


76.The day when the Maori signed an agreement with the settlers is still c       as a national holiday.

77.Susan decided to buy the d        necklace which cost a lot of money.

78.Finally, the old couple m       to persuade their son to give up his foolish idea.

79.The audience roared with laughter at the a        crosswalk show.

80.In near future, we will have a v       of GM watermelons to choose from.

81.Tom was born in Pairs and was       (受教育) in England.

82.She raised a question and broke the        (沉默).

83.Farmers are now busy sowing         (种子).

84.We will go          (野营) the day after tomorrow.

85.It is difficult to understand what he said, because he speaks English with a strong       (口音).

76. celebrated     77. diamond     78. managed     79. amusing    80. variety

81. educated    82. silence    83. seeds     84. camping    85. accent



第四部分  写作(共35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:    1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。


On May 25, 1944, Roosevelt was re-elected the President of the United     76.________

States for the four time. A journalist interviewed him and asked, “How     77. _______

do you feel now?” Roosevelt smiled without answering any words, and     78.________

treated the journalist with three small sandwiches. The journalist failed     79. _______

to understand Roosevelt’s point, but felt honor, so he picked              80. ________

up the sandwich to eat. What he wasn’t hungry, he managed to           81. ________

finish all three sandwiches. Roosevelt picked up the 4th sandwich and      82. _______

asked him to eat it as well. The journalist looked embarrassing.           83. ________

So Roosevelt said, “I think I don’t need answer the question you’ve        84. ________

Risen, for you have had your own experience now.”                     85. ________

IN a 30-minute film called The Chase, a girl tries to catch a thief and finally takes him down with martial arts (武术) skills.

Anything special? Thirteen-year-old US girl Sophia Tran wrote, shot and performed in the film. She played the girl in the movie and her father, Steven, played the thief.

Now an eighth-grader at Ladera Ranch Middle School, California, Tran wrote The Chase over the summer of 2008. She shot the film in the fall of 2008 before holding the premiere (首映式) at her home in January the next year.

“It is important to have passion in filmmaking or you are not going to make it,” the quiet teenager said with a smile. “Also, you should read a lot of books about filmmaking.”

Tran thinks that many screenplays don't have any “suspense (悬念) as the film progresses.” She is now working on a movie which she says will be a suspense story.

Steven says his daughter has enjoyed drama and action movies since she was 7.

“She started to be interested in how stories are adapted (改编) to a screenplay,” Steven said. “And she wrote her own books when she was in second grade.”

But Tran also has a big heart. She sold DVD copies of her film The Chase for $10 each to family and friends. She then donated $400 from the DVD sales to her school to buy new computers.

57.   Sophia Tran played _____ in her movie.

A. a thief          B. a doctor                       C. a girl           D. a police woman

58.   Sophia Tran shot the film _____.

A. last year        B. in January                            C. last summer     D. less two years ago

59.   Sophia Tran thinks ______ are important for successful filmmaking.

A. characters         B. stories       C. passion and knowledge D. passion and experience

60. According to Sophia Tran, many screenplays are poorly written because _____.

A. they don't keep readers excited                      B. they mostly end in an unexpected way

C. their dialogues are not interesting                   D. they are not inspiring

It is often considered that the schoolyard is where bullies(欺负) go to make other kids a miserable school life, but a new study suggests that classrooms are another popular place.

The study, presented recently at the American public health association’s yearly meeting in Philadelphia, is based on the results of research from more than 10,000 middle-school students who answered questions online.

Of those researched,43% said they’d been physically bullied within the last month. A bit more than half said they’d been laughed at in an unfriendly way, and half reported being called hurtful names. About one-third said groups had excluded(排斥) them to hurt their feelings. 28% said their belongings had been taken or broken; 21% said someone threatened to hurt them. According to the results, two-thirds of the students said they’d been bullied in more than one way over the previous month.

The study authors mentioned that 8% of the students who answered said they’d missed school at least once during the school year because of fear of being bullied. 25% said they’d taken other actions, such as missing recess(课间),not going to the bathroom or lunch, missing classes, or staying away from some area of the school to escape from experiencing a bully.

Bullies did too much to the school life.

57.  Bullies can happen in the following places except       .

A.  schoolyards  B.  classrooms  C.  bathrooms  D.  teachers’office

58.  Which of the following is the best title?

A.  Bad School life

B.  Fear at School

C.  Bullies at School

D.  School Problems

59.  Some students might        to protect themselves from bullies.

A.  leave the school

B.  go for lunch

C.  hurt others

D.  break others’belongings

60.  The writer feels        about bullies at school.

A.  exited  B.  disappointed  C.  worried  D.  puzzled

第三部分: 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30 分)


Several days ago, a Beijing-based IT company fired about 400 people overnight.  No one had expected the job cuts, which broke with traditional ways of letting go of workers in China.  Moreover, what was special about this case was that the day before the 400 were fired, they all received from their boss a gift—the book "Who Moved My Cheese?"

    The book—a bestseller in the US—is being used by men and women to deal with changes in their lives and work.  Some large organizations, including Coca-Cola, Kodak and General Motors, ask their employees to read it in order to encourage them to be active towards changes.

    Cheese is something related to everyone’s livelihood-Our jobs, the industries we work in, relationships and love as well.

    With China’s official entry into the WTO, the whole nation will face up to more changes and challenges. So what we should do once this" cheese" on which we are so dependent is moved?

    "Whatever challenges and changes we meet, we should face up to them bravely," Jiang Hengwei, a civil servant said after reading the book.

    Professor Zhang Yang in Renmin University of China agrees. "We should change our way of thinking. The coming competitive foreign companies and products provide us with great chances to learn from them and improve our own products to meet international standards and be more competitive. "

    "With hardwork and wisdom, we will create a much larger and better piece of cheese. " Zhang smiled confidently.

56.The whole passage is about_________.

    A. a bestseller in the US

    B. what people think about China’s entry into the WTO

    C. the change in people’s attitude towards changes and challenges

    D. how a book influences the Chinese workers

57.The company in Beijing gave each of the 400 fired workers a copy of "Who Moved My Cheese" in order to_________.

    A. be more competitive with foreign firms

    B. find an excuse for their job cuts

    C. let the workers make a living on their own

    D. encourage the fired workers

58.The word" cheese" in the passage can refer to_________.

    A. something we depend on                   B. a most important kind of food

    C. change or challenge                       D. way of life

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