Dear Tom£¬
You have told me that you are very interested in how we Chinese celebrate our traditional festivals£® £®
We are looking forward to your reply£®
Yours sincerely
Li Hua£®
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½â´ð Dear Tom£¬
You have told me that you are very interested in how we Chinese celebrate our traditional festivals£® With the Spring Festival approaching£¬I would like to invite you to join us in the celebration in our school£®A variety of activities will be included at the celebration£¬such as performances£¬games and gift-exchanging£¬which will surely enable you to know better about our culture£®To get fully involved£¬I£¬together with my classmates£¬hope that you can put on a performance with us£®And I think it will be a good combination of both our culture and yours£®By the way£¬the celebration will take place in the school lecture hall from 7£º00p£®m£®to 10£º00p£®m£®on December 30£¬2015£¬according to the Chinese lunar calendar£®
We are looking forward to your reply£®
Yours sincerely
Li Hua
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We got into the sky£¨17£©A£®car£¬and left the parking lot£®Mum wasn't paying attention to her£¨18£©B£¬but all of a sudden she£¨19£©Dhard on the brakes£¨É²³µ£© and we both went £¨20£©C£®Outside of the car we saw a £¨21£©D£¬half on and half off his bike£®"Where did you get your license£¬woman£¿"he shouted£¬"You almost £¨22£©A me!"
The biker got back on his bike and rode off£¬£¨23£©C shaking his head£®It was then that Mum and I looked at each other£®We cried£¬£¨24£©C we came to realize that I had £¨a£©£¨25£©AWe talked about it for hours£¬and I knew I had s0£¨26£©C support and that I was going to be £¨27£©B£®
Twelve years later£¬at age 31£¬cancer has now been put£¨28£©D me£®I had major surgery£¨ÊÖÊõ£© and four months of radiation treatment£®Thank God£¬it was caught at a£¨n£©£¨29£©Astage£¬and I was able to make a full recover£©£®
Cancer £¨30£©B me so muchso much for the better£®It £¨31£©C me to appreciate life and those in my life£¬and to never£®£¨32£©D anything for granted£®Life is too short and you have to live each moment to the very £¨33£©C£®
To this day£¬I wish I could £¨34£©A that man on the bike£®I'd like to tell him that he was not the only survivor to come£®£¨35£©B that day£¬as I am living proof£®
16£®A£®know | B£®understand | C£®learn | D£®realize |
17£®A£®blue | B£®green | C£®yellow | D£®red |
18£®A£®condition | B£®surroundings | C£®car | D£®road sign |
19£®A£®worked | B£®drove | C£®pushed | D£®stepped |
20£®A£®upward | B£®downward | C£®forward | D£®backward |
21£®A£®bike | B£®car | C£®driver | D£®cyclist |
22£®A£®killed | B£®beat | C£®knocked | D£®caught |
23£®A£®happily | B£®luckily | C£®just | D£®right |
24£®A£®before | B£®as if | C£®as | D£®though |
25£®A£®cancer | B£®cold | C£®headache | D£®stomachache |
26£®A£®many | B£®little | C£®much | D£®few |
27£®A£®right | B£®all right | C£®weak | D£®all over |
28£®A£®on | B£®down | C£®off | D£®behind |
29£®A£®early | B£®late | C£®fast | D£®slow |
30£®A£®frightened | B£®changed | C£®terrified | D£®taught |
31£®A£®made | B£®caused | C£®taught | D£®advised |
32£®A£®pay | B£®search | C£®care | D£®take |
33£®A£®least | B£®worst | C£®fullest | D£®emptiest |
34£®A£®find | B£®catch | C£®study | D£®strike |
35£®A£®up to | B£®out of | C£®by | D£®off£® |
A£® | when | B£® | while | C£® | in which | D£® | where |