
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
When I was little, my family used to move frequently. Before I could even get acquainted with my schoolmates, my family was on the move again. I became very  36 because of this.
But a girl with dark skin and ling shiny hair changed me. Here best characteristics are her openness and   37 . She is always smiling, like a beautiful sunflower following the sun. without doubt I enjoyed being with her and soon we became good friends. As time went by, I   38 became a happy girl. But this joyful period didn’t last long. We were admitted to different colleges. I felt like I had gone back to my always-on-the-move childhood. I felt  39 and helpless and I was afraid that I would  40 her as my best friend. She stayed calm and said to me :“Rain, you can achiever more than I do, so  1 to your dreams and make a big effort! Real friendship doesn’t fade and we will be best friends forever.” Maybe she didn’t realize what a great  42 she was to me at that time.
However, it turned out that my concerns were well-founded(有根据的). I felt that the   43 between us was getting bigger and bigger. One day, she sent me a text message happily telling me that she had fallen in love with a handsome boy in her class.
I felt happy for her, but at the same time I was secretly worried about our friendship. I   44 her several times intending to tell her to think easefully about her relationship with the boy, but I got no more messages from her. I felt sad that perhaps our friendship would not   45 . I had almost given up hope until she visited me at my campus a week later. She looked   46 but was wearing the most beautiful smile. She gave me a big hug and said: “I’m sorry. I want to be myself and your friend forever!” We cried together, ignoring the people walking past. She told me her sad story, and we knew we had gone back to how it was before.
Now I firmly believer that distance and time can’t   47 you from a friend. If you care enough about each other, friendship never fades.
A.look forwardB.hold onC.get downD.give thought

I remember one Thanksgiving when our family had no money and no food, and someone came knocking on our door. A man was __36_____ there with a huge box of food, a giant turkey and even some ___37___to cook it in. I couldn’t ___38_____it. My dad demanded, “Who are you? Where are you from?” The stranger announced, “I’m here because a friend of yours knows you’re in need and that you wouldn’t accept ___39_____help, so I’ve brought this for you. Have a great Thanksgiving.” My father said, “No, no, we ___40_____ accept this.” The stranger replied, “You don’t have ___41_____” , closed the door and left.
Obviously that experience had a profound impact(深刻影响)on my life. I ____42____myself that someday I would do well enough financially ___43____ I could do the same thing for other people. By the time I was eighteen I had created my Thanksgiving ritual(习惯). I would go out __44_____ and buy enough food for one or two __45_____. Then I would dress like a delivery boy, go to the ____46____ neighborhood and just knock on a ___47_____ . I always ___48_____ a note that explained my Thanksgiving experience ____49____a kid. The note said, “All that I ask __50______is that you take good enough care of __51_____ so that someday you can do the same thing for someone else.” I have received more from this annual ritual than I have from any amount of ___52_____ I’ve ever earned.
Years ago I was in New York City with my new wife during Thanksgiving. She was sad because we were not with our family. ___53____she would be home decorating the house for Christmas, but we were ___54_____ in a hotel room. When I told her what I always did on Thanksgiving, she got excited.
We packed enough food for seven families for thirty days and went to buildings where half a dozen people lived in one room with no electricity and no heat in winter surrounded by rats, cockroaches(蟑螂)and the smell of urine(尿). It was both an ___55______realization that people lived in this way and a truly fulfilling experience to make even a small difference.
A.may notB.needn’tC.can’tD.daren’t
A.any moneyB.a choiceC.foodD.a turkey
A.whenB.so thatC.even ifD.as if
A.in returnB.laterC.in futureD.for
A.othersB.yourselfC.your familyD.the presents
Teaching my first child, Danae, to share her toys was the biggest challenge. To   36  this, we started inviting other children to play, which could help Danae discover that it’s   37  to share with others – a lesson I needed to   38  myself as well, as it   39 .
One evening Danac had   40 a friend, Natalie, to play with her. Their favorite was a children’s   41  game called Go Fish. That evening,   42  Natalie left, Danae came to me and said, “Mommy, I’d like to give these to Natalie tomorrow. They’re her favorites.”
