
Dear Daughter:
As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.
First, I want to tell you how proud we are.Getting into Columbia is a real testament of what a great well-rounded student you are.You should be as proud of yourself as we are.
Your college years will be the most important years in your life.It is in college that you will discover what learning is about.This will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired, after which you must become self-leamer.So do take each subject seriously, and even if what you learn isn't critical for your life, the learning skills you acquire will be something you cherish forever.
Follow your passion in college.Take courses you think you will enjoy.Don't be trapped by what others think or say, but make up your own mind.
Most importantly, make friends and be happy.College friends are often the best in life.Pick a few friends and become really close to them—pick the ones who are genuine and sincere to you.Don't worry about their hobbies, grades, looks, or even personalities.
Start planning early —what would you like to do? Where would you like to live? What would you like to leam? I think your plan of studying fashion is good, and you should decide where you want to be, and get onto the right courses.
Whether it is summer-planning, or coursework planning, or picking a major, or managing your time, you should take control of your life.I will always be there for you, but the time has come for you to be in the driver's seat - this is your life, and you need to be in control.Being in control feels great.Try it, and you'll love it!
College is the four years where you have:
●he greatest amount of free time
●the first chance to be independent
●the most flexibility to change
●the lowest risk for making mistakes
So please value your college years ?make full use of your free time, become an independent thinker in control of your destiny, be bold to experiment, leam and grow through your successes and challenges.
May Columbia become the happiest four years in your life, and may you blossom into just what you dream to be.
Dad (& Mom)
49.What does the author think college life holds in store for his daughter?
A.Opportunities and uncertainty.
B.Happy learning and pure enjoyment
C.Successes and challenges.
D.Independent learning and experimentation with life.
50.What does the underlined expression "be in the driver's seat" refer to?
A.Control what happens in a certain situation.      
B.Learn how to drive a car.
C.Stand in a driver's situation.                
D.Learn to adjust yourself to coursework
51.Which of these pieces of advice is given in the article?
a.think and live independently              b.learn how to learn
c.choose friends with similar personalities    d.be genuine and sincere
e.try new things
A.abc        B.bce        C.cde       D.able
52.From the text we can conclude the father     .
A.is worried about others' gossiping about his daughter
B.is strict with his daughter's making friends with others
C.is upset about his daughter's life planning
D.is optimistic about his daughter's future.


It was the summer of 1965. Deluca, then 17, visited Peter Buck, a family friend. Buck asked Deluca about his plans for the future. “I’m going to college, but I need a way to pay for it,” DeLuca recalls saying. “Buck said, ‘You should open a sandwich shop.’”
That afternoon, they agreed to be partners. And they set a goal: to open 32 stores in ten years. After doing some research, buck wrote a check for $1000. DeLuca rented a storefront (店面) in Connecticut, and when they couldn’t cover their start-up costs, Buck kicked in another $1000.
But business didn’t go smoothly as they expected. DeLuca says, “After six months, we were doing poorly, but we didn’t know how badly, because we didn’t have any financial controls.” All he and Buck knew was that their sales were lower than their costs.
DeLuca was managing the store and going to the University of Bridgeport at the same time. Buck was working at his day job as a nuclear physicist in New York. They’d meet Monday evenings and brainstorm ideas for keeping the business running. “We convinced ourselves to open a second store. We figured we could tell the public, ‘We are so successful, we are opening a second store.’” And they did—in the spring of 1966. Still, it was a lot of learning by trial and error.
But the partners’ learn-as-you-go approach turned out to be their greatest strength. Every Friday, DeLuca would drive around and hand-deliver the checks to pay their suppliers. “It probably took me two and a half hours and it wasn’t necessary, but as a result, the suppliers got to know me very well, and the personal relationships established really helped out,” DeLuca says.
And having a goal was also important. “There are so many problems that can get you down. You just have to keep working toward your goal,” DeLuca adds.
DeLuca ended up founding Subway Sandwich, the multimillion-dollar restaurant chain.
48.DeLuca opened the first sandwich shop in order to ____.
A.support his family
B.pay for his college education
C.help his partner expand business
D.do some research
49.Which of the following is true of Buck?
A.He put money into the sandwich business.
B.He was a professor of business administration.
C.He was studying at the University of Bridgeport.
D.He rented a storefront for DeLuca.
50.What can we learn about their first shop?
A.It stood at an unfavorable palce.
B.It lowered the prices to promote sales.
C.It made no profits due to poor management
D.It lacked control over the quality of sandwiches
51.They decided to open a second store because they ___    .
A.had enough money to do it.
B.had succeeded in their business
C.wished to meet the increasing demand of customers
D.wanted to make believe that they were successful
52.What contribute most to their success according to the author?
A.Learning by trial and error.  B.Making friends with suppliers.
C.Finding a good partner.       D.Opening chain stores.
BAC 51—55:DAA
It was not a good day today. Everything went wrong. First, I slept late and Mom shouted at me to wake up. When I went to the kitchen for breakfast, there was no cereal. I decided to have some toast instead, but I burned it. I had to eat it anyway because there was no more bread. There was no juice, either. I just had a glass of water.
When I was almost at the bus stop, I realized that I had forgotten my wallet, so I had to go back home and get it. Of course, I missed the bus and had to wait for the next bus.
I was late for school and the teacher told me to stay in the classroom at lunchtime to catch up on(弥补)the schoolwork I had missed.
After lunch, it was the time to give the teacher our homework. I reached into my bag to get it but it wasn’t there. I had left it at home. I was in trouble again.
When I got home, I went straight to my room to catch up on my homework. Mom cooked fish for dinner. She knows I don’t like fish, but she thinks it is good for her son. It was a horrible day. I hope tomorrow will be better.
小题1:What happened to the writer on this bad day?
A.The writer argued with his parents.B.The writer heard some terrible news.
C.Many small things went wrong.D.Part of the writer’s house was on fire.
小题2:When did the writer’s bad day begin?
A.At nightB.In the morning.
C.At lunchtime.D.In the afternoon.
小题3:What did the writer do after he went home?
A.He did some homework.B.He made a telephone call.
C.He made fun with his friend.D.He was tired, so he went to bed.
小题4: When you “burn” something, you ___________________.
A.give it awayB.eat it too fast
C.cook it too longD.make it very well
小题5:According to the passage, we can know _______________.
A.the writer fell off from his bikeB.the writer went to school
C.the writer got up early in the morningD.the writer doesn’t like eating fish

