
A boy and a girl were a couple of lovers. The girl liked feeling rain, so the boy was always holding the umbrella when it rained and most part of the umbrella was over the girl. Rain showered the boy every time but he said nothing except looked at the gift's face, which was full of silent satisfaction. He felt very happy, so did the girl.

     One day they went out for a walk. They were walking hand in hand passing a building which was under construction. The girl jumped with excitement and said something. The boy seldom talked only feeling excited as she felt looking at her silently. When the girl was talking, a not big or small stone fell down from the building toward the girl's head! At that moment the boy took the girl in his arms so suddenly and so strongly that the girl let out a scream. He meant to protect the gift with his body. But the boy turned over to make his own body downward before they dropped on the ground. As a result, only the girl's hand was smashed by the stone and fractured.

The girl came back to earth and cried with pain, tears weeping up. She thought the saying that “The husband and the wife are birds in the same forest essentially, but when serious tragedy comes, they will fly separately” was really not wrong! With this, she straggled and stood up from. the boy's body keeping from the pains and slowly ran away without glancing at the boy.

At the time, the boy was calling the girl's name in a weak voice, his lips were already white. He took out his mobile phone and dialed the girl's number, but the girl didn't answer. He dialed again she didn't answer again. For several times, he gave up. But his fingers pressed something on the mobile. At that time, beside the boy, the blood spread slowly, his hand hung and the mobile phone lay in the blood, he had no strength to press the “SENT” key yet.

The next day, when the girl heard of the news that the boy was being rescued, she ran to the hospital without considering her anger. When she hurried to the hospital, the doctor had already declared his death; the cause of his death was that his lung had lost too much blood.

It was because, when the boy meant to protect the girl with his body he found that there was a steel stick under them, so he turned over to make it inset(=put into) his own body.

The boy's mother passed the boy's mobile phone on to the gift.

The girl read the message that hadn't been sent: “Honey, I'm sorry, I still couldn't protect you and made you wound... “Upon this, the girl couldn't help crying...

Please treasure the one you love and believe his or her LOVE!

1.The underlined word fractured here probably means ___________.

A. shaken         B. broken        C. abandoned            D. touched

2.The girl didn't want to answer the boy's' call because ____________.

A. she didn't hear it                 B. she was seriously hurt

C. she was angry with him             D. she had her phone broken

3.Which of the following words may best describe the boy’s behavior?

A.gentle and devoted      B.brave and handsome

C.rough and selfish   D.intelligent but silly

4.From this passage we can conclude that          .

A.love is happy and love is pain

B.trust is important between lovers

C.one should express his love in time

D.one should love a person who is brave











2.推理题:从第三段的句子:With this, she straggled and stood up from. the boy's body keeping from the pains and slowly ran away without glancing at the boy.可知女孩认为男孩在危机关头不顾她的安危,所以生气了,不接他的电话,选C

3.推理题:从第一段的内容可知男孩问温柔,从倒数第五段的句子:It was because, when the boy meant to protect the girl with his body he found that there was a steel stick under them, so he turned over to make it inset(=put into) his own body.可知男孩子对女孩很忠诚,选A

4.推理题:从最后一段的句子:Please treasure the one you love and believe his or her LOVE!可知我们要珍惜拥有的爱,并且相信别人的爱。爱人之间的信任很重要。选B




Angelina Jolie says she has a really wonderful time with her partner Brad Pittwho is an American actor and film producer—and that’s why they’re still together!

Jolie ____ six children with the actor.She was ____ by America’s Parade magazine if their children are the ____ she and Brad stay together.

“The children certainly tie us togetherbut a relationship won’t ___ if it’s only about the kids” Jolie replied.“You also must be really interested in each other and have a reallyreally wonderful____ time together.We do.Brad and I ____ being together.We enjoy it.We need itand we____ find that special time.We keep connected.We talk about it.It’s very ____ to our family.If Brad and I are strong and happythen our kids have happy ____ and that’s the best thing we can give them.Brad knows me completely____ as I amevery part of me.He loves me.The kids love me.Hopefully I’m giving my children the ____ that they are deeply loved and deeply safe.At the same time we are hopefully ____ their individuality (个性) as they get to know who they areand not getting in the way of that.That’s why they are six very strong individuals.”

The Oscar?winning star showed ____ of helping her children develop their individuality is ____ them to develop their own identities (自我认同感)____ she admitted that she can’t ____ the recent controversy(争论) with Brad when she agreed that her daughter Shiloh could cut her hair short and ____ like a boy.For exampleshe usually wears a jacket instead of a skirt.

Angelina added to ____“She wants her hair cut like a boy and she wants to be ____ John for a while.Some kids wear caps and want to be Superman and she wants to be like her ___.”