She help up three cards from the Go Fish game. I tried to   43  that I didn’t want her to give them away because then our   44  wouldn’t be complete. “But I really want her to have them!” Danae   45 . I thought perhaps she didn’t understand that when she gave something away, it was gone   46 . So I tried again, saying, “  47  you give the cards to her, you can’t   48 them back tomorrow.”
A look of   49  came over Danae’s face. For a moment I was happy that she seemed to   50 . But then she smiled and said. “Well, that’s okay, I want her to have them anyway.”
What could I say to that? I sat   51  for a moment and then I realized I had been trying for so long to   52  her to share. Did it   53  that our Go Fish set would be   54 ? What mattered was that my daughter was learning the   55  of giving, that she was thinking about others instead of herself, and that she was trying to make her friends happy. Isn’t that what life is all about?
A.turned upB.turned awayC.turned toD.turned out
A.ask forB.call forC.look forD.care of

It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the least important positions.21 of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility placed upon them at the very  22  of their career.They were  23 to the broom(扫帚), spending the first hours of their business lives   24 the office.
And here is the basic  25 of success, the great secret:  26  your energy, thought, and capital (资本) wholly on the business in which you are  27 .Having begun in one line, determine to fight it out on that  28 , to lead in it, adopt every  29  , have the best machinery, and know the most about it.
The companies which fail are those which have 30 their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains  31  .They have investments in this, or that, or  32 , here, there, and everywhere.“Don't put all your eggs in one basket” is all  33 , I tell you.“Put all your eggs in one basket, and then  34  that basket”.Look round you and take  35 ; men who do that do not often fail.It is easy to watch and carry the one basket.It is trying to carry too many baskets  36 breaks most eggs in this country.He who  37  three baskets must put one on his  38  , which is likely to fall down.One  39 of the American businessman is lack of concentration.
Remember: put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket. 40 Emerson says, "no one can cheat you out of final success but yourselves."
21.A.None         B.Few              C.All          D.Many
22.A.beginning      B.end           C.point           D.promotion
23.A.ordered       B.promoted           C.introduced            D.stated
24.A.sweeping out   B.taking out      C.bringing out       D.picking out
25.A.inspiration     B.condition            C.plan              D.case
26.A.concentrate    B.devote             C.apply       D.bury
27.A.charged        B.engaged            C.prepared     D.done
28.A.position      B.career           C.row          D.line
29.A.improvement   B.chance           C.learning     D.rise
30.A.gathered     B.forbidden          C.got          D.scattered
31.A.also          B.either           C.neither        D.yet
32.A.one            B.the other         C.others       D.the others
33.A.apparent      B.clear            C.wrong       D.perfect
34.A.notice       B.observe            C.stare         D.watch
35.A.notice        B.comment         C.interest       D.concentration
36.A.what          B.that               C.whoever      D.whichever
37.A.brings         B.takes              C.carries       D.owns
38.A.mind         B.brain              C.head         D.hand
39.A.fault          B.advantage          C.pattern       D.model
40.A.When         B.While               C.Which       D.As

Part two: Cloze (20 items, 20 pts.)
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to find one more person in our world who is kind and caring. It was about 11:00 p.m.   21   my telephone rang. The caller ID showed the number of a Best Western Hotel.   22  , I would ignore this type of call. For some reason,   23  , I went ahead and answered.
The man on the other end asked if I knew Samual K. I   24  , as he is my 91 – year – old grandfather. Still not   25   why I was the one that had been called, the caller went on to tell me that I was the only   26   listed in the phone book. He said his name was Mason and that he was the   27   at the Best Western Hotel. The   28   was that grandpa had no money with him, and that he couldn’t   29   any phone numbers, so Mason called all over the state trying to get help.
Grandpa told me that he just wanted me to tell Mason that he is a (n)   30   guy and would pay the money once he got home. But the man  in charge there was  31   because my grandfather seemed to be   32  . He had been going somewhere else when he got on the wrong bus and   33   100 miles from home.
Not wanting to turn him away and not wanting the police to   34   him to the police station, Mason,   35   any normal duty, not only took the time to   36   me, but also charged just $ 39 so that grandpa could   37   safely and comfortably overnight. (The rooms normally rent for about $ 140!) Besides, he had the staff of that hotel all   38   him until my uncle was able to drive the 100 miles to pick him up!
