2. If you go for a long ride in a friend's car,it's the custom here to offer to pay some of the (expensive) .
2. expenses
2. 你几乎不能想象她在搜集证据时所遇到的困难。
You can hardly she was evidence.
1. 至于他是否胜任这项工作,还有些疑问。
he is fit for the job. (there is doubt whether)
1. 小孩儿常把老师说的话看作真理。
Little children often what the teacher says a truth.
4. To make members of the team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their ( strong) and weaknesses.
3. You didn't really see it―it was just your i .
7. The new method Mr Wang has been devoted to (prove) effective.
4. The Chinese government will keep updating information H7N9 bird flu in a transparent manner,and respond to public concerns in a timely manner.
4. he heard someone shouting loudly suddenly.(强调时间状语)