







Born in Oct. 28, 1955, Bill Gates grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. Bill Gates attended public elementary school or the private Lakeside School, there he discovered his interest in software and begin programming computers at the age of 13. In 1973, Gates entered into Harvard University as a freshman. In her junior year, Gates left Harvard to devote himself to develop Microsoft, guiding by the faith that the computer would be a tool of great valuable on every office desktop. He proved to be success in the IT field.


Film director James Cameron first became interested in sea exploration when he was a little boy. His love for the ocean grew after he made the 1989 undersea adventure film The Abyss and the 1997 blockbuster Titanic, one of the most successful movies of all time. Following that big success, James Cameron decided to put his film career on hold to become an explorer.

In 2012, James Cameron made a journey to the deepest spot in the Mariana Trench, known as Challenger Deep. And now the great journey has been made into a documentary(记录片) film, named James Cameron's Deep?sea Challenger 3?D.

In James Cameron's fantasy films, such as Avatar and The Abyss, the unexplored areas are decorated in colours and full of danger. But on his dive into Challenger Deep, the reality proved far different: white, deserted and dull.

“I felt like I had gone to another planet,” Cameron said after returning from the cold and dark place in the Western Pacific Ocean, nearly 7 miles below the surface. “I really have a sense of being separated and realize how tiny I am down in this big, black and unexplored place.”Cameron captured(获取) the moon?like landscape of the deep sea and documented the sea creatures he observed in the ocean.

James Cameron's Deep?sea Challenger 3?D tells the story of Cameron's journey. It is a film about determination, danger and the ocean's greatest depths. The movie shows a unique insight into Cameron's world when he makes his dream a reality and makes history by becoming the first person to travel alone to the deepest point on the planet.

It's an exciting film and inspiring reminder that our beautiful planet still has a lot to explore.

1.When did James Cameron become interested in the ocean?

A. When he was in his childhood.

B. After his films The Abyss and Titanic.

C. After he achieved great success in movies.

D. When he began to explore the deep sea alone.

2.What is the unexplored ocean like?

A. Colourful and dangerous.

B. Boring and deserted.

C. White and attractive.

D. Small and dull.

3.What can we know about James Cameron's Deep?sea Challenger 3?D?

A. It is a film about the exploration of ocean creatures.

B. It is a story about Cameron's film?making dream.

C. It aims to attract more people to explore the deep sea.

D. It tells us about James' journey into Challenger Deep.

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A. The Great Dream of a Film Director

B. A film Director Exploring Deep Sea

C. James Cameron and His Documentary Film

D. The First Person to Make Films About the Deep Sea

Food for Italians isn’t a trend; it’s a way of life. Italians live to eat, and the importance of food in family life is absolutely important and deep-rooted in everyday routines.

In Italy, kids are encouraged to be part of every social occasion that revolves around food — it’s not about dividing the children from the adults, giving them separate meals or putting them to bed early. In Britain, by contrast, my sister and I often see children eating separate meals from their parents.

Letting children experience food like an Italian will develop not just their palate(味觉) but also their social skills, manners, teaching them new and mature ways to interact. Here are some food customs that are part of every Italian child’s upbringing.

One of the most celebrated Italian food customs is the morning coffee. Coffee shops and bars have customers streaming in and out of them each morning as the Italians get their daily dose–and this habit is just as much about the social setting as it is about the coffee.

While the morning is all about coffee, pre-lunch or dinner, it’s all about the local snacks. Most often, Italian city centres and squares are jam packed with locals who come out with their kids to enjoy this pre-dinner treat, and children are encouraged to enjoy snacks available. This is a brilliant way to get kids to try new tastes without the pressures of meal times. It’s important to note that “kids’ menus” do not exist in Italian restaurants—children are treated like adults and are offered plates from the main menu — in smaller amounts, if they’re young.

Post-lunch, most cities can seem quite deserted. But by 4 p.m. onwards, the crowds start to re-emerge. One by one, families spill out and the streets liven up. Everyone begins their afternoon stroll, enjoying the afternoon snacks, like ice-cream, which turns over a huge trade in Italy.

1.What will parents do at meal times in Italy?