For those who were born in the year of the pig, good luck and much success! This is your year. When talking to a westerner, however, you’ve got to be a little careful when talk about pigs. Chinese people view the pig as a small and prosperous (rich, luckily) animal. Western ideas tend to be a little more negative.(否定).
A pig in the West is seen as a dirty , lazy and fat animal. If anyone ever called you a pig, you wouldn’t be smiling. When a person doesn’t like someone, something he will call that person a pig.
If you ever meet a Westerner who was born in the year of the pig, don’t say, “Oh , you’re a pig!” Most Westerners will be misunderstanding. They will be sure that you made some kind of mistakes. However, don’t take any chances. You might just offend someone who does not share your positive ideas about.
66. You have to be careful when you talk to a Westerner about pigs because _____.
A. they worship pigs best of all
B. they consider pigs as gad animals
C. they aren’t used to talking about pigs
D, they don’t like the topic about pigs at all
67. According to the passage we can see that Chinese people think of the pig as a _____animal.
A. clever           B. rich            C. good           D. all the above
68. He will call someone a pig if he _____that man.
A. dislikes         B. is afraid of        C. looks up to     D. makes fun of
69. When you call a Westerner a pig, who was born in the year of the pig, most of them _____.
A. will be angry                    B. will be very surprised
C. can forgive you                   D. may quarrel with you
70. From the passage we can conclude that ______.
A. different people have different ideas about the same thing.
B. Westerners do not like pigs as much as the Chinese do
C. In general Westerners and the Chinese don’t like pigs
D. All of the Chinese like pigs better than Westerners

Maria is a very fast runner. She has won many races put on by the factory in Russia where she works. She was asked how she was able to stay in such good shape(体型). This was her answer.
“I’m in shape because of the way I spend my day. It begins at 5:30 in the morning. I jump out of bed to cook for my husband and iron(熨衣服) the clothes. Then I have to start running to work on time.
“I rush with a large bag in one hand and my four-year-old baby in the other. First, I stop at the school, hand my baby to the teachers, and then rush to work. After work I run back to the school to pick up my baby and then run to the market. Then I run home to start cooking supper-and then it takes time to feed them and get them all to bed. Then I start doing the washing so I can iron in the morning.
“My husband is soft because I have made life easy for him. He doesn’t hurry to and from work,and I have the table set when he gets home. He eats, puts on the television, sits down and reads the newspaper. And that’s why I’m in such good shape—and my husband isn’t.”
1.Maria is in good shape mainly because she _______.
A. goes to exercise classes          B. runs so much every day
C. has won many races             D. is a Russian
2.Maria gets up at 5:30 in the morning because ______.
A. her children wake her 
B. she has so much to do before she goes to work
C. she likes getting up early 
D. her husband wakes her
3.After work, Maria usually_________.
A. goes on with her work           B. takes her baby to school
C. irons the clothes                D. cooks supper
4.Which of the following is TRUE about Maria’s hus band?
A. He’s a bad?tempered man.
B. He always goes to work in a hurry. 
C. He isn’t in good shape. 
D. He cooks breakfast by himself.
5.Which of the statements is right ?
A. Maria is an American woman.
B. Maria won many races put on by the CLUB in Russia.
C. Maria has to hurry to do something every day.
D. Maria and his husand care about each other.