So, it’s just one more piece of   39   that proves that there are still good people out there; wherever you go, there is always one who   40  .
21.A.while       B.when C.after        D.before
22.A.Obviously B.Personally C.Actually   D.Generally
23.A.however   B.besides     C.otherwise  D.therefore
24.A.was   B.did    C.had   D.would
25.A.admitting  B.accepting  C.understanding   D.recognizing
26.A.neighbor   B.relative     C.colleague  D.friend
27.A.manager   B.waiter       C.leader       D.guest
28.A.disadvantage    B.question    C.problem    D.pity
29.A.write B.remember C.repeat       D.keep
30.A.easy – going    B.generous   C.forgettable       D.okay
31.A.concerned B.disappointed     C.convinced D.surprised
32.A.hurt  B.moved      C.annoyed    D.lost
33.A.went up    B.added up   C.ended up   D.sent up
34.A.take  B.bring C.invite       D.carry
35.A.except      B.against      C.beyond     D.from
36.A.contact     B.persuade   C.warn D.approach
37.A.leave B.live   C.adapt D.stay
38.A.look for    B.watch over       C.care about D.adjust to
39.A.news B.information      C.advice      D.evidence
40.A.minds       B.cares C.sees   D.matters
Why is setting goals important? Because goals can help you do, be, and experience everything you want in life.Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow yourself to make your life happen.
Successful and happy people have a vision of how their life should be and they set lots of goals(both short-term and long-range)to help them reach their vision.By setting goals you are taking control of your life.It’s like having a map to show you where you want to go.Think of it in this way.There are two drivers.One has a destination in mind(her goal) which is laid out for her on a map.She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong turns.The other driver has no goal or destination or map.She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver.But she drivers aimlessly around, never getting anywhere , just using up gas and oil.Which driver do you want to be?
Winners in life set goals and follow through on them.They decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and setting goals.Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident.Goals aren’t difficult to set, and they aren’t difficult to reach.It’s up to you to find out what your goals,ideals and visions really are.You are the one who must decide what to pursue and in what direction to aim your life.
Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it.Written goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power.Like a contract (合同) with yourself, they are harder to neglect or forget.
Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously aware of situations that will bring you nearer to your goals.
小题1:The author gave the example of two drivers to show_______.
A.the foolishness of the first driver
B.the importance of having a map and right direction
C.the foolishness of the second driver
D.the importance of setting goals
小题2:According to this text, the most important thing in realizing one's ideal is to _____.
A.try to be realistic about one's ability
B.have a clear understanding of what he or she wants in life
C.let others understand him or her first, then work together with them
D.let others help him or her to make his or her dream come true
小题3:If people want to reach their goals, they should ______.
A.write down their goals
B.sign a contract with other people
C.face the difficulties in front of them
D.discuss with others and ask for their help
小题4:If you want to succeed, you must _____.
A.study hardB.have a goal and achieve it
C.live happilyD.sleep well
A dog sheltered a newborn baby abandoned by its 14-year-old mother in a field in rural Argentina until the boy was rescued, a doctor said on August 22 (Friday).
A resident of a rural area outside La Plata called police late Wednesday night to say that he had heard the baby crying in a field behind his house.
The man went outside and found the infant lying beside the dog and its six newborn puppies, Daniel Salcedo, chief of police of the Province of Buenos Aires, told CNN.
The temperature was a chilly(寒冷的) 37 degrees, Salcedo said.
The dog had apparently carried the baby some 50 meters from where his mother had abandoned him to where the puppies were huddled, police said.
“She took it like a puppy and rescued it,” Salcedo said. “The doctors told us if she hadn’t done this, he would have died.”
“The dog is a hero to us.”
Dr. Egidio Melia, director of the Melchor Romero Hospital in La Plata, told CNN that police showed up at the hospital at 11:30 pm Wednesday with the baby who doctors say was only a few hours old.
Though the infant had superficial scratches (抓痕) and bruises (伤痕) and was bleeding from his mouth, he was in good shape, Melia said.
The next morning, the child’s mother was driven by a neighbor to the hospital and told authorities the 8-pound, 13-ounce infant is hers, Melia said.
The teenager was immediately give psychological treatment and was hospitalized, he said. She has said little about the incident.
