The story is about how the killer helped whalers catch huge whales. And it was when the writer was working at the whaling station 1. he witnessed it with his own eyes.
Old Tom,one of the killers,often led George,the writer and other whalers to the spot,2. a pack of about six other killers 3. (attack) a whale. While some were throwing themselves on top of the whale's blowhole to stop it 4. (breathe) , others were stopping it fleeing out to sea. And finally,when the whaler killed the whale with the harpoon,they 5. (drag) the dead whale down into the 6. ( deep) of the sea and ate up its lips and tongue. After 24 hours,they brought it to the surface,7. (wait) for the whalers to bring in the body.
It's 8. (astonish) to know Old Tom and the other killers never harmed or attacked people. Instead,they helped and saved them when they were 9. trouble. For example,when James was once washed off the boat and struggled in the water,it was Old Tom that helped him up in the water 10. we got the boat back to James.