

1£®What is the man complaining about?

A£®The announcement is given too late£®

B£®He doesn't know what to do next£®

C£®They'll have to wait too long£®

2£®What does the man say about the camera?

A£®He got it while visiting his dad£®

B£®He bought it yesterday£®

C£®It was a Christmas present from one of his parents£®

3£®How long will the speakers stay there?

A£®For 2 days£®

B£®For 3 days£®

C£®For 4 days£®

4£®What will the woman probably do?

A£®Go home£®

B£®Lock the lab£®

C£®Check the lab£®

5£®Where does this conversation take place?

A£®At a hospital£®

B£®At a department store£®

C£®At a restaurant£®



6£®Why did the officer want to see the driver's license?

A£®The driver was speeding£®

B£®The driver was a stranger£®

C£®The driver took the wrong turn£®

7£®What is the speed limit in business areas of that city?

A£®25 miles per hour£®

B£®20 miles per hour£®

C£®35 miles per hour£®

8£®What did the police officer finally do?

A£®She took the man to the police station£®

B£®She just warned him and then let him go£®

C£®She asked him to see the signs£®


9£®On which floor will the man stay?

A£®The third floor£®

B£®The fourth floor£®

C£®The fifth floor£®

10£®How much should the man pay for two nights?

A£®150 dollars£®

B£®160 dollars£®

C£®80 dollars£®

11£®When is the supper ready?

A£®At 6¡Ã30 p. m£®

B£®At 6¡Ã00 p. m£®

C£®At 5¡Ã30 p. m£®


12£®What sport did the woman play yesterday afternoon?


B£®Table tennis£®


13£®What are the woman's favorite sports?

A£®Swimming and football£®

B£®Swimming and volleyball£®

C£®Table tennis and basketball£®

14£®What is the man's favorite sport?





15£®What are the speakers doing?

A£®Paying some bills£®

B£®Sending a birthday card£®

C£®Buying some stamps£®

16£®What can we know about the machine?

A£®It cannot show words on the screen£®

B£®It cannot wait too long£®

C£®It can exchange money£®

17£®What can we infer from the conversation?

A£®The machine is new to the woman£®

B£®The woman has no money on her£®

C£®The man has put some money in the machine£®


18£®What is the speaker's opinion about sports and games?

A£®They have a bad effect on a child's studies£®

B£®They are only good for one's health£®

C£®They are useful for character training£®

19£®What can help to develop a child's love of his country according to the speaker?

A£®Teachers' encouragement£®

B£®Collective activities£®

C£®Book knowledge£®

20£®What can we learn from the talk?

A£®Pupils learn all good virtues in classes£®

B£®An ordinary day school can give pupils enough practical training£®

C£®What pupils do in their spare time really prepares them to take their place in society in the future£®




1£®How is the woman travelling to Paris?

A£®By plane

B£®By ship

C£®By bus

2£®What do we know about Jack?

A£®He might be ill in hospital£®

B£®He has been abroad for a long time£®

C£®He often sends cards to his friends£®

3£®What does the woman mean?

A£®A true friend should tell the truth£®

B£®A friend in need is a friend indeed£®

C£®A friend should share the same ideas£®

4£®What do we know about the woman?

A£®She was fired by her boss£®

B£®She is out of work now£®

C£®She has got a new job£®

5£®What does the woman tell the boy to do?

A£®Do the housework

B£®Play basketball

C£®Prepare for his test



6£®How long have the speakers known each other?

A£®For about ten years

B£®For seven years

C£®For several terms

7£®What do the speakers plan to do?

A£®Have dinner together£®

B£®Have a class get-together£®

C£®Go to see their classmates£®

8£®How will the speakers get in touch with their friends?

A£®By mail

B£®By e-mail

C£®By telephone


9£®What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A£®Christmas presents

B£®Birthday presents

C£®A wedding party

10£®What does the woman suggest buying at first?

A£®A skirt

B£®A sweater

C£®A necklace

11£®What does the woman suggest the man do at last?

A£®Write to Shirley£®

B£®Suggest to Shirley£®

C£®Invite Shirley to a party£®


12£®Why does the woman ring the man?