A. Let children have their meals separately.

B. Offer children plates from kids’ menu.

C. Order some food for children but in small amounts.

D. Encourage children to eat with them.

2.What won’t children develop if they experience food like an Italian?

A. Cooking ways.B. Sense of taste.

C. Social skills.D. Interacting manners.

3.What do we know about the pre-dinner treat in Italy?

A. It is most often about coffee.

B. It can get children to experience new foods with ease.

C. It is unavailable in city centres and squares.

D. It can reduce the pressure of meal times.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To introduce different Italian local foods.

B. To stress the importance of food for Italians.

C. To show Italians’ children education.

D. To advertise Italian food trends.

While engineers have made out fantastic products for sitting still—Munchery instead of walking to lunch, Uber instead of walking to the bus stop—services to make you move have been less appealing for consumers.

Fitbit’s stock price fell 18% after they announced their latest Apple Watch-like product named Fitbit Force. And new data suggests that, for the first time, death rates for large parts of the American population are rising, with signs pointing to inactivity and weight gain as the reasons. Our digital lifestyles and desk-based workplaces are contributing to serious health problems and could be shortening our lives, wellness firms want us to believe.

Northrup, president and co-founder of the connected exercise device TAO-Wellness, was in Las Vegas to promote TAO’s small device that encourages exercises. He lifts the device, about the size of an apple, and says workplaces should start encouraging on-site exercise.

Nick Mokey, the managing editor of Digital Trends, agrees. “I hate to break it to you, a room full of people sitting down, but sitting is killing you,” he says to the audience. They shift in their seats.

In the health section of the Sands Exposition Hall, people are selling devices made by LifeSpan Fitness. They say they’re the largest seller of treadmill(跑步机) desks in the US. At the center of their exhibition area is a Bike Desk, which looks like three gym bikes attached to a table. That’s for people who just want to sit and enjoy conversation.

Treadmill desk-related shame is their biggest obstacle, they say when LifeSpan installs two in opposite ends of the same building, neither tends to get used. If the company installs two next to each other, people will use them. “You don’t want to be so noticeable, especially at work,” company spokesman James Lowe says. What’s more, what if we get sweaty using a treadmill in the office?

1.According to new data, the rising death rates in America are caused by_____.

A. lack of exercise B. serious pollution

C. high work pressure D. poor indoor environment

2.What can we learn about the device TAO-Wellness?

A. It is a kind of treadmill desk.

B. It is comparatively small in size

C. It is created by LifeSpan Fitness.

D. It is designed for outdoor exercise.

3.Which of the following may cause more sitting?

A.TAO-Wellness. B. Fitbit Force. C. Bike Desk. D. Munchery

4.What is the biggest problem with the treadmill desk?

A. It takes up too much space.

B. It is not comfortable to use

C. It may cause awkwardness

D. It will make employees tired

Things You Should Stop Doing to Be Successful

Are you a happy person? How often do you think of reasons why everyone around you is successful though they are not better than you in general? What do you do wrong? Here are some things you should stop doing to be successful.


Different people may interpret “success” in different ways: some of them measure it in money, other ones in positive changes to people around them and the world in general. 2.Don’t worry about what other people think but come after what makes you happy.

2. Do not believe anything without questioning it.

3.They are critical thinkers, and they understand that we all are ruled by our prejudices(偏见), so they will always question new information.

3. Do not worry about all unpredictable things that may happen to you.

If you want to be successful, stop thinking about everything that MAY happen to you. 4.Be ready to improve and change your deeds and decisions when things suddenly don’t go according to your plan.

4. Do not care about what other people think of you.

5.Your attempts to become “good” for everyone will turn into nothing but new worries, stresses, and problems. Successful people do not concentrate on the quantity of people to please, but worry about their quality and focus on developing friendships with people they really care about.

A. Do not wait for the “right time” to do anything.

B. Do not let others decide what “success” is for you.

C. Successful people do not just accept any new information to be true.

D. As far as we all know, it’s impossible to please all the people who surround us.

E. Try to feel comfortable with the reality and accept the fact your future can’t be predicted.

F. If you want to be successful, do not let others force their interpretation of success on you.

G. Successful people never ignore or avoid problems,no matter how big and awful they seem.

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