1.A.finds Bteaches

Craises? Dhires

2.A.written? Breported

Cstopped? Dasked

3.A.reason? Bintention

Cpurpose? Dresult

4.A.break? Bhold

Close? Dhappen

5.A.boring? Bdisappointing

Cexciting? Dsurprising

6.A.love? Bavoid

Chate? Dconsider

7.A.never? Bseldom

Calways? Dsometimes

8.A.easy? Bdifferent

Cfar? Dimportant

9.A.parents? Bclassmates

Crelatives? Dneighbors

10.A.mostly? Bonly

Cexactly? Dsimply

11.A.knowledge? Bsense

Csight? Dview

12.A.changing? Bforming

Cencouraging? Ddestroying

13.A.little Bnone

Call? Dpart

14.A.forcing? Ballowing

Cwarning? Drefusing

15.A.and? Bthough

Cbecause? Dbut

16.A.remember? Bexplain

Crealize? Dunderstand

17.A.walk? Bdress

Ceat? Dthink

18.A.doctors? Bplayers

Creaders? Dreporters

19.A.mistaken? Bcalled

Crecognized Dmade

20.A.brothers? Bsisters

Cuncles Daunts


Where have all the boys gone?You may be able to find them in the gym, at work or hanging out, but there’s one important place where boys are under­represented, and the problem seems to be getting worse. These days, at high school graduation ceremonies, there are a lot more girls than boys.

In fact, every year, 10 percent more girls graduate from high school than boys. “I think that there’s a tendency to focus on boys as problems at this point, rather than recognize that boys have problems,” says Joanne Max, PhD. Experts say the problems start in grade school, where there’s often an emphasis on sports instead of reading, for example. “I think that with boys there’s some idea that it’s not masculine(男子汉的)to read,” says Rob Jenkins, an English professor.

There’s also a shortage of male teachers as role models. “I think boys need role models, so if you’re a boy and you don’t have a dad in your home and then you have one male teacher and it’s your athletic coach then I don’t think you have a message that education is very important,” says Carol Carter, another expert. In addition, classrooms often have too little activity and too much passive listening, which is not conducive(有益的)to boys’  learning.

Experts say parents can fight back in many ways. Read to your sons early and often; show by your actions that you value their education. Ask them about their schoolwork, offer help, drop by their classroom and finally, appeal to their competitive spirit: challenge them to do better and help them understand that their future depends on it.

1.The underlined part “one important place” in Paragraph 1 refers to “______”.

A. classrooms                         B. factories

C. high school graduation ceremonies      D. gyms

2.According to the passage,boys have the problem that they think ______.

A. reading is more important than sports     

B. it is shameful for boys to read

C. boys should not work as a teacher        

D. boys lack the gift for reading

3.Carol Carter’s words implied that ______.

A. parents play an important role in education

B. athletic coaches contribute a lot to education

C. lack of male teachers affects boys’ attitudes to school work

D. classrooms lack enough activities that are suitable for boys

4.According to experts,parents should do the following except ______.

A.often read to their sons when they are young

B.keep an eye on their sons’ studies at school

C.encourage their sons to compete with others

D. prevent their sons from taking part in sports



Karen,grown up in a very traditional family in the western United States,maintained high moral(道德的) standards throughout her youth.In 1984,at the age of 23,she married Bill.They were blessed with two children,a boy and a girl.

By 1991 their love had deepened,and they were happy.Later that year,Bill developed a white spot on his tongue.He visited a doctor.

One day shortly after that,Bill called Karen to sit beside him.He said with tears in his eyes that he loved her and wanted to live forever with her.The doctor suspected that he had been infected with HIV,the virus that leads to AIDS.

The family was tested,Bill and Karen’s results were positive.Bill had become infected before he met Karen;then he passed the virus on to Karen.The children’s results were negative.Within three years,Bill was dead.“I don’t know how to express what it is like to watch the once handsome man you love and intend to live with forever dying slowly.I cried many nights.He died three months short of ten years of our marriage,”says Karen.Though a doctor told Karen that she would soon follow her husband into death,she is still alive.The infection has progressed to the early stages of AIDS.

Karen is but one of about 30 million people now living with HIV/AIDS,a figure larger than the combined populations of Australia,Ireland and Paraguay.According to one UN report,Africa has 21 million of these victims.By the turn of the century that number could reach   40   million and the disease will bring on the greatest disaster in human history.Of the world’s sexually active adults aged 15 to 49,1 in 100 has already been infected with HIV.Of these,only 1 in 10 realizes that he or she is infected.In some parts of Africa,25 percent of the adults are infected.

Since the beginning of the spread of AIDS in 1981,about 11.7 million people have died of it.It is roughly calculated that in 1997 alone,about 2.3 million people died of it.Nevertheless,there are fresh reasons for optimism in the battle against AIDS.During the past few years,there has been a drop in new AIDS cases in wealthy nations.In addition,promising drugs hold out hope of better health and longer life.

1.By telling the story of Karen,the author intends to ______.

A.warn people against high risk behaviors

B.stress the importance of medical tests

C.express sympathy for AIDS victims

D.show the consequences of AIDS

2.The underlined part in Paragraph 1 most probably means “_______”.

A.were lucky in having

B.were asked to adopt

C.regretted having

D.gave birth to

3.Bill was suspected of being infected with HIV after ______.

A.he got married to Karen

B.the family members were tested

C.Karen persuaded him to see the doctor

D.he found something wrong with his tongue

4.It can be concluded from the passage that ______.

A.promising drugs will soon stop AIDS

B.the spread of AIDS could be controlled

C.it is hopeless to win the battle against AIDS

D.the death rate of AIDS patients has been reduced


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