burn more calories when walking on stones than on earth.
C.One can burn more calories when running in water than on the sand.
D.One can burn more calories when exercising using the upper body than using the lower body.
Peanut allergies (过敏) are among the most common and most dangerous of food allergies. A tiny exposure to peanuts can mean big trouble for a person with a peanut allergy—not just sneezing or coughing,but something as potentially deadly as narrowing of the airways.
But a recent study suggests that some children may be able to beat back their allergic reactions to peanuts by gradually introducing trace amounts of the nut into their diets. It's too early to say for certain,so if you have a peanut allergy,do not try this at home. But the first results look promising.
Two teams of scientists have been experimenting on a group“of 29 children who are allergic to peanuts”At the beginning of the study,each kid received less than 1/1,000 of a peanut per day. (Imagine splitting a peanut into 1,000 parts!) Over the course of the study, the children gradually increased the amount of the peanut in their diets
Nine of the children have been receiving the treatment for two years,and five of those nine now appear to be free of their peanut allergies,and can eat peanuts with no problem. But the other four have not benefited so much from the therapy(治疗).
The two teams of scientists are now doing a follow-up study on two groups of children with the allergy. Children in one group will receive the new therapy,while the others will not. Researchers hope this study will help them learn if the therapy truly does work.
Scientists don't understand why some people get peanut allergies and others don't,but are trying to find a way to help people with the allergy. Because of the severity of some peanut allergies,scientists want to know the answer as soon as possible. “This is very encouraging, but remember,it's not something you try at home,”says one of the researchers.
68.According to the passage,the peanut allergy     .
A. can be deadly if only a small amount is used
B. causes a lot of trouble for many parents
C. allows people to eat only small amounts of peanuts
D. is considered the least common and dangerous food allergy
69.Scientists are trying to treat peanut allergies by     .
A. exposing children with the allergy to as many peanuts as possible
B. changing the eating habits of children with peanut allergies gradually
C. giving children Peanuts in slowly increasing amounts
D. exploring ways to resist the feelings caused by peanut allergies
70.The experiment shows that     
A. people with peanut allergies can't use small amounts of peanuts in their diets.
B. children are more easily cured than adults
C. all children can be cured of their peanut allergies if given more time of treatment
D. about 55-percent children with peanut allergies have been cured
71. Scientists are now doing a follow-up study in order to     .
A. explore why some people get the illness while others don’t
B. show whether peanut allergies can really be dangerous
C. check whether the therapy really works or not
D. explore whether the allergy can be cured without treatment

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