A£®To ask if he is well£®

B£®To invite him to dinner£®

C£®To know if he is sleeping£®

13£®What is the man going to do?

A£®Go to bed at once£®

B£®Take a bath and write to his parents£®

C£®Do some washing and write to his parents£®

14£®When will the man ring the woman?

A£®This evening

B£®A few minutes later

C£®Tomorrow morning


15£®What is the woman's telephone number?




16£®What does the man invite the woman and David to do?

A£®Go to a picnic£®

B£®Go to a concert£®

C£®Go to see a film£®

17£®What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A£®Father and daughter

B£®Husband and wife



18£®When did the speakers meet last time?

A£®A few months ago

B£®About a year ago

C£®Several years ago

19£®What is the relationship between Billy and Joe?


B£®Old friends

C£®Father and son

20£®What does the man's wife like doing?

A£®Going to school

B£®Playing tennis

C£®Playing the piano




What¡¯s the boy going to do?

A£®To take an important exam£®

B£®To sell the Zongzi£®

C£®To dine out

2£®What does the woman have to do this weekend?

A£®Rent a car

B£®Borrow the man¡¯s car

C£®Buy a car

3£®How long did it take the man to write his paper?

A£®Not more than half an hour£®

B£®Less than an hour and a half

C£®More than two hours

4£®Where are the speakers?

A£®In the post office

B£®In the street£®

C£®In the police station

5£®What¡¯s the man going to do?

A£®Fix the computer

B£®Borrow the computer mouse

C£®Use the computer




6£®Why will the woman go to the airport tomorrow morning?

A£®To go abroad

B£®To see her daughter off£®

C£®To see the man off

7£®Who will study at Harvard University?

A£®The man¡¯s daughter

B£®The man¡¯s wife

C£®The woman¡¯s daughter

8£®When will the speakers get to the airport at the latest tomorrow?

A£®At 8¡Ã00 a. m

B£®At 8¡Ã30 a. m£®

C£®At 9¡Ã20 a. m£®


9£®How¡¯s the relationship of the man and his girlfriend?

A£®It¡¯s firmer and stronger

B£®It¡¯s worse and worse

C£®It¡¯s over

10£®How long has Sally been with her boyfriend?

A£®About half a year£®

B£®About a year£®

C£®About one and a half years£®

11£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®Making new friends£®

B£®Being in love



12£®Why does the man telephone Street Fair office?

A£®Because he wants to make sure whether there is any electricity£®

B£®Because he wants to have a word with Guild£®

C£®Because he wants to make sure whether there is any stall position left£®

13£®What number should the woman call if she wants to get the man after noon?




14£®Who will the woman call back for?

A£®Jack Guild

B£®Jane Schmidt£®

C£®Jack Schmidt


15£®What¡¯s the man¡¯s result in the horse racing?

A£®The gold medal

B£®The silver medal

C£®The bronze medal

16£®Why did the horse knock down the second fence?

A£®The man was blowing his nose while riding£®

B£®The man and horse were not paying attention

C£®The horse suddenly did not want to run quickly£®

17£®How did the man act after the water jump?

A£®He made no more mistake

B£®He lost a further ten seconds

C£®He decided to give up£®


18£®How old is Mr£®Grant¡¯s second child?




19£®What does his wife like to do?

A£®She likes working in the music room£®

B£®She likes playing football and basketball£®

C£®She likes working in the garden£®

20£®Where is the garden?

A£®Beside the house

B£®In front of the house

C£®In the back of the house£®



1£®When will the plane take off?

A£®At 5¡Ã15£®

B£®At 5¡Ã30£®

C£®At 5¡Ã00£®

2£®What does the man want to do?

A£®He wants to know where the computers are£®

B£®He wants to sell computer disks£®

C£®He wants to buy computer disks£®

3£®What are they going to do?

A£®To see an exhibition£®

B£®To have a meeting£®

C£®To listen to a lecture£®

4£®How much does the pen cost?

A£®13 yuan£®

B£®27 yuan£®

C£®7 yuan£®

5£®Why is the man late?