The first field season is now over at the hut village of the workmen who built the tombs in the Valley of the Kings.However,the archaeologists working on the excavation(挖掘)have found that they still have a great deal to do.The sun,the wind and tourists have left their mark on the village,originally discovered by Bernard Bruyhre in 1935.
“From our modern perspective,it is upsetting to see how the village was first excavated and then left to be destroyed.Passers-by have used the huts as rubbish dumps and restrooms,”says Jaana Toivari—Viitala,a teacher at the University of Helsinki.“Fortunately,while we still have some surface cleaning to do,conservation are off to a good start.’’
The hut viliage offers rare insight into everyday life in ancient Egypt.
“In the early twentieth century,archaeologists were only interested in the tombs of kings. The workmen’s huts they discovered were seen as a necessary evil in the quest for the real trea sures.’,
“Now several international research groups on different excavations are examining everyday life and work in the Valley of the Kings.This seems to be a trend in archaeology right now.”Toivari-Viitala says.
Her research group wants to find out why the hut village was built on the slope of a mountain,halfway between the construction site and Deir-el-Medina.They are also interested in how many workers lived in the village at a time,when they lived there,and what their role was in the construction work.
“Comparing the names found in the village and in Deir-el-Medina provides useful information.Judging from the construction methods,settlement in the village can be divided into two separate periods:the initial settlement and a later one.”
For the time being,much is up to guessing,but Toivari-Viitala believes that the coming four field seasons,three months each,will see results.
“The working conditions are not nearly as difficult as I thought they would be. The cool winds in the mountains nicely alleviate the heat.”
The research group working on the“Workmen’s huts in the Theban mountains”project is planning to return to the Valley of the Kings in October.
71.What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The hut village in the Valley of the Kings.
B.The excavation of the tombs in the Valley.
C.The archaeologists working on the excavation.
D.Everyday life and work in the Valley of the Kings.
72.Which of the following is NOT true of the hut village according to the passage?
A.It has been damaged a lot.
B.It can tell us a lot about ancient Egypt.
C.It has attracted archaeologists’attention.
D.It has a lot of real treasures somewhere in it.
73.What’s the new trend in archaeology right now according to Toivari-Viitala?
A.Being interested in the tombs of kings.
B.Examining everyday life and work in the Valley of the Kings.
C.Using the huts as rubbish dumps and restrooms.
D.Guessing what the result will be beforehand.
74.From the passage we know that the author is one of   
A.the workmen who built the tombs in the Valley of the Kings
B.the archaeologists working on the excavation of the village
C.those in favour of Toivari-Viitala’s ideas and plans
D.the passers-by who used the huts as dumps and restrooms
75.We can infer from the passage that    
A.people know little about the hut village by now
B.the workmen’s huts were not discovered until very recently
C.the research group working on the workmen’s huts will suffer a lot
D.the hut village is much more valued by archaeologists than the tombs

When you enter a supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk between the shelves. You carry a shopping basket with your food in it.
You probably hear soft, slow music as you walk between the shelves. If you hear fast music, you walk quickly. The supermarket plays slow music. You walk slowly and have more time to buy things.
Maybe you go to the meat department first. There is some meat on sale, and you want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where customers enter the meat department. The cheaper meat is at the other end of the meat department, away from where the customers enter. You have to walk by all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of the meat on sale.
The department selling milk and milk products such as butter and milk powder is called the dairy department. Many customers like milk that has only a little butter fat in it. One store has three different jars of low fat milk. One says “1 percent fat” on the jar. The second says “99 percent fat free”, the third says “Low fat” in big letters and “1%”in small letters. As you can see, all the milk has the same amount of fat. The milk is all the same. However, in this store the three jars of milk cost three different amounts of money. Maybe the customers will buy the milk that costs the most.
Most of the food in supermarkets is very pleasing. It all says “Buy me!” to the customers. The expensive meat says “Buy me” as you walk by. The expensive milk jar says “Buy me! I have less fat.”
77. The manager of the supermarket knows______.
A. which customers like low fat milk        B. which customers like slow music
C. where customers enter the meat department    D. where customers come from
78. When you walk by the expensive meat, maybe you will______.
A. buy some    B. try to find fresh fruits    C. look for low fat milk   D. just walk on
79. There are three different jars of low fat milk and_____.
A. one has more fat than the other two      B. they are almost the same amount of money
C. one has less fat than the others        D. they all have the same amount of fat
80. Supermarket managers make the food pleasing so that_____.
A. there will be more buyers    B. buyers will be proud
C. it is good and expensive    D. they can raise the prices

