

Mr. Jones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals. 36 first he had no enough money, and then he was married. His wife had not wanted him to 37 her. At last his wife   38 to the trip if he allowed her to go, too.

“But it will be very uncomfortable,” Mr. Jones   39 her. “ It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent, and it   40 be dangerous. ”“I don’t care.” said his wife. “I want to go with you.” So they bought a big tent, camp beds, a refrigerator (电冰箱)which did not need   41 and many other things which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the__42 of Africa.

The first morning, 43 Mr. Jones took his gun and left the tent, he  44 his wife a bell and explained to her, “If you fell in 45 and you need me ,  46 this bell and I’ll come at once.”

After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned   47  to the tent. “What’s the matter?” he asked.“   48  ” said his wife, “I was only   49  the bell.” Mr. Jones went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang   50  .

Mr. Jones hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, “I’m   51 . I was cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over by mistake.” Mr. Jones returned to his  __52 , but soon he heard the   53 once more. This time, when he got back to his   54 , the tent was burning and Mrs. Jones was lying on the ground, with  55 running from a big cut on her shoulder. “That’s better!” said Mrs. Jones. “This time the bell had been used correctly!”

1.                A.And           B.But            C.For  D.So


2.                A.leave          B.miss           C.marry    D.care


3.                A.allowed        B.permitted       C.satisfied  D.agreed


4.                A.told           B.advised         C.persuaded D.warned


5.                A.may           B.ought          C.can’t   D.shall


6.                A.money         B.electricity       C.force D.power


7.                A.south          B.middle         C.east D.west


8.                A.while          B.until           C.before   D.after


9.                A.gave           B.sent           C.lent  D.bought


10.               A.hurry          B.surprise        C.safety D.danger


11.               A.hit            B.knock          C.beat  D.ring


12.               A.again          B.back           C.quickly    D.home


13.               A.Something      B.Nothing        C.No   D.None


14.               A.ringing         B.trying          C.using D.testing


15.               A.again          B.once           C.across D.away


16.               A.happy          B.sorry          C.tired  D.all right


17.               A.wife           B.tent           C.trip   D.hunting


18.               A.cry            B.shot           C.bell  D.shout


19.               A.garden         B.house          C.camp D.office


20.               A.water          B.tears           C.blood D.sweat


























1.连词辨析A. And那么, 则和 B. But但是, 然而 C. For对, 对于 D. So那么这样,由上下文串联可知,琼斯先生一直想去非洲旅行,但是首先他没钱。

2.动词辨析A. leave把…留下; 遗忘B. miss失误C. marry结婚D. care关心, 担心,由语境可知,琼斯的妻子不想丈夫把自己留下

3.动词辨析A. allowed允许,许可B.permitted许可C.satisfied满意的D.agreed同意,赞同由上下文串联可知,最终如果丈夫允许妻子一起去的话妻子就同意这次旅行计划

4.动词辨析A. told 告诉 B. advised劝告C. persuaded说服, 劝告 D. warned警告由语境可知,丈夫告诉妻子这样带着她不是很舒服

5.情态动词辨析A. may也许, 可能B. ought应当C. can’t不能D. shall将要, 会由语境可知,由于要在野外扎营,所以有可能非常危险,may be--有可能—

6.名词辨析A. money金钱B. electricity电, 电流 C. force力; 力量D. power权力, 势力由常识可知,一般的冰箱都需要电,可是琼斯夫妇带了一台不用电的冰箱

7.名词辨析A. south南, 南方B. middle中部, 中间C. East东部D. West西部由文章首句可知,琼斯是要去非洲中部

8.连词辨析A. While当...B. Until直到...才C. Before在...之前D. After在...之后由语境可知,第一天早上,琼斯在外出打猎之前。

9.动词辨析A. gave给予,B. sent送, 寄C. lent把…借给D. Bought买,由语境可知,琼斯给了妻子一个铃铛并对其解释,

10.名词辨析A. hurry催促; 急忙B. surprise使惊奇C. safety安全D. danger危险, 风险,固定短语:fall into danger遇到危险

11.动词辨析A. hit打, 打击B. knock敲, 击, 打C. beat接连地击打D. Ring按

固定搭配:ring the bell按铃

12.副词辨析A. again再(次)B. back后面 C. quickly迅速地D. home家; 住宅


,13.代词辨析A. Something某物, 某事B.Nothing没有事C.No不, 不是D.None一个也没有由语境可知,丈夫问妻子发生什么事了,妻子说没什么事儿发生。

14.动词辨析A. ringing清脆的B. Trying试着 C. Using用 D. Testing测试,由上下文串联可知,妻子说只是在试验铃铛,

15.副词辨析A. again 再(次) B. once曾经, 一次C. across在…对面D. away远处, 离开由上下文串联可知,铃铛再次响了

16.形容词辨析A. happy幸福的B. sorry感到伤心的C. tired疲倦的D. all right正确的由语境可知,妻子一直在清理帐篷,所以感觉到疲惫,不小心碰到铃铛了,