The child has been transferred to a children’s hospital in La Plata, 37 miles from Buenos Aires.
小题1:What does the underlined word “sheltered” in the first paragraph mean?
小题2:According to the passage , which statement is true?
A.It’s hard for the infant to recover soon.
B.The puppies were running here and there all the time
C.The temperature was very high at that time.
D.But for the mother dog , the infant would have died.
小题3:How was the baby when he was found?
A.He was seriously ill.B.He was dying.
C.He was in good shape.D.He lost a lot of blood.
小题4: What’s the text mainly about?
A.A baby was rescued by a dog.
B.A baby was abandoned by its parents.
C.How an abandoned baby was saved by doctors.
D.Dogs are heroes to human beings.
Send us your old jeans and other denim (牛仔布)!
What Are We Going to Do with All This Denim?
All the denim will be donated to COTTON FROM BLUE TO GREEN.®. This denim drive is a call-to-action to donate denim and give it "new life" by changing it into UltraTouchtm Natural Cotton Fiber Insulation (纤维隔热材料), which is used to help build houses in places that have been damaged by hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. Your jeans will help set a record, keep clothes out of landfills (垃圾场), and build houses for families to live in! UltraTouehtm is made of 85% recycled fibers and is an environmentally safe, natural cotton fiber insulation.
It's a Fact
It takes about 500 pairs of jeans to recycle enough denim to insulate one average-size U.S. house. So send us lots!
Here's How You Can Get Involved!
1. Get a parent's permission and select as many denim clothes as you like. (Any denim clothing is OK.)   
2. The denim must be used.
3. The denim can be any brand.
4. The denim can be of any color or size but must have been worn by a human (no doll clothes!).
5. Please print out this form and include it with each package!
6. Send as many jeans or denim items as you wish to:
NG Kids P.O. Box 98001 Washington, D.C. 20090-8001
Jeans must be received by June 30, 2009!
61. The activity organizer asks you to send denim clothes to ________.
A. collect old clothes for being reused   B. prevent them from being thrown away
C. provide clothes for the homeless     D. turn them into new clothes for sale
62. The denim clothes that you intend to send_______.
A. can be either new or second-hand    B. can be of any shape or color
C. must be a certain brand            D. Can be worn by dolls
63. We can infer that UltraTouchtm may be the name of_________.
A. a brand of jeans     B. an organization  C. a building material  D. a kind of cloth
64. This activity is probably ________.
A. a charity(慈善) act                    B. a school's homework
C. a building company' s task             D. an environmental act

IV. 阅读理解:(第一节15小题,每小题2分;第二节5小题,每小题2分;满分40分)               
Stress ---- learning to relax
During the course of our growing, sometimes everything seems to go wrong at once. Maybe you have got behind with school work, quarreled with a friend, lost something you really liked and you're in trouble at home too. As more things happen we get more stressed, which means we get too tired and can't think properly, which means more things go wrong!
What happens when you feel stressed?
When you get worried or stressed out about something it affects your body in a number of ways.
○ Your heart beats faster. 
○ Muscles tense.
○ Your stomach feels tight or you feel sick.
○ Your breathing gets faster.
○ You sweat more.
○ It is hard to get to sleep, or you wake up feeling like you didn't really sleep because you still feel tired. 
What can you do if you feel stressed?----Relaxation
There are different things you can do to relax.
Exercise is great and it can help you sleep if you are doing some as part of your day. If you're not sure what to do, look up 'Exercise' on this site for some ideas.
Exercise to move about (dancing, running, jumping, walking and bike riding) is very good, but if you are not an active person then here are some ideas for you.
Exercise to do if you are a couch potato(电视迷) or a computer freak(电脑迷) or a bookworm .
While you are sitting you can still exercise.
Look at the diagrams.

61. What will happen when things go wrong?
A. Falling behind in study.                   B. Making friends with others.
C. Picking up some money                    D. Feeling well
62. Where can we find this passage?
A. In a newspaper.                     B. In a magazine.
C. In a textbook.                   D. At a website.
63. The underlined word “bookworm” in the third line from the bottom probably means_______.
A. an insect that eats books                   B. someone who likes reading very much
C. a worm that likes books                    D. a person who often does sports outside

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