A£®He could not walk fast£®

B£®He failed to catch his bus again£®

C£®His clock stopped£®



6£®For whom does the woman probably want to buy a ski jacket?

A£®For her husband£®

B£®For her son£®

C£®For her daughter£®

7£®Why doesn¡¯t the woman buy the jacket?

A£®It¡¯s too expensive£®

B£®It¡¯s too big£®

C£®She doesn¡¯t like the colors£®


8£®What do they know about Bob¡¯s illness?

A£®He must have got it in India£®

B£®He must have worked too hard£®

C£®He must have been badly treated when ill in India£®

9£®What is NOT true about his illness?

A£®He is getting better and better£®

B£®He should have seen a doctor earlier£®

C£®It was too late to send him to the hospital£®


10£®Where does the conversation probably take place?

A£®In a bookstore£®

B£®In a department store£®

C£®In a ticket office£®

11£®Does the man find what he wants?



C£®He¡¯s still looking for it£®

12£®Which of the following is not true when the man wants that thing?

A£®It is sold out£®

B£®The man can come back for it after some days£®

C£®They don¡¯t sell this here£®


13£®What does the boy want to celebrate?

A£®His 18th birthday£®

B£®His 19 th birthday£®

C£®His 20th birthday£®

14£®Where does the boy want to celebrate his birthday?

A£®In a bar£®

B£®At his home£®

C£®In a restaurant£®

15£®What does the woman suggest?

A£®Making a salad£®

B£®Buying some flowers£®

C£®Buying some drinks£®

16£®When will the boy order a birthday cake?

A£®On Saturday morning£®

B£®On Saturday afternoon£®

C£®On Sunday morning£®


17£®Who is the speaker?

A£®An official£®

B£®A tourist£®

C£®A guide£®

18£®When can you come if you want to see how bread was baked 200 years ago?

A£®On Sunday afternoon£®

B£®On Tuesday morning£®

C£®On Saturday afternoon£®

19£®Where did Sir Henry come from?


B£®The USA£®


20£®How many interesting places are mentioned here?









1£®Is the shopping center far away?

A£®Yes, it is too far to walk£®

B£®No, it is within walking distance£®

C£®No, but it is too far to walk£®


2£®How many students did the man believe had taken the exam?

A£®Fifty students

B£®Forty students

C£®Twenty-five students


3£®Can the woman buy a carpet?

A£®Yes, but not a special low prize

B£®Yes, at a special low price

C£®No£®they are not for sale£®


4£®Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A£®In railroad station

B£®In an airport

C£®In Miami


5£®What does the man think about Paul?

A£®He is not hungry

B£®He wants something to eat

C£®He is angry


6£®What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Teacher and student

B£®Salesgirl and customer

C£®Doctor and patient

7£®What does the man feel will help the woman?

A£®Some medicine

B£®Breathing slowly

C£®Some tests£®


8£®What happened to the man's bike?

A£®It was hit by a car

B£®It was hit by a truck

C£®It was broken on a street

9£®How was the bike after the accident?

A£®There was nothing wrong with it

B£®It was completely damaged except the wheels

C£®The wheels were both damaged

10£®When did the accident happen?

A£®When was the man riding on it

B£®When the bike was in front of the man's house

C£®When the man was getting off the bike£®


11£®where is the woman?

A£®At home

B£®At Doctor's Smith's office

C£®In Doctor Smith's room

12£®What's wrong with the man?

A£®He hurt himself

B£®There's something wrong with his leg

C£®He broke his leg

13£®What's the woman going to do?

A£®To help Mr£®Green in his home

B£®To ask Dr£®Smith to see him right away

C£®o go and bring Mr£®Green back to Dr£®Smith's office


14£®Where is the boy going to spend his holiday?

A£®In the city

B£®In the country


15£®What will he do there?

A£®To do some farm work

B£®To study at home

C£®To do some homework

16£®Which of the following is true?

A£®The boy's grandparents live in the country£®

B£®The boy's school is in the city

C£®The girl knows how to farm, too£®



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