Experts say that agriculture provides fourteen percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions each year.The gases released include carbon dioxide, a major cause of global warming.
Twenty-one nations around the world recently joined forces to better understand and prevent greenhouse gas emissions from farms.The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases was launched at the United Nations conference on climate change.The meeting took place in Copenhagen, Denmark last month.
Agricultural experts blame a number of farm activities for producing greenhouse gases.For example, animal waste and cattle digestive systems release methane (甲烷,沼气) gas.Fertilized soil and the burning of crop waste also release harmful gases into the air.Experts say some methods of farming ?turning the soil to prepare for planting ?also release harmful carbon dioxide.
An official of the European Commission's Directorate General for Research says agricultural greenhouse gas emissions can be cut.Maive Rute suggests feeding animals a diet designed to reduce emissions.
The new agricultural research group says protecting against global warming is only part of its purpose.It says the world also needs to develop better farming methods to feed growing populations in poor countries.
United States Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said no one single nation can fight agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and increase food production at the same time.This is why the alliance is important for combining resources and finding new ones.
The United States Department of Agriculture will increase spending on farm emissions research by ninety million dollars over the next four years.The total will reach one hundred thirty million dollars.The U.S.D.A.will share the research with other countries in the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and support researchers from developing countries that belong to the alliance.Money from the Borlaug Fellowship program will let the researchers study agricultural climate change with American scientists.
Mister Vilsack said that just as climate change has no borders, there should be no borders for research.
72.In Paragraph 4, Maive Rute recommends _____.
A.increasing food production
B.changing cattle digestive systems
C.developing better fanning methods
D.giving animals the food meant to produce fewer emissions
73.The underlined word "alliance" in Paragraph 6 probably means _____.
A.Action or state being joined together
B.An agreement signed between countries
C.A program or project set up for a research
D.An organization formed for different goals
74.How much has the U.S.D.A.spent on farm emissions research so far?
A.130 million dollars.           B.220 million dollars.
C.40 million dollars.                D.90 million dollars.
75.The purpose of the passage is to ____.
A.suggest a total ban on farm activities
B.introduce Copenhagen conference held last month
C.appeal to more countries to cut agricultural emissions
D.inform readers of the major cause of global warming

Many people say that the United States is a paradise for the children, a struggling field for the youth and a tomb for the aged. However, the situation is quite different in Australia. Different people have their own ways for enjoyment and their own worlds of pastime.
Most children often work hard in school since they have to face various exams. After school they do not want to confine themselves to books any more. Instead, they put aside their schoolbags at home and sneak quickly to some quiet street comers for their games. Bigger children like to shoulder their large kites to some steep cliffs, and jump to fly in the sky with their kites.
Some old people often get up early in the morning and go to parks to do newspaper reading. After breakfast, they come to horse races, dog races and sometimes car races for betting. If he wins, he will feed himself a good dinner. In the evening, they stay at home, watching TV sometimes with grandchildren. Some of the aged also enjoy fishing and gardening.
Young people prefer to go outing for holidays. At the weekends, they go to the seashore for swimming or to the forest for hunting and camping, or mountainous areas for picnicking. Then in the evenings on Sundays, they start their long bumper-to-bumper drive back on the highways. Nobody seems in a hurry.
The Australian government also encourages its people to have more relaxation after work. Sometimes, certain kind of financial help is distributed to people going on holidays and public holidays are purposely set on Monday or Friday so that Australians may have a longer weekend for enjoyment. They think people can word better only after they get a full relaxation. And it grows out of this idea that relaxation comes the top priority(优先权)for enjoyment in Australia.
60.According to many people’s opinion, which of the following is NOT true?
A.All people in the US live a desirable life.
B.The competition among American young people is fierce.
C.The life of the American old people is very terrible.
D.Children in America are extremely happy.
61.Australia is different from America because Australia_______.
A.is not a paradise for children
B.is not a struggling field for the youth
C.is not a tomb for the aged
D.has different worlds for different people
62.There is an idea of enjoyment priority in Australia because____.
A.enjoyment is more important than other aspects of life
B.a full relaxation will make people work better
C.enjoyment can make people happy
D.Australian people are lazy
63.The underlined part can be replaced by “ ______.
A.adjust themselves to                                      B.prevent themselves form
C.limit themselves to                                      D.satisfy themselves with

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