17.名词辨析A. wife妻子B. tent帐篷 C. trip旅行D. hunting打猎,由语境可知,琼斯先生又回去打猎了。

18.名词辨析A. cry 哭 B. shot开枪, 射击C. bell钟, 铃D. shout呼, 喊


19.名词辨析A. garden花园B. house住宅, 房子C. camp营地D. office办公室,由语境可知,琼斯先生跑回扎营地时,发现帐篷被烧了

20.名词辨析A. water水B. Tears眼泪 C. blood 血液 D. sweat汗, 汗水,由上下文串联可知:琼斯先生的妻子躺在地上,血从肩膀上的一个伤痕处冒出






In the early 1800’s, a boy named John lived in an orphanage (孤儿院) with several other children. Every day was  31  working and Christmas was the one day of the year  32  the children did not work and received a gift — an orange. The children  33  it so much that they kept it for weeks, and even  34 — smelling it,  35  it and loving it. Usually they tried to preserve it for so  36  that it often went bad before they ate it.

This year John knew he would soon be  37  enough to leave. He would save the orange until his birthday in July. If he preserved it  38 , he might be able to eat it on his birthday. 

Christmas day finally came. The children were so  39  as they entered the dining hall. In his excitement, John knocked over something, causing a big  40 . Immediately the master shouted, “John, leave the hall and there will be no orange for you.” John's heart  41 . He turned and ran back to the  42  room so that the children wouldn’t see his tears. 

Then he heard the door open and the children entered. Little Elizabeth with a  43  on her face held out her small hands. “Here John,” she said, “this is for you.” As John  44  his head, he saw a big juicy  45  all peeled and quartered … Each child had sacrificed(舍弃) their own orange by 46  a quarter and had created a big, beautiful orange for him. 

John never forgot the sharing, love and personal  47  his friends had shown him that Christmas day.  48  that day, after he became rich, every year he  49  send oranges all over the world to children everywhere. His  50  was that no child would ever spend Christmas without a special Christmas fruit! 

A. forced     B. passed C. taken  D. spent

A. as    B. when  C. while  D. which

A. needed    B. wanted       C. valued D. liked

A. months    B. days    C. years   D. seasons

A. tasting     B. watching    C. pressing     D. touching

A. much      B. soon   C. long    D. far

A. old   B. strong C. tall     D. experienced

A. seriously  B. carefully    C. secretly      D. softly

A. nervous   B. excited       C. pleasant      D. eager

A. cry B. disappointment  C. surprise      D. noise

A. jumped  B. stopped      C. broke  D. settled

A. cold      B. small  C. old     D. lonely

A. look      B. tears   C. comfort      D. smile

A. shook    B. lifted  C. put     D. turned

A. gift       B. surprise      C. orange       D. wonder

A. sharing  B. breaking     C. eating D. taking

A. feelings B. affairs C. relation      D. sacrifice

A. In return forB. In case of     C. In memory of    D. In search of

A. must      B. would C. might  D. should

A. desire    B. idea    C. meaning     D. thinking

Mr. Jones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals. 36 first he had no enough money, and then he was married. His wife had not wanted him to 37 her. At last his wife   38 to the trip if he allowed her to go, too.
“But it will be very uncomfortable,” Mr. Jones   39 her. “ It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent, and it   40 be dangerous. ”“I don’t care.” said his wife. “I want to go with you.” So they bought a big tent, camp beds, a refrigerator (电冰箱)which did not need   41 and many other things which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the__42 of Africa.
The first morning, 43 Mr. Jones took his gun and left the tent, he  44 his wife a bell and explained to her, “If you fell in 45 and you need me ,  46 this bell and I’ll come at once.”
After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned   47  to the tent. “What’s the matter?” he asked.“   48  ” said his wife, “I was only   49  the bell.” Mr. Jones went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang   50  .
Mr. Jones hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, “I’m   51 . I was cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over by mistake.” Mr. Jones returned to his  __52 , but soon he heard the   53 once more. This time, when he got back to his   54 , the tent was burning and Mrs. Jones was lying on the ground, with  55 running from a big cut on her shoulder. “That’s better!” said Mrs. Jones. “This time the bell had been used correctly!”

A.moneyB.electricity C.forceD.power
A.happyB.sorryC.tiredD.all right




The story of how I got my job was a funny one .

One day , I was  36  along a street to the interview  37  a yellow car suddenly cut in front of me .  38  another car coming in the other  39  , I had to brake hard and  40  another cyclist . We both fell , but  41  neither of us was hurt . I became angry and cycled as fast as possible to the driver of the yellow car to tell him  42  I considered him . I told him what a bad  43  I thought he was and he was a(n)  44  to other people on the road . His face turned  45  . I warned him not to drive  46  in the future so that everyone else could enjoy a long life .

I was in time for the  47  . Having walked into the room , to my  48  , I found one of the three interviewers  49  to be the driver of the yellow car . We looked at each other for a while ,  50  silent . Then I decided to look  51  the whole matter as a great joke !

I laughed and told him that I talked  52  the last time we met and this time it was turn for him to talk a great deal .

Lost in thought for a while , he  53  that I was not going to say anything about his bad driving . The interview went  54  . Two days later , I received a letter offering me the job . I was pleased that the manager—the driver of the yellow car , didn’t  55  my rudeness to him .

Through the experience , I find something that seems impossible at first sometimes turns out to be good .

36.    A.        cycling                      B.     walking                    C.    running                   D.     driving

37.    A.        then                          B.     when                        C.    while                       D.     as

38.     A.        As                              B.     For                            C.    With                        D.     By

39.     A.        condition                  B.     position                   C.    location                  D.     direction

40.     A.        knocked                    B.     bumped                   C.    beat                        D.     rushed

41.     A.        happily                      B.     unfortunately        C.    luckily                      D. disappointedly

42.     A.        which                        B.     that                          C.    what                       D.     how

43.     A.        driver                        B.     worker                     C.    cyclist                     D.     boss

44.     A.        pity                            B.     idiot                          C.    risk                          D.     fool

45.     A.        black                         B.     white                       C.    pale                         D.     red

46.    A.        carelessly                B.     carefully                  C.    slowly                     D.     patiently

47.     A.        job                             B.     interview                C.    meeting                 D.     appointment

48.     A.        excitement              B.     joy                             C.    anger                      D.     astonishment

49.     A.        happened                B.     wanted                    C.    seemed                  D.     planned

50.     A.        making                     B.     keeping                   C.    breaking                 D.     stopping

51.    A.        up                              B.     at                              C.    on                            D.     into

52.     A.        much                         B.     little                         C.    more                       D.     less

53.     A.        hoped                       B.     found                       C.    heard                      D.     wished

54.     A.        fast                            B.     terribly                    C.    well                         D.     slowly

55.     A.        realize                      B.     want                        C.    know                       D.     mind




Never Miss The Chance

Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel _36_ to work.

There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eye. I've noticed that it blooms only in the _37_ hours, the afternoon sun is too warm for it. Every day for approximately two weeks, I see those beautiful flowers.

This spring, I _38_ a wildflower garden in our yard. I can look out of the kitchen window while_39_ the dishes and see the flowers. I've _40_ thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would look _41_ in that bed alongside other wildflowers. Every day I drove past the flowers_42_ , "I'll stop on my way home and dig them." "Gee, I don't want to get my good clothes dirty..." _43_ the reason, I never stopped to dig them. My husband even gave me a folding shovel one year for my trunk to be used for that _44_ purpose.

One day on my way home from work, I _45_ to see that the highway department had mowed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were_46_. I thought to myself, "Way to go, you waited too long. You should have done it when you first saw them _47_ this spring."

A week ago we were _48_ and saddened to learn that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor. She is 20 years older than my husband and_49_ , because of age and distance, we haven't been as _50_ as we all would have liked. I couldn't help but_51_  the connection between the pretty blue flowers and the _52_ between my husband's sister and us. I do believe that God has given us some time_53_  to plant some wonderful _54_ that will bloom every year for us.

And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I'll stop and _55_ them to my wildflower garden.

36.A. everyday          B. daily                      C. Dayly                      D. one day

37.A. morning         B. evening                 C. night                        D. noon

38.A. began           B. put                         C. started               D. set

39.A. done                   B. do                          C. doing                       D. to do

40.A seldom           B. hardly            C. often             D. never

41.A. great             B. greatly                   C. well                         D. greater

42.A. thought               B. thinking                 C. considering               D. considered

43.A. Why                   B. However                C. Whatever                 D. Whenever

44.A. expressing           B. expressed         C. express                D. to express

45.A.was saddened      B. saddened          C. sad                    D. have saddend

46.A. missed           B. going             C. losing            D. gone

47.A. opening               B. blooming          C. becoming           D. moving

48.A. surprising            B. shocked           C. moved                D. shocking

49.A. fortunately           B. luckily            C. unlucky             D. unfortunately

50.A. closed           B. near              C. close             D. nearby

51.A. see              B. to see             C. seeing            D. saw

52.A. friendship           B. leadership         C. hardship              D. relationship

53.A. remained             B. leaving                   C. left              D. remain

54.A. remember        B. memorial          C. memories           D. Memory

55.A. plant                   B. grow                      C. transplant           D. transport


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